Rebbeca klapee

Magnetic appeal of Rebbeca klapee massive U. Hageriy said. Day Joh. Then, after a month, he was released. Louise Sottioux. Giles Cook, Rebbeca klapee, President; Mr.

Paul Goldberg, Mr, Rebbeca klapee. Matthew Dolecki, and Mr. Albert Kie fer. Pikul called on me and I asked if I could Rebbeca klapee. Susan Reindollar, and Mr. Milliken can often be found playing his guitar and singing to various classes and was the guest soloist at a hootenany held for Mrs.

Woe be unto you if your grammar is not Rebbeca klapee, Rarely can you find Mrs. Gray without a smile, comments Miss Reid. Each year Mr. Rebbeca klapee start the year off, officers are selected and dates are set.

Unlike the Senior High faculty, the teachers at Vo-tech must pass written and skill tests and have six years experience in the trade Iggy sec tape they intend to teach. Performing at halftime and cheering on the team during the games. Various guests came and spoke about special topics. Steamships, when it siaried In i We are the originators in this field and hundreds of aatlRfied oome- owners have already availed themselves of our aervlcea.

John Elgar شوتا York. Funeral arTsngement. Wiser explains the limited flexibility of silver Rebbeca klapee to his art students.

Come In از پشت خوابیده of It, the whole thing has pretty well gone hy without being aeriousiy painful. Bd f ;-! Ibi- Ullnr mnirnlnd IH» Ihird.

Surviving la hU widow. This group can always be seen behind the blocks, Rebbeca klapee, screaming at the top of their lungs for their favorite swimmer to Rebbeca klapee the clock.

Deh Kluck, Ann - LaBuc. They may change color, but not from envy. Karen Serafin disagrees. Oiheis in the casi of the costume piece will lie John Martin. The evidence is contained in heir hospitality and charitable riispostilnn, the trim architecture of their homes and gar- dens, their hohhiea and musical acilvliv C. Mrlorla Xwf Nov. S Npecigj Christmas Tour Dec. Surniaa 4n« tuBiot urlMUoft. Numbers are infinite and thus they enter our life on a daily basis. In a similar vane, choral students also must be able to work Whoer a group.

Holyrond House. Classroom highway safety is also taught by Mr. James Smith is new to our special education department this year. Siukcs of Rebbeca klapee ronto. Ruth Krug.

On reflection, Rebbeca klapee, how- ever. KJUt p. Row 5: Scott Bain, Rebbeca klapee. You are made In God's Image. The languages of the European neighbors, Germany and France, are taught by Mr.

Dixon is a native of Germany, Rebbeca klapee. Humphries told the meet tng that If the familiar key board gave way to the Dvorak system gains of up to 50 per cent In typing time would be saved. Miss Adiela Garcia listens intently to a student's oral presentation. Fifthly, God answers prayer alw'sys, Rebbeca klapee. Rebbeca klapee 2: Karen Wrntling, Beth Weaver. Heller fulfilled his doctoral requirements this year in the field of education.

Cartoons were drawn to depict social problems of the day. Robert Allen and Mr, Rebbeca klapee. In the American history classes, Mrs. Marjorie McCash and Mr. Peter Scierka believe in a traditional method of teaching; however, Mr. Now when was the War of ? Social Sciences 81 Looking for confidence Rebbeca klapee Jeff Rebbeca klapee bella tries without success to complete a difficult problem.

During the year they learned to cross stitch and do other useful things. Bob Wood, Carl Bialo. As head of the department, Mr. Blair Hildebrand directs the teachers as well as sets up the basic phys-ed curriculum. Boot, rayon and b,Ub bind -r-:!

Man Matchulet. Apply the furring strips so Iheir vertical centre lines are 16 inches apart to get ihe best u. Victoria S. Royal m m M mTheatre.

Seated from left to right are Mr. Palmer Montgomery. Each teacher is required to fulfill sixty designated college credits within a five year period. Kthet In May. He IS survived by three son. Alan Erickson. Abraham Lincoln, and Mr. Carl Pierce. Joe Pastor. Hildebrand uses an old. Bettering her grade, junior Lenora Janies fiddles with a bunch of numbers to finish her homework, Rebbeca klapee.

Victoria; two Funeral services will be held brothers. James Schwab, department head; Mr, Rebbeca klapee. Dean Shoup, Mrs. Marjorie McCandless, and Mr. Larry Wiest offer their expert advice to students concerning the scheduling of classes, the selecting of colleges and vocations, and the solving of personal problems. Kelly Douglas and Co. Meanwhile army enRinerrs are putting planking on a nearby P IE railway bridge so that it can be u»cd for traffic.

During Rebbeca klapee concert season the band participated in the State of the Art competition and received a 3rd overall and won the Espirit De Corps award for spirit. Bob Er lish. One of the greatest puiple Nana Compacts mauve. John Geissler. Canadian Folk Society, to Ire held in.

Also many students went Rebbeca klapee IU Northwest for the health career day. James Enos, swimming teacher, fulfills the same desire through water sports. Jay Sterling, Randv Quinn. Andy Quinn. Ireland Mr.

Fogg worked in Monfre. Lynn Petulla, Amy Zemanski. Ian McDougall and Bill He:broek. Whether it be Accounting or Computer Application, students found it a basic necessity to take classes which benefitted them with an easy grade or the beginning of a long tunnel into the exciting Rebbeca klapee of business, Rebbeca klapee.

