Odia schools 15 girl

J Psychosexual Health. Scaling up—from vision to large scale change: a management framework for practitioners. Towards the end of a minute conversation, when asked if she would confide in anyone if she faced any form of harassment, Durga went silent.

The school has a library and has books in its library. Alekhya View author publications. Purnima Huika, one of the 14 girls from the Dongria Kondh community to pass the 10th standard exams in and the one with the best result among them, enrolled in the Eklavya Model Residential School EMRS in Rayagada following her results.

National health policy Accessed 24 Apr Accessed تا Jan Download references. Youth Coalition, Odia schools 15 girl. The gap between the awareness and utilization of contraceptive methods needs to be assessed. Skip to main content. Data collection was done by AG. Odia schools 15 girl authors approved the final manuscript. J Pediatr, Odia schools 15 girl. Methods Study setting The current study was conducted in Bhubaneswar, the capital city of Odisha Yonkers ny in India.

Adolescent girls lack adequate knowledge pertaining to sexual and reproductive health, for which they face various issues such as teenage pregnancy, unsafe abortions and sexually transmitted infections. Of the many students enrolled in ashram schools that this reporter interviewed, only two said they had used the helpline, Odia schools 15 girl complain about a lack of teachers. Consent for publication Not applicable.

Accessed 14 Aug Accessed 5 July Adolescent health programming in India: a rapid review. When I am outside, I am like any other outsider. Additional information Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

When IndiaSpend visited in DecemberPurnima was shy and giggly, preparing for her senior secondary exams. Assent from the students and written informed consent from their parents were taken. Health Syst. The intervention can be integrated through and scaled out through current programs such as Ayushman Bharat, Odia schools 15 girl, RKSK, state-owned programs, and various international organizations working on adolescent health with adequate and sustainable funding, a strong network, trained manpower Odia schools 15 girl microlevel institution mechanisms.

Hence the authors conducted this study to assess the effectiveness of school-based sexual and reproductive health education among adolescent girls in Odisha state of India in terms of improving knowledge, attitude and practices pertaining to reproductive health.

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She bowed her head, stared at her hands, and shook her head to silently say no. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Article PubMed Google Scholar. There are no randomized trials conducted which assessed these domains in an Indian setting owing to cultural taboos.

In a school dedicated to children from tribal communities, they still stood out. The study Odia schools 15 girl a significant increase in knowledge, attitude, and practices pertaining to SRH among students in the intervention arm compared to the control arm.

EMRS were started in the year under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs with the aim of imparting free, quality education to students of the Scheduled Tribes, Odia schools 15 girl. The school is Provided and Prepared in School Premises providing mid-day meal.

Reproductive health education intervention trial.

Odia schools 15 girl

They were all aware of the landline available in the hostel but said they only used it once a week to report back to authorities that everything was alright.

Also, the study did not assess sexual activity following intervention which recommends further studies to assess contraceptive usage, sexual activity, and incidence of teenage pregnancies. Table 2 Knowledge and attitude pertaining to puberty and menstrual health in intervention and control group at baseline and 3 months endline Full size table.

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, Odia schools 15 girl. Study design and sampling strategy The study design was a cluster randomized trial conducted from May to April Baseline assessment A pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire was developed, which was adopted from the Illustrative questionnaire for interview surveys with young people, Odia schools 15 girl, World Health Organization [ 26 ].

A total of eight vernacular Odia language medium schools were selected for the conduct of the study, and the schools were randomly assigned where four schools received SRH education, and the other four received no intervention.

Abstract Background Various studies revealed that adolescent girls have limited knowledge pertaining to sexual and reproductive health SRH. Results In our study at baseline, there were a total of students, where Conclusion From our study, there is a significant proportional change Odia schools 15 girl knowledge, attitude, and practices pertaining to SRH.

Plain language summary Adolescent girls lack adequate knowledge Couple Asian fuck I like femboy to sexual and reproductive health, for which they face various issues such as teenage pregnancy, unsafe abortions and sexually transmitted infections.

Odia schools 15 girl intervention package developed was in accordance with recommendations provided by WHO on comprehensive sexuality education and addresses a significant and persistent problem that is currently high on the agenda of NHP of India.

In Odisha’s Residential Schools For Tribal Girls, Education Comes At A Cost

They said they did not receive any counselling or safety training after the incident. The intervention provided is a collaborative approach with permission obtained from school mass education. Accessed 29 June Porroche-Escudero A. Health systems and quality of healthcare: bringing back missing discussions about gender and sexuality.

Child marriages—39, every day: more than million girls will marry between and Accessed 4 July Depressive symptoms and birth outcomes among pregnant teenagers, Odia schools 15 girl.

Funding was used for the preparation of handbook materials, assessment forms, travel to the schools, stationaries, and refreshments for school students. The school has 12 computers for teaching and learning purposes and all are functional. Students have to pass entrance tests to be selected for admission. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise Brazzare anal a credit Odia schools 15 girl to the material.

Training teachers and frontline workers to deliver SRH education could potentially be integrated into existing educational programs. It empowers individuals with the information they need to make informed decisions about their journey in the world of education. I follow all the rules and traditions.

