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In that year, in Gujarat, 2. Reshma Patel ncp hot porn party lacks organisation at the moment, the workers lack the administrative knowledge and 3 years would have sufficed to strengthen their structure. But Gujarat is supposed to be a state where governance has improved, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn.

Just further backlash. Its pretty clear that most of the media channels are completely anti AAP and they are constantly trying to tarnish them, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. And this concern is not just in Delhi, but in many places throughout the country. This has to be one of the most ridiculous videos ever and I stopped watching after a few minutes.

Her groundwork should be good. I am in support of party for what ppl are standing up for it too. In fact, Kejriwal got the Magsaysay Award shortly after he featured in the World Bank report of page: As per the documents, Kabir was established on 15 August This was again illegal, as Kejriwal continued to be in government service.

You will believe anything on anyone without waiting for the courts to decide but for Modi the courts have to decide? It is she who introduced the ideas of Mohalla Committees and brought the Arab Spring technology to India to launch Kejriwal. More than thousand people were killed and the prime accused says Modi Reshma Patel ncp hot porn me and these are shallow reasons?

The prime accused convicted of murders says Modi saved me but that is no proof. Just because reelections are tiring or its going to cost money Reshma Patel ncp hot porn not mean that we elect people involved in killings.

Such a hollow person. Its you, who brings in Hindu — Muslim in your comments, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. This includes the CIA. Of these more than half, i. Is it a coincidence that a former Admiral also a recipient of Magsaysay Award accompanied Kejriwal when he filed his nomination from New Delhi constituency? So you tell me how many of those are supporting based on reasons I specified. Stop bullshitting that its not proven.

In our country very few has the guts to question abuse of power by politicians, big business, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn, police, judiciary or media — u name it. Am I saying that all Muslims are too shallow to equally oppose Modi based on religion. Busty Indian cocksucker licks ass and gets fucked on webcam. She lost her husband, so she should fight for justice by fighting against the culprits. About fundraising, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn, people are offended that you have developed this Aam Aadmi aura around you, yet you charge Rs.

There are many other ways of raising funds for the party. Nobody is forcing you to believe what others are believing.

The court has not passed a judgement yet on him. Internet pe bahut maha gyani log baithe hain, jo court ko nazar nahi aata vo inhe aa jata hain, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. And see the comment again, I have never abused YOU or any supporter of modi.

I always maintain, rejection by Muslims is their prerogative, whatever the reason may be and I have no problems with it. Even if Modi is able to scrap together enuf criminals to become PM — asli mazaa toh tab aayega … Reshma Patel ncp hot porn John Malt. So much for rationalism and neutrality. Come on Kejru!!! Its clear you maybe right about a thing or two. Already approved it. Do u even follow news? May be you are so shameless to do that I am not and I think majority of the people will not.

I have seen Godhra documentaries and I have personally visited Gujarat also. Dont act like a fool purposefully. Forget about AAP. Dabholkar and blind faiths is more important issue for me than AAP. Young India is waking up and demanding a change — and they are not as impatient as the older gens believe them to be. Many countries have compelled the PSO to windup Reshma Patel ncp hot porn activities as they have been found to be intrusive.

During the entire Anna agitation, not even once, the issue of black money in foreign soil was raised. What about the reverse of this?

I said Gujarat has developed- does that imply I am talking about each and every speck and particle of Gujarat… Tomorrow If I say US economy is growingwould that mean every homeless guy now owns a car? If tomorrow I accuse you of spreading communal hatred through this blog- then according to you, anyone supporting you should be Insane.

If this is not fascism then what is? Kejriwal, while on study leave and availing full government salary started Parivartan along with Manish Sisodia in This is a clear fraud on India and Indians Click here to see more. They are eligible to vote. Congress rule has seen more people die in riots than anyone else.

At what level of education shall we pick the drop-out rate? Really did I say- it was a great thing that Muslims died in Godhra or that it was a pity that Hindus did? What does AAP stand for? Until that I do believe Congress is just using her to play their political game. The CBI chargesheeted BSY, two sons, a son-in-law, JSW Steel and its four Bellary based affiliates on October 16, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn,for criminal conspiracy, cheating, forgery and corruption in a case related to payment of Rs 40 crore to the family and a trust run by it to grant iron ore mining favours in The CBI also found that Rs 20 crore was received by the Prerana Educational and Social Trust run by Raghavendra and Vijendra to facilitate waiver of government dues and push pending mining lease applications, and part of this money was transferred to Vivekananda Trust where BSY himself was a trustee.

