Pinay students video

Exclusive nagpa-Patrol si Niko Baua. Ilang oras yan nagtatrabaho para may maipakain sa pamilya nila. EXCL: Deaf student graduates magna cum laude.

Filipino student bullied by Taiwanese classmate. EXCL: Taiwanese group nabbed over credit card scam. Got similar, interesting, or heartwarming stories, photos or videos?

Those jeepney drivers work hard for several hours every day just to feed their families. Bullied student in critical condition.

Got a video you Pinay students video us to publish?

Playing next Filipino student claims she was bullied by her Taiwanese classmates. TV Patrol, Mayo 27,Lunes. Click here to submit your own content!

Another bullied student lands in hospital. Ito'y matapos pag-usapan sa klase ang nangyaring pamamaril sa isang mangingisdang Taiwanese sa karagatan ng Batanes. - We apologize for the inconvenience, but we're performing some maintenance.

That is the reason why it is cruel to pretend to board their vehicles just to prank them. Teacher bullied by high school students. Browse more videos.

They are always hoping that they would have plenty of passengers so that they could earn some money.