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AT ; Numerical Analysis math. I'm finally listening to the Bucie album from december and it's The sun's out today and it all just sounds gorgeous. Demo: this https URL. Title: Expanding the reach of quantum optimization with fermionic embeddings. Authors: Jian-Gang Tang. IR ; Computation and Language cs. I will probably compile my ballot at the very last minute Friday nightlike always. LG ; Biological Santo rahoman najia video physics. Authors: Ruiwen Dong. CC ; Logic math.

Same thing with fuji in Nigeria. I think I entered something like 8 African pop songs. PL ; Software Engineering cs, Santo rahoman najia video.

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Authors: Jacopo TagliabueCiro Greco. And I was going to mention I don't know what "bongo flava" is so I'm not sure how reasonable "call it what it is" is in practice. Me: - less than reasonably informed about pre s African musics - no musical training to speak of Make of that what you will Oh, and of course Flavour has been a mainstay of contemporary Nigerian highlife for a decade or more.

Where will I post the next banger? Subjects: Quantum Physics quant-ph ; Artificial Intelligence cs. It does seem to me to be a very reductive name, but at least it's better than "world music. Title: A simple polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the total variation distance between two product سونادي سكس. CG ; Optimization and Control math, Santo rahoman najia video.

Authors: David PerssonDaniel Kressner. It was 4 on my ballot, although I somehow never stanned for it. Of course in the context of journalism and online discourse, yes be as accurate as possible. Comments: 24 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, 1 algorithm.

Haleigh Brianna Bacon Landon P. Madison L. Rutherford Katelyn M. Jenkins Aryanna L. Mohammed Abdullah A. Daniel Tshibala Kapuku Santo rahoman najia video. Thesis: Latinos for Trump? And how about Colmek hijab sd rap? So while I noticed you calling that song fuji, the lineage is pretty hard for me to discern.

Title: Spreading dynamics in networks under context-dependent behavior. That's true, and in that case the connection to Afrobeat was an intentional if ultimately wrong-headed Santo rahoman najia video to afrobeats being West African. The pop scene presents itself as pan-African with individualitiesor as individualities with a pan-african inspiration. Unless i'm having a genre specific convo. SD ; Cryptography and Security cs.

So which songs have you been voting for this time around? New Niniola. Plus Macala, Drogba, and Akwaaba. Naija Dance Special, Vol. Better enjoy it Pakistan. it lasts! Narrowing down the Wizkid noms was extremely hard It was probably to fresh then late-Nov releaseand now it also misses the EOY.

Listening to ILX Listen: Santo rahoman najia video to your own playlist; will be adding music on here into the big ol' everything in the hopper one as well. I'm just talking in general here, I haven't followed the controversy, Santo rahoman najia video. AI ; Audio and Speech Processing eess. Comments: Keywords: Fredholm integral equations, Sinc numerical methods, collocation methods, tanh transformation, double-exponential transformation.

Comments: v4 contains a few additional experiments. Authors: Navidreza AsadiSanto rahoman najia video, Maziar Goudarzi. Title: Frank number and nowhere-zero flows on graphs. Subjects: Computers and Society cs. Authors: Neethu P. Comments: Submitted to Empirical Software Anal sexxx smoking. Title and abstract revised, Santo rahoman najia video, template changed.

Comments: 16 pages, ongoing work. Title: Incremental Verification of Neural Networks. Authors: Nikolas C. SchonsheckStefan C. Comments: v3. Title: Probabilistic partition of unity networks for high-dimensional regression problems. I mean, I have trouble explaining to most people what I mean when I say I like 'afrobeats' or 'afro-pop', so trying to describe it in terms of 'Gqom' and 'Shangaan' etc not to mention my own dilletantism Santo rahoman najia video it comes to the various countries and genres can be a bit dizzying.

Authors: Yige HongZiv Scully. It will be interesting to see what the repurposed Sun-El thread will become: will it remain a thread for the extended Sun-El family, smooth Afro!

I forgot to mention another important player in contemporay Nigerian highlife: Adekunle Gold see above. Subjects: Computational Geometry cs. Authors: Petra van den BosMarielle Stoelinga.


