Raja gay video

Also, doesn't Tommy have anything else to do? We are disagreeing without getting mean or judgemental. Glad Raja decided to do a spoken-word song; he sure can't sing, lol!

Sorry for ranting but as Raja gay video very proud Mom of and out and proud gay son, I find some of the reasoning on here insulting.

I am sorry if I have offended anyone. Loved his Fantasy Springs hippie look and his current look also.

And why must the general population see him either straight or gay. I think he is pushing boundaries in his own way. That makes Raja gay video sense! Overall, I liked it. A Change. But I thought him kissing Adam was hot too. By Alice Morey. I thought it was campy fun and enjoyed it!!! And why not--fans on both sides of the fence.

We seem to be saying whatever we feel with no nasty remarks, Raja gay video. Sutan is looking fantastic and Raja beautiful. It may be considered campy but I thought it seemed more gross than fun.

Moodbored is now available on iTunes and streaming services — watch the incredible below, Raja gay video. June 18 am What is the 'wrong message' he is sending? With Adam, it seemed so natural.

By Megan Wallace. I'm not uptight but it just felt forced somehow. I forgot to ask before I posted. Raja gay video Post Older Post Home.

And looks like he's getting a kick out of this. Adam has tweeted the link to the whole video. It will take him far. The point is there is no right or wrong - we're just people. Eventhough it's only for fun, nop the answer!!!!!

Raja gay video

Hope Sutan has success in his area of art. Anon a. Adam Lambert Blog List, Raja gay video. This is again. And, Tommy looks absolutely beautiful. Since TJ is in the band and relate Raja gay video Adam's music somehow.

Don't you know you're only allowed to voice opinions that have been previewed and approved of by the majority here?? Shame on you! I am living in a country that gay marriage is legal but has a close girlfriend still in the closet in a far more conservative place in the east. Tommy is going to go as he started. My remark of "wrong message" has no intention to insult anyone here.


His friends should not ask Raja gay video if they want to be edgy and push boundaries themselves. Can I say mismatch???? And here you go again putting up fences, restrictions, I like Tommy w Adam but not w anyone else And peeps, do you honestly think Adam's going to stick to this "rock look" he had in Russia like forever I thought Adam's fans would be more open minded but I guess I was wrong, Raja gay video.

I loved the video found it sexy and campy its just my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But I felt this was insulting to gays. Tommy's having fun, acting, getting paid, rock n rollin'.

Can anybody explain me what was the reason to make it? Anon am.

Gonna Come. What wrong message? I think this would have been better with some background behind the Raja gay video flashes of glittery palace? Raja has unveiled the stunning, cinematic visual for her dark club Tickled chair Moodbored. For my own opinion, the whole vid has lots of soft porn images which is not a good message send to the young generation in the society.

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I very much prefer Adam and his singing and looks all of them! Definately straight. Just my opinion and I'm moving on Don't like this video at all. Remember the episode on Drag Race? Don't like the song, or the voice but the beat is quite catchy, can imagine it being played in clubs, can't however imagine the video being played on VH Sutan is actually good looking and masculine as a guy. That he isn't afraid to act a gay part? Thanks Daydreamin for the tip! Raja gay video just tweeted the vid to his millions fan, I hope he won't get tonnes of WTF.

Love him so much. I think Tommy is so pretty and is taking anything he can to make money now. Newsletter Sign-Up, Raja gay video. Couldn't even finish it to the end even though I tried.

Tere Baghair Ye Dil kis Tarah Sambhalain gay- (R) (Raja khan) Kumar sanu -Alka - video Dailymotion

Not liking this video has no connection with not liking gays, Raja gay video. Sorry that's how I feel no chemistry at all, Raja gay video. Sutan is such a lovely and talented guy.

Featured Picture. I hope it's ok to say I'd like to see Mdamaba with a girl. Comment Moderation We reserve the right to delete your comment if we Raja gay video it disrespectful, mean, or inappropriate.

Very campy. Anon AM That is my point - I can understand some people not liking the video, but there were comments made that made it seem that Tommy acting gay would hurt his career, those are the remarks I found insulting. Don't like the video as Girl butp whole but don't think it was made for straight women anyway.

Tommy isn't afraid to be thought of as being gay because it shouldn't matter He is a musician are you saying, he won't get hired as one because he is in a music video acting out a gay part! He is an edgy guy and that's how he will continue to play it.

BTW, I'd love to see Tommy with a girl for a Raja gay video Post a Comment. And permission is Xxx.girl and boy.irani needed to comment.

This technology helps us gather statistical and analytical information for marketing purposes, but the choice to accept cookies is always yours.

Adam has done tremendous job on gay right awareness in many places around the world just by being himself, the vid for me, seems to steer into the "sex" stereotype of homosexual reflected by the major media, Raja gay video. Nice short clip of Raja and Tommy. Most of you are saying its not ok to be gay, and I don't think you realize it. Again, its ok not to like the video but making it about showing gay and not liking it is insulting.

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Video: Raja and Tommy | Adam Lambert 24/7 News

Just watched it. IreneRose I'm sorry if some Raja gay video the remarks hurt you I would not have liked the video if it had been a male and female I have no problem with straights playing gay in film and don't think it "marks" them in any way, nor gays playing the part of straights.

Peeps take things way too serious. I didn't like Adam kissing Tommy throughout the entire tour but I survived it and still like both of them, Raja gay video. Speculation is always good and keeps people talking. Love and peace! Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.

Tommy is straight. The money is in his androgynous looks and attitude.