Rashimka mandana sex vidiyo

To view the video, this page requires javascript to be enabled. Agencies A clip featuring what appeared to be 'Pushpa' star Rashmika Mandanna getting into a lift, sparked outrage online, after a journalist pointed out that it was a deepfake video.

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E-comm 9 Stories, Rashimka mandana sex vidiyo. Your Reason has been Reported Rashimka mandana sex vidiyo the admin. Cyber-safety 7 Stories. Remember me on this computer not recommended on public or shared computers. Naughty anarica Size Abc Small. Reacting to her viral deepfake video, South star Rashmika Mandanna on Monday said it is "extremely scary" how technology is being misused, while her "Goodbye" co-star Amitabh Bachchan called for legal action.

Rashimka mandana sex vidiyo

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Find this comment offensive? Story outline A video of Rashmika Mandana recently went viral on Internet However, it was later found to be deepfake video The woman in the video is a British influencer named Zara Patel The Big B has demanded legal action against Rashimka mandana sex vidiyo. The Free Premium period has ended, you can continue to help by staying home and enjoying more thanPremium Videos from more than studios.

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Reacting to the post, Bachchan said, "Yes this is a strong case for legal". Entertainment Siddhant Karnick reveals violent Animal scene that was cut from the film, reacts on 'moral' criticism. Read Complete ePaper ». ML 8 Mon visit. Sign in.


Stay on top of technology and startup news that matters. Bachchan was the first to react after a fact checker posted the deepfake clip along with the original video of a British-Indian social media personality Zara Patel, and demanded an urgent need for a legal and regulatory framework to deal with deepfakes in India.

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