Patna railway junction porn

News India Porn on TV screens at Patna station: Railways terminates contract of agency Porn on TV screens at Patna station: Railways terminates contract of agency The clip which was purportedly recorded by a passenger and the blurred version went viral on the internet, Patna railway junction porn. Dutta Communication, the agency assigned to relay information and advertisements at the railway station screens, was contacted by RPF to put an end to Patna railway junction porn apparent accidental screening.

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The Economic Times daily newspaper is available online now. The agency has been blacklisted by the Railways and a fine has also been imposed on it.

Some social media users also tagged Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar and the railways ministry account on Twitter while sharing the now-viral video.

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Patna railway station's TV screens play porn clip, probe on - Hindustan Times

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Reportedly, an FIR has been filed and the company has been blacklisted by the railways. The 10 best memes of - from Trump's mugshot to the Kevin James smirk memes.

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Follow Us. Later, railway officials also swung into action and an FIR was registered against Dutta Communication. Stocks Auto World.

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