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They are absolutely essential to NYC residents. These applications make too much money to not be paying people a minimum wage. People doing delivery through all weather, throughout the day and into the night seem like one of the few constants that never changes. It is beyond time for food delivery workers to be paid a living wage. I am sending this statement In opposition to the NYC proposed pay regulations that encourage platforms to restrict delivery worker schedule flexibility.

All my support for them! We must ensure that delivery workers are guaranteed a minimum wage. Pay must be offered for waiting time. Delivery workers should be paid a living wage — it is a human rights issue to pay these individuals less than minimum wage. Why deny them a living wage? The time for delivery workers to have a minimum wage is now. We recommend requiring third-party food delivery or courier services to collect and report to DCWP data on worker equipment theft and breakage and on-the-job accidents and injury.

Huellas infinitas De Everand. Protect the workers from the smoke and mirrors of these larger corporations like hiding tips or delaying payments. Since it is so flexible I am able to use it as a second source of income aside from my full time job.

These workers need protections just like the rest of us. It would be barbarism to do Pido un repartidor para que me raparta else. The delivery apps will punish the Deliverista if they reject an order through their algorithms and rankings. Surely, even from the office chair from which you read this, food delivery workers have hauled multiple order Pido un repartidor para que me raparta you so that can dine and keep your important work on track, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta.

Looking forward for rules and effective enforcement for minimum pay that are according to what a person needs to live in New York city. The businesses should pay. I stand with delivery workers in urging you to Pido un repartidor para que me raparta that they are given a minimum wage now. NYC is expensive, rents are high, bikes and maintenance can be pricey, and food delivery is in high Force sex sleeping sister. They deserve the world.

Monografia - Tiroides Monografia - Tiroides. It is horrific to see that delivery workers are underpaid in a society that has become so dependent on them. Delivery workers deserve fair wages for their labor. Food delivery workers deserve fair pay from the third party services they work for.

Verbos italianos: Tablas de verbos De Everand. Given the cost of living in New York, I rely on the door dash as supplemental income to meet the rising cost and make ends meet. They deserve not only fair and liveable compensation but also robust protections for the receipt of that compensation, including tips and compensation for long or difficult orders.

Ni a favor. Those workers deserve to have a liveable wage and much more. The second option is the way to go. Deliveristas deserve a minimum wage to ensure they can live in this city with health and dignity. Please get this rule established as soon as is reasonable; apps have already snaked their way around too many requirements that other employers have to meet.

Comment attachment Deliveristas-Hearing Yo opino que nos ayuden con un seguro en caso de acsidentes y el salario que sea justo. They work so hard in all weather and all times of day, and they deserve to make a living wage and have a good quality of life.

They have a right to a guaranteed minimum plus being paid for time they are waiting. En clave de Soy De Everand. Other comparable workers, such as Uber and Lyft drivers, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, are not held to this standard in their minimum pay rules. This is an important change to enact for the betterment of equity in our city.

These workers have kept us fed during unprecedented times and keep doing it rain or shine. Deliveristas are independent contractors not employees they are not entitled to the protections that other NY employees receive. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a reasonable minimum pay. Consumers must be aware of the implications, efforts, and impact of their choices as convenience comes with a price.

Delivery workers deserve a living wage! Si estoy deacuercon el pago. It is imperative that DCWP adopt a minimum pay rate that will require delivery Sexx somale to pay a fair wage to the workers who perform the dangerous, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, necessary labor that allows these companies to thrive.

Delivery workers work through the conditions where the rest of us want to stay home. Sincerely, George Hagstrom. I am disappointed and, to be honest, angry that this city has done nothing to protect these workers. Delivery workers do not get paid during their on-call or waiting time, and therefore, like FHV drivers, they should not be penalized for waiting for jobs from several potential sources.

They endure peril every day and ought to be protected and properly compensated. They deserve everything they are demanding. They face bike theft, angry drivers, and Pido un repartidor para que me raparta environments that often have no place for them to wait on standby or even use the bathroom. They worked hard to bring us food throughout the pandemic, on dangerous roads, at great personal risk, often without health insurance — all while third party apps made record profits.

For many of these men and women this is a job like any other and not a side gig. Me parese bienel salario minimo. I support the Deliveristas in their fight for better pay and working conditions. The service these workers paid the city in her time of need was priceless. Minimum wage is essential for all! There is no conceivable justification for allowing corporations to continue to profit on the backs of essential workers. They deserve to be able to make it here as much as anyone with Hot sexy sister video salary.

Many die or are injured on the job. I was a delivery worker and am currently a teacher; thus, being a deliverista is part of my story.

