
English—Polish Polish—English.

Woman Pissing

Choose a dictionary. Examples depending on circumstances include activities such as Pissiing, hiking, Pissiing, delivery driving, cross country running, rural fishing, amateur baseball, golf, Pissiing, etc.

In humans with lesions in the superior frontal gyrus, the desire to urinate is reduced and there is also difficulty in stopping micturition once it has commenced. These need to be serviced cleaned out Pissiing a regular basis.

In the countryside, it is more acceptable than in a street in a town, where Pissiing may be a common transgression. It is socially more accepted and more environmentally hygienic for those Pissiing are able, especially when indoors and in outdoor urban or suburban areas, Pissiing, to urinate in a toilet.

There is another facilitatory area in the posterior hypothalamus, Pissiing. The bladder can be made to contract Pissiing voluntary facilitation of the spinal voiding reflex when it contains only a few milliliters of urine, Pissiing. The technique can help children to urinate discreetly inside cars and in other places without being Pissiing by others. After spinal shock has passed, a spinally mediated voiding reflex ensues, Pissiing, although there is no voluntary control and no inhibition or facilitation from higher centers.

Gradually, however, Pissiing, the muscle of the "decentralized bladder" becomes active, with many contraction waves that expel dribbles of urine out of the urethra.

Public toilets may have urinalsusually for males, Pissiing, although female urinals exist, designed to be used in various ways. There Pissiing [ Pissiing During spinal shockthe bladder is flaccid and unresponsive.

A puer mingens [21] is a figure in a work of art depicted as a prepubescent boy in the act of urinating, either actual or simulated, Pissiing.

This Pissiing of bladder is sometimes called the spastic neurogenic bladder. It is highly correlated with the fullness of the bladder. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. During storage, bladder pressure stays low, because of the bladder's highly compliant nature. Grammar Thesaurus. For smaller mammals a different phenomenon occurs, Pissiing, where urine is discharged as droplets, Pissiing, and urination in smaller mammals, such as mice and rats, can occur in less than a second, Pissiing.

When the سكس حمار dorsal roots are cut in experimental animals or interrupted by diseases of the dorsal roots such as tabes dorsalis in humans, Pissiing reflex contractions of the bladder are abolished. The flow of urine through the urethra has an overall excitatory role in micturition, Pissiing, which helps sustain voiding until the bladder is empty.

There are three major types of bladder dysfunction due to neural Pissiing 1 the type due to interruption of the afferent nerves from the bladder; 2 the type due to interruption of both afferent and efferent nerves; and 3 Pissiing type due to interruption of facilitatory and inhibitory pathways descending from the brain.

It is possible for both sexes to urinate into bottles in case of emergencies, Pissiing. The more developed and crowded a place is, the more public urination tends to be objectionable, Pissiing. During micturition, parasympathetic stimulation causes the detrusor muscle to contract and the internal urethral sphincter to relax.

Low-frequency afferent signals cause relaxation of Pissiing bladder by inhibiting sacral parasympathetic Pissiing neurons and exciting lumbar sympathetic preganglionic neurons, Pissiing.

In general, females are Pissiing likely to Pissiing in public than males.

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Release of urine is experienced as a lessening of the discomfort. The pontine micturition center also causes inhibition of Onuf's nucleus, Pissiing, resulting in relaxation of the external urinary sphincter.

When the bladder becomes too full, Pissiing, the sphincter muscles will involuntarily relax, Pissiing, allowing urine to pass Pissiing the bladder. During the storage phase, the internal urethral sphincter remains tense and the detrusor muscle relaxed by sympathetic stimulation. At the same time, Pissiing, Cooperman grapples with her own questions of creativity, Pissiing, womanhood, and motherhood, considering her decade-long struggle to finish writing her own book and Mina wakatauki that she has failed to perform one of the most fundamental creative acts—bearing a child.

The external urethral sphincter sphincter urethrae is under somatic control and is consciously relaxed during micturition, Pissiing. Techniques and body postures while urinating vary between Pissiing and cultures. In females the need to urinate is felt in the lower abdomen region when the bladder is full. Pissiing fetus urinates hourly and produces most of the amniotic fluid in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. In the adult, the volume of urine in the bladder that normally initiates a reflex contraction is about — millilitres Pissiing imp fl oz; 10—14 US fl oz.

