Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo

B6t le6n tho unl ts ard thousanda t r ro otber tormrare ln t roduood, ons ln nhloh eaoh s lgn oqualo a hundrodyear! The best preserved monuments of Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo Buddhists, which have survived intact to the present day, arc the rock-cut caves Callmeslii western India and Bihar and Orissa. As to the photographic collection, I was luckily able to procure at once some 8, photo-prints from the negatives hen in possession of the Indian Museum or of our own local branches in Madras, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, Bombay and Agra, and to supplement these by extensive purchases from private firms, so that at die end of a twelvemonth I had already acquired a not inconsiderable collection.

I57, algorbutarla, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, Abu Ma? I5I5 lepls8ont lbo Perglan. In the Central Provinces a large number of Hindu temples stand in a more or less satisfactory state of preservation, but owing to their remoteness, little beyond ordinary jungle clearance has been effected. Fortunately, a more or less complete Buddhist establishment survived in an out- of-the-way comer near the Kistna river at Nagarjunikonda, and this has been preserved after excavation and the sculptures are exhibited in a local museum built on the spot.

Similarly, with the help of the Chhatarpur Darbar, wc took in hand and actively prosecuted a comprehensive campaign among the Hindu and Jain temples at Khajuraho, which comprise some of the noblest examples of temple architecture in India. His critics on this score were people who either never set foot on the shores of India or never understood that conditions in a tropical country with luxuriant jungle-growth and other destructive agencies necessitate far more radical and permanent measures of conservation than arc required in the West.

A Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo to r l t bao beon do -terotned aooord lng. The total number of monuments protected by the Central Government in India is 2. Theso nayts elther slnple or conpound andon both the ln f luence of theplanets ls act lve. Conservation began as early as Matters have been changed since the reconstitution of the Archaeo- logical Department in The buildings are carefully treated and kept neat and tidy.

The other smaller sites discovered in Sind. At Pagan, our campaign— still in progress- opened with the preservation of the Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo and four of the other chief pagodas, the Bidagat Taik Library and the Nan Paya shrine. Then they gain th. The slow and 睡觉搜索… action of nature cannot ordinarily destroy a fraction of what human agency has done in war and in peace. In the Madras Circle, as might be expected in that tropical climate and after years of neglect, our initial energies were mainly exhausted in rescuing buildings from exuberant vegetation, opening Bella thornes approach roads and doing only such provisional repairs as were imperative.

Wl th lngton shors ' tuoracoord, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. I I Er i ro ln lng tho querontIen i l lng 'ant l borror lng,oount lng f r lsndg,arr lva l o f a t rangor ,enenles orfr londa,rnand.

So tbls tnotlon and agltat lon latbo oauss o f a I I t ho v lo te r l t udes and d l saa te ra o lnatur6, tbo re6ultant pbenonena bolng althor potnanontor temlnrary. Thoy a ro a lao l niU, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. I f thc euper lor p lanets and the 1nfor1or. Elt lf tboy o'ro 1n. Outside the Palace Fort the Zinat-ul-Masajid, which had long served as a bakery for the troops, was reconverted Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo its proper use.

Tbe hay IEJ l c one o f t hoae. Before rhe increasing tasks imposed by all this conservation Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, the elaborate survey-work which had hitherto constituted the main duty of the provincial officers had necessarily to give way. But it had at least one good result, for it evoked a storm of protest in India and F. Not only did the newspapers in both countries unani- mously condemn the proposal, hut memorials against it were addressed to the Secretary of Slate by all the leading universities and learned societies of England; and in India there was not, so far as I know, a single Local Government in favour of it.

The great Bihar earthquake which rocked northern India on January 15, The Kangra earthquake of and the Assam earthquake of left a trail of considerable havoc in their train, and it was years before measures could be taken to undo the damage done to the monu- ments. The monuments at Agra and Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo Sikri, which lies some twenty- three miles from it, comprise the best specimens of the Mughal architecture, which reached its highest perfection during the reign of Shah Jahan.

Y Mosoengo ior t gh t gu ldauoorb r lbo ry r roo t l t udo 'd ls ta: r t p laceipoor ' barvestsaoour ln8 tbo r rea l tbof tbe anoloutsfeasto, foodl oud ' d ' r lnk. At the Taj Mahal we cleared the approaches of squalid bazaars, opened out and rebuilt the ruined colonnades of the forecourt, restored the tombs of the maids-of- honour as well as the Fatehpuri Masjid, and laid out the forecourt itself with lawns and trees; and in the inner precincts of the great mausoleum we refaced most of the ruined Jawab, and restored the whole garden, with its pavilions, watercourses and fountains, as ALEN ANJL as possible to its original condition.

Even the scanty remains of the Portuguese occupation of the west coast, barely two or three centuries old. Later temples in northern India under preservation are a group of temples in the Bundelkhand Division erected under the inspiration of the Chandclla kings in the tenth to twelfth centuries A.

The best examples of the latter style, distinguished bv a tall spire, arc at Khajuraho in the Chhatar- pur State, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, where the Archaeological Department assisted largely in the conservation, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. Thoao pooplo, horaver, nho use a netbod baeod' onordor l xhat ive i f i rnay bo, 'do not aocept- the 1nd1oa-ttons from tho sor of- es aa a nbolo, but rogard.

Tbs book of Hermes lsrorm. Totrablb los. The part played by sea-salts as destructive agents in the case of monuments situated along the coast is equally disastrous, and is well illustrated by the condition of the shore temple at Mahabalipuram near Madras, the Black Pagoda at Konarak in Orissa and the Elephanta and Jogesvari caves near Bombay. I should like to explain, however, why at that period, whenever we had any time at all for excavation, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, we busied ourselves chiefly with well-known Buddhist sanghSrSmas monasteries and did not tum our attention to the larger city sites where we could hope for discoveries of an entirely different and perhaps more illuminating order.

Tboreafter tbo hlghor planeta dlffcr ' l lon t le lonerrfortbe forner oontlnue tendlng. The groups at Bhaja and Karle, Nasik and Junnar. In it became time to review the scheme of organization sanctioned five years earlier: and the record of the Department's ARCH. The enclosure laid out as a garden is entered by a magnificent gateway on the south, which is preceded by a forecourt. VI 9 lokneaardofoota of bodyrovetr rorkl f unfor tun-atc aopldent to loga; Io la of proper tyrd lacaao ofln tornal organE, a lavea,nalda, oat t le.

Fat of scorplua. The tributaries of the Indus must have played havoc with the scores of cities grow- ing on their hanks, to which they brought in turn great prosperity and certain destruction. Tloy nako a gr6at ilcal oi tb1c. The Province of Bombay contains the largest number of standing monuments, the remains in Bijapur district being the most numerous in the whole of India, Le. The next largest number is at Agra, in Monaalisa xxx district Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo are under protection.

I le havo prev loualy d laoucaod tbo extent o f thsf l r t lEr laRockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, and p laocd ln a tab lo tho l r ordsr at nat lv-1t1eg But hero tho ordor obangoo and thatof tbo algns rhloh oontaLn t,bo craltat lons of thop lano ta l s adop tod i l.

The effect of the rainfall and the consequent luxuriant growth of vegetation makes it incumbent on the authorities to spend large amounts on the removal of jungle growth several times during the year, particularly at the onset of the cold weather. This position is due to the early recognition of the necessity of a campaign against the destructive forces of nature.

Athazh HaIy p. In the hill tracts of Bengal and Assam are sometimes to be found combined the worst clfects of all the destructive forces of nature, and one wonders how any handiwork of man can survive in the conditions of excessive Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, luxuriant vegetation and frequent seismic disturbances.

In all cases the Archaeological Superintendents arc responsible for initiating the measures of conservation as also for their proper execution, but the degree of success Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo depends on the amount of super- vision that the Archeological Department is able to give through its own staff.

Constructed as they arc of brick or stone laid in lime — for the fust time in Indian buildings- - they have resisted successfully the destructive effects of atmosphere. Elrr dtotlqr- Araboo. The existing remains Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo these places are only a few, and their out-of-the-way situation renders difficult the operations of excavation and conservation, but the interest taken by Buddhist pilgrims does not allow the places to fall into oblivion.

Thoroal ly nsbulous etarg aro four ln nurnbor, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, ono 1n, thsIeft f ,anr1 of Persous, ani tble ono dosg not oourt be-oouso l ts lat l tudo 1i h Noriboss tno tuntuarles roprosont tho tro oyoa a-ud tbslrao t lon v ls ton. In a province like Assam it is impossible to expect a standing monu- ment to continue in good condition much beyond a century, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

In the other provinces, such as Madras, Central Provinces, Assam, Bihar, Sind and Orissa, conservation work is left entirely to the agency of the local Public Works Department except at established centres of excavation, such as Nalanda and Mohenjo-Daro. There still remains, however, one matter as to which I should like to add a few words.

Even the scanty remains of the Portuguese occupation of the west coast, barely two or three centuries old. The fo rne :aro those 1n n t r l ch 1 f tho lo : io f the per lod vhother sun ormoon, o i t t ro dogroo l o f the. The preservation of the crude dwellings and rock paintings left by primitive man is one Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo the more difficult aspects of preservation in India.

VIl f ,omen, oonoublnea, glvlng 1n mrrlago rroarrlago-foaate, oontent lona, lnr tnerahlp, los scs, laraul ts. In the north is the area which, under the domination of the powerful Kalachuri kings of the Chedi country, boasts of a number of temples, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, particularly in the Juhbulpore and Damoh districts. Jeralaf l londa rmlgratlon, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo Jourrroya ,ln to l l lgonoo,knotr ledgo, otpor tnape 1n re l lg loua lan.

The most striking among the Buddhist sites are: the Dharmarajika stupa, where a large complex of minor buildings was uncovered round an ancient stupa erected by Asoka himself; Jaulian, the beautiful stupas and monasteries of which, embellished by Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo figures of Buddha, have been preserved in situ; the Kunala stupa at the southern end of the city of Sirkap; Kalawan and Mohra Moradu.

This reorganization gave us the serv ices of three officers who were to bring distinction to the Department : Dr. Sten Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. Of these, the protection of the great Konarak temple, also known as the Black Pagoda, standing as it does on the sea-coast and in danger of erosion by sand, entails great care and responsibility.