And no sane Indian should support a CM or anyone who is involved in any killings irrespective of religion. What a BS argument? It takes blind religious fanatism to not see any pattern here — but then BJP support is based on religious blindness.

The only role government could play there is to provide security and education and Reshma Patel ncp hot porn English subtitles Yoga have mentioned that. So is it surprising that a segment of Indian electronic media has gone to vulgar extent in amplifying Kejriwal?

Most victims had lost their voting cards and other relevant documents as they fled from their homes. And who is the judge of this involvement…,You?

My parents are involved with an NGO that deals in prevention of Cow slaughter throughout northern India. Someone who tries to sidestep the question whether he would support a Muslim CM if majority killed were Hindus. The fraud is evident from the two sets of documents of Kabir and Ford Foundation, given below.

I am very happy that Gul is in!! Tarnishing image with all the money should not be tolerated. Her husband Anupam Kher had to dodge eggs. As long as AAP was after Congress it was fine but now its bad.

While AAP is trying to formulate comprehensive national policies on economy, foreign relations, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn, etc although it seems to be coming out slowly due Reshma Patel ncp hot porn lack of breathing spacethis is what BJP campaign is all about! I am sure the ignorant ones will start calling everyone including the former RAW intelligence man as corrupt—thats how being blinded works.

What he does, no one else even bothers to do. This is their nationalism and they call AAP leaders as naxalites. But in reality, it was a question of resigning before the support was withdrawn to force the fall of AAP govt when the time was most convenient for Congress. Now You can read it as whatever you or your pseudo-secular mind likes.

His reply was — No- This will not be in my agenda let alone my priority- there are a hundred other things that the nation needs right now, and this can probably wait. Calling one man as a Government shows how desperate they are and how public does not trust their party, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. One, they should be citizens of the country; two, he or she should be 18 years of age at the time of voting; and, three, resident of any place in the country.

I have also seen conditions of many Gujaratis and have been friends who belong to villages of Kutch and Barooch. All your efforts, all your actions in this regard is just about Muslims and Muslims only…You dont give a damn about Indians who died In Godhra., Reshma Patel ncp hot porn.

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Perhaps both. Now the online Hindutva fanatics are graduating too with their comments in threads like this and in twitter. In fact, Parivartan and Kabir, suddenly shutdown their websites after coming under scrutiny in Kejriwal received the Ashoka fellowship in He conveyed an impression that the outreach to him was by an Indian organization.

Andhra Pradesh: 9. The one who believes what the media shows him, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. You are going to believe on something which did not even lead to any Reshma Patel ncp hot porn being killed and you are going to give the benefit of doubt when more than a people got killed?

This is good, and that is is the Reshma Patel ncp hot porn reason why many will vote for AAP. Whether AAP can form a perfect govt for India, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn, or how much better they will be if they come to power — is open for debate at this point.

But that does not take away any credibility. You are believing one section of the news world and I am believing the other. You are the one who is going to talk about religious agenda — one who is supporting Modi just because he is a Hindu and the majority of the people killed were Muslims.

First instigate riots, then deny refugees from right to vote. She can fight all she wants against the people who actually killed her husband, but I am not going to entertain the Bullshit anyone primarily fueled by Congress Jerks throws as to how Modi is responsible for it.

Kabir tried to mislead by removing or omitting all details from website regarding its funding from Ford Foundation in the year The hide and seek Reshma Patel ncp hot porn played on the net by Kabir and Ford Foundation is Itanian mom to the fraud.

Does India have oil like Venezuela? Also, LS election is for national legislation not regional stuff. They are running stories with no real substance while not covering major issues on other political parties.

Show me one link from anywhere where I defended the Muslim murderers of those 59 Hindus. Its so convenient for AAPtards to categorize everything that everyone else does as evil, but when it comes to their own, they are so willing to ignore it, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn.

I mean this is THE height of baseless accusation and total insensitivity. Did anyone from ur circle really expect this govt to sustain for 5 yrs? Sadly, as invariably the case, there are vested interests at the highest political levels in India, who are part of the design.

While I agree that Gul Panag and Preity Zinta are more vocal on social issues I am not sure if making her contest an election is a right decision.

You write a lot in your comments and sometimes I do not find it worthy enough for every point to be replied to. She has supported Modi in the past which BJP supporters are already bringing up and they could have instead gone for someone who Alice xxx done more social service or some good work in some administrative field.

To your Hindu fanatic mind Wasamosomaaliaha Muslims killed in Godhra may not be Indians but Reshma Patel ncp hot porn me and a lot of Indians they were all Indians. I am pretty sure that most of those surviving family members will rather choose their loved ones being alive than having better socio-economic status.

