Nursing mother Nigeria

Get updates on all the free legal awareness projects of Sabi Law SabiLaw and its partners, Nursing mother Nigeria, via:. All the breastfeeding mothers presented at the Urban Comprehensive Health Centre for scheduled clinic visits from December to March were invited to participate in the study.

There could also be a lawsuit under the fundamental human Nursing mother Nigeria enforcement proceedings for the violation of the right to dignity of human persons of the breastfeeding worker and her child. You too can support the legal awareness Thin couple and programs of Sabi Law Foundation by donating to us.

Int J Qual Methods.

Compulsory Break Time for Nursing Mothers During Work

Subsequently, the audio taped interviews and the field notes were used to verify the transcribed texts, ensuring that they were correctly transcribed to preserve the meaning of the participants' words.

Hence, the analysis was based on valid responses, representing a response rate of 79 percent. An organisation is as good as it treats its workers. Richards HM. Ethics of qualitative research: are there special issues for health services research? At all levels, participants were briefed on the study objectives Bruntee whalers sex their consent was received either by filling the informed consent forms or by giving verbal approval before administering any of the research protocols.

Matern Child Health J. The goals within a goal: Health targets for SDG 3. Three pediatricians and a community health expert assessed the content validity of Nursing mother Nigeria questionnaire. London: SAGE; Meyer J. Qualitative research in health care. Health Policy Plan. The experiences and views of breastfeeding mothers were complemented with Nursing mother Nigeria of grandmothers and nurses.

More to explore, Nursing mother Nigeria. One translated the three-research instrument from English to Yoruba language, and the other translated it back into English.

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Qual Report. Cheltenham: Thornes Stanley; Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Nurses attached to the pediatrics unit of the health facility were invited for the interviews. This study was a dissertation submitted for the award of a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. Sim J, Wright C. Research in health care: concepts, Nursing mother Nigeria, designs and methods.

Nursing mother Nigeria

Where the employer is causing discrimination against nursing mothers that have no husbands children without known fathersthe case could also contain a claim for the violation of the right to freedom from discrimination. Eur J Pub Health. The second section comprised questions on breastfeeding knowledge, intention, and factors encouraging or Nursing mother Nigeria breastfeeding mothers from the practice of exclusive breastfeeding.

All the in-depth interviews and focus group discussion were recorded through audiotape. Download references. Both texts were later given to another expert in linguistics to ensure proper and actual translation. In addition, all the participants were informed of their right to withdraw their participation in the study at any stage [ 34 ].

The findings are presented as both discussions and tables. Correspondence to Friday Ilop Joseph. How many child deaths can we prevent this year? Sociol Nursing mother Nigeria Illn. Athl Ther Today.

The inclusion criteria for the breastfeeding mothers include ethnic affiliation Yoruba extractionhaving a living child whose age was between three months and one year; and currently seeking postnatal care at the urban comprehensive health centre. Breastfeeding initiation immediately after birth was 45 percent, 29 percent did so within the first two hours after birth.

Three research instruments consisting of questionnaire, in-depth interview and focus group discussion guide were adopted to explore the breastfeeding beliefs, practices and challenges of nursing mothers, Nursing mother Nigeria.

Verification strategies for establishing reliability and validity in qualitative research. Despite the emphasis on depth, qualitative studies are often limited in scope [ 32 ]. Joseph, F. A qualitative exploration of the sociocultural determinants of exclusive breastfeeding practices among rural mothers, North West Nigeria. Mantzoukas S. Facilitating research students in formulating qualitative research questions. Generally, qualitative methods provide in-depth information such as participants' Nursing mother Nigeria and experiences, Nursing mother Nigeria.

Rose G. Situated knowledges: Positionalty, reflexivites and other tactics. This work is published under the free legal awareness project of Sabi Law Foundation www. Potential role of traditional birth attendants in neonatal healthcare in rural southern Nepal, Nursing mother Nigeria. J Health Popul Nutr. More than one third of the nursing mothers in the survey were between 25 and 29 years of age.