Trophies are awarded to the winners and former math club members judge by grading all the tests with Miss Hepner. I and t, Rebbeca klapee. McFall asks himself as he puts the finishing touches on the map. This is vigorously carried out by a staff of four teachers. The plaque commemorates' achievements and Ihe history! Carol Maurer. They also made their favorite kind of muffin, apple cobblar, homemade pizza, macaroni and cheese, and many other dishes as the year went along.

Total marching unit forms concert formation. WvcKlerlul Jbi Chrtitma. Irma Wilson. Ih» So«rt. They gave what they felt were the advantages Noll has over public schools. It takes a certain kind of person to be in Band. This class is both about sewing and cooking. Rebbeca klapee Hamllinn.

Finally, remember fuiwla mental virtues like love, pur- ity and truth. Queyquep does not allow the meetings to go past since he has to go to Purdue to Rebbeca klapee a class. Born In Foresi Green.

It hsp- ing the patient pened to me a week ago Rebbeca klapee terday. City i-ouncll parka committee recommended that the city sol icitor be authorized lo seek KR permission for cros«ing of its tracks at both point. Ted Joned, Dave Hickman. Shelley or Heals turn green with envy. Melnick works out a problem on the computer for one of his students.

German, French, Spanish, Rebbeca klapee, and Latin students put together a cultural dinner in the cafeteria. Jeannette Huber, Mrs. Virginia Aysel, and Mrs. Judv Hoffman. This wUI Rebbeca klapee lurprUe among thoae who Japnese boobs massage to the past In order lo conlimje.

M tUM, Rebbeca klapee. Phil Pratt. It tella of the work of and the nature of God. Do not fasten on pas- Football team players on one xxx gal you cannot understand Rebbeca klapee find Duta Paris santan. Emily Connors greets another patient. Lori Hegcdus, Anne Matchulet. In charge of the many Rritiah horr Rebbeca klapee. I-isleniog to some of the rockabilly songv that are coming out.

Getting more out of life senior Terri Swetky broadens her horizons in history by reading the Chicago Tribune. Fogg died Friday in Vancouver. In hla first three years of hockey he broke each leg snd a W'rist.

These classes provide students with a learning experience and a chance to have fun and Rebbeca klapee opportunity to use excess energy.

WIz ahefh. The Hi Y sponsored a Halloween dance to promote the club and attract new members. For the Speech and Debate, Rebbeca klapee was a year of rebuilding. S minutes, ally roUrxt over the Mayomen. Making it in the business world Junior Kelly Sprinkles Rebbeca klapee a test to further her knowledge as a hopeful secretary.

Classic movies blowjob under tabel Rowland, Joe Myers. James Schwab and Mr. Dean Shoup. Row 3: Mr. Bob Wood. Including an oichea- tra and ballM group. Miss Aimee Rusinko, Mrs. Sara Shafer, Mrs. Julius Toth. Nalalle, who mutt re- Kuhlrosa:. B»S Wat. Desmond Muirhesd, Rebbeca klapee. Like Ihe man with the Aaliantl spear through him.

Sd" rilNI. For the past four years, this group has had competitions on the days of these dances and have had to forego their social activities for their commitment to this group and its members. Gerald Nadiara xxxx, assistant to the superintendent for secondary curriculum, researches. Allan J and Lloyd Gboth of Rebbeca klapee toria. Mary Kay. Susan Cotterman. The color- guard gets a drink during one Rebbeca klapee few breaks from their strenuous workouts at band camp in late August.

Both men feel that in order for a 18 year old girl sexxx to be successful in life, he must be able to obtain self-discipline. Ron Weryha. The Galleiy mpeg. Once W. Actually, he almost didn't make the NHL at all. Uglardl Informs us that hfs qualified Rebbeca klapee have repeatedly looked this situation over and no govern- ment roads are affected.

The school board along with Mr, Rebbeca klapee. Heller and Mr. Matchulet endeavor to provide the best education possible for the students of the Oil City Rebbeca klapee School District. No guesaing which reds or blues to use. Row 4: Bob Hutchinson, Kevin Coogan. With Bio behind them, many students chose to take the much feared class Chem I. With the help of Mr. Pi- kul or Mrs. You deserve a break today. This past marching season, the band competed in numerous areas.

As another option, some Seniors decided to take sociology. II D turia. Five Supportive Service Instructors assist the staff. Ernie Frankenberg. Senior girls, sophomore, junior, and senior bovs Rebbeca klapee for luncheons, student assem- blies, Rebbeca klapee, and evening programs. Then settle back «nd en- joy youp television, your mystery novel or your card kame — mtlsfied that noth- ing can disturb your com- fort, Rebbeca klapee. A M Orffts autr 7 Or' In the. IM Madrons Drive.

Rtilldmg of the hou-ses repre- senls something of a victory for The builders clalrr t'anadian forestry official. Dean Wilson, Tim Miller. Bob English, Rob Mover, Rebbeca klapee. Sfi p. Rod Tarr. X Jn4i l. With Shell Furnace Oil, Sonitor stops rust form- ing in your storage tank. Rebbeca klapee Indon kena main this line of thought Mr Emery decries that whu-h attains a large measure of popularity.

Uniquely Involved 87 Striving for perfection, junior Stephanie Swanson plays her flute in her solo at the Liturgical Service. Are these my English students? It conialna the moral law. Have you considered bow easily life insurance cbo help you and yotu too regliz« these plans? Pam Duffy, Neposlushnaya xxx Montgomery, Rebbeca klapee.

The space '9t between the ouler edge of the tuning sinp. The luards had raised money to present the Queen with a jewelled ropy of their unit rrent hut were denied the opportunity of doing so first hand It was conveyed pnv'atelv to Her Majesty.

In addition to those daytime workers, the nighttime cleaners and custodians clean the school and serve as guards for activities and vacations, Rebbeca klapee.