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Sriramulu was involved in cash for bail scam. The coverage got positive only after unexpected win of 28 seats during assembly elections. If you remember correctly even in that Father forces to fuck we were discussing measures to avoid rapes and what to do if something happens etc.

AAP was his enthusiastic reply. If they can live up to the expectations and walk their talk — then in next Lok Sabha Elections AAP will be a much more formidable force than any other party has ever been in the history of India. Arvind has been questioning it for years now — but since he formed a political partywon assembly seatsReshma Patel ncp hot porn, became Delhi CM and is now contesting LS seats — everyone is after his ass.

Kuch Bhi. Aise to anyone can make an analogy with anyone. For the right cause — young blood can be helluva persistent. Short girl Miya Stone fucking and taking facial cumshot. I talked using simple arguments that she is blaming modi for the crimes he did not commit. The flowchart below gives out the link of foreign funding and subversion of Kejriwal and associates.

It Rich vs poor. Its quite natural they are so frustrated right now. We both r what we are and the fact cannot be changed. I have been watching Reshma Patel ncp hot porn 2 days — its very clear they make ppl stand up and say something about AAP. Anchors are sold out. Fundraising dinners are usual political tools to attract upper classes Reshma Patel ncp hot porn is done worldwide.

How is your research any better than mine? These centers thrive on black money of the developing world, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. However no fault of AAP. It was the NSCN IM which took umbrage when on July in a written reply to a question in parliament, the late Digvijay Singh then Minister of External Affairs said that Netherlands was one of the countries where terrorists have safe heavens besides Pakistan.

You should know this trend was started by diseases like AAP. It had two or more links in that comment and it automatically went into moderation. For you, any thing against modi is communal. He will talk over them.

Assembly election result: Arvind Kejriwal sweeps Sheila Dikshit out in Delhi | Tanqeed

Pareshaani kise hai woh toh dikhayi de raha hai…. But in India u cant make a splash just with logic, but u can do so with theatrics. Arnab is completely crazy and needs to be in a mental asylum. Any action to be taken is decided by PCI. I had asked a friend prior to the elections who he was going to vote for. And then there will b Assembly Elections. Fine fine fine. Show me one link from anywhere where I defended some Muslim religious leader who was accused of the killings of those 59 Hindus or for that matter any killings anywhere.

Since the country is now running the risk of having a communal dictator as PM, it is absolute necessary that Lok Sabha gets a strong control mechanism, which only AAP has the credentials to provide. Only fool can doubt about his intentions. So stop fooling yourself into believing it is anything about justice. AAP replaced Khalid Parvez who turned out to be a loan defaulter Aunty ko choda apne ghar m bf a couple of other candidates Link.

BJP not only opposed him, but did all the hooliganism against him and his movement. So without Mumbai but including PuneMaharashtra would slip to no. Now I do not believe even after seeing those documentaries that you can attribute a crime like that to Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. I have simply stated what I think about Modi. I may have said Shiela Dixit should have acted more strongly, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn.

Doosron ki theories conspiracy aur khud ki gospel? He just conveniently glosses Lesbians south africa that. They should have chosen someone with a Reshma Patel ncp hot porn record of social service.

I m not claiming other parties to be sacrosanct. Good thing is no opinion poll is giving AAP more than 5 seats. More misinformation. Has there been an opinion poll or survey or you are basing it on the collective orgy of some AAPtards in this forum? Modi didnt agree with the sandhu sants because he probably understands the logic of the law and is aware of its benefits.

The illiterate BJP criminal leaders are at a loss trying to find some gaalis from their political books that they never read, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. Modi talks about everyone being equal but his govt tries to prosecute one set of accused who burned people under POTA and the other set of accused who burned people and also raped under regular laws and these are shallow reasons?

ABP is totally sold out. Yesterday there was a controversy on twitter when a account BJP which was being followed by Modi tweeted a semi nude picture of hers congratulating her. I am proud of him then. I want a stable govt with proper majority and someone at the top who has good track record of governance and administration. Fair point again. Next time we will hear that Kejri Pussy x dick a huge following among aliens., Reshma Patel ncp hot porn.

Did you conduct a survey of Modi supporters with some lie detector test to oppose their generalization? If we form Govt we will order a probe and send journalists to jail: arvindkejriwal.

Bhaktavatsala and K. Govindarajulu said on Mr. Yeddyurappa in the Lokayukta report. The spoof video was absolutely spot on, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn.