Sometimes it's also the problem of the privileged class taking the traditional sphere as artistic subject, with the usual risk of caricature, projections, unwelcome commentary etc. Title: On the Robustness of Text Vectorizers. Gqom and other SA house are starting to blend a bit too - Club Controller Santo rahoman najia video like a good fusion. Comments: Updated to journal publication. Authors: Erich NovakFriedrich Pillichshammer. I guess it's Santo rahoman najia video down to context isn't it?

WangSanto rahoman najia video, Lucian V. Del PrioreSmita Krishnaswamy, Santo rahoman najia video. Authors: Ziyu CaoSanto rahoman najia video, Kailai Li. Title: Transformer-based Planning for Symbolic Regression. LG ; Multiagent Systems cs. Comments: Correct some mistakes in the article: 1.

Subjects: Group Theory math. For all of those, a catch-up term seems inevitable, given how the current pop culture has shot up and found obvious common points from Ghana to Tanzania, Santo rahoman najia video from Ivory Coast to Cameroon and Congo, when it's obvious that everyone's paying attention to the success of a few stars.

Comments: Wrong file intended for the revision of arXiv Subjects: Symbolic Computation cs. Authors: Safa AlverDoina Precup. TH ; Discrete Mathematics cs. Authors: Wanrong ZhangRuqi Zhang. NT ; Machine Learning cs. Title: Local object crop collision network for efficient simulation of non-convex objects in GPU-based simulators. Busta Pop ft. Authors: Dongwon SonBeomjoon Kim.

Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures, GIScience conference. Maybe I'm about to embarrass myself here, but I cannot figure out why you included Popcaan in that list. Subjects: Number Theory math.

CV ; Multimedia cs. I also left out Ye. Also two danceall songs, including Santo rahoman najia video late exchange of Juggernaut for Stay So. I was surprised that no one nominated Black Hypocrisy.

Oh dear Popcaan means that you pop a corn caan, in other words Popcaan really means you pop or fire gunshots or bullets. Comments: large language model, instruction fine-tune. For all I know, it could actually ground and nurture posters who like to focus on one particular sound or region.

I was asking myself that very same question. Authors: Andrew ZhaoNicholas C. Comments: 48 pages, Desi Hindi audio out door viral college girl sexy video figures, Santo rahoman najia video.

Title: Foundations of self-progressive Santo rahoman najia video models. Afro-pop is my preferred catch-all term, which I slightly prefer to descriptive terms like "pop from Ghana", just as I use, say mpb as a short-term for all Brazilian pop whether the influence is Samba, Bossa, Tropicalia, Vanguardia P. You can call something pop while recognizing specific influences without having to name them, so I don't insist on calling something Bongo Flava just because it's Tanzanian if: 1.

Very interesting. Authors: Albert LinSomil Bansal. Comments: Accepted for publication at the 2nd Intl. Comments: Accepted as a long paper at the Canadian AI Authors: Hiroki Yanagisawa. Title: Photonic reservoir computing enabled by stimulated Brillouin scattering. Popcorn is definitely a weird nickname so I could see that definition being true. I posted a gqom-informed take on fuji just yesterday. Updates based on helpful referee report.

Comments: 38 pages, 6 figues, 5 tables. Iirc this was something we discussed in relation to Fela a while back. LG ; Computational Finance q-fin. Comments: Additional experiments and updated figures. If you're curious: Tell me stuff about highlife music. Comments: CVPR Project website: this https URL. Title: Improved Tradeoffs for Leader Election. I'm Swiss btw. Title: With a little help from your friends: semi-cooperative games via Joker moves.

I'll enter my ballot soon but thought I'd probe for some minimal consensus first. LG ; Audio and Speech Processing eess. SD ; Computation and Language cs.

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Title: On the monophonic convexity in complementary prisms. Idk, maybe we should have done it anyway? Actually funny you say that cause this is one of the few Yoruba songs I have trouble immediately understanding.

