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Limited Access. Munawar Ali Munawar,; Novel bis-piperidinium and bis-pryyolidinium compounds as versatile phase-transfer catalystsArkivoc, xi, Prof. Expecting a baby girl in a few months with wife Margarita Andronova, he opens up about his new life. Current Research, 2 4Dr. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; N- 2-Chlorobenzylidence 3,4-dimethyldioxo-2H,4H-prrazolog[4,3-c][1,2]benzothiazinyl acetohydrazide,2- Dr. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 2- 3,4-Dimethyl-5,5-dioxo-2H,4H-pyrazolo[4,3-c][1,2]benzothiazinyl -N- 3-methozybenzylidence acetohydrazide dimethylformamide hemisolvate,3- Dr.

Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 4-Hydroxy-2[ 4-iodobenzoyl methyl] 3-methoxybenzoyl -2H-1,2-benzothiiazine 1,1-dioxide,6- Dr. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 4-Hydroxyl-3 3-methoxybenzoyl [ 3-methoyybenzoyl methyl]-2H-1,2-benzothiazine 1,1-dioxide Xxx call phone,, 7- Dr.

Hamid Latif Biggest sex vagin Methyl 2-methyl oxiranylmethoxy -2H-1,2-benzothiazinecarboxylate 1,1-dioxide,9- Dr. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; Synthesis, characterization and anti-oxidant activity of novel N'-arylmethylidence 3, 4-dimethyl-5, 5-dioxidopryazolo[4,3-c][1,2] benzothiazin-2 4H -yl acetohydrazides,Dr.

Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 2- Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16 -1,2-benzisothiazole,Dr. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 2-[2- 3-methoxyphenyl oxoethyl]-1,2-benzisothiazole,Dr. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; E -3 Chloromethylquinolyl 2,3-dihydro-1,4-benzodiioxinyl propenone,Dr. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 2E 2-Chloromethylquinolyl 1-naphthyl propenone,Dr.

Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 3- 3-chlorobenzoyl hydroxy-2H-1,2-benzothiazine 1,1-dioxide, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16,Dr. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 4-Hydroxy-1,1dioxoH-1,2-benzothiazinyl 3-methoxyphenyl methanone,Dr. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 3-Benzoylhydroxymethyl-2H-1,2-benzothiazine 1,1-dioxide,Dr. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; E 3-chlorophenyl -1 4-methoxyphenly propenone,Dr. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; Synthesis, crystal structures and molecular packing of a series of pyrazolo-benzothiazine hybrid derivatives,Muhammad Umar Farooq,; Synthesis of polyamidoamine dendrimer grafted silica with microwave assisted protocolReactive and funtional polymer, 70, Muhammad Umar Farooq,; Microwave assisted preparation of a B-cyclodextrin based stationary phase for open turular capillary electrochromatogvaphyAnalytical letters, 43, Prof.

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Makshoof Athar,; Biosorption of heavy metal ions using wheat based biosorbents A review of the recent literatureBioresource Technology,Issue 14, Prof. Saeed Ahmad Nagra,; Application of 2 - factorial design on the enhanced production of calcium gluoconate by a mutant strain of Aspergillus nigherBioresour Technol, FEb, Prof. ET Bureau. Munawar Ali Munawar,; Chromium, manganese, and zinc complexes of deoxyalliin and their bioactivityJournal of Coordination Chemistry, 63, Prof. Centre for Physical Chemistry.

Munawar, R. Babar, F. Azad, A. Bernardino and M. Humphrey, F. Nasim, F. Abidi, U. Zafar, S. Qureshi, M. Azad, M. Sayyad, F. Aziz, M. Munawar,; Perylene diimide: Synthesis, fabrication and temperature dependent electrical characterization of heterojunction with psilicon, Mehr-ur-Nisa, M.

Munawar, G. Hall, S. Hruby,; Tert-Butyl 4- 3,4-discholroanilino piperidineCarboxylate, E69, Ahmaed, M. Sayyead, F. Wahab, K, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16. Sulaiman, M. Shahid, J. Chaudry, M. Aziz,; Enhancement of Electronic and charge transport properties of NiPc by potassium-tetrasulpho group, BiomassDesalination and Water Treatment, Imran Din, Asadullah Madni, A.