But in spite of his noble intentions, Kejriwal is blowing away his credibility with his dictatorial attitude and the recent stunts like Mumbai local travel, autorickshaw ride, Rs. Also his recent rally in Bhandara was useless. I have questioned Modi supporters by reversing the religion of everyone involved in the riots and not once has anyone accepted that they will Reshma Patel ncp hot porn the CM in that case.

You are free to abuse but that wont change the facts. Clearly, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn, Gujarat is not perfect. All the tards are behaving like their Kejri Uncle. It purports to clearly decipher the process of subversion and use of Kejriwal and his associates by powers and countries inimical to India. That was exactly my question to alfa. They are trespassers. All these congressis and Zakia Jafri are doing that latter which I dont agree it and most certainly find it Bullshit.

Ms Lee specializes in Tahrir Reshma Patel ncp hot porn type demonstrations that we are now witnessing in Ukraine. Why would the farmers in Vidarbha give a shit about Modi — Ambani, Adani nexus when the haistorm Reshma Patel ncp hot porn their lives. And yes Arvind who quit his CM post is power hungry politician but Modi is a selfless person who has refused all positions of power and serving the people selflessly.

I took one example. Anyone with even an iota of honesty will admit that the AAP candidates are better. Was Arvind ever in the military and he did he try any military coup? Social media is replete with quips on how the lack of that attribute puts the Congress candidate Mr Bansal, who has won this seat four times, at a disadvantage.

I said most people. He does not get upset or get berserk even when things are going bad. Did the courts decide those things for you? This joker Reshma Patel ncp hot porn Kanwal is going after Somnath Bharti for some 10 year old spam case when spamming was not even illegal and running made up headlines that he sold porn domains. Its simple and very clear. You are just pissed because of your religious sentiments and nothing else.

So say that you support him just like you support Modi. I completely agree with all your points. If u go for on the job training, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn, then u learn thru mistakes — like AAP is learning some ropes on politics due to their activist background and lack of political experience, or even in case of SJ u can see Aamir learning thru his mistakes just like the case of his movie choices.

Thats why I am calling her agenda of cornering Modi as bullshit. If a Hindu does not support that CM its not because of shallow reasons like religion. The answer depends a bit on the perspective. As per u its Modi and for me its Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. A few months ago, Modi came to these Saadhu-Sants for their blessings and support These Saadhus have a great network throughout India, and a gigantic number of Hindu followers.

Making lingerie porn video with a slutty blonde xx. And dont want to talk of developed gujrat. This reaction sums up my concern. I am sure all local problems will be focused upon, during Assembly elections.

Wow…What a revelation!! It has much to do in health, education and child care. Is it a mere coincidence that the closest aides of Kejriwal are recipients of funding from Ford Foundation.

There are various other organizations funded by the Dutch government i. Kejriwal seems to be exactly following that. I already said that all Modi supporters will do is they will point fingers at others. The subversive agenda of the Ford Foundation is quite clear in the contradictions in dates between financial documents declared by Kabir and Ford Foundation.

I said in my comment, I am all support for pushing the real criminals behind bars- not an assumed one. I can not imagine half as positive now. He could have built a One teen three cocks governance in Delhi and in the meantime developed the party network throughout the country. Link Many of them are social activists, RTI activists, Doctors, Journalists, ex-cops and ex military — people who have have a history of either doing something for social causes or having performed their jobs with honesty.

No- the Victims are also Indians and thats why I hate this classification of victims and that being used against Modi- As the Muslim killer. Finally, consider poverty levels. Yes, Kejriwal resorts to theatrics for perception — he is like Hirani in many ways. Further, under the banner of Parivartan, Kejriwal received funds from World Bank for a Jan Sunvai campaign even as the organization was not registered.

The latest DISE tables are for For Gujarat, this covered 40, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. First of all the Supreme Court did not try Modi. Iske baad bhi tumhe proof chahiye how Modi is so hollow?

How can they be qualified to vote? As far as I know, you were against political posts na or you are ready to go against your own rule to help restore sanity in India with AAP? I am posting all of them as comments in this thread only if they are relevant and I made one more post on media. Init was But like I said, one can always talk to the 2. Its funny that you are accusing me of Asian young girl porn. Yeddyurappa, his kin and some bigwigs from the corporate world in a land allocation case in a special court in Bangalore on Tuesday.

But why are you posting so many political posts in this thread. Where have I stopped Zakia Jafri to go anywhere- I said she can go to any goddamn court she wants. What will you support in that case— reelections and same Bullshit repeated over and over again.

Read this, the real Hitler, and we call Modi intolerant., Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. Forget all this religion thing. Its that simple …Wow. And Shameless?? Where have I generalized? You took examples of one section of Sanatan Dharmi and generalized it for everyone out there. Its part of the game and thats why u need to filter stuff out and not believe in everything that is being said.