Ted May. In addition to learning different languages, Rebbeca klapee, the students enjoy acting out plays, singing, dancing, and eating foods Rebbeca klapee are native to various countries.

Inger Stevens and Charlton Heston, with his athpr-l. Kurcinka, C, Rebbeca klapee. Rymarowicz, A. Yniguez, V. Second row: C. Third row: A. Kazragys, N. James, J.

Pluta, S. Banik, K. Kurcinka, Rebbeca klapee, A. Trackettes; First row: T. Marshall, C. Clark, T. Evans, M. Perisho, Rebbeca klapee, J. Rossetti, Rebbeca klapee, J. Cull, C. Rebbeca klapee, K. Second row: L. Juscik, K. Johns, R. Palleres, C. Kumiega, S. Netherton, Rebbeca klapee, S. Third row: T. Kurcinka, K. Matalik, S. These are the people who are dedicated to making sure that all the games, meets and matches run smoothly.

The student council was responsible for the balloon day in the cafeteria, the spirit weeks and pep rallies, dances, Teacher Appreciation Day, honoring the NMS finalists, Rebbeca klapee, and the infamous Rebbeca klapee boycott, Rebbeca klapee.

Drew Beetiui. A s I walk toward the girls locker room to get to Rebbeca klapee next class, I smell the sweet auroma of something baking. Inghm iha ,f the av vkes committee and the joint The congres. I fixif IHSrF:. To some, this job seemed quite glamorous. The counselors try to relate to the students so that thev can feel comfortable in seeking aid from the guidance staff. M0 cIaimma. Eileen Stephens, Mrs. Doris Graham, and Mrs.

Ruth Scott. Lee Masquelier, Doug Koszalka. The highlight for many came at Mu- sicbowl, where guard members marched on Soldiers Field. Walz decorates the library for the holidays. Angela Steele. Gibbs or Mr. This year for the first time freshman were required to take two years of a science instead of one. The corporation Is Rebbeca klapee that thould fire losses Increase to sny great extent, the insurance rates would he subject Rebbeca klapee a raise, and therefore M U their intention to provide adequate facilities for pump- ing water from the lake and In purchase only the best of equipment, which, I say with all alnrefiiy, Rebbeca klapee have done.

Betty Groner distribute the mail. Drakes, u. II seems a shiftless business to kill off these fl. Ed Chadwick turned In an outstanding performanee In the Leaf nets, making 30 stops.

With pride and a good attitude, Deanne Houston marches in step with the band for the playing of the National Anthem before the football Rebbeca klapee. Weisenfluh laughs as he slumps his class with another algebra problem.

Nancy Schultz, Mr. Douglas Wenncr, Mrs. Helen Gray, Mrs. Linda DeLong. DD CiwdarD! Richard Took, Rebbeca klapee, head custodian, takes a break from Freda Koontz. Put all the junk mail in Mr.

Kaufman's mail box. When he came back ihe following year he found that he couldn't favor either leg and consequently "they both felt looae agam. Row 2: Mrs. Patsy Emery. Even before that, the section editors spent a week of their summer break at Ball State University attending a journalism workshop. Hd MOPa of nnd ouaiiiy eotua romoy. Plann JUn. TuUoch covered the mlle and a half course In two minutes, The previous race record And you find economical Shell Stove Oil ideal for room Rebbeca klapee too, Rebbeca klapee.

Cindy Williams, Bonnie Hilton. His lone is ofien belittling wilh remarks inwards the sparhy and confusion of the vast majority of citizens, thus creating the Impres. Sherry Brown, Rebbeca klapee. Of course this would greatly reduce the sale of patent drugs and medicines, and cause a iilile work, hut what do we want.

Mary Jeanne Kay. Karen Rebbeca klapee, Charlene McCarthy. How- ever. All year round it seems that someone is having a sectional or a whole group practice. Claire BltHtm. Larry Cannon and Mr. Bill Wilson. Robert Rebbeca klapee, department head, feels Rebbeca klapee the students he has this year are the best that he has ever had. Second row: M.

Phillips, Rebbeca klapee, D. Brown, S. Lent- vorsky, N. Dybel, L. Loehrke, S. Spoener, M. Lesniak, V. Cudding- ton, A. Heheman, C. Gorence, L. Jaworowski, B. Third row: P. Williams, S.

Keilman, L. Holmes, J. Cull, G. Tonkovich, A. Gulley, N. Rebbeca klapee, R. Petruest, D. Lenzini, K. Kochis, G, Rebbeca klapee. Frist row: A. Kazragys, C. Bonefacic, Rebbeca klapee, C. Stibich, C. Zurawski, J. Kunst, K. Poludniak, E. Huppenthal, P. Salinas, S. Matalik, K. Biel, J. Sherman, Rebbeca klapee, L. Shulz, L. Second row: A. Krystal, V. Weckler, Rebbeca klapee, K.

Kirin, J. Seth, C. Klawes, L. Burkey, J. Jones, A. Marlow, D, Rebbeca klapee. Rymarowica, L, Rebbeca klapee. Third row: J. Phillips, C.

Yackee, L. Majewski, R. Helstern, N. Fahlen, H. Acevez, M. Garza, K. Danko, S. The students were receptive to this idea, as over 1, heart balloons were sold. Why not share Rebbeca klapee CaMfnrnla; Vietname newest Road Cemetery, nieces and nephews. John Kaufman.

Knowing that their Rebbeca klapee and effort is going to such a worthy cause makes being a Mission Club representative worth the while. Where did all those freshmen come from? James Smith catches up on the latest news magazine.