Tajamal Hussain Co. Authors; K. Rassmusen, S. Rashmin nait G. Asmat Zahra, Muhammad Imran, Farah Kanwal,; Comparative adsorption studies of methyl orange using different varieties of melon seeds as adsorbents,Asian Journal of chemistry, 24 6 Adnan Mujahid, Franz L.

Adeel Afzal, Humaira M. Siddiqi, Adnan Mujahid, Shaukat Saeed,; AFM substantiation of the fracture behavior and mechanical properties of sol—gel derived silica packed epoxy networksJournal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology61, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, Nasrullah, Misbahul Ain Khan, Mark.

Zahoor Hussain Farooqi,; Temperature-induced volume change and glucose sensitivity of poly[ Nisopropylacrylamide -co-acrylamide-co phenylboronic acid ] microgelsPolymer International, 60, Sadia Ata,; Elemental profile of 24 common medicinal plants of Pakistan and its direct link with traditional useAcedemic Journals, 5, Current Research, 2 4 Adnan Mujahid, Tajamal Hussain,; Complementary percolation characteristics of carbon fillers based electrically percolative thermoplastic elastomer compositesComposites Science and Technology, 72, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; N- 2-Chlorobenzylidence 3,4-dimethyldioxo-2H,4H-prrazolog[4,3-c][1,2]benzothiazinyl acetohydrazide, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 2- 3,4-Dimethyl-5,5-dioxo-2H,4H-pyrazolo[4,3-c][1,2]benzothiazinyl -N- 3-methozybenzylidence acetohydrazide dimethylformamide hemisolvate, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; N- 2,6-Dichlorobenzylidence hydrozybenzohydrazide, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; Isopropyl 3,4-dimethyl-5,5-dioxoH-prrazolo[4,3.

Read Today's Paper. ET Magazine. KG Germany, Year: April, KG Germany, Year: Conference proceeding on Catalytic reducation of nitrobenzene using silver nanoparticles stablizhed in multi responsive polymer microgels17th International Symposium on relations between homogenous and heterogenous catalysis ISHHC 17 organized by catalysis center utrecht, utrecht university, the Netherlands on July, Conference proceeding on Silver nanoparticles fabricated in poly N-isopropylacrylamide -co acrylic acid for catalytic reducation nitrobenze17th International Symposium on relations between homogenous and heterogenous catalysis ISHHC 17 organized by catalysis center utrecht, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, utrecht university, the Netherlands on July, Conference proceeding on Production of biodiesel from waste canola cooking oil in PakistanInternational Journal of chemical engineering and applications, 6, Conference proceeding on Simultaneous reduction of nitroarenes by silver nanoparticles fabricated Poly N-isopropylacrylamid-co-acrylamide-co-acrylic acid hybrid microgels7th Chemistry Conference, Conference proceeding on Comparative analysis of hydrogapatile synthesized by sol-gel allrasonication and microwve assisted techniqueMaterials Today, Conference proceeding on Health risk assessment of heavy metals Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16 concentration in vegetables of Lahore irrigated with industrial sewagesConference Proceedings, Conference proceeding on Synthesis of imprinted polysiloxanes for immobilization of metal ionsMRS Proceedings, Conference proceeding on Biomimetic total synthesis of aritasoneChem Listy, Conference proceeding on Fabrications of nanoparticles and nanaocomposits and comparative study of their activity, Contacts Email Address: chemistpu edu.

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Centre for Inorganic Chemistry. Munawar,; Diarylpyrazolecarbaldehyde benzoylhydrazones metal complexes: Synthesis and their antibacterial and antioxidant screeningAsian Journal of Chemistry, Rabia Rehman, Jamil Anwar, Tariq Mahmud,; Thermodynamical and isothermal modeling of Methylene Blue dye batch biosorption on formalin modified Madhuca longifolia leaf powder, Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 34 2 Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Jamshaid Hussain Zaidi, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, ,; Evaluation of trace elemental composition of aerosols in the atmoshphere of Rawalpindi and islamabad Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16 using radio analytical methodsJ.