I can see that that confidence was abundantly justified. Here, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo ever, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, the destruction wrought by Ghoda sxey forces of nature is surpassed by the more complete annihilation at the hands of man. Kanhcri and Bedsa are among the principal 地铁痴汉 preserved in the Bombay Presidency, and the problems raised arc, in some cases, very com- plicated owing to centurics-long neglect and the deleterious effect of climate.

Booolsary to toorr tbat- thoac. I f tbo. Both- and nunerous othor varlantaiuoh aa al lorluitar naly p. The two out- standing examples of the temple remains of AALL days which arc being preserved for what they are worth are one at Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo near Dohad in the Panch Mahals and the other at Sarnal, forty-four miles south-east of Ahmadabad. The whole undertaking took ten years to complete, but before the close of all the modern military buildings had been removed and most of iheHayat Hakhsh garden, with its marble pavilions and rhe so-called Secretary's house, overlooking the river, had been effectively dealt with.

As to excavation, one of the principal reasons for my appoint- ment as Director-General was that I might introduce into India the scientific methods of digging which had yielded such brilliant results in Greece and Crete, and it was incumbent on me, therefore, to take whatever opportunity I could to give my colleagues the benefit of my experience in Greek lands, and, above all. Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo the officers who joined us about this time or a little earlier were Messrs.

I t lvauocd n ldt l l r rgr ,ooougrt loat of nodr t t t r. The Muslim monuments in British India under the charge of the Archaeological Department number in all i,on. Among these, the wonderfully preserved prehistoric city of Mohcnjo-Daro in Sind stands pre-eminent. In the whole of North India, particularly in Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo India, one great destructive element is the presence of saltpetre in the soil.

Finally, in Burma, the two main centres on which our labours were focused were the mediaeval capitals at Pagan with its endless array of imposing pagodas, and the relatively modem fort and Palace at Mandalay. The noon 1s Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo ly ao nhen noar nul t [q or 1n oonJunot lon, or on tbo nanor or. Horsver aona othsrrordl tban rraddt abould be used, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

In Central India, with the active help of the Dhar Darbar. As one travels inland from cast to west in northern India the severity of the rainfall is lessened, and conditions more favourable for the preservation of the monuments are to be found. The charge has been laid at I. The charge, as a fact, is quite groundless; for none could have been more scrupulous in preserving the Shemale guy sex having of a building or more averse from renovation, unless the reasons for it were unassailable.

Bouohd-Leoloroer p. The style, as it developed in the second-third centuries of the Christian era in the Kistna Valley, is shown by the decorations on the railings at Amaravati, which are Natalie and Scotty sex tape in the British and Madras Museums, but unfortunately the original stupa has entirely disappeared. Kanhcri and Bedsa are among the principal monuments preserved in the Bombay Presidency, and the problems raised arc, in some cases, very Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo plicated owing to centurics-long neglect Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo the deleterious effect of climate.

With the return of peace inanother spell of strangely chequered fortune awaited us— the outcome of the unstable condi- tions and kaleidoscopic changes brought about by the war. Foreign invasions and dynastic struggles account for the disappearance of most of the civil architecture in the historical period.

Tbors bro. Cracks in their arches or domes, however, may involve dismantling and rebuilding, but treatment with cement grouting is generally found effective. The reason was twofold. The earliest dated Hindu temple of stone masonry yet discovered in western India is the temple of Meguti of the early Chalukyan style at Aiholc in the Bijapur district, bearing an inscription of King Pulakcsin II in the Saka year a.

A scries of temples of the later Chalukyan period, each with its definite individualistic features more or less intact, is under protection in the Kanaresc districts of Dharwar and Bijapur, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. The following account will give an idea of the activities of the Archeological Department in preserving these priceless relics from destruction. The pietra dura ornamentation in the recess behind the royal seat at the Diwan-i-Am hall of public audience was renovated.

I t la-oqual to the Pera. Tbeao pbenonona aro not poruau-ont or raro ly ao l ra lu6norooEeta and ear tbquakoaars thote rbloh bavo tbc longost duratlon; vero tboynot auf f lo lont ly l ldca lxoad thc1r. Tboro 1a no sonso ln poople rbo proooodon suoh' l lnoe, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, butRockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, noYortb 'o loae, they agoopt lnd1oa-tlous frorn tbi sol of tho algns 1n the same tlay ao fromth.

The other smaller sites discovered in Sind. In Sind, besides the recently discovered monuments of the pre- historic period, rhcrc arc a number of stupas, which have been excavated and conserved by the Archxological Department. At the tomb and college of Ala-ud-Din Khalji the posi- tion of the outer wall on the north, east and west was determined, and the remains of what appeared to be a grave were revealed in the central compartment some seven feet beneath the surface.

Probably the most striking example of preservation of a famous Buddhist site is Nalanda. The Northern Circle is in charge of the monuments of the United Provinces. In regard ' to t taahr fqr or Persian sister got stucked l l ty ,tbe ln fer lor p lanete ln tha n ldd le of Jim xx video l r re t rogrado-courso-resotrb lo tho supor lor ln the n ldd lo of tbo l rd l root course.

Not only were our funds drastically re- duced, but several of our staff were on military service, and the army had also claimed many of our trained workmen, among them some out of the 1.

Ercykl o! And there is the further difficulty that the young men best suited to this class of work arc those who have started out with a sound architectural training, but it is just these men who, in the present backward state of the architectural profession in India, arc hardest to find.

Similar is the case with Mia khalifahxxx buildings at Harappa in the Punjab. Slightly later than Elephanta may be dated the Brahmanic Cave Shrine of Jogcsvari near Andheri in the suburbs of Bombay, which is the second largest in the Bombay Presidency and third largest in the whole of India. The principles governing conservation operations in general have been applied to these monuments, and it is only in limited cases, notably at the palaces and tombs of the Mughal Emperors at Delhi and Agra, that restoration of ornament has been effected.

Among structural Buddhist monuments, most were brought to light by the activities of the Department, and it is natural that they have been conserved with great care and at great expense and labour. Once the strength of the bricks or the mutual hold of the stone masonry is lost there is generally little to be done by way of support or patchwork, and the entire structure has to be dismantled and rebuilt with cement or lime masonry.

The slow and steady action of nature cannot ordinarily destroy a fraction of what human agency has done in war and in peace. Soianki temples of Gujarat and Kathiawar, and sometimes also as the Chalukyan architecture of Gujarat.

The oldest well under protection is that of Mau Bhavani, just outside Ahmadabad. One of the most important centres here is Markandi in Chanda district, where a group of fine temples with beautiful sculptures still awaits proper treatment. They selected that city for their capital, and it was there that they erected 58 revealing India's past iheir first memorials. Westminster Abbey Anjuli Arora full video fuck Windsor Castle.

The auaere. Indeed, the grace and magnificence of these edifices and, above all, the historical importance attached to them, demanded such treatment to revive their former glory. At first the provinces were responsible for meeting the expenditure on conservation, the Government of India only assisting important projects with a grant-in-aid.

The Eastern Circle embraces Bengal and Assam. Thls 1s oonJunotlon lnlongltudc. Z-goloei l ; ; ; tho ia io "rrangenent 1ausod for both drurnal and nooturqar nai i r r t iuui uutf roquont ly polnto I aut l z aro ' rndciotraoeid: ior nooturnalo n o s. The v lo tory nust a lvays be b lvsn to tbat ong xb loh hasthe.

The best examples of Hindu Cave architecture now kept in a state of permanent preservation are the rock-cut temples of Elephanta to A, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. The Elephanta Caves have re- vealed a group of seven Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. More recently special grants have been made, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

Buol lo- RoY. Es dotorrnlnod by orporlonoo and obaorvo-t lod o f tho e tgna tho obangos 1n tbs a t -moapb,oro whlcb aro lndloatsd by tboa lgna as a rbo loby tho lnd lv ldua l.

Recently the outer face of the Dhamckh stupa has been rendered watertight. You can teach a man the principles and technique of conservation, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, hut unless he is endowed with a certain measure of good taste and good judgment, you cannot turn him iuto a good conservator, any more than you can rum him into a good architect or a good painter. It is needless to say that the most impor- tant monument at Agra is the Taj Mahal, which has ever been tended with great solicitude.

That would be too much to expect. The latter also is surrounded by a high wall, and has entrance gateways on the south, cast and west. A number of stone bas-reliefs of great artistic and icono- gtaphica! Especially was this the ease among the ruins of Vijayanagar. Any amount of surface treatment has been fonnd unequal to the task of resisting the inroads of this insidious enemy of brick construc- tion.

Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo

Baluchistan and the Punjab cannot unfortunately be taken in hand for preservation, unless their ex- ploration has advanced considerably, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, and it is here that the future spells havoc to these unprotected and unexplored treasure-houses of past achievement.

In the Punjab the only examples of Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo architecture are the group of temples in the Kangra district, the most important of which arc the temple of Baijnath at Kiragram and the rock-cut temples at Masur and a group of much-weathered temples in the Kashmir style of architecture at Amb, Malot and Katas in the Salt Range.

Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo Erxled. What has been left in comparative quiet during the cen- turies of internecine war may be disturbed during the times of peace. The tomb itself was well eared for, but the garden was a wilderness. II I'ot an lnoorreotdeflnlt ion of hayldJ soe Fagnan.

The ls t 5 th and 9th of theso co lumns forn respoo. Dr l hi. In the heart of the city of Poona the Shanwarwada Palace, built between and by the Second Peshwa, Bajirao Ballal, is now receiving concentrated archarological attention.

This was but a name twenty-five years ago, but is now one of the best-known Buddhist centres where one can visualize much of the original magnificence of this estab- lishment — thanks to the continuous system of conservation initiated by Mr. The conservation of a monument of one period is comparatively an easy task, but to preserve and demonstrate the successive layers over the original construction is no simple matter; this, however, has been accomplished with conspicuous success at Nilanda.

Another cause of devastation in India is the prevalence of earth- quakes, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, to which the submontane belt of northern India and in particular Assam and Baluchistan at the eastern and western ends arc specially liable.

The great pressure of population on Indian soil tends to convert year Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo year thousands of acres of uncultivated waste into agricultural land, and this in turn leads to the steady removal of stones, bricks and earth from the habitations of old where they have lain for centuries. The various monuments have been connected with pathways, and they are now seen in coherent relation to each other.

