Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA

M camsuaa in Ylcioria. TtUirutn F. For toe're bound for the Rio Grande! Point, enamel, vallpaper, ate Victoria Patni di Wallpaper. Public Market. Bonnirta Off the bag. Don't hciirart to Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA L or phood for s compiuDentarr copy. BapitaiSar i. InMalllnq gas and atactrlo bailers ill Ugsnds a 13sl I. Wet baseotenti guar- anteed mad dry. VwbbdB Baal mada Bocil palembang maaiura.

Saskatoon, Bdmon- ton. Nobba, Mrs. Helen Nobbs. BpevlalMs db vat baae- manu Advtca oa drainage probltms. Mrs Maerlaao. A iependable. The big right hander, anxious to win 20 games for the second season m a Mansger Marty Knig row. Rase wietaU 12I-B5. Oak Bay— "Master of Bank- dam, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Games were In charge of Mr. Preston and Mr. Morgan; home cooking. Later: get arrangements In order. Tins 2-lb.

BC, and the late Mr. Nixon, to Mr. New Mexico. George Patquall and, Norman Slocks. OarBan HavaiB iT lbs. Ceneda'i peaint thavwg bergam— mcludee Retor, 10 bltdes in Dupentcr. Auatin waa nmner up, with a card of 9g— A HlghWry ftf. Old mark. Congestion of automobiles at week-enda waa causing a double parking problem, which would be- come worM.

J«ia Ut Qalssils; le U. W MorUai. Oak Bay— "Master of Bank- dam. Searle nccived e deconted cake during the ariemoon Miu A. Tea will be eerved. Williagnaas la atudy S orada KU eduratton. Pleasing pattovomy. Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA hi.

Dkkpoo i and McCoiSauob. There was a small InftltuUonal Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA In gllt-edfed but It waa sufficient to uncow a general stock shortage. I Ora, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. II; Mae Murray, of 1 Kuiland. Arthur Bradley. X x-Ur— 6 PIv6. Malone" Into a comedy series at M O.

Immedi- ately. Ballti 0! Several portlorw of the road were rmurfaced by the Provincial Department of Public Works. Georgina Lowe was on holiday when picture was taken. OanaSiaa Paritie Ralinar CnckafitiU P ue CnSa. Praa RaUmataa « - DR. Green Lumber Co. JT: ' w-i«. Slop m-look around. In Virterta. H - Wta. Lcn Barr bat boy. Bas Per fwther parlUuiari apoly Bei int. Tba BAT has threa ooeninfs or ' man vbo can gualliiy at gramouenal so nasi. February 19 to March 30 Pisces —Reek to bolster your position Jepanes hu Infiuentla folk and thoss cIosmI your heart, especially In the morn- ing.

T much Brentwood Aeas vs. Plonsgsn said he considered there was no parking problem ot all Ho felt It would be foolish to e«wn outline control of parking at present. Imm toaa. Jefrinicol mark. HtMsgttityeeW oltvsrjrikln.

Bev Sweeney. Urv evst. September 23 to October 33 Li- bra — Be aggressive, forceful in morning.

The table covered with a white out- work cloth and decorated with pastel sweet peas and white candles in silver holders, was centred with the ihree-Uered wedding cake. Martin Qutah, not only used abusive language, but hypno- tixed her hen.

Ridero vcre otUred In red ond white ooUn Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA, block Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA, ond block eoni. The Job will be under the supervtatnn of the work. A lease Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA control of the ball park to the village was signed by commUsionerB. Olant Yellowknife and Kerr- Addison, among the sen Gumball waterson blackmails his mother. AlsMM BlMl.

They were all out for Cameron alto itarted at the pitch fur Ontario, uklng five wlckeu for Aug iO CP. Handy of Brlttiih Columbia. Oanny Hamner. Bald Mr. Mating that In such aesaloDs matten dlecmaad rangw from "an old body'a perLdon" to laniea of International bnportanec. Prolmbly the chief one waa the belief that the TV In- dustry will be able to fill rboaumer needa and military demaoda aa well wlihout too much difficulty, j Trading ihowed UtUa tnchnaUoo ' to expand on the way up. The advanres tgUowed a sharp rise Wednesday and limited im- provement earlier in the weekPoto bunda ELSI AMISI WA, most other stocks were neglectatt The TV, group wag influenced by 'several factors.

Csigary and Bd- montoo arid OeneraJ Pete were active. CW naaa herbalUl. I NavUoU. Slal Osvarnmant Btreal j. Morgoret Boird. BpevlalMs db vat baae- manu Advtca oa drainage probltms. C uat noo4 would indicate. Teeth and Breath. OarBan HavaiB iT lbs. Proa asiTmatss, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA.

R Pearkes, MP. Cornwallis at Deep Brook. Our stair of tewing experts will be glad lo help you with your tewing problema. Ridero vcre otUred In red ond white ooUn ohlrto, block hole, ond block eoni. Tbasa art tha aalacuvn ractura. Jupp was a natlva of Bdlnburgh.

Large Ammoniated Mouth Waih. Foreol Prodacta, epper Central, p. Winds northwest 19 m pb. In Vanevuvar BC. B Lee. Langford B C ; one sUier. They were all out for Cameron alto itarted at the pitch fur Ontario, uklng five wlckeu for Aug iO CP. Handy of Brlttiih Columbia. M gim4 totito to RetMoal tneii. Wakeheld was tea con- vener. Some Junior producers chalked-up gains ranging to five rente.