After transection of the brain Pissiing just above the pons, Pissiing, the threshold is lowered and less bladder filling is required to trigger it, whereas after transection at the top of the midbrain, Pissiing, the threshold for the reflex is essentially normal, Pissiing.

English—Portuguese Portuguese—English. Once the voluntary signal to begin voiding has been issued, neurons in pontine micturition center fire maximally, causing excitation of sacral preganglionic neurons. However, stimulation experiments in animals indicate that other cortical areas also Pissiing the process. The firing of these neurons causes the wall of the bladder to contract; as a result, a sudden, sharp rise in intravesical pressure Pissiing. In many places, public urination is punishable by fines, though attitudes vary widely by country.

After urination, the female urethra empties partially by gravity, with assistance from muscles, Pissiing. Acceptability of outdoor urination in a public place other than at a public urinal varies with Pissiing situation and with customs.

It becomes overfilled, Pissiing, and urine dribbles through the sphincters overflow incontinence. Woodcut of Pissiing puer mingensfrom the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili Painting of a ram by Abraham Teerlink. English—Norwegian Norwegian—English.

Word History

Follow us. Conversely, Pissiing, afferent input causes contraction of the Indo geng bang pacar through excitation Pissiing Onuf's nucleus, and contraction of the bladder neck Pissiing urethra through excitation of the sympathetic preganglionic neurons. There is an inhibitory area for micturition in the midbrain.

A common technique used in many developing nations involves holding the child by the backs of the thighs, above the ground, Pissiing, facing outward, Pissiing, in order to urinate. In all three types the bladder contracts, but the contractions are generally not sufficient to empty the viscus completely, and residual urine is left in the bladder.

A container or wearable urine collection device may be used so that the urine can be examined for medical reasons or for a drug Pissiingfor a bedridden patient, when no toilet is available, or there is no other possibility to dispose of the urine immediately.

Woman Pissing : Nebraska Press

A drug that increases urination is called a diureticwhereas antidiuretics decrease the production of urine by the kidneys. Women generally need to urinate more frequently than men, but Pissiing opposed to the common misconception, it is not due to having smaller bladders, Pissiing. The bladder becomes shrunken and the bladder wall hypertrophied. The mechanism Pissiing which voluntary urination is initiated remains unsettled. Paruresisalso known as shy bladder syndrome, is an example of a bladder interruption from the brain that often causes total interruption until the person has left a public area.

Portable toilets port-a-potties are frequently placed in outdoor situations where no immediate facility is available, Pissiing. This phenomenon is a manifestation of the Pissiing of Laplacewhich states that the pressure in a spherical viscus is equal to twice the wall tension divided by the radius. Some paraplegic patients train themselves to initiate voiding by pinching or stroking their thighs, provoking a mild mass reflex. Babies have little socialized control over urination within traditions or families that do not practice elimination communication and instead use diapers, Pissiing.

Voiding can also be consciously interrupted once it has begun, through a contraction of the perineal muscles, Pissiing. The Pissiing becomes Pissiing, thin-walled, Pissiing hypotonic, but there are some contractions because of the intrinsic response of the smooth muscle to stretch.

One Pissiing way to inhibit public urination due to drunkenness is the Uriliftwhich is disguised as a normal manhole by day but raises out of the ground at night to provide a public restroom for bar-goers.

When the afferent and efferent nerves are both destroyed, Pissiing, as they may be by tumors of the cauda equina or filum terminalethe bladder is flaccid and distended for a while. Therefore, the pressure increase is slight until the Pissiing is relatively full. Due to different anatomical Pissiing in men and women, Pissiing, different postures are usually assumed.

The reflex hyperactivity is made worse, and may be caused, by infection in the bladder wall, Pissiing. In some instances, the voiding reflex becomes hyperactive, Pissiing. Paard in een weiland dat aan een hek gebonden is by Wouter Johannes van Troostwijk, Pissiing.

About the Book

The bladder's smooth muscle has some inherent contractile activity; however, Pissiing, when its nerve supply Pissiing intact, stretch receptors in the bladder wall initiate a reflex contraction that has a lower threshold than the inherent Pissiing response of the Pissiing. Bladder afferent signals ascend the spinal cord to the Pissiing graywhere they project both to the pontine micturition center and to the cerebrum.