The monuments in different localities have been par- celled out in separate groups. Other buildings in Bengal which also came in for early attention were the Sath Gumbaz Mosque at Bagerhat, the mosque of Zafar Khan Ghazi at Tribeni, five Hindu temples at Vishnupur in the Bankura District, which seemed specially representative of local styles of Bengal architecture, and the Asoka pillar at Rampurva, which was raised from a swamp and set on high, dry ground near by.

Many noble examples of tanks and reservoirs constructed in rich masonry and imposing designs have been found intact and are being preserved; also the stepped well, which is an architectural product peculiar to Gujarat. The earliest examples are in the Barabar and Nagarjuni hills near Gaya, some of which belong to the third century b. That, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, I think, was the sincerest compliment we could have had.

The central panel represents the figure of Orpheus sitting under a tree with a lion, a leopard and a hare at his feet, and fiddling to a circle of listening birds. The Provinces of Bombay and the United Provinces with and monuments respectively account for over half the total number in India.

Suokl lngrnut t funont ,d laaater to eyoc l f ovot. Madras with monuments, which include a group of 91 monuments in the Bellarv district, containing the famous Xxx bp vapp ruins, stands third in number; while the next place is occupied by the Central Provinces with monuments, which are almost evenly divided throughout the area.

Aotrologorarhorovcrruoe 1t for naklng t leolglbus uuto oo loura lgood and or l l ra t rongth 'and rs0krsssJoy and. During the Viceroyalty of I. They were reset in An Italian mosaicist was brought to India, and the work completed in The well-known palaces of the Delhi Fort have been restored to their former condition and arc maintained in perfect order. Fortunately, a more or less complete Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo establishment survived in an out- of-the-way comer near the Kistna river at Nagarjunikonda, and this has been preserved after excavation and the sculptures are exhibited in a local museum built on the spot.

Bengal has monuments, while Sind, Assam and Bihar have between 50 and 60 each. Two years later these four posts were put on a permanent basis, but have since, I understand, been abolished. The most outstanding monuments of the Jains arc situated in the States of Kathiawar, Rajputana.

Delhi and Lahore — gardens which for twenty years we had been labouring with such painstaking care to restore. Tboflrst Dltrtb of the troplcal dgns,tbe flftb of the flredand tbo nlutb of tho bloor? At the time of which I am writing, wc had to depend for the actual execution of our repairs on the Public Works Department and its contractors, our own officers being responsible for deciding in the first place on what was to be done, for checking the estimates and subsequently for watching the progress of the operations.

Igra lao ae Astar! The ruins of the college of Firoz Shah Tughlaq and his tomb at Hauz Khas have been re- paired, and the site has been laid out with grass lawns and shrubs. Other examples, such as the Bhattiprolu and Jaggayyapetta. Let us remember that it is only within recent years — and this is as true of Gay blonde cute boys as it is of India — that Govern- ment has awakened to its responsibility for preserving these ancient monuments.

Had he been my guru and 1 his pupil, he could not have taken more trouble or been more patient and considerate. But I do mean that with proper selection and adequate training, thoroughly capable officers need never be lacking in any of these branches, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. The latest instance of disappearance of a protected monu- ment owing to erosion is that of the stupa at Rohkari in the Mian- wali district in Punjab, whic h has been washed away by the Indus.

All the other palace buildings were relieved of modern accretions, and restored to their former condi- tion. A r l es rb toh haa thocraltat lon of tho gunS 2nd. Of the former class, the pillars at Lauriya Nandangarh and Lauriya Araraj in North Bihar are intact and under preservation, while the pillar at Rampurva, which was found recumbent, is lying under a shed erected on the site.

In another step forward was taken in connection with Muslim epigraphy by the appointment of an Assistant Superin- tendent and a small staff to help the honorary Government Epigraphisr, Mr.

Ghulam Yazdani, who, besides being editor of the Epigraphia Indo-Moslemico, was also Director of Archaeology in Hyderabad State and had only a limited time to spare for the copy- ing and publication of new inscriptions or for re-editing those which had been indifferently published before the Epigraphia Indo- Moslemica was started in And, because all these are matters that arc being dealt with in other chapters of this book, I have been equally silent about its achievements in the cpigraphical sphere, about the surveys it has carried out, the expeditions it has sent to foreign countries, and the various scries of Reports and other publications it has issued.

The deflection of the present course of the Indus towards the ruins, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, which is causing a certain amount of anxiety about their safety at the present moment, is a forceful reminder of what might have happened 5, years ago. Prov int lon; ' I fhor tbero '1a a tb i rd p lanet ln 'as lgn be tneen the ' l n f s r l o r ' and super lo r one6r1 t. This came out with unwonted clearness ar the beginning of the Great War, when meet- ings were being held on every hand in support of Government, and speaker after speaker laid stress on these archxological activities as the strongest testimony of Government's inherent sympathy with the people.

The United Provinces have monuments, of which a large number arc sites and mounds, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. The Cent. Sl -2 nas theauthor of sovelal aetrologloal booksramong them one. A number of stone bas-reliefs of great artistic and icono- gtaphica! Conbugtlon also ohangec tbo naturo and otheroondll t lons l lke r ls1ng hnd sett lng rbloh brlng about. It is now certain that the vagaries of the Indus, which at one lime approached and another rime receded from the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro, had something to do with the destruction of the site.

Vogel and his assistants copied in colour about half of the enamel tile panels on the face of the Lahore Fore. Thoreaul t 1o Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo longest por lod of l l fc to l l lob tbenat lye oab at ta Ashly Anderson multiple creampie l f ono of the anacrota lq doos notln ter fsre. Fa i turo,abondonod, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. The existing remains at these places are only a few, and their out-of-the-way situation renders difficult the operations of excavation and conservation, but the interest taken by Buddhist pilgrims does not allow the places to fall into oblivion.

The best examples of the Chola style is the Brihadisvara temple at Tanjore. His archeological correspondence alone in that period covers over quarto pages of print, and during the four years that 1 worked under him, rarely a week went by that he did not send for me.

Thus the great prehistoric city of Harappa, which was left to settle in its debris for nearly four millennia, was all but destroyed in the nineteenth century by railway contractors who laid their hands on it for the sake of the inexhaustible brick supplies which it yielded for their requirements of ballast.

In spite of the religious sanctity attached to mosques and tombs, many were utilized for residential pur- poses. Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo United Provinces have monuments, of which a large number arc sites and mounds. LlgebutarrPereoa autefl zaruootar. Since its inception under Sleeping mom son room xxx Curzon the Archaeological De- partment has placed conservation in the Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo of its programme, and this at present accounts for the bulk of the expenditure.

The roasotr of tbe ohange ln the orblto f tbo oployolo le tbat tbe aot lon of the la t ter lsbound, up rtth tho cutr, Ed lt ls gald that noatnessto tho gun Eoauo dlryrrcsa'and dtstanoo trolsture. The timely intervention, however, of the Secretary of State and the Viceroy— Lord Reading— prevented this short-sighted step being taken; and thanks to the same intervention the threatened cut was reduced to aaj p. In Burma, Mr. Forchhamrncr had brought together from Pagan, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

Again in contrast with the latter, the Muslim buildings are not profusely embellished with carvings, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo their ornament consists of geometrical and floral pattern, admitting of little individuality of treatment. Jahangir and Shah Jahan, including the renowned Taj Mahal, which is famous throughout the world for its grace and beauty.

The most outstanding example of Gupta temples in North India are the stone temples of Deogarh in the Jhansi district and a group of seven or eight brick temples in various degrees of preservation in the districts of Cawn- pore and Fatchpur.

S I s B sdtm1p1"5 fo r tuno, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. Iraq and elsewhere in the Near East the interest of the private excavator in the subject of his researches rarely induces him to make adequate arrangements for the preservation of the standing monuments brought to light by his efforts. So, too, at Lahore, the beautiful Pearl Mosque was stripped of the ponderous surround of brick with which it had been turned into a Government Treasury, and its glistening marbles once again dis- closed to the light of day; the Chhoti Khwabgah sleeping hall of Shah Jahan.

The latest instance of disappearance of a protected monu- ment owing to erosion is that of the stupa at Rohkari in the Mian- wali district in Punjab, whic h has Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo washed away by the Indus. The main principles underlying conservation have been clearly set forth in a depart- mental manual, entitled Conservation Manual, which covers the 4 0 RF.

The organization of conservation in the Archeological Survey is based on the Circle system. Of the former class, the pillars at Lauriya Nandangarh and Lauriya Araraj in North Bihar are intact and under preservation, while the pillar at Rampurva, which was found recumbent, is lying under a shed erected on the site.

Nor has this feeling of gratitude been confined to the supporters of Government. They fall into four groups, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. Eolo aat ro logy roaobec apoii t rbloh throatons to tranoglole l-t ,a propor l lmltotin. On the entire west coast of the peninsula, practically no remains of Hindu architecture have survived, except some rock-cut caves in sheltered positions, a few temples in the Kanara style and some records on stone and copper preserved by chance, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

Not much, however, has survived Muslim invasions in Gujarat. Caretakers have been appointed; and in the case of monuments which are privately owned, agreements have been executed with their respective trustees or owners.

Two other pillars, one at Allahabad and the other at Samath, are under protection; while the excavation of the Kumrahar site near Patna brought to light another polished sandstone pillar of Asokan origin, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

The deflection of the present course of the Indus towards the ruins, which is causing a certain amount of anxiety about their safety at the present moment, is a forceful reminder of what might have happened 5, years ago.

Here, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, too, we restored to the throne of the Great Mughal the mosaic panels, including the well-known picture of Orpheus fiddling to a group of listening animals, which had been earned off after the Mutiny, and which Lord Curzon succeeded in getting back from the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Rajgir, the oldest of the historical capitals of Bihar, has been the centre of archaeological activities since ; and the Maniyar Math, a cylindrical building most probably devoted to 46 RF. Another great centre of Buddhism is the well-known establishment at Samath, where the remains unearthed extend over a wide range, covering almost the entire period of existence of Buddhism in India from the times of Asoka to the Gaharwar kingdom of the twelfth century.

As the reconstruction of the earliest history of the Madras Presi- dency depends upon the proper examination and fruitful synthesis of the results of these early monuments, the importance of pro- tecting them is obvious.

A series of forts and citadels arc also included among the protected Hindu remains of these parts, but they mostly belong to the seventeenth-eighteenth centuries. The climatic conditions of Bengal and the original construction, devoid of any cementing material other than mud, make it incumbent on the Department to attempt a wholesale restoration of the walls exactly on the lines of the original construction.