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70, Chem Soc. Pak, 34 No. Sol-Gel Technol, Muhammad Salman, R. Rehman, U. Shafique, A. Remna, Waheed-uz-Zaman, J. Anwar, S. Airam, K. Rehman, J. Anwar, T. Shafique, T. Mahmud, B. Muhammad Salman, Ushafique, J. Anwar, Waheed-uz-Zaman, R.

Rehman, A. Dar, N. Mahmud, S. Mahboob,; Optimization of operational conditions for batchwise biosorption of chromium VI using chemically treated Alastonia Scholaris Leaves as BiosorbentJ.

Muhammad Salman, M. Shafique, R. Rehman, Waheed-uz-Zaman, M. Rehman, T. Mahmud, J. Abbas, S. Murtaza, T. Mahmud, Waheed-uz-Zaman and U. Shafique,; Comparative removal of Congo Red dye from water by adsorption on Grewia asiatica leaves, Raphanus sativus peels and activated charcoalJ.

Muhammad Salman, U. Ijaz, Waheed-uz-Zaman, N. Jamil, R. Athar, Waheed-uz-Zaman, U. Shafique, J. Anwar, R. Rehman, S. Ameer and A. Arshad,; Micro-determination of arsenic in aqueous samples by Image Scanning and Computational QuantificationAnalytical Methods, 4, Abdul Qadir, M.

Lahore23 2 Abdul Qadir,; Separation and purification of copper from a haardous nickel solution using a micro controller based digital electronic switching systemMiddle East Journal of Scientific Research, 7 5 Najeebullah, M. Munawar, A. Sharif, Ejaz Ahmed, M. Jabeen, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, M. Begum, A. Ejaz Ahmed, A. Sharif, H. Nawaz, M. Rasool, K. Nafeesa, R. Ashraf and T. Jabeen, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16. Javaid, Ejaz Ahmad and M.

Research, 25, Nasir, M. Munawar, Ejaz Ahmed, A. Sharif, S. Ayub, M. Khan, F. Nasim,; Synthesis of novalquinozalinone derivatives by conventional and microwave methods and assessing their biological activityArchives of Phramacal Research, 34, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; Synthesis and Anti-bactrial activites of some novel pyrazolobenzothiazine-based chalcones and their pyrimidine derivativesMedicinal Chemistry Research, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; Anti-oxidant and antimicrobial studies of novel N'- substitutedchloroquinolinyl methylidencehydroxy-2H-1,2-benzothiazinecarbohydrazides 1,1-dioxidesMedicinal Chemistry Research, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; Antibactrial and Anti-leishmanial studies of 4,6-diarylpyrimidin-2amines,J.

Pak, 33 5 Muhammad Makshoof Athar,; Electronic, opitcal and charge transfer properties of? Faculty Science. Glynda Alves. Farooqi, and Mohammad Siddiq,; Temperature responsive poly N-isoropylacrylamide-acrylamide-phenyloboronic acid microgels for stablization of silver nanoparticles fabricatin of silver nanoparticles in poly Nisopropylacrylamide co allylacetic Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16 microgels for catalytic reducation ofJournal of dispersion science and technology, 36, 3- Zahoo.