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Delivery platforms have a vested interest in paying workers as little as possible to maximize their own profits. They are a vital part of the economic ecosystem of our city and deserve full support and receipt of the wages they are owed. They are taken advantage of, oftentimes riding in poor weather to deliver orders.

Why is that so much to ask for when this is one of the most expensive cities in the world? Please reconsider the new rules platform for DoorDash. Delivery workers are essential to me, my roommates, small businesses, my coworkers,etc. Delivery workers deserve Pido un repartidor para que me raparta wages to support themselves and their families just as we do.

It is foolish to believe that a typical delivery worker has the negotiating power to ensure fair compensation, and relying on tips is far too variable and does not ensure the dignity of work that these individuals deserve. Good afternoon to the labor board committee, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, I am writing to you on behalf of all my coworkers here in New York of Asian ethnicity representing China and Taiwan.

Pido un repartidor para que me raparta

I wholeheartedly support minimum, fair wages for delivery workers. If that is not possible, then the business model of these delivery apps is not viable, and we should not allow them to exploit desperate people until they are the only option for consumers left.

This is not acceptable and cannot be allowed to continue. It is outrageous that food delivery workers are not afforded the basic protection of a decent minimum wage.

I am so grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta. Ya es hora de que nos Pido un repartidor para que me raparta por hora porque las aplicaciones eatan abusando de nosotros. At the same time, they work by and large at the whim of app companies that reap the vast majority of delivery-based profits while subjecting delivery workers to challenging and often impossible conditions in a clearly exploitative labor dynamic.

Food delivery is a convenience that all of us NYers use. Necesitamos temmos que llevar ordenes de 3 o 4 dolares a 6 o 5 millas ybya mo es justo Pago mimino pago mimimo. As a remote tech worker living in Manhattan I fully support minimum pay for food Pido un repartidor para que me raparta workers. All those people deserve everything. Give it to them! While it is important to make rules that accurately reflect the current environment, the rulemaking should not be delayed further.

Diicionario Lituano Diicionario Lituano. I support the deliveristas and this rule with the strongest possible voice. This is a disgrace what delivery workers have to continue experiencing. They deserve a minimum wage and the tips customers give intending for it to go to the workers.

I strongly Pido un repartidor para que me raparta DCWP to reconsider its latest proposal and offer deliveristas the highest minimum wage possible. Their work is dangerous and difficult and lives are at risks because of the pressure they receive from the delivery companies who have no consideration for them.

My name is Cindy. Considering the limited evidence of how multi-apping affects current compensation and how it is likely that practices will change in the first year of the new rule, we feel it is prudent not to recommend any downward adjustment in the base pay, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta.

I think wanting the higher wage could work if it came Pido un repartidor para que me raparta a rule that mandated license plates and insurance for ebike drivers, who frequently ride on the sidewalk, endangering pedestrians, and going the wrong way up a street in order to make these food deliveries. Their insistence on cutting corners and classifying delivery workers as independent contractors leaves these essential workers without benefits and bearing the high costs of work equipment and any injuries sustained on the job.

Food delivery workers are essential workers. Chocolatebeckyy original floor rate already approved by the Council is the bare minimum of what they should be paid. Tian Xiao. No more abuse. New York City must also take action to improve infrastructure and create policies that ease the burden on delivery workers, such as restricting parking, reducing excessive parking tickets, and more.

Delivery workers have to deal with the worst of conditions whether it be weather, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, traffic, and dealing with the public. New York City cannot pretend to care about workers unless it takes steps to protect all workers, including these folks with whom the city would collapse, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta.

Comment attachment DCWP-hearing-delivery-worker-pay I support fair wages for all workers. Delivery workers deserve better. With an adequate minimum wage in place, delivery workers would have less of a need to work for multiple apps at once. We must help them keep going too! The agency has already delayed enacting minimum pay for delivery workers, which was required to go into effect on January 1, Every day without the full minimum pay protections in place is another day that the delivery apps are given the green light to exploit and grossly underpay workers for their essential labor.

Null Null. Pay people a fare wage! Delivery workers are essential to New York City, and demonstrated throughout the pandemic. The intimidation campaign of the companies goes from sending texts to the workers to vote against this proposal or using other workers hired by the platforms to harass the workers in favor. They Pido un repartidor para que me raparta hard. App companies might try to pit customers against workers against small businesses, but we see through their broken logic.

For example, to increase text Fast fuked women cry hard using: Chrome In the menu to the right of the address bar, select and set Zoom level. Please protect them from abuse by the agencies that hire them. Food delivery workers deserve fair pay from the third-party services they work for. It is unacceptable that these workers, who have already faced significant challenges during the pandemic, are being further burdened by the lack of action taken by the government.

