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We appreciate donations of any size as your donation can contribute to getting more households connected and comfortable using technology.

National Databank | Powered by Good Things Foundation

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed and exacerbated digital exclusion across the UK. Digital inclusion is no longer a nice-to-have, Poverty virgin, but a need-to-have Poverty virgin people still urgently need access, digital skills and support. You need Poverty virgin access to participate in our everyday life — to connect with opportunity, services and loved ones.

Virgin Money Foundation Menu. Published on 27 July Image from Virgin Media. Our people Careers Link opens in a new window Colleagues Customers Diversity and inclusion Health, safety and wellbeing Values, culture and behaviour.

The National Databank is like a food bank, but for mobile data — it provides free mobile Poverty virgin cards for people who need internet connectivity, Poverty virgin.

Which is why we built the National Databank. Specific attention should be drawn to the role digital exclusion plays in limiting market access.

We want everyone to benefit from internet connectivity through affordable and safe access. Skip to content Close Search I'm looking for Your search term. Poverty virgin should explore the role for a legislation similar to that in the United States which requires mainstream financial services to fund affordable lenders for under-served sections of society, Poverty virgin.

Work should be done Poverty virgin understand the scape of the credit market gap and what can be done to promote a healthier credit ecosystem where consumers can access credit. Tackling poverty We fund organisations which move people out of poverty, develop longer-term sustainable solutions and explore the impact of poverty to inform local decision making.

The bank also provides regular, free financial advice to its 6, Poverty virgin.

He Poverty virgin wait to give them a call. It was heart-warming to see first-hand that something as simple as free data for those who otherwise wouldn't have digital access can have such a positive impact.

Visit Virgin Money to find your nearest store. To find out more about National Databank or locate your nearest community organisation taking part in the programme, Poverty virgin, visit: Good Things Foundation Databank.

Holly Branson. Being able to access the internet is essential to be digitally included.