Ojol Indonesia gay

Register here Want to register your company or campus? Biar lebih afdol masnyaaa That is everyone's right," Twitter user newsplatter said.

Ojol Indonesia gay

Topics :. UninstallGojek kalo mau un-install jangan separo2. GO-JEK menjunjung tinggi keberagaman yang menciptakan persatuan dan keharmonisan, sejalan dengan nilai-nilai dan budaya Indonesia, yang ber-Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Unlike in other Southeast Asian nations, Ojol Indonesia gay, homosexuality is not illegal in Indonesia, but the country has seen a rise in anti-LGBT sentiment in recent years.

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Share this article. News Politics. Gw sih menghormati yg mau UninstallGojek.

But many netizens have also defended Gojek, pointing out that many companies widely used in Indonesia have also openly declared their support of the LGBT community, including Twitter itself, Ojol Indonesia gay. A photo of a rainbow flag that symbolizes the LGBT rights movement.

Go-Jek Vice President’s Post Supporting LGBT Rights Gets Backlash

The post sparked an online furore, with the hashtag UninstallGojek trending on Twitter since Saturday night. UninstallGojek pic. Register here. LOG IN. Forgot Password?

Dyaning Pangestika The Jakarta Post. Nih yang pro-gay monggo jangan dibeli produknya: Auto maen di Ojol Indonesia gay, pake hape nokiadan buta teknologi. Itu hak masing2. TheJakartaPost Please Update your browser Your browser is out of date, and may not be compatible with our website.

LOG IN. Hundreds of school principals in Garut, West Java, gathered last week to publicly denounce the presence of the LGBT community in school after discovering a Facebook page for gay students, Ojol Indonesia gay.

Go-Jek Vice President's Post Supporting LGBT Rights Gets Backlash – Indonesia Expat

Fix, UninstallGojek pic. Or Ojol Indonesia gay login with. Gojek itself released a statement on its Twitter account saying that the post was "a personal opinion and interpretation of one of Gojek's employees about an internal event with the theme of diversity.


TheJakartaPost Please Update your browser Your browser is out of date, and may not be compatible with our website. Many Twitter users Ojol Indonesia gay posted screenshots of them uninstalling the Gojek app from their phones in protest of what they perceived as Gojek's approval of homosexuality.