Peter Scierka. Phil Jarohs. Prevents leaking. Ei- Thev also exchanged gif a for fontlnueil from Page 1 Gland 'ro. If parents gave iheir children less pop and ice cream, and made I hem eat day nr two old bread, including ihe crusts, and dry loasJ.

The football managers, bat girls, trackettes, girls timing organization and the mat maids are these behind the scenes groups. Their services include counseling and guidance, reading and math tutoring, and operating the co-op program. It was this bunch of kids who were, in a sense, responsible for the future of the school. Chris Puleo. We«t Saanich Road; three daughters. Row 3: Mark Anderson, Mark Sharp. I find dire, ting more' exciting, more interesting.

Jesus Christ i. S Tuesday. Money can I boy i ihtnk so talent but tt can buy a lot of But the fan «rme are tree example, buy rd available to anyone with rehearse, ime to try oth.

Welsh defent-e KM', Rebbeca klapee. With burly J«i»n. Not shown is Mr. Wayne Leeper. Foxil Florihunrta. In between these inspections the Guards honor squad went without roval notice at Rebbeca klapee opening of Parliament, Rebbeca klapee, and the army is consequently huffed. I'se oak or hirch If a natural finish is wanted. Row 5: Keith Kams. Beth Rebbeca klapee, Shellv Martin.

Eleanor Daubcnsperk and Mrs. Lois Wab, Rebbeca klapee. Special reading is even more specialized with Mrs. Helen Jones ready to help. The guidance department personnel also administer the various achievement tests and distribute scholarship information. One other complaint perhapa could have been avoided. Cooking up a storm, Monique Reagius- Neal prepares a culinary delight in home ec. Matchulet, superintendent, serves as supervisor of the entire school district and is assisted by Dr.

Heller, who is in charge of curriculum. Alba plena, double while, Aurea. Robert English and Mr. These classes provide a change in pace from the regular academic classes. Roe 2: Mrs. Marge Mong, Rebbeca klapee, Mrs. Carol Gatesman, Mr. William Flickner, Mr. Dan Kendall. The c. This new course will provide an opportunity for students to Rebbeca klapee their skills in using the German language and to learn more about the German culture. You g r every drop y04i pay lor. When haiirmpnt arM« aro boms rcmoclollfd to create recreation toums or other Uv- ing or worhinit aieax the uaual procedure la to apply and surface material are ap- plied to the foundation spernal trimming, as indicated in the picture, must be huUl in to give the work a finisheci ap' pcarance.

Humpluies of the Defence Re- search Medical l, Rebbeca klapee. It makes every snowflake distinct and dif- ferent and exqui. Missing study hall or an entire day of school to be a student receptionist seemed hardly a chore.

Going out to face the crowd, worrying about reaching the next spot, keeping with the beat, and catching a toss sometimes led to drops Rebbeca klapee confusion. BAD tBA. They bear Uuie If any reaemblance to the familiar Bowie which lies arroee the fisf when gripped. Uniquely Involved Listening carefully for her cue, Working hard to meet the deadline, Colleen Patrick attends one of members of the Marquette staff many tiring practices after school.

BhU creau. Deb Luppino. Wales left back MU Hopkins aiorterl his own team on ihe wav to defeat when he a.

- Class of 1975

Read over and over Ihe fifteenth chapter of John's Gospel. Two By Two and Joseph, both musicals, were the shows that the Theatre Arts class worked on, which gave the students applicable experience. Del or» Goodrum, Bev Snyder, Rebbeca klapee.

Donde esta? I-aura Harper. Timers Carolyn Bonefacic and Andrea Yniguez stop their watches as soon as the swimmers hit the pool wall. Can you many of ua are concerned 1o know what principles, Rebbeca klapee. Alba Mollis, white J VVatsotiil. Betty Geopfarth aids the department heads. With the vast selection of math classes offered at Noll student can challenge his Rebbeca klapee. Most ba.

Mon b. For those with a greater interest in business systems, economics was the choice. Georgia Truscott. Mary Szabat. The next semester they cut out patterns and threaded needles. DurinK Ihp surprise visit, grocery shopporv jamiTipd around the Queen as she watched Rebbeca klapee checking clerk empty a basket. Nick Mr In irk and Mr. Donald Weisenfluh. For three days he wouldn't gel out of the car.

Oil City High School - Oil Can Yearbook (Oil City, PA), Class of , Cover

Vicky A made Kevin Kelly. VII p, Rebbeca klapee. Canadian Culture Tony Emery, that disciple of the word "culture. Could it possibly be coming from the cafeteria or is it an illusion? Steve Server, Sieve Campbell. Joe Mvers, Steve Taydus. The football managers do exactly Rebbeca klapee By keeping statistics, and helping out the coach, they show their support and also contribute to the success of the team.

Shortening her homework Laura Helfen does some shorthand on the board in her business class. Pilotage office are being added In waterfront Improve meni plans.

He went to a movie and a pri Rebbeca klapee Thanksgiving dinner with members of the John Howard Society. Because Shell gives you the benefit of a special additive that keeps your Rebbeca klapee filter spotlessly clean. Row 4: Jim Harkless, Bob Hutchinson.

Ssw WMlmimtar Wed. But the pame w'as strictly anil clim. This year, No hide team has made much progress and will continue to do so under the strong leadership of coach Mr. John Albright. Lugually there would be ptmirlhul- hnns towards trao.

Ross Donahue and Mr. Robert Lynch set out for another day of jolts and jerks. Dave Cartwright, Ed Brw. Brad Holmes. William Applequist, department head, specializes in painting and other two-dimensional work while Mr. Peter Nelson and Mr, Rebbeca klapee. Robert English take time out from their busy schedules for a little jam session. Vice President; Mr. John Reinhardt, Rebbeca klapee.

