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Hau nia peskiza investiga asuntu hirak ne e iha Timor-Leste. Jose works at Peace Corps, Porno timor iha eskola.

H: Orsida mak ita baa. Asesu ba Media no Perspetiva-sira 7. Peace Corps Volunteers are U. InPeace Corps has about 7, Volunteers working in over 77 countries. Notice that you can use each of these without any verb to talk about where someone or something is, or use it after a verb to talk about where an event takes place.

It is through his vision that time and resources were made available to produce these lessons. Sira hamoe ita povu Timor, ita nia kultura no ita nia identidade. A tall sexy secretary goes back home for lunch to see her roommate. Secondly, nee can modify a preceding noun to mean 'this, these, the'. What ျမမာxxx you doing?

Horiseik nia la baa eskola. Uza telefone Using the telephone How many? Secondly, the reflexive marker aan is now written as a separate word, no longer Porno timor iha eskola to a preceding verb e. Wainhira la uza no haburas tan Situasaun ida ne e Lesbi ABG amercan divizaun entre sidadaun baibain no ema elite sira.

Iha fatin barak mosu besi-teen no ne e perigozu ba labarik sira. Telling the time to the nearest minute 30 4. Tuir respostas husi informantes sira ne ebe hatudu iha tabela 3 katak barak liu sira dehan usa osan subsidiu ba sosa aihan ho distribui fila fali ba sira nia bei oan sira. Plant part compounds: hudi tahan 3. Ekonomia Economics Becoming versus being 2.

Imperial-metric conversion 3. You can use ka to coordinate a wide range of constituents, including single words, and whole clauses. I met Mrs Catarina. Objectivu importante ida maka atu hetan karik utilizasaun subsidiu ne e koloka iha finalidade nebe lo os : atu redus impatu negativu ba pobreza ne e. This guy speaks fast!

Unlike English, there tends to be a pause after the ka rather than before it. Ita rona radiu ka televizaun? Wanting: hakarak and lakohi 10 3, Porno timor iha eskola. Husi tinan to o iha hau halo Nehaxxx ba hau nia PhD. Hodi hala o peskiza ida ne e hau rona istoria husi partisipante hamutuk Ema Timor ho nia identidade oin-oin. Membru Ekipa Peskiza halo survei 45, no ema mak prenxe mesak dalabarak ho asistensia.

Peace Corps Volunteers Jeff Sinanian and Mike Michel, and staff member Mr Jose Avelar, did wonders for the physical appearance of the book, ADMP. concentrating on general formatting, Porno timor iha eskola, and Jeff Porno timor iha eskola Jose selecting the graphics. Martinho: Diak. However the boundaries are not clear. She's coming tomorrow.

Question words 8. The Peace Corps Tetun language training materials, prepared by and under the supervision of Dr. Catharina Williams-van Klinken, are the newest contribution by Peace Corps in promoting the use of national languages.

Hau bele tuur iha nebee? Administrasaun direitu bem estar tuir lolo os, tenki fo dalan ba ajuda an rasik self-provisioningprudensialismu, no hamosu etiku individualistiku nebe haforsa responsabilidade pesoal. Note that when it modifies a noun, nee is used not only for things and places, but also for people. Porno timor iha eskola the future, most Volunteers will be working in sucos and aldeias, where the needs for assistance are the greatest.

Figura 4 no 5 - Ezemplu husi analiza halimar fatin iha Rezultadu peskiza hatudu katak atividade halimar bainhira labarik sei ki ik importante loos atu harii sosiedade forte ida. Liafuan tan kona ba tempu: Extra vocabulary for times of day Note that all times given are approximate. Nominal clauses and questions: What is this? Martinho tenki baa eskola agora. No influensia husi rai liur no teknologia modern. Hatudu dalan Giving directions Which building?

To o ohin loron sistema siguransa sosial evolui no habelar ona. This course book is only one part of a set of materials being developed by Peace Corps East Timor for teaching Tetun to volunteers. Ida importante katak governu iha programa atu fornese servisu ba joventude sira.

Informantes : 3 husi sub-distritu :administrador, OGL 2, Xefi Aldeia nain 12, no ferik katuas nain 20, padre nain 2. Then an uncle spoke. You can sit here.

When will we go for an outing? Happy or sad? Martinho, what are you doing? See appendix 6 on determiners for an overview of the options. Konseptualizasaun Orijin konseitu direitu ba bem-estar bele deskobre husi obra matenek nain Thomas Marshall sinteza akresenta iha direitu sidadania baziku 3: direitu sivil or legal, politika ka direitu demokratiku no sosial ka direitu bem estar ba era foun husi sistema protesaun sosial nian Marshall Konseitu Siguransa Sosial bazeia ba konseitu akresenta iha artigu 22 husi Deklarasaun Universal direitus Humanus nian, sidaun ida-idak iha direitu atu hetan siguransa sosial.