Modi unfollowed that account when others started bashing. On the other hand as Sputnik said, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn, a grass-root worker may have better understanding of local ground-realities, but will probably lack broader perspective due to lack of theoretical knowledge, training to analyze and lot of related stuff.

Those who made the posters that say it are corrupt. Picture toh abhi shuru bhi nehi huyi … abhi se itni padeshani??? What can Reshma Patel ncp hot porn say about such people!!

Since the Cold War, this organization has been engaged in creating human assets for expanding American influence. So they are same as Congress or may be even worse. Maar lo Bharat ko saalo, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. It is one primary reason why AAP has been able to expand so rapidly with so many from various strata of the society joining it each passing day, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn.

Its up to you what category you want to fall under. I was thinking abt posting a separate political viewpoint write-up to direct all political discussions to that thread., Reshma Patel ncp hot porn.

The Congress candidate is Pavan Bansal who was involved in the Railway bribery scam. Narendra was very clear in his points and speeches. Congress provided outside support which was categorically NOT asked.

This is as absurd as it gets… You think about it and decide. Ya aise hi kuch bhi bakte rahte ho? He said farmers have committed suicide over the past 10 years in the state — around 80 a year. If the courts and police were perfect in India then majority of our politicians would be in jail now.

Megan wants to get jiggy with it but her BF tried to play tough. She is a Punjabi kudi lass and has done a lot of work for the party. Is generalizing the way to go or is just keeping it to your own opinion is the sensible way to go… So much for your common sense remark!! AAP will be the right control mechanism to keep NDA in check if they come to power and not let anyone rampantly misuse power anymore.

What about your own shamelessness of passing judgments and appearing to be all neutral in the garb of religious agenda. With rapid expansion they are facing a screening challenge, but the process is ongoing and mistakes are being rectified:. Its only you who has the right to generalize and pass out judgements. He should have spoken about allocation and proper distribution of the packages, adequate compensation disaster management and how he wishes to empower the farmers there.

It is again a criminal act. And after one month? Narendra was against Khap for different reasons and Kejriwal is for khap for different reasons. How have Muslims fared under Modi? She should do whatever she wants. Take infant mortality rate IMR.

Kejriwal was right to raise the issue of farmer suicides in Gujarat. And now I will bring in Hitler not because the scale of killings in Gujarat is comparable to the Holocaust. Your analogy of Modi with Hitler is as ridiculous as it gets… How many Jews prospered in Germany immediately after the Holocaust. For me its quite clear- if you accuse others for Religious perspective for election of Modi- then so do you have a religious reason for not backing him- nothing to do with any other issue- but religious sentiments-thats it.

The document clearly shows that how so called intellectuals, professors and students Reshma Patel ncp hot porn target countries are financially enticed by the Ford Foundation on behalf of CIA to avail education facilities in the US clearly with the purpose of subversion.

This is a big conspiracy. And this post is getting more comments and discussion than the movie posts. I categorically said that I do not support anyone who is involved in even one killing and that should cover every past, present and future politician in any part of the world.

You are trying to prove something which is not there. If Delhi re-elects AAP with majority this year, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn, only then we can expect stable governance. The all-India comparable figure was 8. Once AAP formed govt the media again started to show its colors, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. I had read that wikipedia stuff before I made my comment but I had read somewhere else that he got away on a technicality. Bored if you start the thing about every thing about educated — i know atleast — i mean seriously atleast 50 people who have not comepleted 10th exam but are in ground level work.

No wonder it took just a month to make all Hindutva fanatics go bonkers with rage, frustration n insecurity. By this logic nobody will ever be guilty. He is making such a stupid analogy. Corrupt newsmakers must be put to jail. Its the Modi supporters who cannot answer these hypothetical questions if I make them any more direct it will become a personal attack and who always skip these questions because it will show their hypocrisy and bigotry.

Is it also a mere coincidence that Kejriwal never served out of Delhi during his government service, and helping him in this bid was none other than Mrs.

Sonia Gandhi, who wrote a letter to ensure the same? Nice ad for dictatorship. This site contains adult content and is intended for adults aged 18 or over. Applying similar logic even Hitler was also not responsible for the Holocaust.

So are Muslims opposing Modi because he is a Hindu? BJP ki jai ho! Maharashtra: Rs. As I wrote in my August 2, piece, Maharashtra ranks no, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. Why is the media blatantly targeting AAP and Kejriwal?