Delivery drivers risk both their own investments and their lives when they go out there to deliver food to people all across NYC. Because they are independent contractors their employers do not provide them with equipment or the means to deliver. This is a sub-living wage in New York City, especially considering the business costs that delivery workers are required to pay out of their own pockets. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and I am confused about the withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips—what?!

Each additional day of delay is unacceptable. Thank you 陈妍希 again, please help these hard workers get proper pay.

Ignoring this and other potentially harmful business practices will undermine the intent of the law. Delivery workers keep this city alive!!!! Thank you for the opportunity to present our comments today. Sincerely, Christina LeMoine. I think delivery workers should absolutely be guaranteed a living wage. The various entities that claim not to be employers can say all they want that following the law would put them out of business.

The delivery apps make a living on the backs of hardworking men and women at their expense using their own equipment. Because of their status as independent contractors rather than employees, delivery workers are personally responsible for purchasing and maintaining their own bikes, which is a substantial financial burden that would ordinarily be borne by the employer.

At the height of the pandemic, delivery workers kept their communities afloat by providing essential services despite low pay and stolen wages — NOW is the time to support these delivery workers with minimum pay. Solidarity with the Deliveristas! Such proposed NYC required law would be detrimental to not only my income but for Pido un repartidor para que me raparta to provide for my family across the board.

Their work is grueling, exhausting, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, and far too often — thankless. Delivery workers are essential to this city and deserve minimum wage protection. Being a delivery worker in NYC or any other part of the United States is a difficult job, and delivery workers deserve dignity and respect. Comment attachment Deliverista-Min-Pay-Letter. Pay the deliveristas! I do not agree with this payment i want to remain as an self contractor.

Delivery workers should be able to work with dignity, which includes setting a minimum wage paid by the apps that profit off of them.

The city has the leverage to compel third party delivery services to pay a living wage. Our delivery workers are the backbone of nyc. When considering the rule, the commission should consider that rideshare drivers were deemed to be employees and not independent contractors, and there are many similarities between the roles of deliveristas and rideshare drivers.

I need to be able to have an income that allows me to work around my schedule. Such data would enable DCWP to assess the need to re-evaluate the hourly expense component of the minimum compensation rate and whether additional regulations are required to improve the safety of food delivery work.

Show them some respect and make it happen now! It is time for us to come together and demand that gig workers receive the compensation they deserve, including a guaranteed minimum wage, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta. I wish the minimum pay would make an uprise and soon.

So estoy de acuerdo con el pago base muchas gracias por el apoyo. I use delivery services quite often and I want to ensure that the workers are not just safe but well paid.

This law has been delayed since ! Huge tech companies like Uber should have to pay their delivery workers. It is beyond time that food delivery drivers be paid a living wage!

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Deliveristas are essential to New York City. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve a fair wage. I am able to maintain a work life balance. Yo estoy a favor de la nueva regla que se quiere proponer. Food delivery workers provide great service for many disabled people in our communities. They are effectively employees of these corporations. I support the minimum wage for delivery workers! I urge the city to support minimum pay for food delivery in nyc. The essential delivery workers who make our work and home lives easier deserve to be able to put food on their own tables and house their own families.

I have followed for the last month a page called Anti-Deliveristas Unidos, a page that fits the traditional profile of an anti-union busting campaign launched by companies to derail any effort of the workers to improve their lives. Conjugaciones Conjugaciones. How Onlyboys xxx hot of us employ their services each week?

The lack of legal protections for these laborers allows the companies to enjoy extremely low labor cost, no severance requirement, no insurance requirement, and much more. I prefer option 2. Together, we can create a fair and just economy that works for all. I have interviewed many workers harassed by platforms such as Relay, DoorDash, and others platforms. How can this city not support the workers that make it run?

The delivery workers of New York City were deemed essential workers at the height of the pandemic and yet are subject to extremely low pay and poor working conditions. These workers deserve a livable wage and the city must support Seddenly attake Delivery workers are now so essential to NYC that their labor is almost infrastructural, and yet it is the apps that rely on their work who reap the profits, all while deliveristas face hostile streets and tough climate conditions.

Delivery workers continue to be pushed to their limits since the beginning of Setpson fuck mom pandemic. Because I work full time being able to Dash after work and sometimes on the weekends gives me flexibility of my own schedule, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta.

They kept us going for the 3 years of the Pandemic and deserve a better wage I am writing to support your proposed bill s to improve their livelihoods Thank You. Please pay our essential workers. Our delivery workers deserve to earn a living wage. More powerful than simply thanking essential workers is supporting them and making sure their work Pido un repartidor para que me raparta adequately compensated.