Iha suco Beasu, banku la tun to o ba suco ne e, funsionariu banku nee hein deit iha postu sub-districtus selu idozos sira iha neba.

Xefi joventude ida nota katak dalabarak mak radio uza hanesan fonte ba muzika. Sira pratika saida mak sira haree no labarik feto sira barak mak isin-rua bainhira sira sei idade ki ik. I came yesterday afternoon, Porno timor iha eskola. Firstly, it is a pronoun meaning 'this, these, Porno timor iha eskola, it'.

Feto sira espresa sira nia hanoin kona-ba sira nia Porno timor iha eskola hosi prosesu justisa komunidade: Tuir kultura, feto laiha direitu atu koalia, Porno timor iha eskola.

Date 3. During the next years, more Volunteers will arrive to continue working in those areas and in other projects that are priorities of the East Timorese government. Jose servisu iha Corpo da Paz. Nia nee koalia lalais! Numerals 2, Porno timor iha eskola. Olivio: Hau servisu iha Viqueque.

Susu Lasan - Sherra Lps Timor Leste

Marka enkontru Making appointments Commands and invitations revisited 2. Liu husi entrevista nebe deskobri katak entre idosos 20, nain 16 iha oan nain 1 to o 3 iha servisu, 3 idosos iha oan nain 4 to o 6 hetan servisu.

Personal pronouns 6. Preokupasaun ba nia sustentabilidade assitensia sosial iha Timor-Leste Desde Timor-Leste simu guvernu tranzitional husi Estadu Unidus, Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial tipus asistensias sosial oin-oin; Programa bolsas ba inan no labarik sira, programa ajudu dezastre naturais sira, asistensia humanitaria ba IDP sira. Area nebe la asesua ba estradas, ferik katuas sira tenki ba simu sira nia osan iha postu sud-distritus sira.

P: Bainhira mak Senyora Rita mai? I'm teaching tomorrow at Peace Corps. Komunidade mos bele asesu hodi fahe informasaun ba publiku liu husi media privado, mediak publiku no no media komunidade.

Telling the time to the nearest half-hour 30 3. When did you come to Timor? Maske nune e intervensaun hirak ne e seidauk atinje sira nia rezultadu. Nune e Dean,6 mos konklui katak : Papel prinsipal husi estadu providensia welfare states no politika sosial iha kontextu global la konsege ona distribui rekursus ka fornese direitamente ba nesesidade nia povu nian, maibe ajuda nia sidadaun maneija nia problema rasik.

Ami mos halo proposta ba ONG, Porno timor iha eskola. Governu fo atensaun hodi ajuda ami iha tinan RKPV hahu halo siaran kada loron hahu husi horas tuk exepto domingo. Mediak komunidade servisu voluntariu deit. Manuel: Diak. Buat ne e karik bele inklui oportunidade ba labarik atu foti risku, hanesan sae aas ka haksoit tun.

Mr Antonio Sequeira has been the Porno timor iha eskola translator of the first part of this textbook into Tetun, Porno timor iha eskola, to allow non-English-speaking teachers to use it. Depois tiu ida koalia. Tabela 7. Duration: iha Relative clause with nebee mak 2. Manuel: Botardi. Superb east asian whore trying big long black cock at first time in motel 19 min 19 min Back To Black - Negatives 9 2.

Hafoin konflitus internal ihahamosu internal displaced people IDP 3. Tein Cooking Halo festa Having a party Mai ita Iha uma laran Inside a Girs big lactat ing Iha nebee? Quantity 3. Servisu nudar saida? Partisipante balu hatudu sira nia frustrasaun tamba iha nivel sosiedade no identidade oin-oin ne ebe kompleksu no hateten katak todan ba sira hodi haree no komprende didiak kultura Porno timor iha eskola nian.

Problema tekniku iha organiza, komunikasaun, kordenasaun bele hamosu lakon fiar ba malu no konflitus. Partisipante Timoroan hateten katak sira iha rasik kapasidade bo ot hodi halo mudansa. Ema barak uza material ai tali no ai-tali tahan iha Timor-Leste. Alende ida ne e mediku sira sempre haruka ami ba sosa tan aimoruk iha Famarcia. Work roles Missing subjects and objects Cognate nouns ending in -eiru Governu Government Halo Porno timor iha eskola Building Ordinal numbers and alternatives 2.

Lakuna entre politika no implementasaun Sistema Mekanismu transferensia osan ba idosos sira : iha kompostu husi sistema rua: 1 Pagamentu halao liu husi banku iha Municipius 6, 2 Seluk tan maka utiliza Sistema antiga: ministeriu finansa no MSS servisu hamutuk hodi selu benefisiarius sira.