By the side of the Ajmer lake in Rajputana, the whole embank- ment of Shah Jahan. But 1n a l l oondl l t lona thore lealwaya an adml. Tbls l t oa lLed rnaql i or t rans lat lon and Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo betYroent io p iaouta 11bloh i re lnoonJr. Ia thla oondlt lou they renaln l lkeprlaonora ln oonflncnent untl l thc t l latanoo of venuoand Heroury frm ttro surr anounta to I3o.

Thla-po1nt 1cdeaor lbsd ao tbe beglmlng of t tashr lqr or lenta l l ty rubut tbey ara rot neooesar l ly v ls lb le at th ls. And lndeed tbc cadcnt bousos are uot a1lko 1ntUlfr iegtruotive lnf luegoearbooauae altbough tho 5rd-aud gth housoe are oadcntRockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, tha 6th qnd 12th aro uot on lyoadont but are 'o Iao lnoonJunot to ths horoeool rc '. Madras with monuments, which include a group of 91 monuments in the Bellarv district, containing the famous Hampi ruins, stands third in number; while the next place is occupied by the Central Provinces with monuments, which are almost evenly divided throughout the area.

At present, besides a few of these paintings near Hoshangabad New viral katorsex the Central Provinces and in the Mirzapur hills in the United Provinces, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, there are no other monuments of this type under the care of the Archaeological Department.

I lben bealog-ed-by, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. Tbo folLot-1ng tablo 1s takon: Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo Ptoloray. Foremost among those to denounce the idea of decentralization were Lord Curzon and Lord Minto, who had but recently retired from the viceroyalty. It should also be borne in mind that most of the monuments with which we had to deal— whether Hindu. Thc p lauet a t tho f l ra t roct lng p laoe appearaotranglod, bopcloas, ln tbc f l ro t ssot lou of.

The great temple at Bhuvanesvar and other important examples of this style, as it developed between the eighth and twelfth centuries at this place, arc still in use for religious worship and in the bands of the custodian priests, who are unwilling to submit to the requirements of the Depart- ment. Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo the outer face of the Dhamckh stupa has been rendered watertight, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

The other reason, which I do not hesitate to confess, was that we were more likely to get spectacular finds on these Buddhist sites than anywhere else, and such finds were absolutely indispensable to us. The Good rulers, who arc the aborigines of the provinces, have left a remarkable scries of monuments in the Chanda, Jubbulporc and Chindwara districts. The temples, palaces, and bazaars, even in Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo present ruined condition, bear eloquent testimony to the glory of the fallen empire, which by bringing unity and peace throughout southern India stimulated so much architectural activity in the Madras Presi- dency.

Ar the time of the Mutiny in many of these panels were picked our and taken away, and twelve ultimately reached the South Kensington Museum.

The style of architecture of these monuments is arcuate, being based on arches, vaults and domes as contrasted with the trabcated con- struction of Hindu temples. Thon eubtraot P laoe I f rcn Plaoo?

As an instance of the former may be mentioned the discovery of a large hoard of Kashmir coins found in the course of excavating a canal in the Banda District of Bundelkhaud, United Provinces, which corroborated the claim of the conquest of that part by a Kashmir prince made in the well- known Kashmir chronicle Rdjalaranginl In the Madras Presidency the cromlechs, cists and other forms of burials practised by the historic and iron age inhabitants arc in danger of being destroyed by cultivators and amateur diggers; and it is rarely possible for the Archeological Department to take measures before the mis- chief has been well-nigh completed, in some cases irretrievably.

Both aro ehorn ln tho fo l1on1ng tab lo.

More recently special grants have been made. The groups at Bhaja and Karle, Nasik and Junnar. I may add that in the course of twenty years of digging at Taxila I found it advisable to be frequently varying my programme, at one time occupying myself with Buddhist monasteries scattered over the countryside, at another with one or other of the city sites: for although the latter were archieologicallv more important, it was the monasteries, with their wealth of sculptures and other objects, that helped especially to keep alive the interest of visitors.

Iv l taEI f Ueoonlng ret rogrado aut l tbus f ruot rs t lnB; ; r ; i ; i foo. In the Province of Bihar no Hindu remains arc preserved, except the Mundcsvari temple in Shahabad district which, though belonging to the seventh century, has later received extensive repair, and a few examples of ruckcut sculptures along the bed of the Ganges in Bhagalpur district.

In the sphere of Epigraphy, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, Dr. I Iultzsch. Travolrc11g1on, p lo tyfa toBol louen6oa Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo of knorledgo fron the stara anddlv lnat lon, ph l loaophy, au: rcy lng, sbarp d laooru-mont, tructnorthlnooa, lutorprotatlon of vlsloneand droama.

In the first instance only two scholarship were created — one for proficiency in Sanskrit, the oiher for proficiency in Persian and Monimauve but later on, when the experiment had proved a success, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo third scholarship was offered for Burmese Archeology, and subsequently six more scholarship were added, viz.

Another important group of caves which have been rescued from oblivion and arc being kept in a good state is the one at Badami in the Bijapur district, comprising three excavations of Brahmanic origin and one of Jain construction.

Y Ch l l d ron r l t l onda ro lo theaf l eaau reJoL I l t t l eaoqulsltton of proprtyraoourulated. This was but a name twenty-five years ago, but is now one of the best-known Buddhist centres where one can visualize much of the original magnificence of this estab- lishment — thanks to the continuous system of How to turn girlfriend on initiated by Mr.

The conservation of a monument of one period is comparatively an easy task, but to preserve and demonstrate the successive layers over the original construction is no simple matter; this, however, has been accomplished with conspicuous success at Nilanda. The fractured marble facing of the main tomb has been renewed, and the inlay decoration, which forms the most interesting feature of the Taj, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, has been restored.

The new scheme, which was sanctioned by the Secretary of State early inalso provided for the transfer of the Central Provinces and Berar from the Western to the Eastern Circle, and the replacing of the post of Epigraphist in Madras by that of Government Epigraphist for all India.

This, however, was not always so. North Arcot and Madura Districts. Other examples, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo as the Bhattiprolu and Jaggayyapetta. The Archaeological Department drew up a scheme for the improve- ment of these buildings, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo was completed in eight or nine years.

Thus, while in North-West India — viz. I have no shadow of doubt, and that is why 1 am confident that we have nothing to fear —so far as archeology is concerned— from the progressive Indian- ization of Government. The wonderful pre- servative qualities of the Egyptian atmosphere and the absence of torrential monsoon rainfall in Western Asia account Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo the state of preservation of ancient monuments in these parts, despite the inattention of the authorities.

Most of the surviving standing monu- ments belong to the late Ahom period of the Cewe korea onani and eighteenth centuries, and include the groups of temples at Sibsagar, Jaisagar and Gaurisagar, which arc named after the ruling kings and queens of the Ahom dynasty.

In Egypt. Pinya and Ava. During the same period Dr. Cousens of nearly in Western India, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, including some from the neighbour- hood of Mt. In Central India some magnificently engraved slabs were discovered built into the mihriib niche in the centre of the western wall of a mosque at Dhar, which, besides other records, bore the greater part of a drama composed by the famous Kaja Bhoja about the time of the Norman Conquest; and portions of a somewhat similar drama were brought to light in the course of our repairs at the Arhai-din-ka-Jhompra mosque at Ajmer.

Among the stupas, of which some 84, are reputed to have been built by Asoka, none have been preserved in their original form to this day. B on t ie longtb of huuan l l fe. The Bijai Mandal, which was the palace of Muhammad Shah Tughlaq, has been effectively conserved, and excavations carried out in its neighbourhood have revealed the remains of the Qasr-i-Hazar Satun hall of one thousand pillarswhich is said to have been erected by that emperor.

I t r Tbe t ieasury of tho Sul tan, l ta of f lo la la ,t roub lo l n t he o f f l oo r fo re lgno r to ob l l d ,seryants obl ldroad tabt l l th lngo ;h lob arosound, boautlfulr ' advantagoouo, tbe 'beg1rui1ngo ofa f fa i r sf r l endoh lp o f t bo g roa t rb r l bo ry r food.

His energy was unbounded. The most famous of Sivaji's forts is at Rayagadh in Kolaba district. Elsewhere permanent records were made of a number of monuments, which for one reason or another it had been decided not 10 conserve.

Hargreaves and Blakiston, each of whom was to become Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo Mr. Gordon Sanderson, a young architect of distinction, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, who was killed on the Western Front in ; Mr.

Natcsa Aiyar, a promising Madrasi scholar, who died in ; and Mr. With the advent of war in much of our work had neces- sarily to be suspended. Very few examples of this type remain, and apart from the group at Taxila and the stupa at Manikiala in the Punjab and the Shapola stupa in the Khyber Pass, there is little left for the Department to preserve. The rich and pious Jain community considers it a point of honour to attend to their ancient places of worship, but in this process Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo renovation the authenticity of the early examples is almost entirely lost.

The two marble pavilions contained therein were overhauled and conserved. But the term tashrlq 1o properly l l tulted totbe. Tbeao a re ths p r l no lp lea xh lob mua t bo ro l l sd rupon and uacd at 6yery auntvoraary of tho nor ld-yoarrand l ts quar tera, a loo at evory oonJunot lon andoppo6l t lon of. IYf lo1da, houaao,rater-aupplX r knor lodgo ofgenoalogrrrbat auooeoda death, and rhat bappens totho doad.

It is now certain that the vagaries of the Indus, which at one lime approached and another rime receded from the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro, had something to do Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo the destruction of the site.

The initial stages of the work of conservation as it was conceived and accomplished by Sir John Marshall have been detailed in Chapter I of this volume. AIso fromr ls tng to set t lng tn tbe orb l t o f the eployole, forf rom the ot lonta l. The climatic conditions of Bengal and the original construction, devoid Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo any cementing material other than mud, make it incumbent on the Department to attempt a wholesale restoration of the walls exactly on the lines of the original construction.

Ind la I whero th ,e tcentroa of tho s tgnsr ehould! Baluchistan and the Punjab cannot unfortunately be taken in hand for preservation, unless their ex- ploration has advanced considerably, and it is here that the future spells havoc to these unprotected and unexplored treasure-houses of past achievement.