Old mark, Women's 3. Base metala. Miss Meryl Fraser of Vancouver. In Wmeusor. ST GA. Kohinsoo'o hUUng tua list round tripper. Proceeds of the be the final clinic until October. Pox — "On the Town. Beauilful corsages, made by Mrs. Victoria Unit, on Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Jack Kvla Ted Parkins II. Art BmUh 15 and Peter Darl- ing Welcome newa lo many aof lert haa been arrival of new aprlng aalmon run at Cowtehan Bay. Expected for aomt time, flah made flral Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA ahowlng Wednesday when two poondera were among salmon landed.

Caaadka CAP pa«. Spot; Sotetr. X x-Ur— 6 PIv6. Malone" Into a comedy series at M O. Immedi- ately. W WMiMKk. Albion ItP. O gJflt. M Wren thought businew- men were the worst offenders by parking In front of their own pre- mises throughout tha day.

Jonea wUl ofBHate at I the funeral servica, to start at 1 4: 15 pm. Walters, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA, Mrs.

W Norton. August Admission II. Prlday August II. CaU BflXtg. AufUkt Cambrey A Unoarvood. Bonnirta Off the bag. Workman fuUy txpaitaoaed Cevunt Vulk ol all typaa. Charles J. Zcnkie held a cup and saucer ahower at her f Biturday evening. November 23 to December 31 Sa- gittarius —Work harmoniously with thoss around you.

If Cborrj. Mr McLeod ond 6. Forest Prodacta. Septic tanks. B iitl sravlnta. Association last night Ing the final play-off berth a body three big f. P 7R with single cantilever tray. Old Company plate, made and guaranteed by Ww, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA.

Roegaa Mro. TON, Ont. Beckerley, Sr. Freda landed a pound fUh. Approval came more than a year after many of the marks were eetab- Itahed. J«ia Ut Qalssils; le U. W MorUai. Rim Mine. Airs CampksIL vbo '. Tins 2-lb. Tha Kaffir market, wtth the help of the Cepe, opened a little ftTroer but the lack of follow-through from London eausMl a alight receaalon froD the best prices to Free-State Issues. Base metala. Calgary, Regina. Who wins! ANT e r. Jost for fun, I walked around on the deck of your boet at midnight In my muddy boots to scare youl" "Avast and belayl" Bosun Jumped up and down again, but not because of the firecrackers.

BC, and the late Mr. Nixon, to Mr. New Mexico. Ml Phnpe n United Art CO. II Pieeea. Later: follow routine.

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Geldi 55JB. Robinson, village clerk, reported that 70 7 per cent of village taxes had be«n received up to July. Admisasvn Me. Oovarnmanl Btreet. Gordon Head. Bnavnigan Lake. Strengthen bonds wUb others. The Job will be under the supervtatnn of the work. Reynolds also suffered a badly sprained ankle Damage to Uie automobile was estimated at »aoo. Xxx sister sleep fucking Japanese Cborrj.

Bas 3fl Bataanoa a C. WUmat Wsiiay Cartav. Soundly constrncted tool boxei that serve double as your tackle box. Brunton sold that If one or two-hour parking waa lostltuted. Bas 3fl Bataanoa a C. WUmat Wsiiay Cartav. Annie O'Shea told a court her neighbor. Steels, papers. Hendy got three Alberta Wlckeu with eontacuuve balla. As this will and Upe on cooking. B4TH aN». Probably Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA witl advise a balanced program; a good degree of safety and a limited amount of fpenilatlon.

Bfl guaranteed sgsinst breakage. Mr McLeod ond 6. He misses his eats and his swimming pool. Shirley Wagg, M. E Emery. Th«inb«oi if. AufUkt Cambrey A Unoarvood. They ran the half-mile in Inter they turned the half-mile In 1 34 Rat. So today the I. Since this time also la the Record for the shorter yarda.

Workman fuUy txpaitaoaed Cevunt Vulk ol all typaa, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Al Majorkl si wwabv keep the baU away.

Apply C. Langford Putt I I Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA l3 illUB fkpqaad to Nt gi. Wdnar ColwaW. Ceneda'i peaint thavwg bergam— mcludee Retor, 10 bltdes in Dupentcr.

II : ktnMr Oetekar S prakrrttf. Slal Osvarnmant Btreal j.

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Ptrtl Oanta— 31 H. Pat Wright, Vlc the Boaton Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Last complete show at pjn. On Auguat 0 PruQcia MrLean Jupr. November 23 to December 31 Sa- gittarius —Work harmoniously with thoss around you.

Oanny Hamner. MacMillan pulp plant. Joe vX Vtclerla and Blanen al Longford. Williagnaas la atudy S orada KU eduratton, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA.

It does. Large Ammoniated Mouth Waih. Onrtnd Pud B. Aug JO fRciiteni. New york prodtitute and James Lunam removed the wood, Xxxxokk fortunately had not pierced any vital organs.

BapitaiSar i. The fart that natlonallxatlon of the eountryli great Iron and eteel Industry waa pending had daflnite bearltur on hla personal thoughts along the election line. What la your question. Annie O'Shea told a court her neighbor.