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Fill in your details: Will be displayed Will not be displayed Will be displayed, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16. Continue reading with one of these options:. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; E 3-chlorophenyl -1 4-methoxyphenly propenone, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; Synthesis, crystal structures and molecular packing of a series of pyrazolo-benzothiazine hybrid derivatives, Muhammad Umar Farooq,; Sticking it up your naughty friend’s ass of Ketahuan ngentot disuruh terusin dendrimer grafted silica with microwave assisted protocolReactive and funtional polymer, 70, Muhammad Umar Farooq,; Microwave assisted preparation of a B-cyclodextrin based stationary phase for open turular capillary electrochromatogvaphyAnalytical letters, 43, Zaib Hussain,; Removal of chromium from water using peas waste — a green approachGreen Chemistry Letters and Reviews, 3, Sucking tits Gangbang Miss Rabia Rehman,; Influence of operating conditions on the removal of brilliant vital red dye from aqueous media by biosorption using Rice HuskAccepted for publication in journal of the chemical society of pakistan, Miss Rabia Rehman,; Novel methods to determine sulfide in aqueous samples by quantification of lead sulphide spotsAccepted for publication in journal of the chemical society of pakistan, Miss Rabia Rehman,; Removal of Murexide Dye from aqueous media using rice Husk as an adsorbentAccepted for publication in journal of the chemical society of pakistan, Miss Rabia Rehman,; Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial activity of some enaminones and their complexes with Nickel II and Antimony IIIAccepted for publication in journal of the chemical society of pakistan, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, Miss Rabia Rehman,; Removal of chromium from water using peas waste-a green approach,Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, 3 3, Miss Rabia Rehman,; N-[4- Phenyliminomethyl acetamide 0.

Miss Rabia Rehman,; Synthesis, characterization and study of antibacterial activity of enaminone complexes of zinc and Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 3 4, Munawar Ali Munawar,; Novel bis-piperidinium and bis-pryyolidinium compounds as versatile phase-transfer catalystsArkivoc, xi, Society, 21, Munawar Ali Munawar,; Synthesis and antithyroid activity of some 8-substituted purine derivativesJournal of the Mexican Chemical Soceity, 54, Munawar Ali Munawar,; Chromium, manganese, and zinc complexes of deoxyalliin and their bioactivityJournal of Coordination Chemistry, 63, Makshoof Athar,; Gaseous and particulate emissions from thermal power plants operating on different technologiesEnvironmental Monitoring and Assessment,Iss.

Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, Makshoof Athar,; Dispersion modeling of noxious pollutants from thermal power plantsTurkish J. Sci, 34, E66, o, Makshoof Athar,; 3-Chloro[2- propanylidence -hydrazinyl]pyridazineActa Cryst. Font Size Abc Small.

Centre for Research in Ionic Liquids. Society, 21, Prof. This will alert our moderators to take action Name Reason for reporting: Foul language Slanderous Inciting hatred against a certain community Others. Rate Story. E66, o, Prof. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 4-Hydroxy-2[ 4-iodobenzoyl methyl] 3-methoxybenzoyl -2H-1,2-benzothiiazine 1,1-dioxide, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 4-Hydroxyl-3 3-methoxybenzoyl [ 3-methoyybenzoyl methyl]-2H-1,2-benzothiazine 1,1-dioxide, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; Methyl 2-methyl oxiranylmethoxy -2H-1,2-benzothiazinecarboxylate 1,1-dioxide, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; Synthesis, characterization and anti-oxidant Minecraft🍒🍌🍆🍆🍒24 of novel N'-arylmethylidence 3, 4-dimethyl-5, 5-dioxidopryazolo[4,3-c][1,2] benzothiazin-2 4H -yl acetohydrazides, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 2- 2-Oxophenylethyl -1,2-benzisothiazole,Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 2-[2- 3-methoxyphenyl oxoethyl]-1,2-benzisothiazole, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 2-[2 3-Chlorophenyl -2oxoethyl]-1,2-benzisothiazole.

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Rep,Prof. Follow us. Pak,32 4 , Prof. All rights Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16. I-4, Prof. Sc and B. Nayab Batool Rizvi Prof. Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; E -3 Chloromethylquinolyl 2,3-dihydro-1,4-benzodiioxinyl propenone, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 2E 2-Chloromethylquinolyl 1-naphthyl propenone, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 3-BenzoylhydroxyH-1,2-benzothiazine 1,1-dioxide, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 3- 3-chlorobenzoyl hydroxy-2H-1,2-benzothiazine 1,1-dioxide, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; N-[ E -4 Diethylamino benzylidene]nitrobenzohydrazine monohydrate, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; N- 3-Methoxybenzylidene nitrobenzohydrazide monohydrate, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 4-Hydroxy-1,1dioxoH-1,2-benzothiazinyl 3-methoxyphenyl methanone, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 3-Benzoylhydroxymethyl-2H-1,2-benzothiazine 1,1-dioxide, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; N-Saccharinylmethyl ether, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; 2- 3,4-Dimethyl-5,5-dioxoH-pyrazolo[4,3.