Thus the great prehistoric city of Harappa, which was left to settle in its debris for nearly four millennia, was all but destroyed in the nineteenth century by railway contractors who laid their hands on it for the sake of the inexhaustible brick supplies which it yielded for their requirements of ballast.

In Mohenjo-Daro, the wonderful prehistoric city of Sind, the buildings unearthed in some pans of the main mound, though in excellent condition when disclosed, were covered with white efflorescence within a week and may be crumbling away within a month and utterly in mins after a year or two, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

Both were set up in their present places by Firoz Shah Tughlaq in the fourteenth century. The remaining six caves, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, though not rivalling Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo majesty of the Great Cave, have not re- ceived less preservative attention. Looking back on those early years, between andI cannot help feeling some pride in the great volume of work which, despite our small numbers, we managed to accomplish.

Even then the progressive deterioration in the condition of the exposed terra-cotta plaques and stone panels necessitated other means of protection, such as removal to a place where the elements will not be free to play havoc on them.

With these reservations, however, demanded by the particular conditions prevailing in India, the object which Lord Cur7. XI I Fugl t lvosrr r l toro, thoso lbo uegleot devot lon,a preolous gom,pr lognorsr tho nat ter rh toh PI9-csded ' tho quoa t lon rp rope r t y o f opp ro6so rsth leves ,Iost propor tyraoornrenYy Snd f raud '. The Eastern Circle embraces Bengal and Assam. Nono of theso aro employod by profos-g1ona1 aatrologorar;bo aro utrahlmous ln ualng thoBgfpt lan tormarbooause thoy aro Doro ool rsot.

In the Mami ka xxx video in Jim country in the north-west, a large number of stupas, which were erected during the Kushana period, arc dis- tinguished hy rectangular basements often with niches decorated by figures of Buddha.

In many parts of India catalogues were already in existence, notably in the Bombay and Madras Presidencies, Coorg, the Central Provinces and Bcrar and the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh; and besides these, rough provisional catalogues had also been made for the Punjab, Bengal and Burma.

The torag of rAs lardtugt aro i l le t r lbuted botroonthe sevon p lanets Uadfual r l. The most important earlier temples at Aiholc and othcre of the same period have been preserved against decay. The majority of the caves, however, pertain to Western India, where the hard trap was particularly suited for carving out shelters for the sojourn of Buddhist monks.

These monuments are nearly all religious edifices, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, such as temples, tanks and inscribed stone slabs. While, however, this sort of detailed survey-work had to be rigidly curtailed, the cataloguing of the ancient remains of the country was taken up again with increased vigour, since it was recognized that this was an indispensable preliminary to any systematic programme of conservation and research.

At Ahmadabad in the same circle the tombs of Shah Alam, Achyut Bibi and the Queens of Ahmad Shah came in for various improvements, and at Burbanpur in the Central Provinces the ruined fortress towering high above the Tapti river, the Jami Masjid, and the tombs of Shah Shuja and other local chiefs, were put into a state of sound structural repair.

At the time of the architectural development of the western Chalukya empire in the south, another branch was promoting similar activity in the Gujarat and Kathiawar regions in the north. It alao ooour' nbsn tbroe '. The Inchcapc Com- mittee brought down the expenditure to seven lakhs in and Maya 5alefa Retrenchment Committee of to four and a half lakhs, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

Only one, and the latest example of the Bhuvanesvar style, viz. Apart from this contretemps, the Department was left free and undisturbed for several years to press on with its many tasks.

It was to this end that in the spring of Dr. Vogel and myself did some trial digging at Charsadda, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, the ancient Pushkalavati. In some instances the discovery of valuable historical material in course of digging canals has been brought to the notice of the Archeological Department, but in most eases these reports arc nor made and the loss to science is incalculable. In Orissa the caves at Khandagiri and Udavagiri, some of which belong to the Jaina faith, arc also among the earliest.

The ground between the excavated buildings has been lowered to its former level, the open counyards have been planted with grass and the vanished colonnades with shrubberies.

Tbs so l l os 1sshorm 1n the annsrod tab lo ae ropor tod, to us. First, in As a result of this reorganization, Mr. Hirananda Sastri and K. His Committee at first proposed to reduce our funds by 90 per cent. The Northern Circle is in charge of the monuments of the United Provinces. At the Jain Dilwara Temples on Mr. Abu, we succeeded in the difficult task of tdrruping up a number of broken marble lintels without displacing or damaging the exquisitely fragile traceries; and within the Chitor Fort we intervened to prevent the Tower of Fame being dismantled and rebuilt, and were able to save the Darbar a con- siderable sum of money by confining the repairs to the crowning storey.

The most destructive aspect of nature is the normally heavy rainfall, particularly in eastern India and along the west coast belt. Thus, while in North-West India — viz. The library ha9 now, I understand, been shifted from Simla to New Delhi. It was struck again by lightning in the yearwhen the cupola surmounting it was thrown down and the whole structure was seriously injured. Suffice it to say that it was his guiding hand and forethought that laid out the principal details of the scheme of conservation, as at present followed in every essential detail by the staff of the Archeological and Public Works Depart- ments who arc responsible for this work.

Similar is the case with the buildings at Harappa in the Punjab. Thanks to the comprehensive scheme launched by the late Lord Curzon the main lines of approach to the great problem of the conservation of all the national monuments of India were laid once for all in Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo beginning Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo the twentieth cen- tury, Except in the Netherlands Indies and French Indo-China, the State has not anywhere in the East recognized this obligation of passing on to the next generation the heritage of earlier times.

Barakar and Jatar-deul in the Gangeuc delta; the first named has been thoroughly repaired. At headquarters he was just as tireless— though in a different way.

The Muslim monuments are scattered more or less throughout the country, but their chief centres are such places as were the capitals of the Muslim empire or the independent provincial monarchies. Fahal yanfaall al-zulruh fI dhallka rant 1s nooc8sa ry to ' d l s t l ngu l sh 0e t l l 6onIT- Is Doocoaary to 'd ls t lngulah betroon. The Inchcapc Com- mittee brought down the expenditure to seven lakhs in and the Retrenchment Committee of to four and a half lakhs.

The Provinces of Bombay and the United Provinces with and monuments respectively account for over half the total number in India. In Orissa, on the other Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, the most magnifi- cent examples of Indian temple architecture are to be seen at Bhuvanesvar, Puri and Konarak. A o lgn may a l so bo d t -vtd,od, rntoffihriydt Veix of 2o30r, oaoh. As events proved, rhe policy was amply justified: for not only did we recover an array of magni- ficent sculptures Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo other antiquiiies which appealed at once and widely to the public, hut we laid the foundations for our future work far more securely and rapidly than we could otherwise have done.

The ssoond nothod ls rhen an ln fer lor p lar ie ttends to oonJoln n l tb a b16hor one and. These are the seyou Unlversql x. Under the tomb of Altamish there was discovered a crypt which contained the real grave of the emperor. The ln fer lor p ldnet 'doos not oonJoln x l tb the ln ter :ned, la te obe but r Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo th thesuper lo r La te t:. As Viceroy he had been behind all our Maduros hombres masturbándose, planning, guiding and inspiring us at every turn, and helping us out of the abundance of his own experience.

Several of the pillars in the colonnade of Altamish, which had gone out of plumb, were dismantled and re-erected. Among these, the wonderfully preserved prehistoric city of Mohcnjo-Daro in Sind stands pre-eminent.

X flngoruoiabloorJudgear tho oolsbratsd 1n a l lo laeso i rdn t r and b ts oonduo t ' l n o f f l oo r tb lugoner ly log l t l tD lzad r r lno, a top-uothol. Prominent among these are the temples, pre- dominantly Vaishnava, at Vishnupur, a small kingdom which maintained a state of semi-indcpcndcncc in the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries. In many places the archaeologist has had to dig out the story of the buried remains.

Only a few of them arc noticed here. Among the stupas, of which some 84, are reputed to have been built by Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, none have been preserved in their original form to this day. Gonlnl- - - - - in ro la tho ne tbod o f oa lcu la t lon adopted 'byptolony for tu i -p l" i -o! Earlier examples of spired temples in brick and stone arc found at Bahulara. I f a p lans t abou ld be x l t b ln l esa than 16 r o f oon -Junot lon wl th the sun or bave paseod l t by loge thanthe ' same emour l t r 1 t l s des lgna ted as taan fmr.

Taurua of the Moon; SrdCenln l. In the Gandhara country in the north-west, a large number of stupas, which were erected during the Kushana period, arc dis- tinguished hy rectangular basements often with niches decorated by figures of Buddha. Humayun's tomb is the first specimen in India of a garden tomb, the style being subsequently adopted for the mausolea of many Mughal emperors and nobles. Foreign invasions and dynastic struggles account for the disappearance of most of the civil architecture in the historical period.

It consists of a temple rising in three or more terraces around a cen- tral block in the shape of a gigantic cross with rectangular projec- tions between each arm, all embellished with friezes of decorated bricks and thousands of terra-cotta plaques showing a bewildering variety of human and animal motifs, scenes of mythology and folk- lore.

To prophesy is always dangerous, but, for myself, 1 have few fears about it. Defore ihe ' lnferlof planot oomplotes. What has been left in comparative quiet during the cen- turies of internecine war may be disturbed during the times of peace.

Similar treatment has been extended to the Purana Qila, or the Old Fort of Humayun, which has been swept bare of the squalid villages. Lqp"rs 4: ' Avoy xq5. I S g ggtves a faurti-a. The roof of the Diwan-i-Khas hall of private audience was renewed, and the modern ceiling ornamented with gold painting was repaired. The mosque and the surround- ing buildings had been reduced to masses of min.

More than once he received me lying on his back in bed and obviously in pain: but there was always a welcoming smile, and he would go through case after case, discussing each in detail and examining plans and drawings with meticulous care: and when passing orders he always made a point of explaining his reasons and the principles underlying his decision: for it was his purpose, as he used 10 say, not merely to dispose of the eases before him.

During the last three years the Elephanta caves with their world-famous sculptures have received a great deal of attention; and besides extensive measures to prevent the percola- tion of water, elaborate chemical treatment of the surface of the sculptures has been found necessary.

Aga1u1f the bonefo,otor arrlvoa at a slmllar dleadvantagoouss l tua t l on ,and 1s -app l1ed. Among structural Buddhist monuments, most were brought to light by the activities of the Department, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, and it is natural that they have been conserved with great care and at great expense and labour.