Riartlar Brork "A" -- Btanlar Brnek. Septic tanks. Rad or Oraan. BeElnners' etast. Christine Boyd. Pifltiaar Oaid Prankr Bwder.

After Eddie come two left hand hittara— Wbluv Lockman and Don Mueller— and both with about the aame averagta at Btanky. MTg Brastoat M. I Ossa ta. ST GA. Kohinsoo'o hUUng tua list round tripper. Aocuat is. They had stopped banging. Bankboad bU l»th. Mayor Jordan was sure the ques- tion should be considered.

Hesard I. ItSO Rafrerwaa Btrsai. Caa: lias. Bet SMi. Oak Bay. B Sfldl. This Information Is included tn a Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA received recently by Gordon T. Manson, newly-appointed the House of Commons were able lo queatloD their ministers on all matters pertaining to govarpment.

Planning Ahead— Good for socl- abUUy, entertaining, etc. Tha Kaffir market, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA, wtth the help of the Cepe, opened a little ftTroer but Religious neighbor lack of follow-through from London eausMl a alight receaalon froD the best prices to Free-State Issues. Martin Qutah, not only used abusive language, but hypno- tixed her hen. Nobba, Mrs. Helen Nobbs.

Solos were rendered by Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Smith, Amot Avenue, at a recent vlolui jraony In 8t. P 7R with single cantilever tray. Mfty Yet Tie Tirenien J. John Marshall try an Ironmau role. Paahira B. Pick I irraarias. View Street. Dlsmlse doubts, worries tats In day.

Back row. Alf Longley Trophy strloa. Salea of I 1A Then the wntlre mar. Bdwardaon declared the party open and was presented with a gardenia corsage by the president, Mrs. Preston, who also assuted the hostess in receiving the guetU. CW naaa herbalUl. But this Is his Initial fling at films and he's funny— so Bob says.

Prolmbly the chief one waa the belief that the TV In- dustry will be able to fill rboaumer needa and military demaoda aa well wlihout too much difficulty, j Trading ihowed UtUa tnchnaUoo ' to expand on the way up. He misses his eats and his swimming pool. On Auguat 0 PruQcia MrLean Jupr. MR two Dig earda 8 IMl. Bhlngla Hatla. If you want to take a little more of a chance In the hope ttf bigger returns, he can advise you on that.

I by pitching both game. He bad lived tn Saanich for the past nine years. The affair will Uke the form of a reunion and Andears ex-nursing sisters whether members of the as- sociation or not, and their friends wUI he welcome mother. M ' and W tora. CUtevr R Bteut at the organ. Finished with lock and carrying handle. April 20 to May 30 Taurus — Contact people you are fond of tn ,the morning.

Studies Possibility of Improving Steamship Service for Gulf Islands Improvenenl of ileainAhlp service ea the Oulf lalande route by re- placement of the veteran ateammr a«. Ba ISIg. BrItUb acore waa Itt In performing hit bat inek. Rniabl'i Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. The advanres tgUowed a sharp rise Wednesday and limited im- provement earlier in the weekPoto bunda ELSI AMISI WA, most other stocks were neglectatt The TV, group wag influenced by 'several factors.

Dkkpoo i and McCoiSauob. The gifts were presented In a miniature house decorated in pink and green. Clear away chores. Loat, Mrs. M Miller. Bev Sweeney. One of biggest salmon brought in yesterday waa pound specimen displayed above by Ivor Ash. It was caught by Mrs, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Betty Berry on red-and- whlte Lodeking plug while trolling with feet of line and eight ouncea of weight. Terry Bombardier, Cynthia Der. Len Barr bat boy. Columbus Uncle Wigglly, go home snd Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA you to your Island.

Bas Per fwther parlUuiari apoly Bei int. Old Company plate, made and guaranteed by Ww. Roegaa Mro. TON, Ont. Beckerley, Sr. Freda landed a pound fUh. Augosi M. Angnst Apvls toeraingt, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Clear away chores. Shirley Wagg, M, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. E Emery. Christine Boyd. Alamlnam 'Itt Pari Standard CPan. K3IM aval. PaUrsen anB fUa. PaUrsen anB fUa. The trip to Comux Ukra allghUy over one hour and return t ' a.

S Bwanaer. Md a derby Uckei. Th«inb«oi if. Sirat nl Canada — attal nf Canada, nfd Q TamPIrn. Lucky Btrlkaa Oreh. T much Brentwood Aeas vs. Godparents were the. Yen Aerbdeeemt R nfftetoltog. Re- freshments were served with Mrs. Mouat presiding at the coffee um and Mrs. Wagg pouring tea. Simpson, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. O'Neil Mrs. Lumley] Mrs. Pearce, Mrs.

Dliumore, Mrs. H Roberts. Pboaa rjupnt. Oolwood, under the spon- »nd Mrs. Saarle of Colwood. The 1AA. Albion ItP. O gJflt. Mabel Johriiott. It stands to reason that James Whitmore carries on as "Mr. MRS, Raaaanaa. Adam Bmitb. M camsuaa in Ylcioria. He admitted Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA had no knowledge of when the next general election would be held In Britain, but In- timated It might be sooner than generally expectad.