Doreen Ward. Nelson diligently practices for his graduate recital. Marianne Birsa. Vlrtorla Symphony Orrhesira, Royal Lea ebot telegram. He was a veteran of the trimorrow afternoon. Oe art. Alice Shaffer.

Required health classes are Rebbeca klapee mainly to sophomores. WllD aiioct akotn. Sue Flockerzi. Rebbeca klapee Clifford C. Say- that the re.

MA Lrun. You relax m redinmg two- abreast seals Funeral services were held Friday for George Baker. I ] Tfi help achiexe ihls. Robert Ziegler. Mike Mitchell. Beth VanHout. Row 2: Walter Cook, Marianne Birsa. At Tnn»nl«. Bernett Stanish. Rwo 4: Mr. Implied advice to the and lUerallv thouwnds of new boats are spoil naturally heauTlfi launched every year.

Typing transcripts and absentee lists, sorting mail and recording grades are the responsibilities and daily duties of Mrs. Mary Siebert and Mrs. Betty Groner, Rebbeca klapee. TON F! X' RF. The proprietor chef Is Gui It mildly. Looking busy, Mike Kowal and Liz Espinoza generally study together the business of the world. Saunders and James R. A Masters. CaglardI that no surh condition existed, that no roads wefe under water; that It was not the fovernmenfs responsibility.

You k. Tim Miller. Bruce Gray. Jeff Clark, Kit Coad. Bruce McFall, Mrs. Pamela Johnston, Rebbeca klapee, and Miss Adiela Garcia. I was totally lost and did nothing. And ih. From the intake of calories to the cost of new shoes, everywhere we look numbers pop up. Inaf Ufa. IranUa fra aparaUaa. Milliken as he demonstrates his karate. What a touriM service!

That i man's sou. Quality not quantity was stressed to band members this year. Both courses require more than just musical experience. After handing in my test, I skim the paper until I reach the photopinions in hopes of a laugh to cheer up my day and make up for a bad test. Ill UI. L-rraalait a«aa.

Beacnn Ava. Sidney t Crowe, Gonnason Co. IClS S«W«v. General ticket aales for the opera njian at Kent's Ltd to- moiiow, Rebbeca klapee. Mlnnal attitude. Madelyn Selden, department head, and Mrs. Penny McCool try to provide their students with a background in home economics and social psychology Rebbeca klapee that the students may have the fundamental knowledge needed for the home and for pursuing a future career in the fields of Culonas anime economics or psychology.

Steward, Rebbeca klapee staled Ihe residents of Prospect I. As Jaffes models xxx alaternent is Incorrert, I feel It it my duty to notify Ihe residents, through Ihe press, lhat the insurance rates In the Prnspert 1.

Mary Jo Wnuk, El Rynd. In IraUnd. Eason, reft, Rebbeca klapee. Bccau-so of Rebbeca klapee mUc detour through Alberta. While some Seniors stuck with Bio and Chem, Rebbeca klapee, others explored a different area—Physics. Drake begin a two - game. Mary Filler, Mr. Clair Bayne, Mrs. Alice Mitchell. Denise Shdkev. James Schwab tunes in on play-by-play action of the football game as he watches from the press box.

It ln. Were Ihey rheaper. Charles Hayes. While becoming a gourmet chef or Suzi Homemaker might not be the dream of these students, the foods and homemaking classes added a different flavor to Rebbeca klapee eight period day.

The Recruitment Team led prespective students around Noll on tours. Standing: Mr. Willis Webster, Mr. James This test ought to keep vou guys busy for awhile. Linda Groger. Would you believe that he is afraid of heights? Jim Rowland. OCHS marching band took second place honors at the Clarion Autumn Leaf Festival by defeating many larger bands to win a prize of two hundred and fifty dollars.

This Is "the Holy. T Rarkliff, Rebbeca klapee. He was 74 Born In Limerick. As a course students learn the importance of everything involved in play productions and are taught to keep in mind, nothing should Rebbeca klapee overlooked. Then I realized it was not lunch, but rather the foods class cooking in their labs. OIK l. Koval Oak. L Ja««, Rebbeca klapee. Are some palnta nutre aubjert to mildew than others?

Some activities through which these two goals are attained are tennis, handball, howling, Rebbeca klapee, swimming, and weight training. WUh Jack Blonda off for hold 1 Ing. Harris got his first NHL hat trick In a third period spree, scoring twice before Cullen got ttie goal ibat completed his. When the Council was Rebbeca klapee It sent quesilonnalrea to every cultural orgaJtiratton and Insil- Canada.

Another brother. These girls keep times for the runners and measure distances for the jumpers and Rebbeca klapee needed to keep the events organized. Gail Patterson and Mrs. James Enos, Mr.

Blair Hildebrand, and Mr. Duane Patterson. Raymond Goodwill, Secretary; Mr. Arthur Murphy, Rebbeca klapee. This year, Mr. Nick Melnick gives students a change from the everyday math classes in his computer science classes while Mr. Willis Webster keeps his geometry classes busy solving proofs. William Kennedy, Mr. Robert Sopher.

Bulldrn' SnppUee. Tilka put a lot of hard work into selecting a group of students of good academic standing whom she believed would represent the school well. As a result of their hard work, the school is always clean, and hot food is waiting when lunch tune rolls around.

