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Rashmika Mandanna's AI deepfake video takes Internet by storm, Big B demands legal action

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Rashmika Mandanna viral video: Social media firms liable for legal action, says MoS IT

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Official Trailer. Agencies A clip featuring what appeared Rashmika manadan xxx be 'Pushpa' star Rashmika Mandanna getting into a lift, sparked outrage online, after a journalist pointed out that it was a deepfake video.

The Economic Times daily newspaper is available online now. Where was Rashmika Mandanna born? Goodbye Official Trailer. Did you know Edit.

FAQ 9 Powered by Alexa. Aadavaallu Meeku Johaarlu Trailer. Stock analysis. Learn more about contributing. Official trailer. Pushpa Official Trailer. Story outline A Rashmika manadan xxx of Rashmika Mandana recently went viral on Internet However, it was later found to be deepfake video The woman in the video is a British influencer named Zara Patel The Big B has demanded legal action against perpetrators.

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