Byers, Mrs. Mrs H. McOUl, Mrs. CyrU Wagg. Uansoo polnta out that hi. It Is hidden In the rushes. Lucky Btrlkaa Oreh. Later: shun negative viewpoints. Itlo Dauilaa Bi u Wll, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Itlo Dauilaa Bi u Wit. Ft akrluttva. Rase wietaU 12I-B5. Initial InveaUnenL. Company officials from Montreal, inclbdiog R X.

Deyman and L. E ox. B B bAt An old-ttiax dancx evbhy batvr- day. Geldi 55JB. Winds northwest 19 m pb. Pat Wright. Tipton; V. Mayor Loron K. Jordon in- vited 8ft. Purcell and committee. Al Majorkl si wwabv keep the baU away. Pleasing pattovomy. M0 faau tor anly IIW. In aned running orndllloB.

O IMt. B «4lC M A Bottaru. Be with acqualn lancet, associates. Frank Hlcholscm. Some Junior producers chalked-up gains ranging to five rente. BafvBw B'nfft. Pifltiaar Oaid Prankr Bwder. I am lonesome for the Usrquls and I think he misses me. I have for- gotten the story of Puss In Boots.

Robinson, village clerk, reported that 70 7 per cent of village taxes had be«n received up to July. Miss Doreen Aahlee.

Silver, Mrs. Warren, MUs Nancy Warren. Haru Johnaon o HauHaln Biravt. Arthur Bradley. Aocuat is. A householder yesterday eom. Stanley Sutton and Donald Marshall, members of Ute parka committee, dUcUbsed the lease, which Is for a term of one Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA A letter will be sent the company asking for permisaion to build a new road and lay a water mam to the park. After having a breakfast at R. Mlcmac, flrat Canadlan-bullt Tribal class de- I stroyer.

Uansoo polnta out that hi. Some 40 hardware men from Van- couver. Dlsmlse doubts, worries tats In day. But this Is his Initial fling at films and he's funny— so Bob says. A Hafgesi. Company officials from Montreal, inclbdiog R X. Deyman and L. E ox. Ml Phnpe n United Art CO. II Pieeea. Strengthen the foundations of your life, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. He admitted he had no knowledge of when the next general election would be held In Britain, but In- timated It might be sooner than generally expectad, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA.

Pill Olttpi. R Pearkes, MP. Cornwallis at Deep Brook. Poublster, Mrs. Ashlee, Mrs. Harcua, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA, Mra. Cofgsrte's Now Dooderant Mrs. Kicbbs, Mrs Ashley. Morgoret Boird. Borralnlyt OsW. But any one oould have kept, track of their financial statamenti. Want's Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA Taft Dr. LED l. You win! I NavUoU. Hesard I. ItSO Rafrerwaa Btrsai. North Vancouver, waa awarded a eontricl for maple and fir floors.

Approval came more than a year after many of the marks were eetab- Itahed. I by pitching both game. Cwuipara toll y«lwa aaywbara. Violet Yctman and Steve Johnson sponsor ; front row. He U accomparued by his son and daughter-in-law. N, AarriMO -Droae. Papers 9BBJ7. Studies Possibility of Improving Steamship Service for Gulf Islands Improvenenl of ileainAhlp service ea the Oulf lalande route by re- placement of the veteran ateammr a«.

I Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA Carlev. Ill caanlngs. Brunion ond OpI. At present buolnesunen drive thetr outomobUcfl to work and leave them standing In front of their pre- mkes the entire day.

I am lonesome for the Usrquls and I think he misses me. McCandlaoe Realty. Now for the story of myself— Puss In Boots. IM ragR. George Patquall and, Norman Slocks. BI, 13 Noon to 5 P.

A SA«. Monday, the lA-hole quaJtfyfftg j rauDde win bold the epoUlght and ; I match ptay will caailnue In aO j claaeas on euerwedlng days bbtl] the final rounda on Friday, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA.

Probably hr witl advise a balanced program; a good degree of safety and a limited amount of fpenilatlon. O'Malley" antics.

Our stair of tewing experts will be glad lo help you with your tewing problema. I WP mabtoeny cum. I have for- gotten the story of Puss In Boots.

In Wmeusor. Planning Ahead— Good for socl- abUUy, entertaining, etc. B B bAt An old-ttiax dancx evbhy batvr- day. ItmUfs 7BJ. August IV. The affair will Uke the form of a reunion and all ex-nursing sisters whether members of the as- sociation or not, and their friends wUI he welcome mother. Moonsy and James Lunam removed the wood, vihlch fortunately had not pierced any vital organs. Oevton CrMk. Mxt, Ubnrb ««. I A Carlev. Lynna and Wayna. IM laiartd Hifbwsy.

Mayor Jordan was sure the ques- tion should be considered. Mabel Johriiott. Rarnsuv Btndint an1 ravins. Ml Jabn. Proa asiTmatss. Tipton; V. Mayor Loron K. Jordon in- vited 8ft. Soundly constrncted tool boxei that serve double as your tackle box.

Bgl Brunton com- mented Various sngles of the situation were outlined, but no decision was reached. Ray Bertola. Then he walked to where his rowboet was hidden in the weeds and rushes in a Uttls cove of Prog Pond and started to row away.

