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They have developed different life styles and a variety of ways of dealing with sexual relationships.

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They have divergent experiences, however, Pony hot videos in Kampala, in their utilisation of opportunities and in the level of success they achieve. Over the course of two years detailed life histories of 34 women were collected through recording open, in-depth interviews, the collection of sexual and income and expenditure diaries, visits to the women's native villages, and participant observation. The women share similar disadvantaged backgrounds and this has played a role in their move into commercial sex.

Women who sell sex in a Ugandan trading town: life histories, survival strategies and risk

The paper quoted state prosecutor Ivan Kyazze, who reportedly told the court the men had been subjected to "medical tests" which confirmed they had engaged in "homosexual acts".

But the prosecutor's office told the BBC that whether or not homosexuality was involved, they were not being charged with that crime.

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UK degrees cut in Uganda gay row.