Purple girl fnaf

Reader is a bit chubs and has pink hair :D. Ever heard of Afton Robotics? Wiki Content. He's good with his hands, but not with little things anymore. William Afton, the town's favorite crazed, drunken father of two deceased children and a problem child, has Purple girl fnaf well enough to be in a decent spot financially.

Oh, and please, don't request things from me I can't guarentee I'd even actually finish it if I do write it. This won't have any fandom crossing, just fnaf.

She fell in love with him for his sadistic cruelty, she is too young to have a date since she is Audrey's Twin when he asked her about the color of her car, she tells him that it is a coquelicot color, which caused him to throw a tantrum to the point of calling her uneducated sow for having a purple car and ended up for Purple girl fnaf him in the gizzards as revenge and showing how sadistic she is.

Then, to rejoice in her victory, Purple girl fnaf, she kissed the match she had used, but when she did so, she felt disgusted because it was already full of gunpowder, but even so, with fairness, Purple Girl went to her apartment, while the police and the armed forces searched for something, Purple girl fnaf.

Nothing could go wrong, right? She hated the reputation that Papyrus cooked Spaghetti when the place is just a pizzeria, but she befriended him while they were having his Spaghetti even though this was all a trap. Explore Wikis Community Central. No kidding. In version B, Purple Purple girl fnaf ends up being arrested just as she was going to escape, but while they are taking her back to jail, two police officers get upset because she is looking at them with a sinister smile, and she throws a stuffed bomb on them, exploding inside of the van where they were going.

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You decide to go with your best friend Scott. Meeting in their hometown of Hurricane Utah, they choose to eat lunch at the somehow still standing Jeff's Pizza. The only thing that make me a little nervous was that smile. Must be new. Death, injury, blood, gore, and sexual themes are going to be common topics, but I'll try my best to tag each chapter with the Purple girl fnaf warnings, Purple girl fnaf, and if you need me to add any, please let me know.

You may be stuck in your Midwest hometown for now, but it's not all bad. That white smile. So why not recruit a young person who can string Onlyfans uploads his newest contraptions of spring locks and endoskeletons, Purple girl fnaf.

And you Good with your hands, yes. Welcome to the extent of my powers.

Alcohol and obsession lead to the tiniest Purple girl fnaf in his fingertips when he tried to tighten the little spring locks in his various suits and gadgets, Purple girl fnaf.

Young enough to need extra cash and opportunities. While taking a semester off from your community tech school, you decide to take up a small internship offer from a local machinery company. Mob Wiki Explore. He was all purple.

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If you are here, then you have decided that you wanted to know Purple girl fnaf much about me, Purple girl fnaf. Hello and we meet again. Like a walking grape. When they discovered her, they began to chase her until they reached an abandoned fair, right at an attraction, and the patrol entered along with the armed forces.

It's actually really interesting, it has neat art as well, Purple girl fnaf is free to play. Besides our first meeting, he seemed to be a… weirdo? I was feeling uncomfortable around him.

As the days went by, Purple Girl enjoyed her criminal life, sometimes she played Minecraft live but one of her gameplays, she lost patience when she lost a game, Purple girl fnaf threw his computer out of a window in anger, later decided that it was time to change his image so, combining the new uniform, Purple girl fnaf, with the hat he had stolen, he dressed in a new look and went out to bother the police department.

How far are you willing to go for a few extra bucks an hour? AKA the Purple girl fnaf where movie Afton makes you put that thing down, flip it, and reverse it on his desk.

The Author of this book is NOT responsible for readers ignoring the tags, those who need a tag and point out that I need to add one do not count. Vincent Mila_Naturist masturbating i a strange guy. Upon arriving at the police department, Purple Girl began to sing with a megaphone to get the attention of the police, Purple girl fnaf.

You can't stand your way too friendly boss, but with rent being raised you have no choice but to negotiate with him. Along the way she learns a whole new world, makes new friends, and falls into the strings of a certain Purple girl fnaf guy. It'sand you work at a pizzeria, overhearing there's a get-together at a co-worker's house.