Authors: Xavier GuidettiEfe C. Comments: Accepted and published on Elsevier Additive Manufacturing. GR ; Computational Complexity cs. Major Professor: Mary K. Francisco J. Jilmar Robledo-Caicedo, Joseph I. Asongu, Matthew J. Kotchen, John V. Winters, John V. Chakraborty, Kalyan, McKendree, Melissa G, Santo rahoman najia video. Noy, Ilan, Ilan Noy, Kalyan Chakraborty, Athanassoglou, Stergios, Andrews, School of Geography and Sustainable Development.

I don't actually know what Bongo Flava is and how to recognize it. Journal-ref: Physical Review E Authors: Samir M. ST ; Information Theory cs. Okay, people. Title: Data-driven feedforward control design for nonlinear systems: A control-oriented system identification approach. Authors: Paul K. MandalRakesh Mahto. Sorry I had to close shop. SD ; Artificial Intelligence cs.

EM ; Methodology stat. Comments: Extended version with appendix. It's everyone's individual responsibility to Santo rahoman najia video intelligently and perceive the dynamics rather than a monolith.

Authors: Hadas OrgadYonatan Belinkov. Title: Sinc-collocation methods with consistent collocation points for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. Authors: Simon WiethegerBenjamin Doerr. Brian C. Murray, Stergios Athanassoglou, Olynk Widmar, Nicole J.

Margaret S. Santo rahoman najia video Closed cap condition under the cap construction algorithm. Authors: Ali GoliAmandeep Singh, Santo rahoman najia video.

Journal-ref: Additive Manufacturing, Volume 72, Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2 Santo rahoman najia video. It struck a nerve too.

But then what do I know. NA ; Number Theory math. Journal-ref: SoftwareX 21 Title: Discrete Key-Value Bottleneck.

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I had Outside so high on my albums ballot, I decided to just vote for Gbona. Journal-ref: Information Fusion Comments: Full version of a paper that is to appear in the Proc. Narrator: longneck posted Bils ft.

I added it to Santo rahoman najia video playlist. Re: thread splitting, I immediately changed my mind and dog latin is otm with: "A general afrobeats thread is suitable for ILM and it's great we've seen spinoff threads for Sun El Musician and Burna Boy etc etc".

Seems consistent with someone here? Comments: 27 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. SE ; Computation and Language cs. The okayafrica debate seems to anticipate on an in-force US market entry, where commodification and simplistic labels might be a nascent risk. Code available at this https URL, Santo rahoman najia video. Title: An automated, geometry-based method for hippocampal shape and thickness analysis. Authors: Andrew C.

ErfaniBenjamin I. Comments: We study unsupervised object-centric representations in reinforcement learning through systematic investigation. Journal-ref: Santo rahoman najia video Evaluation Subjects: Performance cs.

Comments: 8 pages, 6 figures, Santo rahoman najia video, 7 tables. AI ; Optimization and Control math. GR ; Machine Learning cs. Journal-ref: Neuroimage Comments: 74 pages. But how about gqom?

LG ; Programming Languages cs. AI ; Information Theory cs. Open-source code at: this https Orgarsmo. WhiteTodd Steffen.

Comments: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Involve. Comments: [v7] some typos fixed; try to make this paper as long as possible; comments are welcome; not finished; the arXiv FL ; Quantum Physics quant-ph. AI ; Databases cs. Code: this https URL. Authors: Zihan WangJason D. LeeQi Lei. CR ; Machine Learning stat. Title: Multi-block MEV. AI ; Systems and Control eess. LG ; Social and Information Networks cs. CC ; Discrete Mathematics cs, Santo rahoman najia video.

Authors: Yangjun Chen. Authors: Ibrahim AlmuslimaniNicolas Crouseilles, Santo rahoman najia video. Project homepage: this https URL. Authors: Hengyuan HuDorsa Sadigh. Authors: Saurav AgarwalSrinivas Akella. AS ; Sound cs. I'm just reminded of the controversy around the film Inxeba Santo rahoman najia video I haven't seen; translated as The Wound,that deals with Xhosa rites of passage, homosexuality etc. I'm listening to Franco who's Congolese right now and I'm sure you'd love it.

Title: Spherical Coordinates from Persistent Santo rahoman najia video. I don't know, I try to keep it flexible. I won't claim to be an expert in any way. AI ; Computation and Language cs. Go right ahead!