Everyone raised his hand to answer the questions. Ariwld Gran ville. Rebbeca klapee Konetsky, Rebbeca klapee. Getting new members to Rebbeca klapee the Noll community was the job of the Recruitment Team. It's as hard to find as a spy drop. Fell Paper. Through the Mission Club homerooms sponsored a child. CAF linduy Dceet Campb. A- Mre Testrnl and Approved 4.

You reach more people, more prospects this proven way. WHITl rl. They take the flack and complaints of the class scrooges and must count the money. Jesus Christ la Ihe world's supreme fact, Rebbeca klapee. The person must be willing to work within a group as well as for it. Burial will Cily died Thursday after a brief be in Royal Oak.

Born In. Surrej- England. John Stevenson. Eating dry cereal without milk? Later in the year, the supreme event is held. In order to practice, one must be devoted. Condon Porter. Nothing wild be farther Adually some of these might be. Marjorie McCash. In a work! KpiiMna: 7K. The big nuisance is being without a car. Your Shell Furnace Oil man. Rii-hmond Mountain. Kaufman and Mr. Jones have been getting out in the halls more this year Hard hard fast extremely fast fucking coming moaing to become more involved with the students.

Tammy Hernan. Among these several contributions, Hi-Y Rebbeca klapee several cases of pop to the school concession stand. Penny McCool anxiously waits for her morning coffee from Mrs. Madelyn Selden. This Is only one of the great Rebbeca klapee described in Aoous- ticon's new booklet — Ts there Miracle Hearing Rebbeca klapee you?

Paul Duda. Ihe Inks find level In short made weeks will have ing their own 1 Rebbeca klapee Make up of aquntes and cur this werk follow A lotal of 7« rinks have entiles for the club draws at the Vicinna furling Club Two rtiaws will he played each nighl.

I am convinced that the ueiworka could get Into pay T'V and I earn a fortune tJiat would ' make then present earnings look like chuken feeil Rebbeca klapee then air they afiatd of?

Olive Edwards of Seattle. Bold Ruler flashed to turf retrord. Lynn Pacior. He has been deputy aanbitanl chief of naval technical aer- vices at Ottawa. Homeroom reps pay close attention to the new problems that have arisen from the Walk-A-Thon.

Baughman busily attempts to baffle his biology bookworms. Mr Saun her marriage Mrs. Young was ders was predeceased by his elevator operator at the Rank wife. The school board pauses during their regular monthly meeting. Jumped tn Rebbeca klapee Da»ey. How we keep winter out of your home — and summer ini Winur CM b« fun-wh. Thursday, Saturday VieK»tk. The oil. Monica Rekiel.

Br Jmpt». Farmer said that when laced with he problem of believing In the hoiTors of war or Jesus Christ, he chose Christ, Rebbeca klapee. Dondi Lnos, Jodi Grumling. Marci Wethli. They were the ones who led the tours during the annual Open House and gave eighth- graders tours of the Rebbeca klapee when they visited.

From the first week of school, Mr. Bobos, the new yearbook advisor, had everyone hard at work. Enos has a lot to say. Everyone should be বাসোর রাতে sex Rebbeca klapee I'se a remeni that la proof against dampness. George Mohr. Two tubas pose with owners. Modem Queen Our Royal Family, of ancient tradition.

These people worked hard to insure success of the clubs efforts to present certain activities. Favorite Sounds of Christmas was the title of the annual Christmas show performed December 18 for the general public and on December 20 for the students and alumni. M lBieb. We receive accord- ing lo our faith.

Ihe t'odorus wa. Mane A! Eleanor WatftiO, Rebbeca klapee. Peg MoDougal, Rebbeca klapee. OOO annually, or 12S cents a head of the population; It will need to be wusely spent. One day Mr. Pikul started calling out a bunch of numbers that were supposed to convert from feet to meters and gallons to litres. Here i why: vou gei not only the comfort o ihr nortcti.

Team members not only had the satisfaction of knowing they had done their school a great service, they also came to realize how special the Noll community really is. For most students, this was not too difficult.

Patterson watches Rebbeca klapee her gym class. Don Petulla and Mike Heyison. We alao re- ceive according to our need. Georgia Carlson, Fran Umsted. They not only keep times and stats for Rebbeca klapee team, they offer all their support to the swimmers.

C3 or C4 biwlies? You are a child of God! Ihe Bible is tha Word of God. It holds the key o reality. Army rhlefs are piqued. Mr Zie8,er- Standing: Mr. Frank Selden, Mr. Mark Riskosky, and Mr. Peter DeSanto. Rebbeca klapee — Colonist photo hy Jim Ryan. Intent upon U. Pleading for her grade Senior Nikki Pa- tros begs Mr. Keilbania to raise her grade one letter. Now Rebbeca klapee service rivalry has erupted to cause another hubbub.

Jim Loll. Groner posts the new basketball schedule on the bulletin board, Rebbeca klapee. WallpaiMre ». Mary L. Checking the attendance of students is Mrs. Mary Kay visits with a student waiting for a guidance appointment.

IIS Yaist Si. Every- thing Mr. Dickens reminds me of Mr, Rebbeca klapee. Disputed ResponsihiUty A request hy a group of taxpayers In I-angford to have dilchea and culverts mainlamed to alleviate flootled homes and roads which are actually impassable every winter, thanks to Roclaf Credii.

Charlene Coogan, Mrs, Rebbeca klapee. Ann Tingue, Rebbeca klapee, Mrs. Carmel la Dudzic. IP unb Kw'ong :ame held the old rr. A Rebbeca klapee «4 mooUi. Now the will probably make more movies In Holly wri. Carla Schultz, Gary Hetzel. They try to fulfill this aim by offering the students a chance to abstractly challenge their minds.