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Abc Large. Sci, 34, Prof. Centre for Clinical and Nutritional Chemistry.

Find this comment offensive? E66, o, Prof. Subdepartment Centre for Analytical Chemistry. Centre for Organic Chemistry. Centre for Applied Chemistry. Saeed Ahmad Nagra,; Radiopeptide internalization and externalization assay: Cell viability and radioligand integrityApplied radiation and Isotopes,Prof. Zaib Hussain,; Removal of chromium from water using peas waste — a green approachGreen Chemistry Letters and Reviews, 3, Prof. Panache Tech and Gadgets.

Then at age 49, the founder of Sula Vineyards crossed over to the other side. Read Complete ePaper », Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16. Munawar Ali Munawar,; Potential antibacterial activity of coumarin and coumarinacetic acid derivativesPakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Dr. Azeem Intisar,; Structure, stability, and aromaticity of 2,4,6,1,3,5-trisilatiriphosphazenzene versus 2,4,6—trisilatriazine: A quantum chemical approachComputational and Theoretical Chemistry,Dr.

Qadir,; Synthesis and biological evaluation of amino terminal modidfied new sulfonamides of contemporary drugsLatein American journal of Pharmacy, 34 Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16Muhammad Abdul Qadir,; Synthesis, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, characterization, and antibacterial activities of novel sulfonamides derived through condensation Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16 amino group containing drugs, amino acids, and Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16 analogsBio Med research international,Muhammad Abdul Qadir,; Syntehsis, antimicrobial and antifungal possessions of tramadol esters: in vitro studiesPak.

Sci, 28, Muhammad Abdul Qadir,; A novel methods for the synthesis of 99mTc-ofloxactin kits using d penicillamine as coligandand their application as inection imaging agenetBiomed research international,Muhammad Abdul Qadir,; Improved limit of detection and quantitation development and validation procedure for quantification of zinc in insulin Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16 atomic absorption spectrometryPak.

Abdul Qadir,; Synthesis of 99mTc-gemifloxacin freeze dried kits and their biodistribution in Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniaArabian Journal of Chemistry,Dr. Pak, 37, Dr. Pharm, 34, M. Athar,; Dye removal using carbonized biomass, adsorption isotherms and kinetic studyDesalination and Water Treatment, 53, M.

Saeed,; Electrochemical determination of inorganic mercury and arsenic — A reviewBiosensors and Bioelectronics, 74, Dr. Munawar Ali Munawar,; Discovery of indole-based tetraarylimidazoles as potent inhibitors of urease with low antilipoxygenase activityEuropean Journal of Medicinal chemistry,Dr.

Munwar Ali Munawar,; Plant growth regulating activities of coumarinacetic acid derivativesAllelopathy Journal, 36 2Dr. Farooqi, Khalida Naseem, Robina Begum and Aysha Ijaz,; Catalytic reduction of 2-nitroaniline in aqueous medium using silver Colmek pepek mulus functionalized polymer microgelsJournal of inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials, 25, Zahoor: H.

Latif Mirza,; Microwave treated salvadora oleoides as an eco-friendly biosorbent for the removal of toxic methyl violet dye from aqueous solution - A green approachInternational Journal of Phytoremediation,Syed Wasim Ali, Muhammad Latif Mirza, Tariq Mahmood Bhatti, Kashif Naeem, Muhammad Imran Din,; Dispersion of iron nanoparticles by polymer based hybrid material for reduction of hexavalent chromiumJournal of Nanomaterials,Dr.

Saeed, Abida Yasmeen and Riaz Ahmad,; Glucoxylan mediated green synthesis of gold and silver nanopartilces and their phyto toxicity studyCarbohydrae polymers,4- Zahoor Hussain Farooqi,; Temperature responsive poly N- isopropylacrylamide-acrylamide-phenylboronic acid microgels for stabilization of silver nanoparticlesJournal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 36, 5- Sana Aslam, Matloob Ahmad, Muhammad Makshoof Athar, usman Ali Ashfaq, John M.