I like this Porno timor iha eskola Iha tempu Indonesia nian iha radio no TV iha postu hotu no populasaun iha obrigasaun atu atende. Tuir sira nia hanoin subsidiu nebe sira hetan ladun ajuda sira buat barak. Poligamia sei kontinua nafatin iha Timor Leste. Finally, I am grateful to the leadership of Dili Institute of Technology, and particularly its rector, Mr Estanislau de Sousa Saldanha, for wholeheartedly supporting the development of Tetun, to the extent of employing five full-time Tetun teachers, and giving the language team encouragement, resources and free rein to work towards this goal.

Nobody, Porno timor iha eskola, nowhere, nothing 2. This one isn't good. For the first part of the book, Mr Nuno Gomes patiently answered many questions about Tetun and Porno timor iha eskola Timorese customs.

Desde implementasaun programa transferensia osan nao condisionadu ba idozus sira, seidauk halo estudu ida atu avalia programa ne e nia impatu sira, Porno timor iha eskola. In Tetun you do not have to say whether you are talking about one item or more i. Sex and age of animals: aman, inan, oan 2. Social auditing bele uza ba program ida ne e hodi identifika ero ou mal-jestaun, ou cazu korupsaun balun involvidu.

Tanba orsamentu estadu depende barak liu ba reseitas petroliferu nian nebe loron ida sei mohu. Dala-barak mak sira lakohi isin-rua tan sira sei dauk prontu atu harii umakain, Porno timor iha eskola. Yesterday he didn't go to school. Maske nune e peskiza ida ne e hatudu katak iha fallansu bo ot rua iha sistema dezenvolvimentu ne ebe agora dadaun implementa hela iha Timor-Leste.

Again, this can stand alone, or can follow a noun. Portuguese gender and number agreement Cognate nouns and adjectives ending in -i Price 2. Gastus ba subsidiu nee laos sempre ba finalidade diak, ema oituan liu investe sira nia osan iha insentivus produtivus ruma. You can use it for something that you are pointing to or already talking about, regardless of whether it is a single object, or more than one. Lesbian seduction has both pussies cumming. Administrasaun Administration Detransitivising prefixes nak- nam- 2.

Ohin hau haree Ela. Porno timor iha eskola nee servisu iha Viqueque, Porno timor iha eskola. How old? Mr Antonio Rosario advised on the finance chapter. Ita bele tuur iha nee, Porno timor iha eskola.

Durante 12 anos pasadu governu implementa ona politika asistensia sosial oi-oin iha formas transferensia osan nao-kondisional no kondisional, ajudus aihan, in-kind transfer, Porno timor iha eskola, no servisu work-for-cash 2. Mane barak liu porsentu 60 mak iha kolega gay ida duke lae porsentu Homophobia mos aumenta ho tinan.

Nebaa can modify a noun e. How long? Ohin loron is unambiguously 'today'. Second, Peace Corps Volunteers allow other peoples around the world to know Americans on a personal basis, and appreciate how American people might differ from the stereotypes presented in the popular media, Porno timor iha eskola.

Hodi la o ba oin ema indijena rasik mak tenki kaer no sai nain ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu hirak ne e no tenki uza rasik sira nia prosesu harii paz Indijena nian hodi transforma konflitu. When it means 'first', it comes after a verb e.

Tia: Halimar?

Instituisaun diferente iha Baucau iha lamentasoens hanesan katak : idozus balun mate ona maibe sira nia naran sei mosu nafatin iha lista MSS 5. Iha nivel sub-distritus, tenki iha nia fundus rasik atu nunee bele halo sira nia census rasik atu nunee sir abele kontrolu no monitor numerous uma kain iha aldeias iha sub-distritus.

Some other common expressions fitting this pattern, which you will learn in subsequent chapters, are: baa- mai 'to and fro', Porno timor iha eskola 'up and down', midar-siin 'sweet and sour', inan-aman 'parents' lit. Determiners 7. Note that Tetun also has nebaa 'that', which can be used when referring to things which are further away. Possessives again: hau nia amaa nia alin 53 Atividade loro-loron nian Daily activities Ita haan lai!

Dala barak feto sira lakohi lori problema fen ho laen sai ba publiku ho razaun kuandu se wain hira feto sira hakarak levanta problea maka feto sira tauk laen sira atu halo divorsiu ba fen sira. More on possession 71 Cognate nouns ending in -dade 72 Halo kompras Shopping Specifying quantity 76 2. Nia lao ulu ahead of the others '. He is standing there. Oina mak media komunidade bele sustain nee depende ba menejer mak buka osan husi donor atu suporta, Porno timor iha eskola.

This uncle is called Virgilio, Porno timor iha eskola. Various Timorese tutors trialled the lessons in one-to-one teaching of foreigners. Many people have contributed to developing these lessons. The first batch of Peace Corps volunteers in Timor contributed their ideas on what should be included, introduced me to their life in various townships around East Timor, and in some instances helped check wordlists in their communities.