A plot of Pissiing intravesical pressure against the depressant of fluid in the bladder called a cystometrogramwill show a very slight rise as the Pissiing is filled, Pissiing. As the book unfolds it builds a larger metaphor about creativity, and the concerns of artistry and motherhood begin to entwine.

English—Italian Italian—English, Pissiing. In infants, voiding occurs involuntarily as a reflex. The reason for the difference between the Chete devar, hypertrophic bladder seen in this condition and the distended, hypotonic bladder seen when only the afferent nerves are interrupted is not known. On the contrary, in Woman PissingPissiing, a literary collage that takes its title from a raunchy Picasso painting, Elizabeth Cooperman celebrates artists—particularly twentieth-century women artists—who have struggled with debilitating self-doubt and uncertainty, Pissiing.

The 5th-century BC Pissiing Herodotuswriting on the culture of the ancient Persians and highlighting the differences with those of the Greeksnoted that to urinate in the presence of Antx sleep was prohibited among Persians. English—Spanish Pissiing. Bladder capacity is reduced and the wall becomes hypertrophied. However, these are also shaped by cultural norms, the type of clothing and the sanitary facilities available.

Semi-bilingual Dictionaries. Toilet training is the process of learning to Pissiing urination to socially approved times and situations. English—Japanese Japanese—English. English Pronunciation. The puer mingens could represent anything from Pissiing and boyish innocence to erotic symbols of virility and masculine bravado, Pissiing. Action potentials carried by sensory neurons from stretch receptors in the urinary bladder wall travel to the sacral segments of the spinal cord Www.seksmom.com the pelvic nerves.

English—Indonesian Indonesian—English. The ability to voluntarily inhibit micturition develops by the age of 2—3 years, as control at higher levels of the central nervous system develops. Pissiing this is done after the consumption of alcoholic beveragesPissiing, which causes production of additional urine as well as a reduction of inhibitions. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English.

Consequently, young children sometimes develop nocturnal enuresis. Women and girls, unlike men and boys, are restricted in where they can urinate conveniently and discreetly, Pissiing.

The hyperactive state in the former condition suggests the development of denervation hypersensitization Pissiing though the neurons interrupted are preganglionic rather than postganglionic, Pissiing.

Potential disadvantages include a dislike of the smell of urine, Pissiing, and some exposure Pissiing genitals. An alternative solution for traveling, stakeoutsetc. Voluntary Pissiing of the abdominal muscles aids the expulsion of urine by increasing the pressure applied to the urinary bladder Pissiing, but voiding can be initiated without straining even when the bladder is nearly empty.

About the Book When we think of prototypical artists, we think of, say, Pissiing, Picasso, who made work quickly, easily, effervescently. Many men, and some women, Pissiing, may sometimes briefly shiver after or during urination. These people males may have difficulty urinating in the presence of others and will consequently avoid Pissiing urinals without dividers or those directly adjacent to another person.

In the case Pissiing the bladder, the tension increases as the organ fills, but so does the radius. Voiding begins when a voluntary signal is sent from the brain to begin urination, and continues until the bladder is empty. The need to urinate is experienced as an uncomfortable, full feeling, Pissiing. British and American pronunciations with audio.

Piss Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Diuresis production of urine by the kidney Pissiing constantly, and as the bladder becomes full, Pissiing, afferent firing increases, Pissiing, yet the micturition reflex can be voluntarily inhibited until it is appropriate to begin voiding.

The micturition reflex normally produces a series of contractions of the urinary bladder.


Sometimes urination is done in a container Pissiing as a bottle, Pissiing, urinalbedpan, or chamber pot Pissiing known as a gazunder. Alternatively, they may opt for the privacy of a stall or simply avoid public toilets altogether. The external sphincter can be contracted voluntarily, which will prevent urine from passing down the urethra. The amniotic fluid is then recycled by fetal swallowing.

Urination in a heavily Pissiing area is generally harmless, Pissiing, actually saves water, and may be condoned for males and less commonly, females in certain situations as long as common sense is used.