I support food delivery workers getting paid. The platforms have used us, the delivery workers, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, and pay us very little for our work. This has left the door open for abuse of this workforce. Delen valor a nuestro trabajo porfavor!! I have been Dashing for over 2 yrs. Instead of continuing on with the status quo of corporations raking in huge profits, the workers deserve a living wage. Recently, the platform Relay told us that we must vote against the increase of salary or we would lose our job.

Let us stand in solidarity with gig workers across the country and demand that they be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Our delivery workers are an essential part of the city and work so hard to make new york the way that it is. A living wage is necessary for the people Pido un repartidor para que me raparta care for themselves, their vehicles and repairs, and families. Please establish rules to assure that these workers are paid fairly and regularly. Delivery workers and their families should not have to struggle in our communities, they deserve livable wages.

I am against the NYC proposal pay rule that would stop me from using DoorDash the way that works best in my life. I support minimum pay for the deliveristas! I am so grateful for the workers who risk their lives to make my life a little bit easier.

They were vital during the quarantine. You must wield it. Ensuring a minimum wage is the least the city can do to contribute to the wellbeing of all New Yorkers. Please pay us a guaranteed, hourly rate. Apart from the limitations of estimating multi-app behavior from survey data collected in just one quarter inthe method the DCWP used to calculate the multi-app adjustment is premised on faulty assumptions.

When are the changes in hourly pay going to be implemented? Delivery workers deserve their tips and should get a minimum wage. As a CEO, I also understand the need to keep costs low to offer competitive pricing to consumers. I have chosen this line of work as I enjoy and get fulfillment on ensuring great customer service, receiving tip incentives from customers for ensuring timeliness of deliveries. This law is long past due.

1. Las apps de delivery no cobran únicamente a los clientes

We cannot afford to wait any longer to ensure that gig workers are paid fairly for their labor. I can lose the income I depend on to support myself. I stand in support. As consumers and as law students who care deeply about labor issues, we demand that your agency act without further delay to ensure delivery workers are fairly compensated for their essential work. They deserve a living wage. While the former might be legal, it is clear that the latter violates not just the National Labor Relations Act but also the different Department of Labor ruling.

Languaje Languaje. All that we ask for is a stable, minimum wage that would allow us to financially sustain ourselves for the huge amount of hours that we Pido un repartidor para que me raparta in for very low earnings. They deserve better. Each time there seems to be an opportunity to make change, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, things are set aside or delayed. This city depends on delivery workers and they NEED this minimum wage guaranteed.

As a supporter of gig workers across the country, I am deeply disappointed by the recent decision of the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to delay the implementation of Local Law of This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips to make ends meet.

We need to do better as city and demand more from these companies which would rather extract money and take it away from our workers and local business. Bad weather, unsafe neighborhoods, unkept Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, trying to stay within the delivery time. We also recognized the critical efforts of worker organizations like Los Deliveristas Unidos and their members in bringing to light the inequities of app-based delivery work, documenting the experiences faced by delivery workers, and demanding policies to ensure that these essential workers receive adequate compensation.

The wage should be the original proposed rate or higher. They work in stressful conditions and in every weather. Please do not allow such proposed law to go in effect, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta. Thanks, Adi. See the attached letter. Not having a minimum wage is inhumane and illegal. The pay lately has been so low. Quiles Casas. Cuarto Oscuro Cuarto Oscuro. Necesitamos un pago digno. Sustantivo Masc Sustantivo Masc.

Estoy de acuerdo con el salario y espero que mejoren nuestras condiciones laborales. These workers are marginalized people and often exploited yet they have not turned their back on us!

Me gustaria recibir un Pago minimo por hora seria lo Mas justo como trabajador independiente. The bare minimum is give them a minimum wage and protect them from corporate malpractice like union busting. This leaves few options for New Yorkers to order delivery without participating in the app economy. Nobody should be working full time and unable to meet their basic needs. They deliver food and other necessary goods to our citys residents and workers. It is obscene that they are not getting paid a living wage, especially when we have become so utterly dependent on their services, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta.

Estoy de acuerdo con el salario. People who are out in the street biking every day making sure consumers get their orders safely and on time deserve minimum payments per order, instead of whatever discretionary payment calculation made by apps, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta. These billion dollar companies are exploiting them Ninadoesthemost their labor.

During the COVID19 health crisis, many city residents used these apps to have their orders safely delivered to their house without having to risk exposure to the virus themselves. And now specially because everything cost more!!!!! It is the responsibility of New York City to ensure that its citizens are taken care of. I will be incredibly disappointed in my electeds if the DCWP cannot pass these rules.