Crystal Garden Lovar Ballroom. Seek the advice of loved ones, friends to overcome obstacles. Jupp was a natlva of Bdlnburgh. William, tn Scotland, and a nitmber of grandchildren. I thought I had shot all my firecrackers, but I must have had a few left. Figures will be submitted, and as soon as the city has the material ready and the preparatory work done, ihere will be a ctirb on Victoria Quay that Wilt extend past the Three Sisters Rcflauram.

Bnavnigan Lake. The big right hander, anxious to win 20 games for the second season m a Mansger Marty Knig row. A householder yesterday eom. VW nin. Ontario started thalr Innlnga againtl Manitoba by loalng three wickeia for ala runt, then rallied when Jimmy Cameron went In for M before being caught out.

Salea of I 1A Then the wntlre mar. SIver you'll rhensh forever. As for my boots, Rambling Rose Full movie they sre ITl put them on and go back home " "May T ask you another question before you go? After Eddie come two left hand hittara— Wbluv Lockman and Don Mueller— and both with about the Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA averagta at Btanky.

Admisasvn Me. Oovarnmanl Btreet, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Apply Scenemr Btaaui Laundry. U Bns. CatBuRc PO. Marilyn Iwulas. Paahira B. Pick I irraarias.

Association last night Ing the final play-off berth a body three big f. S Bwanaer, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Frank Hlcholscm. Strengthen bonds wUb others. Only a small group of Issues declined slightly Activity in gokf producers picked Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA after a comparatively slew mor- ning tession.

Saskatoon, Bdmon- ton. Jonea wUl ofBHate at I the funeral servica, to start at 1 4: 15 pm. Volume was about 1, iharea. I Ora. II; Mae Murray, of 1 Kuiland. A iependable. Mid Prira IIW. II W-lneb. Pill Olttpi. Solos were rendered by Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Smith, Amot Avenue, at Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA recent vlolui jraony In 8t. As for my boots, here they sre ITl put them on and go back home " "May T ask you another question before you go? North Vancouver, waa awarded a eontricl for maple and fir floors.

Tamer: MajsrkI and Robertson. Csigary and Bd- montoo arid OeneraJ Pete were active. Bgl Brunton com- mented Various sngles of the situation were outlined, but no decision was reached. Jack Kvla Ted Parkins II. Art BmUh 15 and Peter Darl- ing Welcome newa lo many aof lert haa been arrival of new aprlng aalmon run at Cowtehan Bay. Expected for aomt time, flah made flral big ahowlng Wednesday when two poondera were among salmon landed. All voit Buaraiaasd. Bald Mr. Mating that In such aesaloDs matten dlecmaad rangw from "an old body'a perLdon" to laniea of International bnportanec.

II : ktnMr Oetekar S prakrrttf. Praaar Biraet Uall. Apply Blrkihcvna Lodge Bchvnl. Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA antics. Hendy got three Alberta Wlckeu with eontacuuve balla.

C uat noo4 would indicate. Mrs Maerlaao. Or,t ». Leona Worth. William, tn Scotland, and a nitmber of grandchildren. August Admission II. Prlday August II. CaU BflXtg. I fprget which. Waikar M. Amount cleared in corresponding period for laat year was I5. Canada Malllea Canada Btrtaahtpa. BBB shares. IVWv t's such wonderful fun! AdvMts, Lowm Central. Auatin waa nmner up, with a card of 9g— A HlghWry ftf.

Jost for fun, I walked around on the deck of your boet at midnight In my muddy boots to scare youl" "Avast and belayl" Bosun Jumped up and down again, but not because of the firecrackers. Waaty HlU and Quien Et combined for the thud largest double price of the teatnn rghUng Trout aet a Uack record nt 3 09 or a mile and a quarter in the Mxth.

Augosi M. Angnst Apvls toeraingt. Crystal Garden Lovar Ballroom. Haru Johnaon o HauHaln Biravt. Caaadka CAP pa«. I'll pick up my sleeping basket, get In roy boat and row back to the MarquU. Adam Bmitb. SIZE So did Uncle Wtggily and Pat Butter, the goat. I'll pick up my sleeping basket, get In roy boat and row back to the MarquU, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Hs diad as bs iDaO. Praaar Biraet Uall. Pox — "On the Town.

A corsage of Rapture roses and cornflowers completed her costume. N, AarriMO -Droae. Oevton CrMk, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Godparents were the. You win! VuiUng bis staler. E MIS. No Job too ematl Kent stockb - plumbino. Johnstone Strmit, U re- ported not bumlng.

Back row. But I didn't mean to. R Cerrard contributed 47 and A. Cole 30 They declared the In- nlriga cloaed Jutt before tea with or nine wlckeU- Runnla Turnbull took three On- tario wlckeu for nine runt each. Virlora Bcht«l el Dn«lnt On! Usmv ' an Jaaspbt HosBilai, a ten «4 lbs.

Re« Oea, Mn Park tonight at 1 Bkt RaodaU I Navy. He welcomed formation of Can- ada's nRw combat brigade, but said It would not be ready for many months. O'Silan Oaia. Hs diad as bs iDaO. Martha Ntxon. W WMiMKk. Mtoal -W. Georgina Lowe was on holiday when picture was taken, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. O'Silan Oaia. VW nin. Store Hoars; e A M. Uat night turned in antuti w L.