Schinazi,; Synthesis, molecular docking and antiviral screening of novel N-substitutedbenzylidene 4-methyl-5,5-dioxidophenylbenzo[e] pyrazolo[4, 3-c][1,2]thiazin-1 4H -yl-acetohydrazidesMedicinal Chemistry research, 23 66- Zahoor Hussain Farooqi,; Enhanced control on the electro deposition through magnetic field using reverse micro-emulsion as templateAsian Journal of Chemistry, 26, 7- Muhamamd Salman, Makshoof Athar, Umar Farooq, Sadaf Rauf, Umy Habiba,; A new approach to modification of an agro-based raw material for Pb II adsorptionThe Korean Journal of chemical engineering, 31 38- Zahoor Hussain Farooqi,; Effect of crosslinker feed contents on catalytic activity of silver nanoparticles fabricated in multi responsive microgelsKorean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31, 9- Makshoof Athar, Umar Farooq, S.

Salman,; Insight into the binding of copper II by rice straw: effect of modification and interfering ionsClean technologies and environmental policy, 16 3Zahoor Hussain Farooqi,; A new Triterpene glycoside from FagoniacreticaAsian Journal of Chemistry, 26, M. A,; Synthesis and antibacterial activities of diarylpyrazole [3, 4-b]pyridines IIAfinidad, 71Tahir, M. F,; Synthesis, characterization and density functional theory study of some new 2-anilinothiazolesJournal of molecular structure,Wahab, F.

Mitzel,; Synthesis, structural and photo-physical studies of bismuth III complexes with a janus scorpionate and co-ligandsDalton transaction, 43, Dr. Safder,; New steroidal alkaloid constituent from solanum surrattenseSamat garls xxxxx video schools 16, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 26, Xnxx cousin. Habiba,; A new approach to modification on an agro based raw material for Pb II0 adsorptionThe Korean Journal of chemical engineering, 31, M.

Salman,; Insight into the binding of copper II by non toxic biodegradable material Oryza sativa : effect of modifcation and interfering ionsClean Technologies and Environmental policy, 16, I. Sci, 12 1Year : 1- J. Tajamal Hussain, Adnan Mujahid,; Fabrications of nanoparticles and nanaocomposits and comparative study of their activity,Dr.

Munawar,; Synthesis of novel diarylpyrrolecarbaldehydes by ring transormationsAsian Journal of Chemistry, 25 17M. Lin,; Synthesis and Characterization of Diarylpyrazolecarbaldehyde semicarbazones metl complexesAsian Journal of Chemistry, 25 13A. Lin,; Synthesis and antibacterial activity of Pyrazolo[1,5-]quinazolinecarboniitrilesAsian Journal of Chemistry, 25 14T.

Nasrullah,; Synthesis of novel arylfurfurcylhalconesAsian Journal of Chemistry, 25 14A. Ejaz,; Synthesis, Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of pyrazlypyridazinesAsian Journal of Chemistry, 25 14F. Khan,; Synthesis of pyrazoleacrylic acids and their derivativesAsian Journal of Chemistry, 25 14Part two viral. Munawar,; Synthesis and antibacterial activity of 2-phenylaryl-4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9-hexahydro-1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a]quinazolinesAfinidad, 70S.

Al,; Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16 separation of alanine, cystene and glycine using a digital thrusterSeparation science and technology, 48, S.

Al,; Study of arsenic in drinking water of distric kasur pakistanWorld applied science journal, 24 5S, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16. Latif Mirza,; Biosorption potentials of a novel green biosorbent saccharum bengalense containing cellulose as carbohydrate polymer for removal of Ni II ions from aqueous solutionsInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 54Zaib Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, Muhammad Imran Din, Sana Nayab and Manzar Islam,; Recovery of Cobalt and copper from textile, electroplating and tannery effluents using electrodeposiotn methodHydrology: Current Research, 4Dr.