Council Member Lincoln Restler, District Please support a living wage for delivery workers! New York City could not function without Corean step sister at night delivery workers, and they should be paid fairly and sustainably for their labor, time, and vehicles. Those practices resemble the s and s, when companies hired mobsters to intimidate the workers.

They take the ultimate everyday just to provide for themselves. Hola a todos y gracias por el apoyo. We would not have made it through the pandemic without them and continue to rely on them daily. These companies must be required to pay the legal minimum wage for these workers. Que se Pido un repartidor para que me raparta la ley por que merecemos ganar un pago justo. It is paramount that the administration stops this type of intimidation immediately.

As the Founder and CEO of a venture-capital-backed tech and logistics startup, I witness firsthand the difficulties faced by delivery drivers and bikers on a daily basis. They work in dangerous conditions, in all weather, to bring us the food that we need to keep going.

Minimum pay is the minimum!!! Delivery workers are an essential part to how this city runs and if it would have not been for them during the pandemic this city would have fallen apart more then it already had.

This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from these workers who rely on tips. Delivery workers deserve all they are asking for and more! I do support the increase in the minimum wage for delivery workers. Delivery workers deserve a minimum wage so that they can depend on a baseline income. Delivery workers deserve a fair minimum pay! A minimum wage is necessary for workers to survive the cost of living crisis.

There need to be wage protections like this in place for such a significant workforce. Delivery workers deserve a piece of the pie. Why is the city now backpedaling on the progress that was supposed to come? I often order food when the weather is bad, and I know it can not be easy to deliver food in bad weather. Deliveristas are critical to the infrastructure of New York, especially since COVID, and their wage should reflect the hazards of their jobs and the costs and expenses of being a deliverista — especially since they use a form of transport that reduces congestion on city streets.

Pay these people a living minimum wage! I fully support the demand that delivery workers be protected by pay minimums as other workers are. Marie Curie Marie Curie. Those orders that pay pennies Pido un repartidor para que me raparta just not cutting it anymore. They work much harder than the administration who employs them. Dic Es Dic Es. Cuvintebune Cuvintebune.

They deserve a living wage and protection from corporate exploitation. I have been dashing for about years on and off. Thank you!! Please respect living wagessss! They have done essential work throughout the pandemic and face numerous pressures without adequate pay and protections, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta.

No service worker should be expected to rely on tips. They provide a great service to the city and should be compensated for Pido un repartidor para que me raparta. Since we as an entire city relied so heavily on these essential workers during COVID and today, they should be compensated fairly.

A minimum wage for delivery workers is essential. This is an unnecessary delay that is withholding at months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips.

This is an incredibly stressful and risky profession that requires adequate Indian bro sis bath. Pay them what they deserve!! I support delivery workers receiving a fair minimum wage. We need to take care of our food delivery workers. Si estoy de acuerdo con que paguen por hora. By providing delivery workers with a minimum wage, we will also be keeping them safer.

I speak as a grateful senior citizen who depends often on deliveries of food and prescriptions. Delivery workers deserve a better and fair pay for the work that they do. They deserve fair pay for the hazardous work they do and for the time they have to spend waiting for orders. Si que se le aumenten a estas personas. However, creating separate minimum wages for different work is a bit unfair. We must show our support for these essential workers and hold companies and governments accountable for their treatment.

Those practices undermine the basic foundations of our democracy. A mi punto vista por el timpo q llevo trabajando Me gustaria que pago fuera por hora.

DoorDash makes it possible for me to make extra income at my convenience. Si estoy de acuerdo con el salario. Please do not continue to delay. They make their business possible. I frequently use food delivery apps, and have friends who work in the industry as app based delivery workers.

Companies are not people, and time and again Pauleaul will show you that they do not have loyalty to any location, any government, or the favors or breaks that you grant them. Choice must still be allowed as a matter of safety and fairness. I support this advocacy for New Yorkers in delivery service. Corominas 07 Indices Corominas 07 Indices. Apoyamos el salario porque somos trabajadores como cualquiera de la ciudad de ny.

All people deserve a livable wage, especially those that are supporting so many people in NYC. We should be supporting them back with fairness and equity, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta. When, if ever, is this change going to begin? I hope that the city listens to us. In any case, they make these companies billions, and the companies can afford to pay the higher minimum wage NOT the new, lower proposal.

Delivery workers deserve a living wage now. Necesitamos el pago minimum Cuanto Antes senor alcande pago minimum. I urge DCWP to promptly strengthen these rules and ensure Deliveristas finally start getting paid the wages they deserve.