Bele hetan ezemplu husi analiza hamilar fatin iha Figura 4 no 5. Ami uluk hela iha Dare. Uluk hau servisu iha Embaixada Brazil. Atualmente osan targeta ba iiidosos sira maibe iha realidade sira la uza mesak. Dva and tracer gets dick in wet holes. Xefi Aldeia hateten katak iha idozus nain 7 seidauk simu sira nia direitu de subsidiu, iha akontesimentu ida, Porno timor iha eskola, idozus Porno timor iha eskola aluga kareta rasik ba postu sub-distritu Mom pussy link nia osan idozus nian.

Liu peskiza ida ne e peskizador tenta hato o sugestaun balun mai husi informantes sira no mos husi peskizador rasik. Gastus barak monu ba konsumu baziku. Hedging and fudging 3. Depois mak ami fahe labarik nia gosta no atividade halimar seluk ba grupu tema balun. Rezolve problema Settling disputes Subject—object—verb Despede malu Farewell Imperative ba 4, Porno timor iha eskola. When mentioning time, the time phrase can occur at the beginning of the sentence, the end, or especially if it is very short in the middle.

Aprende Tetun Learning Tetun Answers to yes-no questions 14 2.

Agora iha We Indon vs arab to live in Dare. TV bele haree iha sentru suku-sira tanba governu fornese enerjia solar no TV ida ba kada Suku. Tamba realidade iha ita ni rain feto sira la independensia no sempre dependente ba mane sira. Prosedur kolesaun de dadus: observasaun, semistructure interviewed no diskusaun grupu. Hau servisu iha eskola nee. Moris ho mate Birth and death Kontenti ka tristi?

Manuel: Ita mai iha Timor hori-bainhira? Agora ita involve ona iha Xefi Suku hanesan reprezentante feto. In fact, it can follow proper names and pronouns if the person has already been mentioned. Asking price 76 3. Husi : cash for-work, programa empregu temporariu ba foin sae sira, fundus siguransa aihan nian, sosa aihan lokal atu suporta siguransa aihan nian, Porno timor iha eskola, programa merenda escolar nian, transfer fundus ba IDPs sira, pagamentu ba petisionarius sira, pensaun ba veteranus sira, subsidiu ba idosos sira no disabilidade sira.

Hanesan xefe Suco Luka, Districtu Viqueque hateten katak, em geral, tuir tradisaun Timor nian, osan nebe Idoso sira hetan sempre gasta ba obrigasaun tradicional nian Porno timor iha eskola gasta ba lia mate no lia moris mak barak liu. I read this one newspaper. Topicalise the object and omit the subject 4. Iha hamosu programa hasae transferensia osan nao-kondisional ba idozu no Porno timor iha eskola sira. Material ne e bele hetan iha fatin barak, la karun, bele troka, no ema barak hatene halo konstrusaun uza material ai-tali.

A lady wants to go to Suai. Naughty eastern european nurse gets fucked 6 min 6 min Luislovesmen Fucking many boy one girl. Time 4. Kuandu hetan moras ami la bele depende ba tratamentu gratuitu iha hospital tanba tratamentu ne e la Porno timor iha eskola liu.

Where is he? Ezemplu seluk mak bainhira ema uza material ai-tali hodi halo halimar fatin. Please speak Tetun or English. Olivio: Botardi, senyor. P: Bainhira mak ita baa pasiar? Sira selu tia osan aluga kareta, klaru sira hela deit osan oituan liu. Nia iha uma. Too oras nee, sira hein deit ba lista populasaun husi xefi sucos sira. Bainhira mak o baa eskola?

H: Nia mai aban. When did you Senyora come? Again, this indicates that you expect the other person to know which entities you are talking about, either because you have pointed to them, Porno timor iha eskola, or because you have already mentioned them. Yes-no questions 9 Porno timor iha eskola. Programa asistensia sosiais balun falta avaliasaun no mekanismu monitorizasaun atu deteta mal jestaun ruma.

Mestri baa Portugal.

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Tia: Martinho, o halo saida? It Redwap japanise occur either at the end of the sentence, or at the beginning. Frequency: loron ida dala tolu 2.

More on adjectives 4. Bele hetan ezemplu husi analiza halimar fatin iha Figura 4 no 5. Ida can also follow a noun. Sira tenki partilla ba sira nia oan sira no bei oan sira. Now I don't have a job. Notas finais no Rekomendasaun Assume katak subsidiu nee funsaun temporal ba flutuasaun presu no inflasaun iha Timor- Leste. She is from Los Palos. Tuir hau nia haree katak presiza iha mudansa fundamental ba ita nia teoria no pratika dezenvolvimentu.

Failansu komunikasaun entre ministeriu financaas no autoridade lokal sira Xefi aldeia iha Maliana deskreve kata nia servisu administrativu relasiona ho karta deklarasaun nia halo: Bainhira benefisiariu ida mate, sira tenki entrega sira nia kartaun eleitoral, xefi aldeia tenki halo deklarasaun no haruka relatoriu ba MSS atu suspende tia nia pagamentu, maibe dala ruma MSS la hasai ema nebe mate Magjowa nagtirahan sa kotse 2023 nee nia naran husi lista refere.

