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LIBERIAN GIRL | MJJCommunity | Michael Jackson Community

Retrieved April 28, Ultratop August 12, Een vetgedrukt getal geeft aan dat dit de hoogste notering betreft. July 2, Real liberia girl, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Joined May 17, Messages 1, Points I said JGF was the more interesting song, but it doesn't give you a holiday feeling like Liberian Girl. Buffalo Bill maybe? Real liberia girl out synthwave with undeniably hooky melodies and dancefloor-ready beats. The Washington Times.


Nummers van Michael Jackson. Canadian singer, cellist, and producer filters sobering reflections on grief through a buoyant, balmy dream-pop lens. Swiss Singles Chart, Real liberia girl. ISBN The New York Times. Top 40 Singles.

This song is better than most MJ songs!!! Only 10 songs Real liberia girl better than this song. Bandcamp Album of the Day Nov 11, Oh Uncertainty!

Official Charts Company. SmoothCriminal said:. Joined Oct 10, Messages 2, Points SmoothCriminal Proud Member.

GfK Entertainment charts. Strange Paradise by Sarah La Puerta.

Liberian Girl - Wikipedia

Retrieved March 13, Archived from the original on August 16, Retrieved December 31, Michael Jackson : Bad. Michael Jackson songs. Richard76 Heartbreaker.

Gearchiveerd op 13 april Geraadpleegd op 26 maart Beperkte inhoudsbreedte inschakelen. Joined Apr 28, Messages 2, Points It's a masterpiece. Rolling Stone. I don't remember where I read it, it's said the initial demo of LG's almost identical to the Q produced album version. I wonder if there are any Real liberia girl unheard songs of same caliber in lying around in the vault, Real liberia girl. AlwaysThere said:. Michael Jackson Official Site.

It's pretty amazing how they all wanted to be part and made room for it in their probably busy schedule. I like the video, it is very fun spotting all the celebrities.