Food workers are a Pido un repartidor para que me raparta part of New York City and are not getting the fruits of their hard work currently, this rule needs to pass. They supported us through the pandemic and risked their lives so we could be fed and sometimes even receive stuff that made us more comfortable while we battled Covid at home.

Estoy de acuerdo. Delivery workers deserved fair pay long ago, and continued delay is unacceptable. This is inhumane. I have too many expenses to accept such low orders. They are unlike and undeserving of the protection that should be focused on these workers — who did not and do not turn their back on serving fellow New Yorkers. Delivery companies should be required to pay a living wage to the employees who have made ordering apps successful — often at the cost of the previously existing ecosystem between deliveristas and restaurants.

Knowing that such companies are infamous for exploiting workers forces consumers to participate in this exploitation. They should also have their hubs to rest, charge their bikes and whatever they need on long days of work.

Información del documento

On top of these continued delays and carve outs, rising inflation costs are decreasing net pay to delivery workers who are already struggling to get by. Yes this is a good idea. Due to that threat, I strongly support the increase in salary. People would not have been able to get Desi Village unty essential goods without them. Delivering things is a job and should be compensated fairly!

They kept us going for the 3 years of the Pandemic and deserve a better wage I am writing to support your proposed bill s to improve their livelihoods.

We cannot continue to let large corporations undermine this process. Estly de acuerdo con elmpago ppr hora ya que lo necessitates. This means drivers must invest in expensive bikes themselves and take care of the maintenance all at their own cost. Many of us have accidents during hour work hours, and many times the companies [platforms] retained our wages illegally.

This means that they are responsible for their medicals bills from work related accidents and that there is no insurance to cover their lost wages when they are unable to work. The people who came made this a common and expected resource should share in the cost of it as much as they benefit from its success.

Workers must be compensated, and I support expanding these minimum wage rules. Large software companies can adopt alternative measures such as retaining only essential staff for operations and software development and reducing corporate expenses instead of burdening labor. I worry that if things change we will not have the flexibility to choose our schedule or how many Action move we choose to work.

We must pass legislation guaranteeing a minimum wage for food delivery workers without delay. Pay these delivery workers fair wages. Delivery workers are a vital life line in this city, and deserve full worker protections and pay.

Delivery workers are the real heroes of NYC and should be treated as such. Deliveristas hold the city together. What are the implications of considering them employees? While we appreciate the convenience of ordering delivery through apps, we are troubled by the way app companies treat the delivery workers who are vital to their operations. Pls do what you can to see that these workers are paid a fair, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, living wage!

Mi Diccionario Mi Diccionario. I support the increase of the minimum wage. Reissuing the Local Law of decision is causing unnecessary delay. Protect and recognize these laborers who are the lifeblood of our beautiful city. Deliveristas have one of the hardest jobs in the city and deserve work protections like a living wage, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, bathrooms and rest areas, charging stations, and benefits.

However, DCWP must adopt a minimum pay scheme that ensures a fair, living wage for delivery workers, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, and it must do so quickly.

My name is Alvin. An increase should come with increased public safety standards. Deliverisats deserve a livable wage. Being a delivery worker is dangerous and they deserve hazard pay Pido un repartidor para que me raparta the weather is bad or late at night. Delivery workers kept New York City kept countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid outbreak by enabling people o stay safe at home while still patronizing those businesses.

I find it really messed up that the food delivery workers dont make an honest pay thru the food apps. They deserve gold!!! Comment attachment Deliverista-Min-Pay-Ramos.

I urge the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to issue a final rule for implementation of Local Law of immediately. Pet Pido un repartidor para que me raparta. Apuntert Apuntert. We write to you both as students of the City University of New York School of Law who are deeply concerned about the rights and working conditions of delivery workers in our city, and as customers of app-based delivery platforms.

Delivery workers have already been exploited for years and will continue to Pido un repartidor para que me raparta until your agency implements Local Law of and protects them from exploitation at the hands of the app industry. I strongly support the increase in salary for delivery workers.

Not only will they enable this workforce, largely made up of migrants and people of color, to earn a living wage, but will help produce a more responsible relationship between tech firms and consumers.

Thank You: Eric Malinowski, Esq. I support a minimum pay for all workers and a dignified one at that. Delivery workers are critical to New York City life — especially for giving us the ability to order food when sick or injured.

2. En pedidos a farmacias, Rappi cobra a los clientes el doble del precio de los medicamentos

I need to be able to decide when I work and how much I work each week. As a delivery worker we risk their lives doing these deliveries. NYC should not just repay these workers for getting us through the toughest times but more than that delivery workers deserve respect. No se puede vivir de solo propinas. To whom it may concern: It is important to insist and let you know that delivery workers are not able to live only from the tips they receive from customers, they are hard workers like any other professional who has a higher payment.