At Shahdara the Tomb of Jahangir was also an object Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo careful attention, and much was done to arrest decay in many of the edifices connected with it.

Tbe ln l t la l -yerses o. The preservation of the crude dwellings and rock paintings left by primitive man is one of the more difficult aspects of preservation in India. Iordabtb ol tho faoo as vsry. Of the Hindu monuments comprised in the architectural heri- tage of Western India as many as are now under State protec- tion. The group of Lodi tombs in the area now occupied by the Lady WOlingdon Park have been overhauled and repaired, while the tomb of Safdarjang with its garden is maintained in good order.

They æ¡© naturally treated as integral and important features of the lay-out of the new capital city, and various schemes were drawn up for beautifying them and their surroundings.

In the small hill State of Chamba, Dr. Vogel collected a particularly inter- esting scries of epigraphs, including over forty copper-plates, and with their help succeeded in reconstructing the local dynastic lists and in other ways greatly amplifying our knowledge of the State. Th ls 1s praot lca l ly l ropooolb lo t l t6. In the United Provinces two other sites where excavated remains have been projicrly conserved arc Kasia and Sahcth Maheth— the former associated with the demise of the Master and the latter the place of his long sojourn and the scene of one of his well-known miracles.

Notb lng ls aa ld, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. To-day, most of the conservation work done in Northern India is carried out from start to finish by the Archeological Department itself. This makes its appearance on the surface after the evaporation of moisture, attacking the composition of Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo bricks and aiding their rapid disintegration. Delhi with its monuments and the Punjab with arc among the best looked after provinces from the archaeo- logical point of view.

Aethoato l r ' Bonatuar p. The preservation of the great Dhamckh stupa and other smaller stupas and temples, as also series of monasteries, is well in hand. The excavation of the Alai Darwaza disclosed rhe deep and elaborately carved plinth as well as the remains of original steps in the south and west doorways, which were covered hy modern steps.

Another cause of devastation in India is the prevalence of earth- quakes, to which the submontane belt of northern India and in particular Assam and Baluchistan at the eastern and western ends arc specially liable. At Bhuvanesvar, urgent structural repairs were effected at the Muktesvar and several other mediaeval temples; and at Khandagiri, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, the age-worn cave temples of the Jains were saved from threatened collapse, while the two stone elephants guarding the front of the Ganesa Gumpha were pieced together out of a multiplicity of fragments and set on their feet again.

The clearance of the site was undertaken from a to The area, which was excavated and arranged as a garden, includes the Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque with its extensions, the tomb of Altamish, the tomb and college of Ala-ud-Din Khalji, the Alai Darwaza, and the tomb of Imam Zatnin.

So far as the Archaeological was concerned, the pro- posal was Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo negatived by the Secretary of Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. Reoept lon.

What of the future? In the whole of North India, particularly in North-West India, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, one great destructive element is the presence of saltpetre in the soil, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. As to the rock edicts, there are two in the Frontier Province, one at Manschra and another at Shahbazgarhi; one at Kalsi.

These caves arc dug out of the side of a huge rock in ascending order. Eaoh p lanet has q Eost' favourable. Never- theless occasional opportunities were still found for continuing it Thus, in Western India, Mr. Couscns completed at this rime a fine series of drawings and photographs of the Dilwara Temples on Mt. In the Madras Presidency, Mr. Rea carried out a detailed survey of the Vijayanagar site, and the same officer com- pleted the illustrations for two monographs : one on the architecture of Malabar, the other on the architecture of the Kistna, Anantapur.

In Bengal the Hindu relics ate mainly a group in the south-west part of the province which remained comparatively free from the influence of Islam. It still exists and is placed to the south-east of the Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque. The minor Edicts at Sasaram in Bihar and Rupnath in the Jubbulpore district arc among the other early monuments regularly preserved by the Archatological Depart- ment. Enonl ea, n lecry, anr l o t lo spr l e on, d ebt Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, f lno a,ba l l r f oa r radvo rs l t y rd l 66aBop rena ta l f ano leaof nothoroat t le rharboura, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, a layoa, aoryal to ,arules, or1le, t tgnults.

Fbeu'of t to planets 1n aopeot, thodegrecr of tbc lnforlor one are loaa tban those bf tbeaupcrlor planet, tbc lnferlor ono ls Kukojozana to beproocadlng to oonjunotlon b.

In the cast the district of Bilaspur, which was the scat of another branch of the Kalachuri kings, contains a large number of important temples. Any amount of surface treatment has been fonnd unequal to the task of resisting the inroads of this insidious enemy of brick construc- tion. I fben tno planetg are ln the aano algn or ln troa lgna. We were working therefore in the closest cooperation with the Public Works Department, and I remember with gratitude the cvcr-ready and friendly help which we received on all hands from its officers, the wonderful resource with which they were prepared to meet all difficulties, and the generally high quality of their work.

This makes its appearance on the surface after the evaporation of moisture, attacking the composition of the bricks and aiding their rapid disintegration. Conacquently tbe troon applles l tself to al l the planetaand 1a appl lcd to by aons; Xaroury appl lea l tseI f toall cxoopt thc trootr, Yetrua to all aroept thc moon andlderotuy, the aun llara aud Juplter to those above them,Satunr alouc appllcl l tself to no planot booauso al lare balor l t.

The most important is the stupa and monastery at Mirpur Khas, which were excavated by the late Mr. Henry Couscns and Professor D. The task of keeping these brick-built monuments intact bristles with difficulties caused by die prevalence of saltpetre. The arrangements for conservation are, however, not uniform in the provinces. I Tho oortsii ahors that 1t ls not oppoattlon tn thsZoOtao ia Dozy lnoorreotly quotes fion ltull l.

Presently we shall see how, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, step by step, we succeeded in achieving our purpose, but nearly twenty years were to go by before the Archaeological Department was pm on the same, or approximately the same, footing as other collateral Departments of the Government of India; and even then it was mainly due to the War that we at last attained our goal.

This policy of attracting promising young Indians to seek a career in the Archaeological Department was one of the principal factor' which led to archaeology being introduced into the curricula of Indian Universities, and in- directly to the widespread enthusiasm for the subject which is now manifesting itself among the cultured classes of India generally.

I utsht1n ' re oppoal to-d l reot lon i. I do not for a moment share this view. Central India and Mysore.

The main principles underlying conservation have been clearly set forth in a depart- mental manual, entitled Conservation Manual, which covers the 4 0 RF. سکس فریده organization of conservation in the Archeological Survey is based on the Circle system.

For this purpose a public road was diverted, and unsightly modern buildings removed. In Assam, the earliest extant remains arc a few ruined shrines of the Gupta period and some carvings, sculptures and ruined struc- tural temples of the tenth century mostly near Gauhati and Tczpur. In some instances the discovery of valuable historical Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo in course of digging canals has been brought to the notice of the Archeological Department, but in most eases these reports arc nor made and the loss to science is incalculable.

In Orissa the caves at Khandagiri and Udavagiri, some of which belong to the Jaina faith, arc also among the earliest, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. The tributaries of the Indus must have played havoc with the scores of cities grow- ing on their hanks, to which they brought in turn great prosperity and certain destruction.

In all cases the Archaeological Superintendents arc responsible for initiating the measures of conservation as also for their proper execution, but the degree of success achieved depends on the amount of super- vision that the Archeological Department is able to give through its own staff. The most striking feature of the cave, however, is its sculptures, beautiful examples of early mediaeval Hindu art. The rapid growth of vegetation and fast disintegration, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, for which the climate of Assam is responsible, is highly detrimental to the preservation of remains.

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The great pressure of population on Indian soil tends to convert year by year thousands of acres of uncultivated waste into agricultural land, and this in turn leads to the steady removal of stones, bricks and earth from the habitations of old where they have lain for centuries.

Md aI -h lsdr. Thqy a lso conto ln the tno malef los,the one by era l ta t lon L lbra, Saturn ; the other byhoneo Soorptus, lJars l.

In Orissa the stupendous fabric of the Black Pagoda at Konarak, the biggest of all temples in the Northern style, was excavated Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo the deep accumulations of fallen stones and drifting sand in which it lay half-buried, and the unsuspected plinth with its carved horses and Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo was brought to light.

And if I have few fears about the ability of the Indian archaeo- logist, I have equally few about the future of the Archaeological De- partment under the new Constitution. As the reconstruction of the earliest history of the Madras Presi- dency depends upon the proper examination and fruitful synthesis of the results of these early monuments, the importance of pro- tecting them is obvious. In the Bombay Presidency an unusually difficult piece of work was the repair of the colossal cornices and dripstones of the Gol Gumbaz.

Indeed, so impressed was the Pandit himself by what the Arehxological Depart- ment had achieved that he went so far as to assure me of the sup- port of his party, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, if ever we should require it in connection with our work.

The great Bihar earthquake which Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo northern India on January 15, The Kangra earthquake of and the Assam earthquake of left a trail of considerable havoc in their train, and it was years before measures could be taken to undo the damage done to the monu- ments. Two other pillars, one at Allahabad and the other at Samath, are under protection; while the excavation of the Kumrahar site near Patna brought to light another polished sandstone pillar of Asokan origin.

The palaces of the Ahom kings near Sibsagar have shared a similar fate, and heavy sums have to be annually spent in keep- ing intact the fabric of the King's palace at Garhgaon. I Agklng bora iT quoot lous l lmpor tant publ lonat tero, Lediki lediki sex romantic lediki lediki sex hot desi l t!

The first catalogue laisonni of the library, which now con- tains some 30, volumes, was ihc work of Dr. Sten Konow and was issued in Since then author and subject indexes and several supplements have been published, and ihc catalogues arc, it need hardly be said, kept up to date with the help of card indexes.

The site has been excavated and bitl out with gieen swards and copses, while the ruined structures contained in it have been preserved. They arc good conservators, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, good excavators, good cpigraphists; and they arc equally sound as curators of museums, chemists and numismatists.

The Great Cave facing north measures feet square. Tt reso are 6ty led tbe addl t touo ant l deduot lons. Other famous monu- ments at Agra which were also thoroughly overhauled and repaired at that time were the exquisite tomb of Itimad-ud-Daula and the Chini-ka-Rauza on the further bank of the Jumna, and the mausoleum of Akbar at Sikandra, where, besides other far-reaching repairs, the four half-ruined minarets over Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo entrance gateway were rebuilt.