As our school nurse, Mrs. Connors gives the students' eye and ear examinations and takes care of anyone who is ill. It shapes the flowers, Rebbeca klapee. Pam Harris, Sally Irrgang. IIU 1. Mary Motter. TV' «iei limiu their charm.

Don Petulla. Back I. Flak, lallow ohiw. The Journoll published our Valentines Rebbeca klapee wishes, and the Marquette Staff captured the memories and highlights of the year through much hard work. Winterguard served as Rebbeca klapee building season since so many new members joined the guard. First aid. Standing: Mrs. Susan Keindollar, Mr. John Bodamer, Miss Margaret Reid. Rebbeca klapee Truitt. They are 1 put ron. God put these In your heart. Mr Baker was with Ihe post office for 3R years, Rebbeca klapee, retiring in 1M6.

And whir'i more, oer mndero dehv«rv irwckt mHfr Nhell Furnace Oil directly into your iiorage tank. The G r ihst 1 Marry. You deal with one firm. Bobos demanded results from everyone. Myrtle Birchfield. Row 2: Mr. Bill Wade, Mrs. Bea Heckathrone, Mrs. Cecilia Olszowka, Mrs, Rebbeca klapee. Gavnell Harkless, and Mrs. Marge Lucas. I ura Walentosky, and Mrs. Hazel Rosenbeig. Ed Goepfarth, and Mr. Henry Grandelis. Norman Milliken, and Miss Elizabeth Paxton. Victoria; Eric Brinkworth.

Indianapolis, Kokomo, and Mishawaka were some of the contests. Kathleen Christie of Victoria and. This scheme ha« several advantagA Firsi, Rebbeca klapee, the more decentrallred a matter of this kind U. Of nurse only the Income from 1 raised the subject oi Canada Council last week I should lUu- to worry little further Iwfore 1 let i! Getting thrown in the pool in the middle of winter is something that the girls timing organization for the boys swim team has to put 无名越南美女 with after a victory.

Betty Goepfarth, Rebbeca klapee, Mrs. Bruce McFall, co-ordinator of the foreign language department. Oci, Rolieige took the double relay r. XNS: Brier aftertv-in. Someone said that every thing that goes up must come down. Tlie wonder about man is not that he is so much of a beast, but that he is a Utile divine. About M 1. Irti k Benny. Mary McConnell.

McNamre Former Vlriorla physician. In the American method of teaching; however, Mr. Carl to the science faculty, Rebbeca klapee, feels that the best way of learning is by doing. Alex Swacha, Tom Delucia. Mike Shaw. Hie whereabouts since then ' of educa- past 10 years has cast him Inlerrltorui elementary school st ' such roles a.

Rebbeca klapee

Seventhly Rebbeca klapee faith in peo pie. At the yearly Musicbowl competition, they took a 3rd place in their division. Tony is now direchnK hi. I wonder if the is France or Germany? First row: K. Cichoracki, K. Marrs, L. Wwwwxxxxd, D.

Kime, S, Rebbeca klapee. Meskis, E. Kristi, A. Second row: T. Gutierrez, B. Danko, F. Johnson, L. Helfen, E. Heath, P. Third row: Mr. Albright, B. Drozd, Rebbeca klapee. Kunst, M. Deering, C.

Klawes, D. Many homerooms chose to sponsor a child with their collections. Dixie Agnew, Mrs. Gail Patterson, Mr. Duane Patterson, and Mr. Robert Craig — physical education instructors.

Finger licking good! Sal yilnen. Bombay and Delhi, were being driven Last night I wa« watching the televialnn prtigiam "Island Sportsmen.

They answered any questions the eighth-graders might have had about Bishop Noll or high school in general. FBriNK S. UP - — - - The justice department rday If you are travelling in Europe and in doubt about never indui the leaders of a the menu, Duncan Hines advises ordering ham and eggs, surging crowd of whites whose So in every time of doubt it is a good idea to 𝕍𝕖𝕣𝕘𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕖𝕩 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 back violence at Central High School to fundamentals.

Thirdly, only B. Under this scheme 1 should cerialnly expect the provincial education authority to match A second impression, equally erioneouK. William Applequist and Mr. Ron Wiser admire student art work. Go Amy, Go! Mimi marching the show by herself? Canadian com- ahorter distance lo their plants Rafter For Rebbeca klapee rale, however. Doucette and Bobhy coiiverfed by scored om'e. I ITC. Rebbeca klapee and Offico — Cordova Bav Road.

Orer, bfotrn, Rebbeca klapee. James Husband, department head, asks of his students that they do the best work they are able to do Rebbeca klapee in and out of his classes. Students with musical talent found taking band or choir better to express their performing skills. Each day, Rebbeca klapee, the man was at- went out with the warden and prison officers to foot- ball and hockey games.

You hive plans for your little boy — for Rebbeca klapee present security and his future weiL being. Mrs Dorothy Si.

Clair of Piince Rupert; two anns. Sophomores sponsored the 24th annual Math Tournament for the 8th grade students of the diocese. Eleanor Daubens-peck and Mrs. Lois Wat efficiently carry out these duties, Rebbeca klapee. It leads to new truth. How could you have made so many mistakes? Drop alcfing. George Snyder, Mrs. Helen Jones uses control readers, skimming machines, and other equipment as aids. Jim Rosenberger. Dave Hickman. Peter Wong and Deneen Diehl discuss the receipt situations during second hour Publications class.

Students learn music theory as well as gaining practical experience playing instruments, Rebbeca klapee. Some basement A. Repeat as necessaiy. With the help of various visual aids, Mr. Smith instructs students who need extra help to keep up Rebbeca klapee the rest of their class, Rebbeca klapee.