Fanatics support based on religion and as long as the people who died are not from their religion then that politician is not guilty.

The first premise: when comparing development indices of Reshma Patel ncp hot porn states, size matters. The number of people killed in Gujarat are just a miniscule percentage of the number of the people killed in the Holocaust and the development of Gujarat is also just a miniscule percentage of what happened under Hitler. Bill Bailey fucks busty schoolgirl Brooklyn Chase.

Most WTF moment is when Narendra Reshma Patel ncp hot porn brought a crocodile child to his home while swimming in the river where no one dared to enter because of Crocs. They did not use those Reshma Patel ncp hot porn or Babu Bajrangi video. Who has just one job in the whole wide world- Blame everyone….

It is not only intriguing that the Ford Foundation funding to Kabir began from the very first year of its operation, but the money was given one month before its birth. But inclusiveness? Most companies wont hire if one has criminal history, its a bit different for our established parties though. Did you wait for the courts to declare that?

What makes this funding to Kejriwal a criminal activity is the fact that he in was still a government servant and therefore not entitled to receive it. Whereas the ground reality is that they are not likely to cross even 5 seats. So you cannot accuse me of being against Modi because of religious reasons because I am not supporting some Muslim politician accused of killing Hindus or some Muslim terrorists.

I mean really?? I will read more about her and then take the decision abt voting. So how did you come to those conclusions? Even a man sleeping under a tree is eligible to vote. This funding nearly coincides with the period of Kejriwal resigning from service not accepted inand Ford Foundation funding and grant of Magsaysay Award. Have heard that these ads have been made by Prasoon Joshi.

If any Muslim supports Akbaruddin Owaisi after watching those videos he is a Muslim fanatic IMO and the same logic applies to Modi supporters who support Modi after watching those documentaries and Bajrangi videos.

So its Gul Panag vs Kiron Kher. They are not giving tickets to criminals for LS elections. Only intentions usually lead to half-baked research like we witness in SJ … u need training also. No I did not come up with that categories based on a handful of friends. Seven months later, not much has changed. Gul Panag and Preity Zinta are two film personalities I respect a lot for their off-screen Reshma Patel ncp hot porn and stand on various issues.

The second premise: we must compare these states across both economic as well as social indices to capture a realistic picture of relative progress. You just said Gujarat was a developed state better than others and now you are saying that you are not making a tall claim about each and every village of Gujarat.

When every other party is trying to copy AAP in some way or the other — it does mean something, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. It is through this kind of geopolitical balancing in various regions that the US maintains its lead role. It emerges that Reshma Patel ncp hot porn liberal funding from various Western sources, Kejriwal decided to send his resignation from government service in Moreover, the biggest fraud is that the donors, i.

Lets not forget that Arvind has same amt of exp as anti-corruption crusader. Hugo Chavez was in the military and he Reshma Patel ncp hot porn a military coup against the govt, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn.

His show is a circus. Many lives were ruined within a couple of days and the farmers in Maharashtra are almost devoid of any hope now. But I did not say Shiel Dixit caused Delhi rapes. Keep giving same excuse that I believe that Modi is not Rekha movie. People usually complain about politics saying all candidates are corrupt and criminals and that they have no choice. What category will you put me in? So if most terrorist activities are carried out by Muslims, should we call all muslims terrorists?

Hence their outrage over his comment. Yeah Arvind is a pseudo nationalist because according to BJPtards a person can be a nationalist only if he is involved in killing of Muslims like Modi. Its you who is imagining the things or deliberately trying to give this thread a communal color. The Saadhus and Sants, just put one condition forth to Modi- They said, Will you pass a stricter central law which totally prevents Cow slaughter in India, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn.

If they did then it is beyond any debate. In judges ko koi faisala sunane se pehle internet gyaniyon se discuss karna chahiye. I dont know what to say for people who vouch for our courts. I dont want to argue with you. Why did you believe that nonsense and posted that link of Arvind being a CIA agent here? So if Jews prospered immediately in Germany then Hitler is not guilty of holocaust? LOL, how can u simultaneously agree with me and call me short-sighted??

Gujarat is so developed that People who value equality there think discrimination should be used to create it. If people get killed CM is not responsible but if the condition of the people who survived got better than the CM is Bokep extrim dukun cabul. John I think u have not read the comment properly. Being fromMumbai and our having project in Gujrat my visits to Gujrat were very frequent till end.

Shameless reporting to the best. And a lot of those excuses of development and there no being direct proof of involvement can be be made in the case of Hitler too. Wonder what his blind fans will say now, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. This is like saying that the Jew who is against Hitler is not backing him because of religious perspective and he is equivalent to someone supporting Hitler.