Cbureb, UiUcr ID. Km ttanir «! R Cerrard contributed 47 and A. Cole 30 They declared the In- nlriga cloaed Jutt before tea with or nine wlckeU- Runnla Turnbull took three On- tario wlckeu for Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA runt each, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Tba BAT has threa ooeninfs or ' man vbo can gualliiy at gramouenal so nasi. Aldon WUkle adll face the Solans. Donald, with the Onitod chant Uanne. Mra T. Par- aooa Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Stuart, Mra Alexander, Mrs.

M Norton. Spot; Sotetr. MaoBar and aaal baits, raaa. They went to A I,ewis or a trucking service, and to Jack Hutchinson for a barber ahop. Mfty Yet Tie Tirenien J. John Marshall try an Ironmau role. Cbrvn tixll. If you want to play tt seie, he can tell you how to play It relaUvrIy safe. Ravltlth's Dept. Blaty-flve stecki Nsraiciai NorthMs CaasAa.

Johnstone Strmit, U re- ported not bumlng. Aldon WUkle adll face the Solans. Waikar M. Amount cleared in corresponding period for laat year was I5.

Canada Malllea Canada Btrtaahtpa. Bankboad bU l»th. Martha Ntxon. Tbo Modem PBortooey. It has been announced by K. سکس تارجی, dlstriei engineer I for the Department of Public Works. Foreol Prodacta, epper Central, p. A Hafgesi.

All voit Buaraiaasd.

Later: pro- ceed mora slowly snd tactfully. Stanley Wagg.

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Welch have as a guest the latter's aisler. Ctp'n Wig- gUy. Bufuat II. Whan a CArl Ms Hsssavlyas lac. Brunion suggested that the right Idea would be to put in park- ing melern, thus securing revenue for the control of parking Mayor Jordan agreed.

It has been announced by K. Merton, dlstriei engineer I for the Department of Public Works. One Girl anal hindi biggest salmon brought in yesterday waa pound specimen displayed above by Ivor Ash.

It was caught by Mrs. Betty Berry on red-and- whlte Lodeking plug while trolling with feet of line and eight ouncea of weight. Caa: lias. Store Hoars; e A M. Uat night turned in antuti w L. Cbureb, UiUcr ID. Km ttanir «! Apply Scenemr Btaaui Laundry.

Brunton sold that If one or two-hour parking waa lostltuted. The traditional wedding music was played by Mr. Emery, 8A6 Old Esquimau Road. Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA also suffered a badly sprained ankle Damage to Uie automobile was estimated at »aoo.

Donald, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA, with the Onitod chant Uanne. IVWv t's such wonderful fun! Proceeds of Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA be the final clinic until October. Later: shun negative viewpoints. AdvMts, Lowm Central.

Tea Clips were read by Mias E. P, Batey. Calgary, Regina. He welcomed formation of Can- ada's nRw combat brigade, but said It would not be ready for many months. BrItUb acore waa Itt In performing hit bat inek. InMalllnq gas and atactrlo bailers ill Ugsnds a 13sl I. Wet baseotenti guar- anteed mad dry.

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Miss D. Dobson, Miss A. Shearer and Mrs J R Short. I Orada. Ml Jabn. FunarsI servicas vlll ha held nn pvtdar arternnon. The toast was given by Mr H W. Leaving for the honeymoon Mrs Jackson donned a topcoat of skipper blue gabardine over her wedding costume. Ravltlth's Dept. Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA Cantral fann RaUsav. He said police Itad ncelved no complaints, but he had noticed that most goroges used the streets for parking loU.

ANT e r. Ctp'n Wig- gUy. Jackson U in charge of 8t John's United Church. Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA nl Canada — attal nf Canada, nfd Q TamPIrn. ClEaB, lB. Md a derby Uckei. Steels, papers. Oketbar al paaii OnUb.

AUlesey was given a share of this mark, alto held by Dillard. Rarnsuv Btndint an1 ravins. Papers 9BBJ7. Airs CampksIL vbo '. Later: get arrangements In order. I wUI tell you. Point, enamel, vallpaper, ate Victoria Patni di Wallpaper. I fprget which. Leona Worth. Puis in Boots. Rim Mine, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. After having a breakfast at R. Mlcmac, flrat Canadlan-bullt Tribal class de- I stroyer. Phone BS44T. Violet Yctman and Steve Johnson sponsor ; front row. Lcn Barr bat boy.

They went to A I,ewis or a trucking service, and to Jack Hutchinson for a barber ahop. Porter and Mrs E Hutchinson at Religions step mother part 2 former s home. Finished with lock and carrying handle. Ray Bertola. Tamer: MajsrkI and Robertson. C0B Bro«n Oo. MarMlUar "B". Oolwood, under the spon- »nd Mrs. Saarle of Colwood. Slop m-look around.

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BeElnners' etast. A lease giving control of the ball park to the village was signed by commUsionerB. Cbrvn tixll. Brunion ond OpI. At present buolnesunen drive thetr outomobUcfl to work and leave them standing In front of their pre- mkes the entire day.

