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This helps these organisations with their important work. We provide free integrated case management to survivors of family and sexual violence to ensure they get the help they need.

PNG family sex

Contact us Learn more. Femili PNG relies on funding and donations to keep our doors open.

Family and Sexual Violence in PNG: Measuring the Business Case

In the endline research, a promising shift in attitudes away from an acceptance of violence which was already low can be seen, coupled with a change, PNG family sex, particularly among men, towards recognizing the value associated with company support for employees affected by family and sexual violence.

Exit Page. The only group for which rates of violence did not decrease at endline were women in management roles. We advocate with government, service providers and other groups to strengthen responses and get better outcomes for PNG family sex.

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Through our free case management services, we empower survivors to access the services and outcomes they need. She could not bear the abuse she was experiencing and decided to ran away.

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If you, or someone you know, is experiencing family and sexual violence or child abuse, we may be able to help you through our centres in Lae, PNG family sex, Port Moresby and Goroka. Through effective … Read more.

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Endline research conducted in found that the proportion of women in the participating companies who said they had experienced family and sexual violence within their lifetime decreased. Meanwhile, the proportion of those who had experienced family and sexual violence in the last 12 months decreased for women and men from baseline to endline, PNG family sex.

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Helping survivors get the support that they need Femili PNG helps survivors of family and sexual violence to access the services, support and care that they need. This report also provides a comprehensive set of data-informed recommendations targeting businesses, service providers, and other relevant institutions working to prevent and respond to family and sexual violence in PNG. View infographic.

Femili PNG provides training and support to other organisations that assist survivors. Help us support survivors of family PNG family sex sexual violence, PNG family sex.