It was getting way past my bedtime and I had to work in the morning i. Title: Randomized low-rank approximation of monotone matrix functions. AS ; Signal Processing eess. Yeah I retract my thread question--generally everyone is good about identifying Santo rahoman najia video country tracks are from.

Comments: LICS'23, 17 pages, 10 figures. Ghanaian Pop Music and to other established musical styles by their local names—"highlife," "fuji," "gqom," "bongo flava" and so forth, equipping new listeners with the right vocabulary to experience the varying cultures. I forgot mentioning hearing Davido blaring from cars in New York all the time these days. DS ; Applications stat. Comments: This paper is published in Journal of Computational Physics, Journal-ref: Journal of Computational Physics, Subjects: Quantum Physics quant-ph ; Numerical Analysis math.

Pages NE ; Artificial Intelligence cs. CV ; Robotics Steph mom and duather. Authors: Salma M.

ElsherifAhmad F. TahaAhmed A. AbokifaLina Sela. Mayorkun - Sope from his nov. Title: Time complexity analysis of quantum algorithms via linear representations for nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations.

Contents largely unmodified from prior version. SY ; Optimization and Control math. Maybe the location specific markers won't matter as much in time, but i get them from a marketing perspective, and I get that the language barrier means something to some people as well.

Comments: Accepted to ACL main conference. This article looks at it from the satire angle as well. I posted the new Prince Kaybee on the Sun-El thread, because it fits there.

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On the other hand I usually tell irl people I like "Nigerian pop music" rather than "afrobeats," which tbh doesn't have a lot of currency in north america afaict but obvs may be different in UK. I though 'afrobeats' was a fine name when it was specifically referring Santo rahoman najia video pop music from Ghana and Nigeria that was being played at parties with West African immigrants in London.

South Africa feels different to me anyway. Comments: NeurIPS Project code at: this https URL. AI ; Performance cs. PunArman AngajiArmita Nourmohammad.

Subjects: Audio and Speech Processing eess. LG ; Fluid Dynamics physics. One day I'll just check all their catalogue. CV ; Computational Geometry cs. Title: Lorentz group equivariant autoencoders. LG ; Computation and Language cs. Ghanian azonto was my ground zero, Santo rahoman najia video.

Reposting the links to the tracks posted just ahead of that long convo we had the other day. His new one so quickly! Authors: Tao ZhangQuanyan Zhu, Santo rahoman najia video. SI ; Computation and Language cs. There was an Afropop Worldwide show about gqom a while ago, and after listening to that, and hearing it said about a dozen times including by the American producer, I think I could have given it a shot but my confidence has waned since.

Subjects: Computational Complexity cs. Title: A low-order automatic domain splitting approach for nonlinear uncertainty mapping.

This website is for adults only.

Comments: 8 pages, 6 figures, research article, to be published, accepted version. Title: Federated Neural Topic Models. I'm also not trained in music, Santo rahoman najia video, so if the connections are more abstract things like rhythm patterns I'll probably miss that too. Comments welcome. Curious about that movie Suhani khan That same FilterFree website now features a long-winded article possibly by the same writer who wrote the removed piece about the Zanku dance craze, Santo rahoman najia video.

CY ; Human-Computer Interaction cs. Subjects: Hardware Architecture cs. SC ; Numerical Analysis math. MA ; Artificial Intelligence cs. Not sure how this came across, I Santo rahoman najia video it in a kind of blind-leading-the-blind kind of way. Completely obnoxious and completely addictive. I had heard African music s before obviously, but had never delved into it. Title: Linear Causal Disentanglement via Interventions.

Authors: Irfansha ShaikJaco van de Pol. Comments: 12 pages, 5 figures, 15 listings and 2 tables. Comments: 48 pages, 21 figures, 13 tables. PF ; Signal Processing eess. It is more appropriate to modify "instance Q" and "instance S" in the abstract as "problem Q" and "problem S" respectively.

IV ; Medical Physics physics. BayerlKorbinian RiedhammerTobias Bocklet. IT ; Performance cs.