Initial InveaUnenL. He bad lived tn Saanich for the past nine years. September 23 to October 33 Li- bra — Be aggressive, forceful in morning. Watters; needlework and mUcellaneous. U Bns. CatBuRc PO. Marilyn Iwulas. Several portlorw of the road were rmurfaced by the Provincial Department of Public Works, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA.

In hi. It does. Bufuat II. Whan a CArl Ms Hsssavlyas lac. AUlesey was given a share of this mark, alto held by Dillard. McCandlaoe Realty. Alf Longley Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA strloa. E Oby, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA.

Wa hava a awM auanly af Br mQlwaod. If you want to play tt seie, he can tell you how to play It relaUvrIy safe. Mayor Jordan eaplaned the meeting had been celled with a view to securing expressions of opinion on a matter which un- doubtedly Would become more sen- ous as Umq went on. Mayor Jordan eaplaned the meeting had been celled with a view to securing expressions of opinion on a matter which un- doubtedly Would become more sen- ous as Umq went on.

But I didn't mean to. Teeth and Breath. Searle nccived e deconted cake during the ariemoon Miu A. Tea will be eerved. M gim4 totito to RetMoal tneii. Bill I m I. Jerry Mathleu's call, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Virlora Bcht«l el Dn«lnt On! Usmv ' an Jaaspbt HosBilai, a ten «4 lbs. Seek the advice of loved ones, friends to overcome obstacles. They had stopped banging. Among survlvon are his widow, st bomaroDc daughtw, Mrs. Oll- lingKam, ArbuEus Road; two sons.

I wUI tell you. Only a small group of Issues declined slightly Activity in gokf producers picked up after a comparatively slew mor- ning tession. John Clifford Jackson are driving to Los. Angeles on their honeymoon and returningthrough the Grand Canyon and Salt Lake aty. OanaSiaa Paritie Ralinar CnckafitiU P ue CnSa. April 20 to May 30 Taurus — Contact people you are Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA of tn ,the morning. Later: pro- ceed mora slowly snd tactfully.

Re« Oea, Mn Park tonight at 1 Bkt RaodaU I Navy. Mias Zeno Emery, niece of the bride, wore a bridesmaid's frock of white fuU-tkirted organdy with long white gloves, q pink hat trimmed with pink rose, and a corsag?

BafvBw B'nfft. B iitl sravlnta. As this will and Upe on cooking. Strengthen the foundations of your life. A»f u. Akiittn MW? Wt'»a cal Um AV. RcTitir RA. I abiu. Want's Mirada Taft Dr, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA l.

K3IM aval. I sew your house- boat, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Ptrtl Oanta— 31 H. Pat Wright, Vlc the Boaton Braves. Who wins! Last complete show at pjn. View Street.

Oweno ond MUs Boird, 1. E MIS. No Job too ematl Kent stockb - plumbino. Figures will be submitted, and as soon as the city has the material ready and the preparatory work done, ihere will be a ctirb on Victoria Quay that Wilt extend past the Three Sisters Rcflauram. Pearce gained a bronse button when he included a paund.

M Wren thought businew- men were the worst offenders by parking In front of their own pre- mises throughout tha day. AlsMM BlMl. Verk Cantral fann RaUsav. Urv evst. Onrtnd Pud B. Aug JO fRciiteni. July 23 to August 23 Leo — Oet off by yourself In order to conclude some project tn the morning. Don't hciirart to write L or phood for s compiuDentarr copy.

Old mark, Women's 3. BaiuXaUun guaranteed Call Pisber. Ill caanlngs. Abvonb wamtoio oto BTovn om ' i»n Hvpmykiw. My sleeping basket Is under a mulberry bush or under a sassafri. Phone BS44T. Joe vX Vtclerla and Blanen al Longford. Gordon Head. It stands to reason that James Whitmore carries on as Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. A good salery and a permanent positien to the ngbl peraoi. Apply Blrkihcvna Lodge Bchvnl.

M Weed Sdetari. Borralnlyt OsW. But any one oould have kept, track of their financial statamenti. He said police Itad ncelved no complaints, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA, but he had noticed that most goroges used the streets for parking loU.

IM laiartd Hifbwsy. B, Cox and Mrs. Jones; candles, Master Jim Amos; grab-box. They ran the half-mile in Inter they turned the half-mile In 1 34 Rat. So today the I. Since this time also la the Record for the shorter yarda. Ontario started thalr Innlnga againtl Manitoba by loalng three wickeia Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA ala runt, then rallied when Jimmy Cameron went In for M before being caught out.

ItmUfs 7BJ. Btar'era Oastoand Rarriei Ukhn Hardy i stars. Bievp In or vnt. Columbus Uncle Wigglly, go home snd leave you to your Island. Wlb liami and Mrs. Ocborne has relumed from an extended holiday vrlth Mr.

Mias Joan Russell has returned to take up hecr duties as public health nurse, after a holiday In Kelowna, Vancouver and Victoria. February 19 to March 30 Pisces —Reek to bolster your position with Infiuentla folk and thoss cIosmI your heart, especially In the morn- ing.

Terry Bombardier, Cynthia Der. Len Barr bat boy. HtMsgttityeeW oltvsrjrikln. Be with acqualn lancet, associates. Bill I m I. Jerry Mathleu's call.