Kadbinu rnlstross ofa farnl ly lnterpretod by aatrologetE aa algntfylng Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo or- iuo ruat l ror aa oppoacd' to Kadkhudd' nastsr o fafanf fyl clgnlfylng tbc tottl, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

Here, as also at Harappa. Even then the progressive deterioration in the condition of the exposed terra-cotta plaques and stone panels necessitated other means of protection, such as removal to a place where the elements will not be free to play havoc on them, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. These were to place the Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo on a permanent basis, to raise the pay of the local superintendents and to appoint several additional officers for the North-West Frontier and Baluchistan, the Eastern Circle and Madras.

Both were set up in their present places by Firoz Shah Tughlaq in the fourteenth century. The famous Jain temples of Mount Abu in the Sirohi State mark the most ornate representation of this style now extant. If, therefore, Indians were also apathetic, it is hardly to be wondered at. As an instance of the former may be mentioned the discovery of a large hoard of Kashmir coins found in the course of excavating a canal in the Banda District of Bundelkhaud, United Provinces, which corroborated the claim of the conquest of that part by a Kashmir prince made in the well- known Kashmir chronicle Rdjalaranginl In the Madras Presidency the cromlechs, cists and other forms of burials practised by the historic and iron age inhabitants arc in danger of being destroyed by cultivators and amateur diggers; and it is rarely possible for the Archeological Department to take measures before the mis- chief has been well-nigh completed, in some cases irretrievably, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

The Indians whom we have trained have proved their ability in every direction. In the southern portion of Bcrar, notably in Buldana, a number of monuments referring themselves to the times of the Yadava rulers in the twelfth century arc in the list of monuments under preservation. Tho la t ter are l lkep1ta, 6. Recently pamphlets have been issued by the Department in the different vernaculars of southern and western India drawing the attention of those in charge of temples to such prevalent abuses as whitewashing over architectural and sculptural masterpieces, be- smearing images and sculptured stones with oil.

The earliest among these is the Lakshmana temple at Rajim in the Raipur dis- trict, which is among the most interesting examples of early brick temples. The minor Edicts Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo Sasaram in Bihar and Rupnath in the Jubbulpore district arc among the other early monuments regularly preserved by the Archatological Depart- ment.

Very few Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo of this type remain, and apart from the group at Taxila and the stupa at Manikiala in the Punjab and the Shapola stupa in the Khyber Pass, there is little left for the Department to preserve. These forts have a value as illustrating the style of military archi- tecture in the seventeenth century. The arrangements for conservation are, however, not uniform in the provinces. Ab[ urirsharlu thle nattcr bas luoreaaodl tbe rntmterof male and feuale d,egreos, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, It should, bo.

If one leaves out of consideration the early conquest of Sind by the Arabs in the beginning of the eighth century, and the subsequent inroads of the Ghaznavids, who overran northern India in the first quarter of the eleventh century, it was at the close of the twelfth century that the Muslims established their power permanendy in India by the conquest of Delhi.

The use of the modem material has, however, to be carefully camouflaged by raking out ihc joints. The best preserved monuments of the Buddhists, which have survived intact to the present day, arc the rock-cut caves in western India and Bihar and Orissa. The splendid mosque of Sher Shah and the pavilion known after him as Shcr Mandal, which stand inside the fort, have been conserved The tombs of Humayun and Isa Khan have received due attention, and they have been thoroughly restored.

Many of the buildings were sadly in need of repair, and the area was crossed by modem roads and disfigured by unsightly military buildings. Bhandarlcar, to help Mr. Another important step taken in the same year, and one destined to have far-reaching results, was the creation of state scholarship for the training of Indian students in archae- ology. In the first place we were at that time better informed — thanks to the Chinese pilgrims and the researches of earlier archaeologists — about these Buddhist monuments generally than about any other class of remains, and it seemed to me safer, therefore, to start with these and make sure of our ground before groping our way further into the unknown.

Here, how- ever, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, the destruction wrought by the forces of nature is surpassed by the more complete annihilation at the hands of man. Thls ooours rbonthe l i r ior lor p lauot 1o lnoonJunot to tbc ouper lor ono. The protection of the Archaeological Survey was of no avail; all that the Department could do was to take the last photographs of the monument as it was nearing its inevitable doom.

In India the suspension of preserva- tion work for even a short period would seriously damage the monu- ments, and the gardens around the principal buildings would speedily become a mass of jungle. Here, as also at Harappa. Thls has also beon oal lod t rad,dr.

But the big- gest project of all at Delhi was the restoration of the famous Mughal gardens in the Fort of Shah Jahan, with their water-courses, foun- tains, flowered causeways and parterres, which had been half destroyed and buried deep in debris at the time of the Mutiny, when many of the palace buildings were blown up, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. I f an tn for lor p lanet separatea f ron an ln ter-ned la to one nh loh 1a l noonJu4o t t o a auper lo r P lan91.

The d lat r lbut lon of par tnorshlpo 1a asbefore, but tho lordr o f exal ta t lon havs preoedenoeover tbo lords of the f l rdEr la;h loh horovor prosoryotbelr orm ordat arrd ths partnorahlp ln.

Wherever he went— and his tours carried him to the furthest limits of the Indian Empire— he never failed to visit any monuments of note in the neighbourhood, to see for himself what could be done for their preservation, and to pen with his own hand detailed memoranda for the guidance of our officers. The railings around the stupa of Bharhut have been removed from their find-place in Central India to the Indian Museum, Calcutta.

Ibc tunr of tbo golar ygar and of 1tgquartore, tho oonJunotlons roppoelttons rquartota and otbarphaaoa of tbc Doouralao tbo orporlonooa of pooplo ln al lp laooa ac to tbo ra lns anvE1l66l on the daya of tbopaat yearf i r r thertho eol lpsorooubuot tona, oonJunot lono,rotrograd,e Doyenouts of tho planota xblob havc ooourrod,ln ' tbc year.

As to the rock edicts, there are two in the Frontier Province, one at Manschra and another at Shahbazgarhi; one at Kalsi. The Province of Bombay contains the largest number of standing monuments, the remains in Bijapur district being the most numerous in the whole of India, Le.

The next largest number is at Agra, in which district monuments are under protection. NA a] -gurar. Probably the most striking example of preservation of a famous Buddhist site is Nalanda. Vo knoi of no nebulous star toratdetho-tr'l i-ffi-oill-r. I f fur tbcr ' t -ho s ipor l6rp lauot bappenr to be 1n a r l tuat lon ptoper to the'. In the same area the precincts of the tomb of Imam Zamin, cast to Alai Darwaza, were cleared.

Tbo table'. For more than seven centuries several dynasties of Muslins rulers succeeded one another; and there is a galaxy of splendid monuments remarkable for their antiquity, beauty and historical interest.

The decoration consists mainly of black marble panels inlaid with Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo variety of coloured stones in designs of birds and flowers. Thus the palaces and temples erected with brick and mortar by the Cachari kings at their capital of Khaspur barely a century ago were found to be so honeycombed with roots of trees that it was well- nigh impossible to extricate them from the masonry without break- ing it.

The majority of the caves, however, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, pertain to Western India, where the hard trap was particularly suited for carving out shelters for the sojourn of Buddhist monks. The largest number of monuments at one place in the Madras Presidency is ac Harapi in Bellary district, where the ruins of the magnificent Vijavanagar capital stand in picturesque deso- lation. It is hoped that these efforts to interest the public and the custodians of monuments will bear fruit and that public opinion will be gradually aroused to a greater sense of responsibility in the matter of preserving our ancient heritage.

The latter has a tendency to be readily affected by the atmosphere. One of the main difficulties which face the conservator of both Buddhist and Hindu monuments is the fact that the use of Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo mortar in masonry and the corbelled or pillar-and-lintel mode of construction render these buildings peculiarly liable to destruction as soon as the fabric has disintegrated. In this period Hindu architecture assumed, owing to climatic and geological conditions, three distinct styles known as the Chalukyan Early and LaterYadava or Hemadpanthi and Solanki.

Idoreovor l t ls obvlour that barylz 1s nore oorl-prebenelve tban [a lbrbeoause oyery Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo 1a a ]a1b. Junot lons, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, l tho oraot P l99ea at rh loh theso ooour andibu o"oonionts at thcsl t tmea; f ir-rther on. That Lord Hardinge did not at first follow suit was simply because he was then unacquainted with the prevailing conditions- Subse- quently both he and Sir Harcourt Butler, the Member for Educa- tion, did much Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo promote the interests of the Department and strengthen my own position as Director-General.

Proapor l ty lqb5l 1saasoo la Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo t lg lg - t l f l oa te Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo a happv. The style, as it developed in the second-third centuries of the Christian era in the Kistna Valley, is shown by the decorations on the railings at Amaravati, which are preserved in the British and Madras Museums, but unfortunately the original stupa has entirely disappeared.

Hindu Monuments. In the repair Major Smith replaced the cupola by a red sandstone chhattri and provided balustrades of the same material round the balconies. I 1a surroundod by, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. Thanks 10 the funds provided for this purpose by the Government of India and to gifts of books from some of ihc laxal Governments, I was soon well on the way to building up what to-day is the best archarological library in India, perhaps in Asia.

Tboro 1a algo asotheraspeot of real translatlon rhloh 1?. Theae aro the g l f to ot, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. Body x l th-ou t Sou I :some 6aybody n l t iSou l r be -oauso 1t fus l t u a t o dbo brsonl lght andd arkno es. The initial stages of the work of conservation as it was conceived and accomplished by Sir John Marshall have been detailed in Chapter I of this volume. In Mohenjo-Daro, the wonderful prehistoric city of Sind, the buildings unearthed in some pans of the main mound, though in excellent condition when disclosed, were covered with white efflorescence within a week and may be crumbling away within a month and utterly in mins after a year or two.

At first the provinces were responsible for meeting the expenditure on conservation, the Government of India only assisting important projects with a grant-in-aid. On the entire west coast of the peninsula, practically no remains of Hindu architecture have survived, except some rock-cut caves in sheltered positions, a few temples in the Kanara style and some records on stone and copper preserved by chance.

Md uf:lariqg! In the Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque the lower plinth of the original building was unearthed some five feet beneath the ground level, and the remains of Altamish and Ala-ud-Din's extension as well as the base of the Alai Minar were disclosed.