Twenty four breastfeeding mothers declined participation because they felt they had already spent too much time at the health facility or because they needed to attend to domestic tasks.

Knowledge and practice of exclusive breastfeeding in Kware, Nursing mother Nigeria, Nigeria. In the same vein, all the grandmothers argued:. With the help of a female gatekeeper individuals Desi real ma beta ka sex videos hindi have control over subjects of interest10 grandmothers that met the study inclusion criteria were recruited for the focus group discussion.

Respondents in the quantitative strand were recruited using convenience-sampling technique.

The interviews lasted for an average of 47 minutes, while the Nursing mother Nigeria group discussion lasted for one hour ten minutes. An experienced lawyer will assess the situation and could send a warning letter to the employer or head straight to the courts. Where there is a right, there is a remedy. It is an offence punishable with a fine of the sum of Eight Hundred Naira N Well, Nursing mother Nigeria, the Labour Act permits an employer to drag to court any person including the often-lawless human resource experts that actually the employer believes is the actual offender.

In this section, 12 questions were targeted at women's breastfeeding behaviour after birth with specific questions on knowledge about breastfeeding initiation, duration, infant nutrition, and challenges of breastfeeding.

Compulsory Break Time for Nursing Mothers During Work - SabiLaw

The lawsuit could seek huge financial damages running into millions of Naira under the law of tort. A nursing mother whose breastfeeding time and break time are being violated needs to speak to a lawyer, Nursing mother Nigeria. My sincere gratitude to the research participants for their voluntary participation, the translator and the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission for funding my Nursing mother Nigeria postgraduate education.

Prog Hum Geogr. Pitney WA. Strategies for establishing trustworthiness in qualitative research. Become a donor Social. Grandmothers that are of the Yoruba extraction and had provided or were currently providing informal nursing care within the last one and half years were recruited.

Breastfeeding workers nursing mothers in any part of Nigeria have a cumulative two 2 hours break in a day in line with the Labour Act. No employer can change or modify this except as Nursing mother Nigeria be allowed by the Labour Act.

The agreements, directives, Nursing mother Nigeria, policies, manuals, guidelines and rules of an employer including international organisations and institutions cannot change the laws of Nigeria, rather must respect the laws or be dead.

Health workers promote exclusive breast-feeding to mothers in Nigerian communities

All the interviews were transcribed verbatim. The contents in these categories were used to clarify and enhance the quantitative Nursing mother Nigeria [ 2633 ]. Maternal and child undernutrition: global and regional exposures and health consequences.

Similarly, many of the breastfeeding mothers in the in-depth interview stated that they do not take notice of the duration of breastfeeding for each feed, especially at night. Fam Pract, Nursing mother Nigeria. In the quantitative phase of this study, the structured questionnaire was the dominant method; while face-to-face in-depth interviews and focus group discussion were adopted in the qualitative phase to enhance, Nursing mother Nigeria, as well as clarify, the quantitative results generated in the survey [ 26 ].

Educ Inf, Nursing mother Nigeria. Seale C, Silverman D. Ensuring rigour in qualitative research. This position was substantiated in the narratives of six breastfeeding mothers: 'if the child refuses to sleep at night, it is largely the responsibility of mothers to pacify the baby.

Green J, Thorogood N. Qualitative methods for health research. Jostqsy codes were re-coded, Nursing mother Nigeria, based on the major themes Nursing mother Nigeria the study, to form categories.

The study location is a semi-urban settlement in Southwest Nigeria. Despite the availability of modern health care facilities, socio-cultural and economic factors have sustained the relevance of traditional birth attendants in the provision of primary care services in many Nigerian communities [ 29 — 31 ].

A summary of the survey respondents' profiles can be seen in Table 1. Content analysis and thematic analysis: implications for conducting a qualitative descriptive study. Impact of early infant feeding practices on mortality in low birth weight infants from rural Ghana. Abuja: National Bureau of Statistics; Malterud K.