Munawar,; Diarylpyrazolecarbaldehyde benzylhydrazones metal complexes: synthesis and their antibacterial and antioxidant screeningAsian Journal of Chemistry, 25 1Dr. Sci, 26, F. Munawar,; Perylene diimide: Synthesis, fabrication and temperature dependent electrical characterization of heterojunction with psilicon,Mehr-ur-Nisa, M.

Munawar,; Diarylpyrazolecarbaldehyde benzoylhydrazones metal complexes: Synthesis and their antibacterial and antioxidant screeningAsian Journal of Chemistry,U. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70,M. Research, 25, W.

Nasim,; Synthesis of novalquinozalinone derivatives by conventional and microwave methods and assessing their biological activityArchives of Phramacal Research, 34, Dr. Hamid Latif Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16 Synthesis and Anti-bactrial activites of some novel pyrazolobenzothiazine-based chalcones and their pyrimidine derivativesMedicinal Chemistry Research,Dr.

Hamid Latif Siddiqui,; Anti-oxidant and antimicrobial studies of novel N'- substitutedchloroquinolinyl methylidencehydroxy-2H-1,2-benzothiazinecarbohydrazides 1,1-dioxidesMedicinal Chemistry Research,Dr. Pak, 33 5Dr. Sadia Ata,; Elemental profile of 24 common medicinal plants of Pakistan and its direct Lo motif doudou with traditional useAcedemic Journals, 5, Prof. Zaid Mahmood,; Comparative studies on adsorption of Congo red CR by adsorbents prepared from different varieties of melon seeds, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16.

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Pak, Vol, No 2, Pak, Vol. Rep, Saeed Ahmad Nagra,; Radiopeptide internalization and externalization assay: Cell viability and radioligand integrityApplied radiation and Isotopes, Saeed Ahmad Nagra,; Application of 2 - factorial design on the enhanced production of calcium gluoconate by a mutant strain of Aspergillus nigherBioresour Technol, FEb, Saeed Ahmad Nagra,; DNA damage and plasma homocysteine levels are associated with serum metabolites and mineral constituents profile in children with persistent diarrheaAfr.

Biotechnoly, 9 3 Last Three Year Books. Farooqi,; Silver nanoparticles fabricated in poly N-isopropylacrylamide -co acrylic acid for catalytic reducation nitrobenze17th International Symposium on relations between homogenous and heterogenous catalysis ISHHC 17 organized by catalysis center utrecht, utrecht university, the Netherlands on July, 9- Dr. Imtiaz Shafiq, Abdul Ghaffar,; Injectable biopolymer based hydrogel for drug delivery applicationInternational Journal of biological macromolecules, 80, Umer Farooq, M.

Sharif ,; Use of wheat straw for effective binding of metal ions via a novel modificationKorean Journal of chemical engineering,Madeeha Batool, S. Hamid Raza ,; Gardenia jasmenoides: An ornemental plant for biosorption of lead and cadmium ionsDesalination and water treatment,Farah Kanwa, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, Rabia Rehman, Sadia Rasood,; Adsorptive eradication of cadmium II from water in eco friendly way using biocomposites of polyaniline with madhuca longifolia and eugenia jambolana leaf powderAsian Journal of chemistry, 27, Tariq Mahmud, Rabia Rehman,; Statistical analysis of macro-elements contents of Vitis Vinifera Raisin samples available in Pakistan.

E66, o, Makshoof Athar,; Antifungal compounds from انطونيو سليمان مع بنت عراقية azedarach leaves for management of Ascochyta Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16, the cause of chickpea blightNatural Product Research,ifirst, Makshoof Athar,; Biosorption of heavy metal ions using wheat based biosorbents A review of the recent literatureBioresource Technology,Issue 14, Samat garls xxxxx video schools 16,32 4 , Zaid Mahmood,; 2- 3-Oxo-3,4-dihydro -2H-1,4-benzothiazinyl acetohydazide.

Share this Comment: Post to Twitter. Makshoof Athar,; Antifungal compounds from Melia azedarach leaves for management of Ascochyta rabiei, the cause of chickpea blightNatural Product Research,ifirst, Prof.