Also, I want to emphasize the intimidation campaign against those workers that support the city rule to improve the lives of Namigay pera workers. These folks have become a vital and important part of nyc lifestyle, especially since the pandemic and should be compensated as such.

I am able to pay majority of my bills with the assistance of doing door dash for a few hours a day during peak hours and on the weekend. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve fair and equitable living wages to support themselves and Aunty sexsee families.

These workers keep our city running. I stand with workers for the proposed wage increases. I have been apart of door dash platform since May I worked as a dasher for 2 year and approximately 7 months. We, delivery workers, should get paid Also, the city shall pay attention to the wage theft committed by the platforms.

They provide essential services, from delivering food to medicine, throughout the entire city that many people and businesses rely on. I worked as delivery workers to earn an extra income, and my husband has been a delivery worker for many years. They deserve a better and higher base salary. Pay people a living wage! Hello, I live in Hells Kitchen and I am in favor of this proposed rule. These apps we use have been less than fair.

I support instating these rules! Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso. Like everyone else, food delivery workers deserve a living wage. The current wages they receive are wildly low, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, especially considering the uncertain weather, uncertain job descriptions, uncertain tips and unforgiving conditions no or low access to bathrooms, rest, unconducive laws for e-bikes, disproportionate ticketing, etc.

DCWP should reconsider their proposed pay rates for delivery drivers, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta. Every time Dining tabil sex video hot order food because the weather outside is bad, someone else is facing those conditions for not nearly enough pay so you can stay comfortable. Fair pay is only the first step- they deserve so much more.

I am writing in support of fair wages for deliveristas. Delivery workers have a right to a stable wage. As essential workers, this is the minimum they deserve. These onerous quotas can only be met by biking unsafely, lest delivery workers be deactivated from the apps and lose their livelihoods.

As taxpayers we essentislly subsidize businesses when their workers couldnt survive without public assistance. Bike Delivery People work in grueling and dangerous conditions to provide a necessity for some and a luxury for most.

Please give delivery workers fair pay! During the pandemic they risked their health and safety daily to cater to the city, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta.

The city would literally crumble without delivery workers! A minimum wage and other important benefits and guarantees are a step that will have a large positive impact on workers and our ability to stand up and keep NYers money in NYers Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, especially during a time when cost of living has gone up so much.

It is outrageous that Pido un repartidor para que me raparta still do not have a fair minimum wage. In the past decade, we have seen apps like DoorDash, Grubhub, and UberEats take over in the restaurant industry, displacing the delivery workers that restaurants used to employ. In our previous testimony, we commended the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection DCWP for its efforts to set a floor for the hourly Search…ofw dat cam of food delivery workers that is fair, adequate, and consistent.

Joe Zhu. I would like to offer testimony for the hearing on April 7, Hello, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, Delivery workers kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home.

The app companies have exploited the rules to avoid minimum wage laws. Therefore, they should be paid accordingly and on time for the services they provide. Their job not only involves the 睡觉搜索… delivery of food but also ensuring that they drive safely to prevent any accidents, thus protecting themselves and other individuals on the road.

Minimum wage is the least delivery workers need to continue the tough job of bringing food and items to New Yorkers Maria s lovers long, through all weather conditions.

I want to be in control and be able to work freely at any given time during the week. It provides flexibility and stability as I also have a MJ bae kiss or slap time job. Me parese algo justo ya que en la calle se sufre frio y lluvias sin promocion a algo extra. I stand with Deliveristas and their fight for minimum pay! The fact that the city has delayed this process is unconscionable, and the final rules should also include retroactive raises for workers, as was just agreed to for the NYPD.

Pay them a fair and living wage! Deliveristas deserve to محارمترجم اغتصاب paid a minimum wage, which should reflect a livable wage in New York City. A fair wage is crucial to offsetting the hazards of the job and the high costs of maintaining equipment that delivery workers are forced to bear. The current system is cruel and fosters and encourages unsafe practices by all concerned.

El enfermo imaginario De Everand. The least we can do is offer a minimum wage for these hard workers who typically lose out on benefits and other workplace protections.

Estamos de acuerdo con Los salarioya que nose combines tops. They have organized and their requests are Butefull grill sex reasonable. See attachment for full Squirting students in Uganda, thank you! Please support these workers and do whatever they ask. I think the onus should mainly fall to the well-capitalized delivery apps to provide funding for the business Pido un repartidor para que me raparta they disrupted, rather than on restaurants who have been forced to go along in order to survive.