One is called Miguel, one is called Sam. How much is one? Identifika mos dezafius no obstakulus mosu durante estabelesementu no implementasaun sistema ne e, Porno timor iha eskola, atu hetan karik utilizasaun subsidiu ne e ho objetivu bele hadia prosperidade no moris diak idozus sira nian. Avo feto ida ho tinan 64 iha suku Taroso, posto de administrativa Railaco hatuir katak: Ami simu osan husi governu, sim, mas osan ida ne e lai iha liu valor.

What is this called? Ofisais observador guvernu local iha Maliana sugere katak subsidiu ba idoso sira diak liu halao pagamentu iha banku. Fraser, N. Studies in Social Porno timor iha eskola 1 1 : Hall, N. TrueGender mainstreaming in a post-conflict state: towards democratic peace in Timor- Leste, in B.

Kovar, A. Molnar, A. Wigglesworth, A. Tilman, and D. To ask where something is, use iha nebee lit. Hau aban hanorin iha Corpo da Paz.

He came yesterday. Diligent or lazy? In this case it is often best translated as 'a, an' rather than 'one'. Tuir hau nia hanoin katak, temporariamente ita bele hapara tanba hare ba forsa entre feto no mane la hanesan, mane nia Porno timor iha eskola forte liu feto, Porno timor iha eskola. Eskola School Speaking 35 2. Tabela 6.

H: Hau mai horiseik. P: Ita lee jornal nee hori-bainhira?

Dialogu 1 Bainhira mak baa eskola? Relative clauses with ke or be 4. He can speak Tetun. Dadus barak konfusu no laloos, hannensan exemplu Sr. Sergio, advogadu ida, nia banin mane nunka simu nia direitu idozo nian bainhira nia sei moris too nia mate la simu buat ida. This book is designed to be used together with a Tetun-English dictionary. He stays in the Hotel Timor.

Porezemplu ita bele uza material ai-tali hanesan eskada, atu halo uma ki ik ba labarik sira halimar iha laran, ka hodi halo lutu ki ik ba area halimar rai-henek.

Retrieved December from Deklarasaun ida ne e hateten katak dezenvolvimentu nu udar dalan ida hodi implementa direitu ida ne e ho paz no sustentabilidade.

Husi parte peskizador nia mos sujere katak sistema teknika tomak nebe liga ho prosesu avaliasaun, pagamentu, kontrolu persisa hare fila fali. Date 5. Mekanismu pagamentu liu husi bank hahu iha tinan nebe halao iha districtus hanesan: Aileu, Dili, Baucau, Porno timor iha eskola, Suai, Oecusse, Viqueque ho procesu tuir mai ne e: Antes de pagamentu MSS publika uluk sira nia dadus fulan ida antes dadus edital hafoin sira entrega lista hirak nee ba chefe suco, iha nivel suco, chefe suco iha responsabiliza atu verifika ka identifika familia nebe karik muda sai 4 Peskizador halo audencia direitamente ho Bispo de Dioceze Baucau Bainhira verifika tia MSS entrega fali ba banku atu transfer osan sira ba kada benefisiarius sira nia konta bankaria.

Possessives with nian 3. Martinho: Hau halimar, tia. Precisa peskiza ou estudu komparativu iha rai seluk hodi examina oinsa sira implementa sira nia program proteksaun sosial liu liu iha area non-conditional cash-transfer nian. I'll go there tomorrow morning. Mane mak violent liu, tamba sira nia forsa makas liu feto sira, no sira mos hakarak hatudu ba ema seluk katak sira mak makas liu, no forsa liu ema seluk.

Thank Xxx tagalog doddy to you all. Which one? How many things? Iha kasus hanesan sira nebe mate ona, sira mosu fali iha lista banku nian. Examplo: mane bandidu sira iha dalan, halo reasaun hanesan wain hira feto sira lao iha Estrada sira goja, wain hira feo sira mamar maka sei mosu violensia seksual.

Social Protection Floor Fundasaun ba 1 Program fo subsidu ba benefisiarius sira lu meius fo osan direitamente. Ofisiais husi postu Administrativu Baucau hato o nia preokupasaun hanesan tuir mai ne e: Dadus dizabilidade sira sae makaas tebes ohin loron iha Sub-Distritu Baucau hamutuk tuir dadus verifikasaun nina. Otel nee karun. The first group of Peace Corps teachers named aboveas well as Mr Nuno Gomes and Mr Antonio Sequeira, have developed a wide range of exercises, texts, lesson plans and teaching materials to facilitate presentation of these lessons.

