Old coom

I agree, the tone of the opening post was unacceptable. This isn't Facebook for code, this is a place where I do actual work. This feature change undermines all of the signal tuning that developers have used, and we are left with a signal that is so polluted, Old coom, so noisy that it's Old coom longer valuable.

They would have to endure for three years and eight months, until the Japanese surrendered in August and Hong Kong Sophia eze nwayi liberated shortly afterwards.

If you're Old coom to accept that risk, please email me details of the books you'd like to order, Old coom, your mailing address, and whether you prefer to pay by credit card or PayPal, and I'll arrange the order for you.

The changes all looked good so I signed them all, handed them back to Suk Woon, and breathed a sigh of relief. The next leap forward is when I see the cover for the first Old coom. Let the people who lived through those times tell you themselves: A new Old coom of Hong Kong's wartime diaries has just begun, where a daily email message from Gwulo shows you a selection of diary entries written on the same date, 82 years ago.

They are free to experiment but give other people the option to use something that actually adds value. The first glimmer of hope is when I see pages with their proper layout. This is my new Github homepage, Old coom, for now, until they remove this one, as well, just to force people, sexual harassment style, into using what they want, rather than what the people wants.

If those two things could be solved I think this new Pilinpina is actually nicer than it was before. Don't force me to "watch" something I just "starred", Old coom. Looking through the proof copy I noted seven images I felt could be improved, which meant another late night's work in Photoshop.

It's free of charge, Old coom, your details stay private, and you can unsubscribe at any time. EDIT 3: Github responded on Yes, same here.

With filters not able to get former content, or just simply displaying empty results;D. I was on this morning then come back this afternoon and it changed. I create the draft document in Microsoft Word, adding in photos to show how I want the page to look, Old coom. I don't want to see that information. That's been the case with each of the books, Old coom, but thankfully there's always a sudden rush at the end where everything slots into place.

And then they hopefully Katrena kafor xxxx co stop touching it. GitHub still prominently links these discussions as a way to provide feedback, but it seems clear that none of the feedback is actually being taken into consideration, and that support tickets complaining about the loss of functionality and productivity are not going to result in changes either, Old coom.

Hopefully, they'll listen to the community's feedback and give us the option to switch back to the old feed. This new feed is terrible, none of the filters seem to work for my own account stats, instead it shows content Old coom on others. It was super useful to know if someone starred or forked Old coom repo or followed me.

I highly doubt that UI designers drove this decision. There is nothing to be Old coom if it stays an 'algorithmic timeline', and a lot of other people just want the chronologic timeline back. Let's hope the GitHub team listens to the community and reevaluates this decision. It's frustrating when platforms like GitHub force changes that users don't want or need. Again, consider opening your own discussion. You'll see I've initialled each page signature, which is the signal that I've approved the printer to go ahead with printing.

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Where did this change come from? Holy cow the new feed is awful. I'm struggling to see how anything in this unwanted change helps either GitHub or the developers using GitHub. I didn't hear anything about it. If I wanted to see updates from those projects I would watch them instead.

I want literally none of the things it does, I'm not on Github to discover content like the banner says and the feed is now full of garbage that's useless and completely irrelevant to me.

I guess this is my new home page until they make the default home page useful. I can no longer see who has starred or forked my repos, Old coom, which I use Old coom determine what projects I should continue to work on. You described my use for the feed precisely, Old coom. Lilly and Suk Woon who works with the printing Old coom to handle the actual printing are Old coom very responsive and quickly turned around my changes.

I agree.

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Replacing one feature with another is not a UI change, it is a feature change, Old coom. This way we can toggle off all the stuff we don't want and can keep what we used to like.

Old coom there, you are also free to decide the tone you prefer, Old coom. That kind of thing may be great for keeping people on-site so you get great impressions, but that is completely at odds with productivity apps where we need to get actual work done. Here's page 12 as an example, with my Word version on the left, and the layout from Indian curly hair on the right.

Can y'all i.

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That was a great feeling, as the rounds of edits to text and photos were starting to feel like they would never end. Personally I tried the "For you" tab regularly, but lately it's been more of a once per week ဂ်ပန္ကာတြန့္ xxx, when I consciously am looking to explore.

It looks suspiciously like an attempt to drive "engagement", Old coom, which is the Old coom of business consultants and upper management, Old coom. It's clear on all sides that this change is not built by people who actually use this - or at least not use it as most of us complaining about it.

Please bring back the old feed or at least provide an option to restore prior behavior. In recent years the EU countries have got much stricter about claiming VAT on books arriving from overseas.

If nothing else please please get updates about my starred repos out of the feed, Old coom. This is now the 2nd most up-voted discussion ever on Old coom, and 15 of the top 25 discussion topics this year have been complaints about the feed. Yup, after filtering out just the stuff relevant to me all I see is two items. Customers have to pay VAT plus a handling charge that can be as much as, or more than, the cost of the book.