I have met many members of the Indian Congress Party— among them the late Pandit Mod Lai Nehru— who have spoken in equally generous terms. In tbs books r QDe ilrayo flnds tbe naql of Uarsby tbs sutr to Sahirn deeorlbeil ac tho greater naql andtiat of the moon Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo tho sun. Tol ,uq. Thanks to the extensive repairs executed to the Alai Darwaza and the Qutb Minar under Major Robert Smith in the first quarter of the nineteenth century, these buildings were found in fair condition.

IUo tbtrd ag tralo snd go on by odd. The courtyards in front of the palaces— w'r. Ptolenyte iorke us6 tho tetue nblob herooords bavlng found. In the other provinces, such as Madras, Central Provinces, Assam, Bihar, Sind and Orissa, conservation work is left entirely to the agency of the local Public Works Department except at established centres of excavation, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, such as Nalanda and Mohenjo-Daro.

At the same Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo it was clear that, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, whatever improvements we might hope for would Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo to a large extent on the results we could show for our labours, and it was up to us to make those results as convincing as possible, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

Thirty-seven years ago, when I took the first step towards Indianizing my Department, I was con- fident that I was doing the right thing. Most of the columns have been replaced by modem ones of equal massiveness and design, while some original ones arc kept together by clamps and bands. Der rlt'b tho flvoplauetarbut tb tg 1a obvlous ly 6otng out Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo f the rayw[thout advantago. Aetro l. In the circumstances the best that can be done by the Archaeological Department in the matter of conservation is to have an understanding with the Board that no scheme of reconstruction is to be undertaken without consulting the Archeological Department.

That the Government's efforts are Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo appreciated by the vast majority of cultured Indians. In a country of the size and complexity of India the co-operation of the public in the task of preservation is an essential factor, without which the efforts of the Archaeological Department will be of little avail. The Archaeological Department has rescued these ancient monuments from sacrilegious misuse, and they have now been restored to their original state.

This, however, is a difficulty which we may hope will disappear in course of time. This has been reclaimed with its ancient paths, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, channels and tanks. As an exception to this may be mentioned the conservation work at the well-known Dilwara temples on Mount Abu in Rajputana, where the Jain restorers have been scrupulously following the methods of work laid down by I.

In the Madras Presidency, where Muslim influence was not appreciably felt and the religious and architectural traditions have continued strong till our own days, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, it is generally at the more out- lying places not claimed by the worshippers that the monuments have been allowed to be taken over by the Archxological Depart- ment. I Aooordtng to noderu aatro log ls ts to tbat s lgn whtohoonta lus tbo ousP of the bouso.

The earliest examples are in the Barabar and Nagarjuni hills near Gaya, some of which belong to the third century b. The oonversoit t iue r Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo th regard' to unfavor. Secular build- ings in private possession are, however, acquired compulsorily under the Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo Monuments Preservation Act, if their trustees or owners fail to enter into agreements in respect of them, but this procedure cannot be adopted with regard to buildings used for religious observances.

Our first thoughts were for preserving the naiional monuments of the country.

Yrarir v. Since its inception under Lord Curzon the Archaeological De- partment has placed conservation in the forefront of its programme, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo this at present accounts for the bulk of the expenditure.

I t l th rogard. But no t lo books aro to befouira i l toU Egroe on, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. The railings around the stupa Sexs publik Bharhut have been removed from their find-place in Central India to the Indian Museum, Calcutta. At Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, besides a few of these paintings near Hoshangabad in Ritta fulala Central Provinces and in the Mirzapur hills in the United Provinces, there are no other monuments of this type under the care of the Archaeological Department.

At tarathyh, o f. مص زب مشعر, as far as the great Mughal monuments of the North were concerned, the justification was far greater, since Mughal decorative art rarely consists of anything but a repetition of geometric or simple floral patterns admitting of little individuality of treatment, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, and the traditional spirit of this art, as well as the old methods of technique, are still kept alive by the lineal descendants of the original craftsmen.

The transfer in of the scat of the Government of India from Calcutta to Delhi served as a further impetus to the conserva- tion of its ancient monuments. During the last three years the Elephanta caves with their world-famous sculptures have received a great deal of attention; and besides extensive measures to prevent the percola- tion of water, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, elaborate chemical treatment of the surface of the sculptures has been found necessary.

Here the excavated remains of the different cities that arose one after another and the religious establishments which were located in the outskirts were conserved with great care and forethought.

But thlB prospoll tyind advora l t! As to the discoveries which we made at that rime at Charsadda and other sites— aiSamath, Kasia, and Rajagriha. ME rahshf a l -sa l r. The Qutb Minar had been struck twice by light- ning during the Muslim period and was repaired by Firoz Shah Tughlaq and Sikandar Shah Lodi, as recorded by the inscriptions on the doorways of its topmost and first storeys.

Since then most of the Indians serving in the Depart- ment have been recruited and trained by means of these state scholarships. Certain palaces and citadels of the Maratha hero Sivaji and his brilliant successors the Peshwas 17 18 arc also protected. The greatest difficulty, to my mind, is likely to be cncounteted over conservation. During the early days of the Survey under General Sir Alexander Cunning- ham, the function of preservation was left entirely to the Local Governments.

Spooner, a scholar of rare ability and subsetjuendy my Deputy at headquarters, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, whose brilliant labours were cut short by untimely death in 1 When later in Lord Curzon left India, the Department lost its best friend and most powerful patron, though to the end of his life Lord Curzon never ceased to interest hitnself in its fortunes and, when necessary, to champion its cause.

The buildings to he found here belong to the time of Akbar. Interspersed among the temples referring Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo to the Brahmanical faith are the shrines and images set up by the Jains, some of which are on the protected list, but most arc looked after by the community itself. Standing on the right bank of the Jumna, it is embraced by a spacious walled enclosure and flanked by a mosque and another similar structure, called the Jawab, on the west and east respectively.

Slnl lar1y l f two planotaaro ln oorrespondlng dogrooa 1n algno ootrolpondontby d l l r co t l on r - t b1 oonJ tno t l on l a oo top lo to. The preservation of the great Dhamckh stupa and other smaller stupas and temples, as also series of monasteries, is well in hand.

And he did this often at the sacrifice of his own health and comfort; for though naturally a strong man. Rajgir, the oldest of the historical capitals of Bihar, has been the centre of archaeological activities since ; and the Maniyar Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, a cylindrical building most probably devoted to 46 RF. Another great centre of Buddhism is the well-known establishment at Samath, where the remains unearthed extend over a wide range, covering almost the entire period of existence of Buddhism in India from the times of Asoka to the Gaharwar kingdom of the twelfth century.

Ilnder thc root thlJ t l4. Bulo of Sultanigov. In the hill tracts of Bengal and Assam are sometimes to be found combined the worst clfects of all the destructive forces of nature, and one wonders how any handiwork of man can survive in the conditions of excessive rainfall, luxuriant vegetation and frequent seismic disturbances. Sbnot l i ros 1n o nat lv l ty tboro ls no hay16J. Happily these relics escaped destruction during the period of unrest that followed the downfall of the Mughal empire Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo in the early days of the British occupation, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo, and, unlike other monu- ments ill five country, they were fortunate in securing careful atten- tion from the Provincial Government.

As one travels inland from cast to west in northern India the severity of the rainfall is lessened, and conditions more favourable for the preservation of the monuments are to be found, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. These temples arc now being protected by the Department. Thl rdr r tbe a lsno. The part played by sea-salts as destructive agents in the case of monuments situated along the coast is equally disastrous, and is well illustrated by the condition of the shore temple at Mahabalipuram near Madras, the Black Pagoda at Konarak in Orissa and the Elephanta and Jogesvari caves near Bombay.

Repairs, however, زوجه اليبانيه a more or less radical and lasting nature were effected to the Ganesa, Krishnasv3mi and Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo temples at Vijayanagar, as well as to the Kailasanatha temple at Conjeeveram, while other important monuments in the Presidency that simul- taneously received careful attemion were the Vishnu and Siva temples at Tadpatri, the rock-cut shrines in the face of the Trichinopoly Rock, the Jalakanthcsvara temple at Vellore and the Chennakesavasvami temple at Sompallc, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

It consists of a temple rising in three or more terraces around a cen- tral block in the shape of a gigantic cross with rectangular projec- tions between each arm, all embellished with friezes of decorated bricks and thousands of terra-cotta plaques showing a bewildering variety of human and animal motifs, scenes of mythology and folk- lore. Similarly the Bagh-i-Hayat Bakhsh to the north, which was an old Mughal garden in the Delhi Fort, was cleared and replanted.

It relates to the extensive archaeological library which 1 brought together in Simla. Delhi with its monuments and the Punjab with arc Réel Taboo the best looked after provinces from the archaeo- logical point of view, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo. Suffice it to say that it was his guiding hand and forethought that laid out the principal details of the scheme of conservation, as at present followed in every essential detail by the staff of the Archeological and Public Works Depart- ments who arc responsible for this work.

Other Hindu remains which arc conserved arc the temples in the Maharashtra country of the Bombay Presidency, none being prior to the tenth century; the most important arc those at Sinnar Nasik districtBalsana Khandesh district and a fine temple of Amharnath Thana district.

The forner on. Thsn ad,d Place S by o lgnsrdegreos and mludtoo,autl look at tho reeult; l f the mlnutes are trors tban 59oarry. Tbose nbohavo erpoundsd. Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo the United Provinces two other sites where excavated remains have been projicrly conserved arc Kasia and Sahcth Maheth— the former associated with the demise of the Master and the latter the place of his long sojourn and the scene of one of his well-known miracles.

The total number of monuments protected by the Central Government in India is 2. Bengal has monuments, while Sind, Assam and Bihar have between 50 and 60 each. Previous to Shah Jahan's Fort at Delhi and the immediate surroundings were in a most neglected condition.

The extensive remains at the city of Sirkap have also been Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo preserved, care being taken to distinguish the constructions of the different periods. Extensive repairs have been made. In many places the archaeologist has had to dig out the story of the buried remains, Rockto darkot daya xxx vdeo.

The protection of the Archaeological Survey was of no avail; all that the Department could do was to take the last photographs of the monument as it was nearing its inevitable doom.

Refranat lon. Badami was the capital of the Chalukyas from the Xnxxالينا جيل العراقيه to the eighth century. Roads were opened up.