Some 40 hardware men from Van- couver. Bsardt a I. O 9BW y bark tiab. Ballti 0! Tbasa art tha aalacuvn ractura. FunarsI servicas vlll ha held nn pvtdar arternnon. TtUirutn F. For toe're bound for the Rio Grande! Walters, Mrs. W Norton. Congestion of automobiles at week-enda waa causing a double parking problem, which would be- come worM.

Beverley Xoski. Olant Yellowknife and Kerr- Addison, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA, among the sen ton. Public Market. The trip to Comux Ukra allghUy over one hour and return t ' a. I thought I had shot all my firecrackers, but I must have had a Japanese friends mom fuck left.

Plonsgsn said he considered there was no parking problem ot all Ho felt It would be foolish to e«wn outline control of parking at present. Bfl guaranteed sgsinst breakage. Forest Prodacta. F Tual. Mra T. Par- aooa Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Stuart, Mra Alexander, Mrs. M Norton. BaiuXaUun guaranteed Call Pisber. Then he walked to where his rowboet was hidden in the weeds and rushes in a Uttls cove of Prog Pond and started to row away.

Riartlar Brork "A" -- Btanlar Brnek. Hu«h Nauruan. Lynna and Wayna. The fart that natlonallxatlon of the eountryli great Iron and eteel Industry waa pending had daflnite bearltur on hla personal thoughts along the election line.

SIver you'll rhensh forever. There was a small InftltuUonal Interept In gllt-edfed but It waa sufficient to uncow a general stock shortage. Now for the story of myself— Puss In Boots. Miss Doreen Aahlee. What la your question. Waaty HlU and Quien Et combined for the thud largest double price of the teatnn rghUng Trout aet a Uack record nt Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA 09 or a mile and a quarter in the Mxth.

Beverley Xoski. SIZE So did Uncle Wtggily and Pat Butter, the goat. Pearkes, V. Pearkes de- clared He said a snail force could not have left Canada for Korea "with- out endangering the safety of the Dominion. Brunion suggested that the right Idea would be to put in park- ing melern, thus securing revenue for the control of parking Mayor Jordan agreed. Any typo al cencrata it'itvalki touBdatians. Bunt om- clatlng. Ba ISIg. This Information Is included tn a letter received recently by Gordon T.

Manson, newly-appointed the House of Commons were able lo queatloD their ministers on all matters pertaining to govarpment. I sew your house- boat. Pearkes, V. Pearkes de- clared He said a snail force could not have left Canada for Korea "with- out endangering the Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA of the Dominion. Bet SMi. Oak Bay. B Sfldl. Alamlnam 'Itt Pari Standard CPan. July 23 to August 23 Leo — Oet off by yourself In order to conclude some project tn the morning.

Pearce gained a bronse button when he included a paund. Cecil MlUey ushered. Re- freshments were served with Mrs.

Mouat presiding at the coffee um and Mrs. Wagg pouring tea. CUtevr R Bteut at the organ. The Associated Press average of I 90 stocks dipped. The Associated Press average of I 90 stocks dipped. Seek ways to make gain. It Is hidden In the rushes. C0B Bro«n Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. MarMlUar "B".

MacMillan pulp plant. Gd U3 Yates Btrcel. Mxt, Ubnrb ««. Stanley Sutton and Donald Marshall, members of Ute parka committee, dUcUbsed the lease, which Is for a term of one year A letter will be sent the company asking for permisaion to build a new road and lay a water mam to the park. Seek ways to make gain. Poublster, Mrs. Ashlee, Mrs. Harcua, Mra. Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA Now Dooderant Mrs.

Kicbbs, Mrs Ashley. Case Lb. AtHvm teak a» 4 P. Uaa« Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA altaM a Calkaka CkafM faaa. Blaty-flve stecki Nsraiciai NorthMs CaasAa. It's because of the firecrackers. Stanley Wagg. Samuel Emery, and was attired In an afternoon dreas of powder blue tUk mesh fashioned with V-neck and short sleeves worn alth skipper blue gloves and hat lo the same shade trimmed with com- flowers.

Byers, Mrs. Mrs H. McOUl, Mrs. CyrU Wagg. Puis in Boots. Hob- day, Is Mr. WUUama from South Africa. In Vanevuvar BC. B Lee. Langford B C ; one sUier. My sleeping basket Is under a mulberry bush or under a sassafri. Aa»irakU acaiMB a luj. Case Lb. AtHvm teak a» 4 P. Uaa« la altaM a Calkaka CkafM faaa. Thwaltes has left for VemoD. If you want to take a little more of a chance In the hope ttf bigger returns, he can advise you on that. Pat Wright. BI, 13 Noon to 5 P.

A SA«. Monday, the lA-hole quaJtfyfftg j rauDde win bold the epoUlght and ; I match ptay will caailnue In aO j claaeas on euerwedlng days bbtl] the final rounda on Friday. Volume was about 1, iharea. Any typo al cencrata it'itvalki touBdatians. The 1AA. Among survlvon are his widow, st bomaroDc daughtw, Mrs. Oll- lingKam, ArbuEus Road; two sons. Later: follow routine.

In Virterta. Gd U3 Yates Btrcel, Poto bunda ELSI AMISI WA. Oweno ond MUs Boird, 1. It's because of the firecrackers. BBB shares. A good salery and a permanent positien to the ngbl peraoi.

Bievp In or vnt.