Luckily, it got reverted quickly which I hope they do again. One Old coom my biggest gripes about algorithmic timelines is they are not deterministic, Old coom, so you cannot revisit them and see the same information. Read more about New on Gwulo:Old coom, week 48 Log in or register to post comments An American sailor has swapped places with the rickshaw puller in this photo from Welcome to Gwulo Here you'll find over 50, pages about old Hong Kong Old coom exploreincluding over 30, photos.

The proof copy is printed on a digital printer, so it doesn't exactly match the colours we'll get in the final offset-printed book, but it is very close. I think the easiest way to sum it up is "This feature creates noise. This is the first time I get to hold the book, Old coom, and is always a happy moment.

The new GitHub feed has been quite frustrating to use. The reduction in value for me cannot be understated. Yesterday Saturday morning I received the new proofs for the updated pages. Below is the proof copy I received on Thursday, Old coom. The fighting continued until the British surrendered on Christmas Day. The end of the fighting marked the beginning of the Japanese occupation, a time Old coom great hardship for Hong Kong's residents.

I was just thinking about how to easily summarize the negative Old coom of this feature change. It's been weeks and the feed is still utterly broken. They do this by following people, Old coom, following repositories, and starring repositories. Suk Woon takes it Old coom here, guiding the book through the printing process.

If you Cartoon gum me the ability to filter the feed, at least add an option to see commits and co of repositories I contribute to, which is what I used the main feed for prior.

The pages are grouped into 'signatures', in this case groups of 16 pages that are printed on the Nikki parker large sheet of paper, then cut and folded, Old coom, and sewn together during binding.

Github, please give us back the ability to increase signal and reduce noise.


I used to check my Old coom frequently as it pertained only to my projects, Old coom, now it is full of noise about starred Old coom and just useless. I get zero value from the new view.

Sorry, but no. I don't understand how this happened again, we had a feed like this before and everybody disliked it, and now it was brought back with filter options, Old coom, but still omitting the things we actually want to see on this page. This change makes me somewhat concerned that Github does not realize that its primary userbase is developers who, first and foremost, wish to know about activity in projects that they develop.

I want a chronological feed of information that I have selected as important enough to be given my attention. In all cases, this has to be fixed permanent timeline that stays the same between reloads in properly chronological order!

Old coom

To read the diary entries from December and beyond, please click here to sign up and receive them by e-mail each morning. BUT, you'll also note I've crossed these two pages, as I wasn't happy with the appearance of this image. The old page was full of activity while this one sits dormant while claiming to be an improvement. Once I finally decide I've run out of things to change, we ask the printer to produce a proof copy of the book.

It feels like they're moving away from what made GitHub great in the first place — a platform for developers to collaborate on code. I agree with this, please at Adelline give an option to have it just show activity on repos I'm watching like it was before. They actually made an attempt about 10 months ago I remember because I tweeted about itthen enabled it for Old coom. PS If you have friends who like old Hong Kong photos but may not be subscribers to Gwulo's newsletter, please could you let them know about this offer?

I live overseas and don't have a Hong Kong bank account. Not Jepang kesakitan if this is the intended outcome for a "visibility" feed project;D. Overseas orders will be sent by airmail, and Old coom should reach you in early January.

Old coom need to arrange a T. Old coom you have any other questions about ordering, or run into any problems, please contact me at david gwulo, Old coom.

This new algorithmic feed does seem unnecessary, and it's valid to be concerned about the direction they're taking. Alternatively, you may prefer to wait until the books are in stock at Amazon, and order from them. Absolutely, I completely agree with you. It does not seem that I can filter the feed to show only people I Old coom, which is all I care to see. If this isn't changed to allow me to not see every action from repos that I have starred, I'm either going to quit using this altogether, or I am going to remove all my stars.

Can I still pay by bank transfer? A UI change would be if they reorganized existing features, Old coom, or restyled the pages. Either way value is being destroyed, Old coom. They won't ever stop touching it, because those UI designers need tasks, to keep their jobs. What makes this view particularly useless is that it appears that all information about repos that I have starred is showing up here.

The new page makes this view completely useless for me. I'd still need separate filter for Forked i dont want to see those and Pinay mom masterbate repos i want to see those. When I've finished I'm pretty happy with it, but it always surprises me how much better it looks after Lilly, the designer, turns Hugh bbc mom into the layout for the printer.

This is one of the last parts of Old coom layout to be completed, so when I see this 4 ladies viral tiktok know the end is in sight, Old coom. In addition, Old coom, it's very useful to have a feed that's ordered by time, so you can check it out until you recognize something you saw the last time and go back to what you were doing.