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The move came a day after the city police filed an FIR in connection with the incident. Elections Mint Premium View Less .

Rashmika Mandanna deepfake video: Delhi Police asks Meta for URL, starts technical analysis

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Rashmika Mandanna calls for action against 'scary' deepfake video

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Rashmika Mandanna on deepfake video: ‘I want to tell all girls out there that this is not normal’

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Rashmika Mandanna deepfake video case: Delhi Police nabs 4 suspects, questions them

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Delhi Police has written to Meta to provide the URL of the account from which the 'deepfake' video of actress Rashmika Mandanna was shared on social Reshmmika mandal xxx vidio. Web Stories. Web Stories. Log out Horse.sax.with.girls your current logged-in account and log in again using your ET Prime credentials to enjoy all member benefits. Morning Dispatch.

Tech Top 5. Information Tech IT. Tech Bytes. Rashmika Mandanna had described a viral deepfake video of herself as "extremely scary".

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