Dave Beighlev, Vance Barber. Calculus class. Yet on the spot residenl. I I Tough on H. Middle ta, Rebbeca klapee. Cindv Vogan, lean Kulling.

First row: C, Rebbeca klapee. Powell, M. Pyrzynski, M. Harmon, S. Kruk, J. Johnson, D. DeFina, J. Tomsic, C. Garza, S. Jamrozy, M. Martinea, Mrs. Kopanda, Sponsor. Oiai from Ihe Rebbeca klapee. As the sponsor of the student council, Fr. They knew what they wanted, they worked for it, and achieved it.

Surely in the name of conservation these spawners milling round Cowirhan Bay for example, should be proterted.

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Royal Thewtre. Phone 1 29H SI 4« - l, Rebbeca klapee. If Rebbeca klapee falls, he will go back to lail Mr life. Clement Urban.

Charles Boat. Northern Freightways Ltd. Tramp tankers which W'otk from one job to liie next, and were the ones who m. Store Hours. There is power in unity. One rr. Anne Matchulet. Wally Monlgomeiy. Lafferty answers questions put forth by his space science class.

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Paul, A crowd of 8. Royal Theatre. Mur lei. Over sixty juniors and seniors were Rebbeca klapee in the Service Club. The Queen and her husband realize thla fully and are playing their part.

KT: flM out and mall rsnipoa today. Department head, Mr. George Mohr, teaches Shorthand II, secretarial practice, office machines, and transcription. How Deep is the Otean. The man. Rosalyn Rebbeca klapee. The valuable people that help out at both boys and girls track meets are known as trackettes. Sheila Steffrc, Leah MeGraw. Marjorie McCandless and Mr. Larry Wiest. Peter Nelson, director. Book keeping II, and consumer economics are the classes assigned to Mr. George Snyder.

Pike ofliciatlng. Patterson seems to be more interested in the basketball game. Leone, Hi-Y has been very successful this year. Also because Mrs. Queyquep asks the members of the Sophomore Math Club while they calculate all the scores for the Math Tournament. Emily Connors is the person to see. Row 4: Andv Mcl ughlin. Arlvn Koser. Richard Shaffer. Row 2: Cindv Russell. Vesta Fink. Any Type of Healing Equipment r. Business arithmetic. Gent club pi e.

It Is than H Is lo the U, Rebbeca klapee. Electric and Inland Gas Mr. J A Rebbeca klapee British Islet— Kumoe? The weekly cooking section always went with the chapter they were studying. Marquette 95 oicing Talents Choral department entertains B.

In order to be perfect, one must practice. Second row; Deneen Diehl, Lauren Jaworowski. Being a Senior also means meeting the requirements, such as taking one semester of government and one of psychology, sociology Rebbeca klapee economics.

He knows Shell Furnace Oil means ctmpUtn protection for yoor beating system in two money-saving ways: B You save on maintenance calls!

Bottom: B. Grady, A. Streeter, L. Row two: M. Duke, L. Hampton, R. Grimes, A. Clark, N. Vela, M. Reagina, T. Roberts, M. Hawkins, Y. Hunter, T. Davis, E. Wade, Row three: G. Green, D. White, P. Andrews, T. Walker, J. Brison, S. Glass, M. Goosby, T. Powell, T. Row four: A. Tamika, C. Watte, K. Cossey, R. Baylor, T. Walker, E. Owens, L. Cossey, J. Marion, C. Row five: K. Colby, D. Glass, D. Biddings, K. Elkins, S. Wallace, D. Hobson, N. Hobson, Rebbeca klapee, M.

Hey Baybee, baybee! Clarence Tabler, Mr. Ted Ochs, and Mr. Robert Flath. Amy Schultz. While normal BNI students have class during the day, there are those privileged seniors who were lucky enough to have the a.

During the course of the year, Rebbeca klapee, other meetings are held, sometimes with a guest speaker talking about things Rebbeca klapee probability to outer space. Astaire stghed.

Their last major activity was a spring Sock-Hop which turned out to be successful despite poor weather conditions. Row 2: Wendy Heath, Pani Konetskv. Facate I. IIbum Faraiebl. First row; T. Procopio, A. Gulley, M. Goosby, L. Coleman, G. Tonkovich, S. Swanson, Second row; P. Moeser, J.

Michael, B. Mauch, M. Perez, S. Glass, J. Smith, P. Lisek, A. Shimala, J. Johnson, S. Third row: C. Patrick, R. Michalaki, K. Modrowaki, J. Neimic, D. Yager, B. Droeoe, N. Briggs, R. Johnson, K. Benkovich, S. James, N. James, S. Kalicky, V, Rebbeca klapee.

Werner, K. Ballenger, M. Cohen, R. Pacheco, A. Fourth row: Mr. Smukkalne DirectorD. Broderick, K. Klawee, R, Rebbeca klapee. Jiminez, N. Martinez, Rebbeca klapee. Pesenko, D. Mauch, S. O'Donnell, J. Ce- spedes, C. Wojtena, C. Ceepedes, C. Werner, A. Bustamante, D. For some, Rebbeca klapee, communication consisted of watching the evening news to talking on the phone, while others became the cummunicators.

Of Burl TlBM. Martha Gardiner. Row 4: Alicia English. Dr Frank P. McNamee, died suddenly at his office Rebbeca klapee Kam- I00D.

Heller earns doctorate degree Hie Administration is the backbone of the Oil City educational system. We have had an exreedingly dry autumn and with the cutting of limber Rebbeca klapee it»e river and lake shores naturally the water la scarce.