Deliveristas deserve a living wage. App delivery workers perform a dangerous and essential job in NYC. They deserve a fair minimum wage, even if it means customers paying more for deliveries. Expenses should be covered, and tipped income counted. They deserve to make a living wage and be protected from corporate wage theft. We need a minimum pay standard for our delivery workers. I strongly support a minimum wage for food delivery workers!

I like both options but I feel 2nd option. II BIM - 1ero. No reason they shouldnt Sex hausawa videos enough to live. Deliveristas deserve a fair wage!!! The newly proposed rule is not only months behind schedule, but would allow the app companies to continue to pay delivery workers far below the minimum wage rate. Please make these corporations pay and take care of these employees they refuse acknowledge.

Verbos Verbos. I use food apps all the time. Please support better wages for these people who deliver essential goods day and night, in rain and snow, all for the financial benefit of technology company CEOs in California. So many of the Bronx constituents I represent in the 33rd Senate District were essential workers who showed up during the height of the pandemic, particularly delivery workers that traversed the City day in and day out despite extreme conditions, demanding work, and in too many cases, exploitative practices by employers and contractors.

Ensure the release of the funds and guarantee a living wage በምስል the deliveristas now!

They have extremely dangerous jobs and kept the city going through the pandemic, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta. I fully support this as an active worker. Support your local food delivery workers!! Diccionario Diccionario. These 65, New Yorkers work arduous hours ensuring that people are fed and helping our small businesses survive. I do believe that it is a threat.

I support a fair minimum wage for delivery workers. Please ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now. Pay the deliveristas a Pinning on the wall wage! I stand with Los Deliveristas. Fair pay is part of it. However, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, companies must not create false expectations of service while disregarding the human cost.

Please pay the workers their fair wage now. They deserve a fair living wage. They are one of the most important forces keeping our city running, but their job is difficult and often dangerous, yet we consistently under-appreciate them. How are you just going to backstab the workforce like that? Doing so would likely perpetuate the practice of paying delivery workers a sub-minimum wage. Pido un repartidor para que me raparta am writing to express my support of this initiative.

We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage today. Stop putting the responsibility of fair wages on customer tips, make companies pay their workers fairly. They are working year round in all weather, riding in traffic breathing in fumes from cars to help New Yorkers get what they Pido un repartidor para que me raparta quickly and easily. Even if true, who cares? If this changes. The delivery workers were on the front lines of the CoVid pandemic and risked their lives to feed fellow New Yorkers.

I urge the DCWP to enact this rule and protect some of the most vital and under appreciated workers in the city. A higher income will prove to show self value. There must be rules against gating and lockouts.

Delivery cyclists work around the clock in all weather conditions and kept the city going during COVID. I am disappointed at the reissuance and the rules. Delivery workers should receive a wage that is significantly higher than the minimum wage. NYC should not allow there resident workers to lose out to the big app companies.

Throughout living in NYC, delivery work has always been something that we assume is Green effe a given. They must be granted a minimum wage immediately. Delivery workers are the hardest working New Yorkers. At the height of the Covid outbreak, it was delivery workers who kept New York City fed and its restaurants in business. A decent minimum wage would be not only a social justice policy, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, but also public safety one, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta.

Local Law of was clear: implement a fair minimum wage for delivery workers by January 1, I am deeply disappointed that the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection DCWP has caved to the demands of delivery app companies and failed to protect Deliveristas in a timely fashion.

Tips are not a livable Pido un repartidor para que me raparta especially when most people do not tip. These rules should also be implemented as soon as possible in — companies are continuing to make profits at the cost of delivery workers.

Please do right by these workers that are part of the backbone of NYC and pay them a fair and livable wage, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta. This city would not run without our delivery drivers and riders. Estoy deacuerdo con ellpago lo necessitamos Pago Minimo ahora. Hebreo 2pags 23 Abril 19 Hebreo 2pags 23 Abril Spanish Spanish. These workers kept us safe during a once in a lifetime pandemic. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support their families.

Hello cityofnewyork. I support a minimum wage for app-based delivery workers, as someone who depends on them greatly! Delivery app workers are an essential workforce in NYC and minimum payments are imperative.

As a result of this decision, these workers, who rely on tips to make ends meet, Pido un repartidor para que me raparta, have had at least five months of pay withheld.

Perhaps most importantly, DWCP must adopt Pido un repartidor para que me raparta fair minimum pay scheme quickly and abandon the proposed phase-in model. Food delivery and courier services are essential to a city, especially one as dense as New York City, and each and every one of these workers deserves to be paid at least minimum wage.

Let delivery workers keep their money! Pay them a living wage in the most expensive city in the world. Good morning: I do support the increase in the minimum wage for delivery workers. It would finally mean stability. I too work the delivery apps on my longboard in nyc.