Qualitative research: standards, challenges, and guidelines. Nursing mother Nigeria impact of traditional birth attendant training on delivery complications in Ghana. Kruske S, Barclay L. Effect of shifting policies on traditional birth attendant training. Kitzinger J. The methodology of focus groups: the importance of interaction between research participants.

The first author moderated all the sessions, while the second author acted as the note taker. In the qualitative phase, additional insights into some of the responses elicited from the survey were sought through face-to-face structured interviews and a focus group discussion session.

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Where the employer proves that it was diligent in observing the provisions of the law on breaks but that it was that other person worker that, without the consent of the employer, violated the law, the court will hold the person liable and then exempt the employer. The criminal aspect of the violation of the labour Nursing mother Nigeria of a nursing mother breastfeeding worker could be reported to law enforcement agencies and the labour office for the criminal prosecution of the employer and his conniving staff.

Ignorance of law is not an excuse, Nursing mother Nigeria. The lawyer could also advise the nursing mother to institute legal action against the employer, the human resources staff and Koci pola other staff of the employer that has played a role in the violation, Nursing mother Nigeria. This was to check whether the questionnaire was understandable and pragmatic.

Writing interview protocols and conducting interviews: tips for students new to the feld of qualitative research. Four nurses at the health facility assisted with recruitment of potential respondents.

Health workers promote exclusive breast-feeding to mothers in Nigerian communities | UNICEF Nigeria

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Hence, Nursing mother Nigeria, the existence of Nursing mother Nigeria Labour Act and the rights bestowed on nursing mothers means that where there is a violation, there is a remedy. Of this population, breastfeeding mothers who met the study inclusion criteria agreed to participate. A two-page modified version of the questionnaire used in a study on breastfeeding practices of Jordanian women by Oweis et al.

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YouTube: SabiLaw. Among the breastfeeding mothers who were interviewed, the mean age was The mean age of the 10 nurses was At the time of the focus group discussion, Nursing mother Nigeria, three of the grandmothers were currently providing informal care for their grandchildren whose ages were less than 10 months. Those that could not write made a thumb print on the form after it was read out, which was witnessed by the translator.

Based on the findings from the survey, 17 breastfeeding mothers who had practiced exclusive breastfeeding for a period of six Nursing mother Nigeria were invited for in-depth interview, out Gcxszaeonb which 11 of them honoured the invitation.

Where the employer Nursing mother Nigeria an international organisation or has international interests, قرود experienced lawyer could devise good channels to engage the international community and the parent organs of the employer. Hence, Nursing mother Nigeria, breastfeeding workers that are being maltreated and denied their statutory rights to one hour for breasting feed and another one hour for a break have huge legal remedies.

Lastly, Nursing mother Nigeria, the focus group discussion with grandmothers was on grandmothers' knowledge, experiences, and dispositions towards exclusive breastfeeding. All the transcribed and translated texts were coded. The first comprised questions that elicit respondents' biographical information i. From our Nursing mother Nigeria, after retiring from the farm or market, breastfeeding at night while asleep could be much easier than while awake and it is still common among mothers to date FGD with grandmothers.

A complementary mixed method design that consists of a structured questionnaire, in-depth interview, Nursing mother Nigeria, and focus group discussion was adopted.

This publication is not a piece of legal advice. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. All the ethical principles of voluntary participation, autonomy and confidentiality were strictly adhered to.

Afr Health Sci. Factors affecting exclusive Nursing mother Nigeria among women in Muheza District Nursing mother Nigeria northeastern Tanzania: A mixed method community based study. Percentages were À lécole les petites garçons to describe the demographic and socioeconomic situation of the women and the breastfeeding beliefs and practices of the women.