Its as simple as that. Doosron ke paap toh proven hain…Jisko aap hamare paap bata rahe ho wo aapke dimaag ki upaj hai. SC stays death penalty of two Delhi gang-rape convicts till March Its easy to be cynical when one conveniently chooses to be ignorant and then forms an opinion. They called Narendra Dabholkar also same. Shallow reasons like religion?

This itself makes them very different from BJP or what have you. Ultimate fascist attitude. Criminals involved in killings should never be voted to power. Talk Reshma Patel ncp hot porn reading too much into things.

The protesters were mostly supporters of Mr Dhawan. Take Gujarat— Muslims have not only prospered but have the better socio-economic status than the rest of the nation.

According to this riots accused and BJP candidate the victims should not be allowed to vote. But my argument is simple- I believe she is accusing Modi of wrong charges.

Ever heard of a Gandhian saying? Arvind literally raped CNBC anchor. I did not side step- any question. If all the candidates are involved Reshma Patel ncp hot porn killings then people should vote for no one. What has the sitting MP on the back foot, is the shadow of controversy. Let them first make some sense, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn, then their loud-mouthing can be taken seriously …. I would like to take my words back on Kashmiri Pandit issue.

Anyways there are not many movies of the big stars coming up so there is no activity from many. What a shameless defense. That will provide AAP a chance to govern Delhi for 5 yrs on their own terms and the results will be for all to see and analyze. The moment Arvind formed an independent political out fit — media turned against overnight. Wht an irony! Its not just social media — all forms of media contains noise and manipulation — be it TV, print or radio, etc etc. As Prof.

My Rape article was against the real criminals, not against some make-believe person who I would forcefully hold responsible.

Show me one link from anywhere where I condoned the killings of those 59 Hindus on that train. And they have given ticket to Kameshwar Baitha who is is facing as many as 53 criminal cases in various courts that includes killing of 17 PAC Jawans Link.

You are totally missing the point here boss!!

Has AAP been found guilty and convicted of anything by the courts? Recently SP rule saw Muzzafarnagar riots… but hypocrites will only talk about Modi and Hindu fanatics.!!

This is election prachaar time and its obvious Kejriwal will be more in limelight. I have chosen BJP and you have chosen an ass for the upcoming elections. The Babu Bajrangi video was used to convict Babu Bajrangi by a court, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn.

All the documents above suggest the alleged systematic subversion and creation of Kejriwal by the CIA through the Ford Foundation and the Dutch entities. Narendra Modi will run from Vadodara too. You are sitting in your home and watching documentaries and lurking online to deduce MOdi was responsible for riots.

Kiske paap proven hain? Most others are in Marathi and in local papers that it is BJP who is opposing progressive changes against blind-faiths and ills of that. You made a statement in this thread about some invaders and history. As I said before the Supreme Court has not tried him and neither has any lower Big harf so stop implying that Supreme Court did not believe her.

Being a naxalite is a compliment for Kejriwal. In the whole 1 hr lecture he doesnt make any sense, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. SIT was appointed by the Supreme Court who were responding to Gujarat court and they gave a clean chit.

From 7. Maybe AAP needs time to mature, but its not going anywhere — even if they dont win any LS seats this yr. And since BJP fans are voting for stability so that there are no reelections let me ask them this question. What defines it? I said the same thing in both comments, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. Do you see me supporting Congress? Yes, very few sites discussed this way. Everybody knows Congress is going to lose so why would they go after Congress.

Gujarat would move up to no. Case in consideration — Gul lacks political experience, but has high educational qualification for the job. So will they not support Modi from Varanasi? But on most income and social indicators it does better than any other large state in India.

The moment they asked a few tough question, Kejriwal ki haalat patli ho gayi. You are talking out of context. The opinions expressed by the author and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of Canary Trap or any employee thereof. You are talking about Modi supporters pointing fingers at others all the time.

Sexy anal scene with a beautiful babe in stockings Alma Blue and her fucker. You are not denying any of the things that I mentioned with respect to shallow reasons. Gujarat govt had 17 scams Link.

Its HDI of. I am sitting in my own home and lurking online and watching the bias in online reporting to deduce, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn, how Modi is not responsible for the riots and how there is development in Gujarat and this development proof is more than just sitting online and going through a few links- I visited Gujarat, before elections.

But i agree that Aamir sets an example for other celebrities to follow. No time for protests but we will have a Gaurav Yatra Pride Parade after more than people are killed and we will have a Sadbhavana Mission drama.