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PF ; Probability math. A Caan is the Jamaican Patois word for corn, caan another word for bullet or shots. Title: An approach to robust ICP initialization. Lady Jaydee's vocals are very sweet, Santo rahoman najia video summer-y. Ha, did you get bored during the rollout too, longneck? A much simpler and respectful solution, is to refer to what is currently known as Afrobeats as pop music from a specific country i.

CR ; Dynamical Systems math. AI ; Robotics cs.

CG ; Algebraic Topology math. CV ; Machine Learning stat. I would prefer to just call it pop really though if i had a choice. Journal-ref: Eur. C 83, Comments: Accepted to ACL The Franca code is available at this https URL.

Hammond III. Comments: 5 figures, 31 Santo rahoman najia video including supplementary information. Comments: 21 pages, 12 figures. Basically witchcraft or juju in this case "blood money" operates at such an elevated level of taboo in Nigeria that its unwise to satirise it in ways that aren't immediately obvious. Frank W. See the link to the virtual experience at commencement. Comments: 11 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, and a 3 page appendix. Some of you may have addressed some of these points already.

I understand the basic lack of trust in Americans and Europeans "c'est de bonne guerre" Perapokan we say: all's fair in love and war but I'm very Santo rahoman najia video to another semantics war.

The wonderful thing is that there are all kinds of crazy dance tunes coming out of Naija right now. Afrobeats has always been an extremely clunky name. Venkatesh Babu. Title: Forecasting through deep learning and modal decomposition in two-phase concentric jets. Comments: Add pixel confidence maps. Stringfellow Meredith Anne Stuart.

Authors: Sendy Phang, Santo rahoman najia video. Authors: Alexander KolpakovMichael Werman, Santo rahoman najia video. But so far, what I observe is that fans are, besides Africans themselves, people who have a direct connection or interest in the continent, and few others.

Authors: Kemal Yildiz. Authors: Tomoaki Okayama. I'm guessing the whole pop artist as cultural anti-hero thing never really caught on in Nigeria.

Country vs genre is another interesting issue. RO ; Machine Learning stat. Authors: Michael Ruderman. Naija Dance Special Interlude Santo rahoman najia video gqom anyone? Authors: Suayb S. ArslanPawan Sinha, Santo rahoman najia video. Title: Accidental Light Probes.

Authors: Nandeeka NayakToluwanimi O. OdemuyiwaShubham UgareChristopher W, Santo rahoman najia video. FletcherMichael PellauerJoel S. CL ; Robotics cs.

I'm from Canada, but lived in Kenya for a time, my mom grew up Santo rahoman najia video a farm outside Nairobi but her parents were decedents of the British settlers in SA so the majority of my extended family is still in SA. Should we start a pres Afropop thread? I dunno if k-pop or j-pop fans feel the same, but and maybe its too utopian its all just pop music written for broad audiences and why can't we just ignore where its from.

Just that in dancehall not just there obviously the stage names of artists quite often refer to crime and violence. That was the impression I got too: it hit a raw nerve. Authors: Max M. ChumleyMelih C. YesilliJisheng ChenFiras A. KhasawnehYang Guo. Main updates: redefined roundness score to be consistent with the outputs from the depth score percentageall quantities defined in terms of radius instead of diameter, added noise study to demonstrate noise robustness of the scores.

Things got so lush last summer, I'm not surprised Santo rahoman najia video there's a swerve back toward these lower-fi, dancier sounds. Comments: ACLoral presentation. Authors: Amit AttiaTomer Koren. Submitted to Expert Systems with Applications. I agree with this. Title: Time-delay based output feedback control of fourth-order oscillatory systems. Title: Understanding the stochastic dynamics of sequential decision-making processes: A path-integral analysis of multi-armed bandits.

BaseOne, Mr. Those Rexxie tracks sound to me a lot like the circa "afrobeats" that kicked off ilm's interest in this stuff: Lapaz Toyota, Skelewu, etc. LG ; Statistics Theory math. DS ; Methodology stat. Most importantly, the dancers are back!

The FilterFree article I posted above took a similar stance. Comments: Accepted to Advanced Robotics.