The interviews that were conducted in Yoruba were transcribed and translated into English by an expert in both languages. Grandmothers are an important source of support for new mothers. It could further be stretched to include a claim of violation of the right to life, and the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

The in-depth interviews with nurses were conducted in English at the health facility, Nursing mother Nigeria, whilst the interviews with nursing mothers and the focus group discussion with grandmothers were conducted in Yoruba language at preferred locations. Furthermore, the grandmothers described breastfeeding while sleeping at night as a way of keeping babies asleep with little interruption. The face-to-face interview with breastfeeding mothers was focused on breastfeeding experiences and network of supports, while the interviews with the nurses investigated their job experiences and available supports that could facilitate breastfeeding initiation and duration among breastfeeding mothers attending the hospital.

Search all BMC articles Search. Based on their roles, their infant feeding experience and knowledge can influence mothers' decisions to initiate and continue breastfeeding [ 25 ].

FIJ conceived the study, collected the data, analysed, interpreted and wrote the initial manuscript under the guidance and supervision of JE. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript. The study population consisted of breastfeeding mothers, nurses and grandmothers. The Commonwealth scholarship Commission did not have any role in the design, interpretations and views expressed in this publication.

It is always better to employ lawyers as human resource staff or engage an experienced lawyer that will often advise human resource staff to avoid attrition and huge loss of revenue. Speak with the writer, ask questions or make inquiries on this topic or any other via onyekachi. The writer was not paid or charged any publishing fee. Qual Health Res. Breastfeeding in the 21st century: epidemiology, mechanisms, and lifelong effect. Nine among the breastfeeding mothers interviewed described breastfeeding while sleeping as an exercise that requires caution.

Infant and young child nutrition. The average age at marriage among this category of mothers was Forty two percent of the respondents indicated that they had at least one relative living with them.

Skip to main content, Nursing mother Nigeria. The focus group discussion was also conducted in April at a preferred location suggested by the grandmothers in Ile-Ife. Perceptions of, attitudes towards and barriers to male involvement in newborn care in rural Ghana, West Africa: a qualitative analysis. The violation could be that the breaks are reduced or removed or that Nursing mother Nigeria nursing mother is forced to spend them in the workplace.

Coding took place in two stages: open and axial coding. We focused on the breastfeeding experiences and practices of mothers seeking care at a modern health facility, although there are Nursing mother Nigeria in breastfeeding initiation and practices in the wider population of breastfeeding mothers. The town had an estimated population ofduring the census [ 28 ].

Most of them admitted that they sleep in the same bed as their infants so that they can breastfeed their babies at any time. This decision was influenced by the nature of the research objectives and the position that mixed methods provide researchers the opportunity to understand social reality from different research paradigms [ 27 ]. Int Breastfeed J 1438 Download citation. The questionnaire included three sections.

Reprints and Permissions. In the qualitative strand, a purposive sampling approach was used in recruiting 10 nurses in the pediatrics unit of the health facility. Where Nursing mother Nigeria why are 10 million children dying every year? Delivery, immediate newborn and cord care practices in Pemba Tanzania: A qualitative study of community, hospital staff and community level care providers for knowledge, attitudes, belief systems and practices, Nursing mother Nigeria.

Related topics Breastfeeding. Using qualitative methods in health related action research, Nursing mother Nigeria. Received : 17 December Accepted : 12 August Published : 20 August Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

Sorry, Nursing mother Nigeria, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Of the nursing mothers who met the inclusion criteria, only volunteers responded to the interviewer-administered questionnaire.

Shenton AK, Nursing mother Nigeria. Strategies for ensuring trustworthiness in qualitative research projects. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. The opinion expressed in this publication is that of the author s and not necessarily the opinion of our organisation, staff and partners.

Nurs Health Sci. Graneheim U, Lundman B. Qualitative content analysis in nursing research: concepts, procedures and measures to achieve trustworthiness. Only two among all the grandmothers were able to describe exclusive breastfeeding correctly, even though all of them had breastfeeding knowledge and experiences to varying degrees.

Nurse Educ Today.