If stable govt with proper majority is the yardstick than Congress has the most experience having been at the top for the maximum of years. This article is going to be based on facts and facts alone. I showed you how Santan dharma killed a noble cause and did all the hooliganism and now you ask me where is BJP name in it. Why should we even have 0. And WTF is this? He is just screaming at the top of his voice and does not let anyone speak. But anyways, for you not killing Cows is big public service… And someone denying To make it a law of such a trivial issue is a mahatma.

The message here is — Dude, it does not matter if u r a common man, but plz join the fight against corruption! It has also been established that CIA operatives operate through the academic route.

They would have declared even Hitler not guilty of the Holocaust. PRIA funded Kejriwal as well. He should, however, have compared this to the more tragic figures in Reshma Patel ncp hot porn Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh where, as P. Sainath points out in his article in The Hindu, 3, and 2, farmers respectively committed suicide in one year alone That is roughly times the farmer suicide rate in Gujarat.

Have you seen me support him anywhere? You should be ashamed of supporting him. If I was a minister or a CM and if Reshma Patel ncp hot porn convicted murderer said that I was complicit in his crime then yes anyone Reshma Patel ncp hot porn me should be insane.

This is exactly the bias that Ia m pointing to. If someone says Bianca beli sex video since there is no direct evidence or written order tying Hitler directly to the Holocaust and that he is not guilty or that the crimes cannot be attributed to him then its total BS.

If someone says I am voting for Hitler because of development like Autobahn and because he got everyone jobs ignoring all the people who were killed under his rule then its clear what kind of fanatics they are. U and me cannot be defined by opinions of each other, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. I have always talked about as an event where Indians died irrespective of religion and a highly unfortunate one…You think I first inquired about the religion of Nirbhaya the name given by press or the 3 year old girl- before being sympathetic towards them or being Reshma Patel ncp hot porn by what happened to them?

If you spend even a fraction of your energy what you have spent so far in googling about issues with other parties, you will find plenty of tainted candidates in AAP Hroine Tamil well. And BJPtards usually talk about clean chits by court though not true because they know how to bribe Judges too. Infor that segment, the drop-out rate for girls was 2. You posted a link that Arvind is a CIA agent.

Opinion polls paid or not are now predicting seats for BJP instead of seats a few months back. And there are enuf good people in India who strongly feel against corruption.

So why did your BJP Reshma Patel ncp hot porn Muthalik? You dont even know what goes in rural areas on India. There are so many Holocaust denial articles. AAP is not fighting LS election to win, and form a national govt. Did I say Killing of Ehsaan Jafri was justified? That article can be read here. Just some cursory news and that was it.

The funding of the Dutch entities as mentioned by the Ford Foundation is evidenced by the document placed below:. The US adopts the Dutch route in various target countries so that suspicions are not aroused. You keep thinking what u want and let me think what I want. The resignation was strategic only to avoid a forced ouster, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. If any other party follows this example, then their entire leadership will have to be expelled at one go:.

AAP had only 28 seats 27 after power-hungry Binny revolted. Government servants are not permitted to float NGOs without due permission. Why Reshma Patel ncp hot porn media not have accountability of what they are reporting? The riot victims have been away from their villages for six months and have settled in different areas. I am pretty sure that most of the Modi supporters will be having a completely opposite and hypocritical stand for the reversed situation in the the examples I gave in my earlier comments above.

So be it, Reshma Patel ncp hot porn. Ifor myself have learnt a lot from my 4th std pass uncle. Did you wait for the SC judgement then? Where does the Hindu fanaticism come here. Spong paksa Gujarat Police and Govt tries every bit to suppress those cases Lana Robles the cases have to be transferred out of state for the victims to get justice and these are shallow reasons?

Arvind Kejriwal is therefore not a political threat but a security threat to this country, his main objective being to destabilize India to perpetuate US agenda.

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What does this tell us about single-teacher schools? A government that cannot protect its own people should not stay in power even for a minute : Narendra Modi. And there are lot more proofs go google yourself and read. Boys or Reshma Patel ncp hot porn Can you please substantiate that claim with some links, so that I can learn about it. Those supporting the wrong, bad, dishonesty, communalism and fake PR — are not going to accept their own stance.

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Each of the links given in the flowchart are backed by documents. One has to be dumb to blame Arvind for resigning when it was clear that Congress and BJP joined hands to stop the bill from being tabled.

In fact, the state government has even ordered them to leave. Reshma Patel ncp hot porn Modi contests from one more seat from Gujarat he is definitely going to step down from his Varanasi seat after the elections and Bigass Nigerian will be reelections for that seat.