Decreto-Lei N o. Anderson, M. Babo-Soares, D. Chand, S. Collier, P. Easterly, W, Porno timor iha eskola. Galtung, J. Kothari, U. Meadows, D, Porno timor iha eskola. Moyo, D. Nakata, M. Ospina, S. Geneva, Graduate Institute of Development Studies. Favor ida, koalia tetun ka ingles. Loro-loron haan saida? Bazeia ba komponentes tolu; primeiru, asuransia social, sengundu assitensia social, no terseiru programa ba merkadu traballo nian Camnahas Maibe direitu bem estar aplika no sistematizadu ona iha nasoens kapitalistas osidentais sira no marjinalizada iha nivel global.

Hadia mos koordinasaun no komunikasaun entre Ministerius Saude, Sosial no Solidariedade, no Estatal para kontrola prosesu verifikasaun documentu ba kliente sira no mos facilita prosesu pagamentu bele lao ho diak. However, ohin can also be used to mean 'today any time '. Data ho konvite Dates and invitations Dates in Tetun 3. I'm playing, aunt. This one is good. Politika tranfer osan ne e kusta tebes no lai iha garantia katak nia iha posibilidade para kontinua iha futuru.

Since President John F. Kennedy inaugurated the Peace Corps inoverVolunteers have served in over countries in all regions of the world. First, Volunteers working around the world provide Americans with an opportunity to know other peoples and cultures, and to promote peace through understanding. Uza Mane barak mak dehan sira raan nakali no lakon kontrolu ba sira-nia emosaun bainhira sira la konkorda ho buat ruma FGD5, FGD Entao feto raan sira hateten karakteristika xave ba laen diak mak nia kalma no bele kontrola sentimentu hirus.

Ida ne e signifika katak se bainhira ita la iha ona fundu petroliferu ita sei labele manten nivel protesaun sosial nebe e halao dadaun iha rai laran. Instrumentu hanesan teatru persija atu sensibiliza Porno timor iha eskola komunidade. I work in Viqueque, Porno timor iha eskola. Feto raan sira hateten karakteristika xave ba laen diak mak kalma no abilidade atu kontrola nia sentimentu hirus.

Where do you work? Reportajen hosi TV uza mos iha radio, tamba radio barak mak laiha reportajen rasik. Hau deskonfia karik banku iha duplu konta bankaria maibe hau sidauk hetan evidensia loos.

Etapa primeiru iha prosesu halo halimar fatin ne e mak kuda ai-moris. Really truly Edukasaun Education Relative clauses 2. Good afternoon. If it is at the beginning, it is usually followed by the focus marker mak.

Radio komunidade IDI Ami lao tuir kbit neebe ami iha. Portuguese passives 7. Mosu mos kritiku no komentariu oi-oin konaba programa hirak ne e.

Commands 15 4. Punctuation 5. Because Peace Corps Volunteers work at the most local levels, in the smallest towns and villages, it is essential that Volunteers learn to speak fluently the language that the people themselves speak. How often? Ex: Asesu filme porno husi internet, no labarik ho tinan minoridade hanesan tinan 12 mos hatene koalia lia fuan namora.

There are other examples of serial verb constructions in the 'common sequences' column of the vocabulary section, such as lao koalia halimar lit, Porno timor iha eskola.

Kuaze iha fatin hotu iha asesu ba radio, iha fatin balun asesu ba radio komunidade partikularmente iha distrito Viqueque no iha fatin seluk hetan asesu boot liu ba RTTL duke radio komunidade ezemplu Baucau. Halo planu Making plans Suggesting activities to do together 51 2. Approximation Enkontru Meetings Iha ema barak Other verb—subject clauses 3.

However it is possible to make such distinctions. Iha sentru distritu tun ba porsentu Iha Dili numeru boot liu haree TV iha tempu seluk. Ami nia dever mak haklaken informasaun ba komunidade. Object fronting 4. Halimar fatin ne e hasoru dezafiu tanba besik estrada boot. Categorisation Cognate adverbs ending in -mente Tempu Seasons Possibility and probability 2. You can't! Nia Porno timor iha eskola iha nebaa.

How are you? Just now I saw Ela. She works in Viqueque. It is expensive. Timorese will love it when you try to learn their language. When will Mrs Rita come?

Frequency 66 2, Porno timor iha eskola. Labarik Timor-oan matenek loos halimar livre, no halimar livre importante loos ba labarik nia prosesu dezenvolve a an.

Mestre eskola apresia tebes oportunidade atu dezenvolve labarik nia abilidade oi-oin. Ida nee la diak. Many people have contributed in major ways to Porno timor iha eskola the rest of the program.

You have to go now. Ezemplu ida mak bainhira ekipamentu halimar halo ho besi. Iha parte seluk, Porno timor iha eskola, ho montante susidiu nebe governu fo, maioria informantes husi peskiza ida ne e lamenta katak osan nebe sira simu ne e kiik tebes compara ho folin sasan sira iha merkadu causa husi inflasaun nebe sae ass tebes. I'm going tomorrow. Portuguese numbers 2. That's good. Objetivu peskiza ida ne e tenta atu hetan oinsa nia sustenabilidade no prospek politika transfer osan ba ferik no katuas sira nebe halo parte iha politika sosial iha nasaun depois konflitu hanesan Timor-Leste.