Girls' High School, Sohela, Bargarh

Like many other ashram schools that IndiaSpend visited, Odia schools 15 girl, this too, had no mattresses in the dorms. Search all BMC articles Search.

Story son mom of a reproductive sexual health education package among school going adolescents. The school does not need ramp for disabled children to access classrooms.

The original online version of this article was revised: the legend for Table 3 was inadvertently omitted. World Health Popul, Odia schools 15 girl. States in India ban sex ed to preserve culture. Informed verbal consent Odia schools 15 girl taken from the principal and school teachers.

Reprod Health. Accessed 16 Aug Our future: a Lancet commission on adolescent health and wellbeing. Contact us Submission enquiries: Limuel. Our study recommends policymakers and program managers for the implementation of comprehensive SRH in the regular school curriculum. Thus, the current strategy of implementing comprehensive SRH education in schools has a national focus, scale neutral, with a well-defined scaling strategy for a targeted group of adolescents in any geographic region.

The study has generated Odia schools 15 girl that schools can act as a platform for providing SRH education to adolescents, which is an immediate need of the hour in shaping healthy young people for the future. Hence, there is a need for further evidence to strengthen the interventions pertaining to adolescent SRH. Scale-up assessment: considering the seven key categories for scaling up in the sense of global health, an assessment of the current strategy was done [ 41 ].

The intervention was delivered through schools, which are already established educational institutions. About this article. The school as a platform for addressing health in Odia schools 15 girl childhood and adolescence. Nobody knew exactly how she had died, Durga said--the police had asked them if the principal had ever misbehaved or misspoken to them, and they had said no.

In Odisha’s Residential Schools For Tribal Girls, Education Comes At A Cost

Pinki Wadaka and Odia schools 15 girl Nishika, Desi teen showing body aged 14 and from the Bissam Cuttack constituency, said most children from their villages had dropped out of school but they wanted to continue.

Sood N, Suman P. Report to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the universal periodic review of the Republic of India on the lack of comprehensive sexuality education in India.

Patra attributed this to a paucity of teachers. Our study assessed the effectiveness of school-based SRH education among school-going adolescent girls in urban areas of Odisha, India. Huika was not one of them. Received : 31 March Accepted : 27 June Published : 19 July Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:, Odia schools 15 girl.

Accessed 20 June Measuring adolescent friendly health services in India: a scoping review of evaluations. Elsewhere, at a school in Rayagada district, girl students said they, too, Odia schools 15 girl, never complained to their parents. Keywords: Adolescence; Adolescent girls; Adolescent sexual and reproductive health; Health education; Randomized trials; School health; Sexual and reproductive health.

Correspondence to Swayam Pragyan Parida, Odia schools 15 girl. Five girls in the group agreed. Thus, the model can be implemented with existing educational institutional mechanisms, infrastructure, Odia schools 15 girl, and human resources, including field functionaries of the health department, NGOs and other private stakeholders engaged Odia schools 15 girl implementing health programs at the micro level, indicating a great fit between intervention and any adopting organization.

Full size image. Reprod Health 20 Download citation. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Download PDF. Research Open access Published: 19 July Effectiveness of school-based sexual War firm reproductive health education among adolescent girls in Urban areas of Odisha, India: a cluster randomized trial G.

This article has been updated. View author publications. Article PubMed Google Scholar Child marriages—39, every day: more than million girls will marry between and Google Scholar Cleland J. Acknowledgements Not applicable.

Intervention A literature Odia schools 15 girl was done for the preparation of an intervention package on SRH education. That does not exist. Reprints and Permissions. Durga and her friends said they did not confide in their parents if anything was wrong or things got difficult. Accessed 21 June Global accelerated action for the health of adolescents AA-HA! The current strategy resulted in KAP in all domains of SRH with a large effect size when compared to any other study conducted in the Indian state.

The school headmistress Manorama Swain countered this, saying that officials from the Childline India Foundation had visited for a session, and that the children are regularly provided life skills sessions that include information on abuse.

Our study did not assess the contraceptive practices among adolescent girls; where only the knowledge component was assessed.

Indian J Pediatr. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.

Cite this article Alekhya, Odia schools 15 girl. Copy to clipboard. Knowledge about sexual and reproductive health in adolescent school-going children of 8th, 9th, and 10th standards. Accessed 23 Apr Mental health in pregnant adolescents: focus on psychopharmacology. Alekhya, G. Effectiveness of school-based sexual and reproductive health education among adolescent girls in Urban areas of Odisha, India: a cluster randomized trial.

The school is not having a computer aided learning lab. Discussion The current study assessed the effectiveness of SRH education among vernacular school-going adolescent girls. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. National health programs, namely Ayushmann Bharat [ 43 ], Odia schools 15 girl, envisage outreach visits to schools by healthcare workers to provide counselling services to adolescents.

The effect of community-based health education intervention on management of menstrual hygiene among rural Indian adolescent girls.

Conclusion Adolescent girls face various issues pertaining to sexual and reproductive health in day-to-day life. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.

Adolescent girls Odia schools 15 girl various issues pertaining to sexual and reproductive health in day-to-day life. Each section of the module was prepared after a robust review of the literature, making it both country and state specific to meet the need of adolescent girls. Article Google Scholar. The girls said they washed their own clothes and cleaned their own rooms.