Martinho has to go to school now. Resitas idosos partilla mos ba membru familia sira seluk nebe moris hamutuk ho sira. Tiu nee hosi Ermera. Nia mai horiseik. Senyora ida hakarak baa Suai. Primeiru ami halo diskusaun ho ema oi-oin kona-ba oinsa labarik sira gosta halimar. Iha Watulari, chefe suco Matahoi haktuir katak : iha hau nia aldeia, existe idozus no disabilidade, idozus nain 39 seidauk simu sira nia osan tanba sira la bele lao ba postu pagamentu nian desde sistema pagamentu muda tia ona; benefisiarius sira hetan pagamentu direitamente husi Porno timor iha eskola. Olivio: Hau hosi Amerika.

World Bank. Ida nee diak. Ita hatene koalia tetun? In this chapter we will concentrate on nee 'this, it, the' Porno timor iha eskola ida 'one, a'.

Pezkiza ne e realizadu ho aproximasaun deskritivu no kualitiativu. When are you going to school? For a discussion of mak, see chapter The answer is normally at the end of the sentence. Kuidadu-an Taking care of yourself Final -n Ream mom possessives: hau nia tiun 4. Sira fo sala ba vitima, Porno timor iha eskola, fo Anal for fun ba feto kuandu sira hetan isin rua.

Relasiona ho utilizasaun osan subsidiu ne ebe hetan, iha observasaun oi-oin husi autoridade lokal no mos husi informantes rasik. Nia hanoin la diferente ho opiniaun administrador Viqueque nian: Politika subsidiu ida ne e diak, Porno timor iha eskola nia bele halo ema sai baruk ten, no dependente de mais ba, nia oan sira mos hein loos deit subsidiu nee. Ne e signifika katak subsidiu so ajuda deit taka lakuna konsumpsaun ba neseidade baziku kauza husi inflasaun.

Iha tendensia depedensia oan sira ba subsidius idozus hirak ne Porno timor iha eskola. My step cousin fucks my face to cum many times, Porno timor iha eskola.

Past and future time continued 31 7. I read this newspaper yesterday.

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Iha also means 'have' see chapter 9 and 'exist' see chapter In linguistics, they are called 'serial verb constructions'.

Senyora nee hosi Los Palos. Manuel: Ita servisu iha nebee? Nia iha nebee? Are we hearing a radio or a television? Sira senti relasaun ba malu hanesan relasaun kontra malu mak barak. H: Hau lee jornal nee horiseik. Tia hakarak baa pasiar ka, halimar Do you aunt want to go out, or just relax at home? Tense-aspect 9. Tetun has fairly simple grammar, and is mostly easy to pronounce, so it is relatively easy to get started. In any case, transport and communication difficulties often make keeping to exact time difficult.

Hanesan ita boot کس صورتی hatene, folin sasan agora sae makas. Hau haree radiu ida. Where can I sit? Ita halo saida? Responde ba situasaun ida ne e governu implementa transferensia cash no programa work-for-cash ba populasaun vulneraveis sira: populasaun iha IDPs, petisionarius sira, no seluk tan asiste sira rekover fali husi saida maka sira lakon no dezenpregu sira.

Estadu iha responsasbilidade atu promove no proteze ema difisientes sira. To ask about future time, use bainhira, Porno timor iha eskola. Nia hela iha Otel Timor. Hau gosta ida nee!

Maibee jornal nee la diak! So, 'this afternoon' is ohin lokraik if it is now lokraik or later, but orsida lokraik if it is still morning, Porno timor iha eskola. Sentence topics 4. Miss Maxine McKinney commented in detail on some lessons and on the health terms wordlist.

Numbers 29 2. Preface to the second edition In the eight Porno timor iha eskola since this book was first produced, Tetun has undergone rapid change, and become firmly entrenched in government, the media, and schools, in addition to its earlier roles as a community and church language. Nia hamriik iha nebee? In fact, the ability to communicate fluently in the local language is the greatest determinant of Volunteer success in achieving development and cross-cultural goals.

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Estadu mos iha responsabilidade atu organiza sistema siguransa sosial hadi fornese ajudu posiveis ba Porno timor iha eskola sidadaun vulneraveis no marjinalizadu sira. We'll go soon. Intensifiers Prepositions and conjunctions Spelling Bibliography The manuals constituting the Language Course were developed by Peace Corps specifically to enable American Volunteers to work effectively in rural areas of East Timor, and get to know the people of the country in the fullest sense, Porno timor iha eskola.

Reduplicating adjectives: plural 4. La asesu ba imformasaun ho diak kona ba rai laran no rai liur. Iha asuntus oi-oin foti husi publiku kona ba implementasaun programa ne e : limitasaun kapasidade instituisaun governu, prosedur birokratiku nebe e todan liu, asuntu transfaransia inklui manipulasaun de dadus iha nivel lokal no nivel benefisiariu ki ik sira, Porno timor iha eskola.

He is at home. Loney et al. Halimar fatin sira ne e halo ho kualidade diak no dala barak ema pinta besi hodi la bele mosu besi-teen. Persija halo rekrutamentu ba ema barak atu fahe informasaun iha komunidade.

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Iha jerasaun foun, Feto ho mane iha direitu hanesan. Formasaun regular ba funsionario sira servisu iha sistema ida ne e precise fo atensaun didiak.

It usually occurs at the beginning of the sentence, followed by mak. Nia baa eskola.

Precisa mos kooperasaun metin entre institusaun sira no komunidade sira. Olivio: Hau mai horiseik lokraik. Media mak hanesan fiskalizador lor-loron iha komunidade. Xefi Suku no Xefi Aldeia halo desizaun maibe reprezentante feto la involve iha diskusaun. Iha mos experiensia katak, ferik ida nia desmaia no monu tanba nia forma kleur liu iha loron manas, Porno timor iha eskola.

Partisipante sira hateten katak fiar malu, sai nain Sin and mon servisu hamutuk mak prinsipiu hirak ne ebe Chicken parm Porno timor iha eskola. Good afternoon, sir, Porno timor iha eskola.

Tan ne e estudu kona ba impatu programa tranferensia osan persija avalia hodi hetan oinsa sidadaun sira, ukun nain sira, no benefisiarius sira hanoin kona ba programa ne e. You know how to speak Tetun? Past and Ice spice XXX time To ask about past time, use hori-bainhira. Hau hasoru Senyora Catarina. People generally Porno timor iha eskola as to what the central portion of a time period includes; for instance all would include noon as meiudia, and all would count 4pm as lokraik.

I came yesterday. Ema nia uma barak maka hetan sunu no estragus. Nia hatene koalia tetun. Nia hatene uma nee. Topicalise the object 3. KA Hori-bainhira mak Senyora mai? Porno timor iha eskola and future time 23 2. Peace Corps is the agency of the United States government that promotes development at the grass- roots level by recruiting Volunteers to work with local communities. Where is he standing? In the past I worked for the Brazilian Agora hau la servisu.

O tenki baa agora. Generalise the subject as ema 5. Uma kain Household Possessives 45 2. Ami sempre halo ho representante ONG, komunidade atu komunidade bele komprende informasaun kona ba LVD neebe fahe liu husi media. Ida hosi Distritu no ida seluk hosi nivel urbanizasaun. For many events, such as parties and meetings, exact time is not important; everyone waits until the most important people have arrived before commencing.

Ami programa ho topiku neebe la hanesan hanesan kultura tradisaun liga ho Lei VD. Kobre mos parte balun husi subdistrito lospalos, Viqueque iha Larigutu subdistrito Uatulari. Location 97 2. Westoby, P, Porno timor iha eskola. Respetivamente mensiona kona ba direitu idozu sira atu simu জুল করে পিছন থেকে চেপে ধরে espesial ruma husi estadu.

Martinho: Aban mak hau baa. Tiu ida nee naran Virgilio. Doing calculations in Tetun Halo toos ho natar Farming Generic-specific compounds: ai teka 2.

However school, office and church services tend to run on time. Nia lee jornal. Liu-liu, bainhira hamosu aproximasaun post development, ema la fiar katak estadu bele responsavel ba bem estar nia ema sira.

Olivio has come from America. Olivio mai hosi Amerika. Giving something to use: foo ba Allowing: husik, hataan, foo 5. Tia: La bele! What do you eat every day?

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Ami fahe no hetan informasaun kona ba komunidade. Iha tabela 1 hatudu katak despeza estadu kuaze hanesan ho PIB domestika nao-petrolieru.

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Alphabet 4. One effect has been a large increase in the number of Portuguese loan-words which Porno timor iha eskola used by general educated speakers, even if they do not themselves speak Portuguese. Ita nia isin lolon Our body Talking about body parts Ita nia oin Our face Same and different Deskreve ema Describing people Age 3. Karik iha posibilidde bele husu ajuda ba polisia ou lideransa local hanesan; chefe joventude atu bele hapara. Em jeral, ihaPorno timor iha eskola, sub-distritu Baucau pur exemplu, lamenta barak liu kona ba Semi indon sistema pagamentu nian.

Nee naran saa? Flex east side couples and married singles 35 sec 35 sec Rafaelzonalestesp. This resulted in some useful feedback, especially from Dr Patti Delaney. Dili Institute of Technology has produced the pocket dictionary Word-finder, as well as a larger interactive dictionary. Hau tenki admiti katak hau kontinua asina lista atu nunee membru familia sira bele simu osan atu hadia rate no hadia labarik sira nia moris.

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