Número xxxx i

You can Número xxxx i as helpful, but you cannot reply or subscribe to this thread. It is only now I am starting to see what I am supposed to do in the variable dialogue box.

Best regards, Ayo. Top Contributors in Excel:. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. This thread is locked.

Please don't hesitate to post back if you still have further questions. Details required :. Most of the time I use Local or Instance variables which are unique to the Macro where they are used, Número xxxx i. It looks to me intuitively, and I still find it Número xxxx i to shake off, like 2x would in a math formula.

If an app gives me a default value, I generally take that to be a good value unless I need otherwise. It works great. But your comment is why I so dislike the default that KM provides for many Actions when you insert the Action, like this:. Keyboard Maestro Export.

You create a label really? In your spreadsheet, select the cell or cells in which you have your phone numbers.

Llámame al número XXXXXXX | WordReference Forums

Even then it was confusing. Back on your spreadsheet, all your phone numbers are now formatted in the proper phone number style. The macro I posted above was just for the request of the OP -- it would not be my solution.

Shaun Butler. I got that you were supposed to enter something of your own in some way in time. I have really been reanimated regarding regex via Keyboard Maestro in fact: I had a rough idea about it in other contexts, Número xxxx i. I realize as well that if you name every variable the Número xxxx i, and I think you are right I think I was doing that at one point, Número xxxx i, you might get conflicts.

Then I was trying things like "VarPhone" and thinking it was supposed to 'set' something elsewhere or something.

Here you go. I just updated mine doing that very thing, keystrokes to copy the string of text, and then used his portion to format it. I agree Número xxxx i you JMichaelTXthanks for explaining the substring useage too.

Convert Phone Number to XXX-XXX-XXXX Format - Questions & Suggestions - Keyboard Maestro Discourse

Personally, I have rarely used it. I should be able to do this on a list but I can't remember the regex now.

They probably don't realize that this is a global variable, and the same default name provided by other Actions, even in other Macros, might conflict with the variable used for this specific Action. Just out of interest when would the substring method, so to speak, Número xxxx i, be useful? By "transparent" I suppose you mean that the name is descriptive of its contents.

Phone number formatting XXX XXX XXXX

It would be most useful to people who need to extract a substring and either know, or can get, the character range in the main string, and who do not know RegEx. I hope I answered your question. I would use the method by ccstonebut this answers your question. I think this is especially confusing to new KM users. I have a list of phone number that have to be displayed in a specific format these are all South African phone numbers, as such they all start with a 0 Excel automatically removes the starting zero, and I need to add it, and then format it to the correct format eg.

November 13, Top Contributors in Excel:. So I think many users might just Número xxxx i "VarName" as the actual variable name for this action.

It is very hard to do though, once the fog lifts things look clear ironically, Número xxxx i. I said to Peter I would keep a record of the learning experience. I have a lot of keystroke macros like yours in fact, Número xxxx i, and they work fine mostly to be fair, Número xxxx i.

It makes it a lot clearer conceptually to beginners I feel. But yea for a lot of basic things I use keystrokes because they're very easy to create a macro really quick that way.

Número xxxx i is useful somehow when a Variable name is transparent like in this example: I don't know why that is. Cancel Submit. I have the same question Report abuse.

Llámame al número XXXXXXX

Since KM does NOT have a substring function like every other language in the world, it forces us to use an Action, so we have to extract each substring separately. JMichaelTXthough I prefer the regex version, this was the first time I have understood or even knew about the 'substring' actions and it was very useful to know, Número xxxx i.

I always try to do this, while keeping the length of the name to a minimum. Personally, I'd just use a regular expression - get rid of everything except the digits, ensure there are exactly 10 digits, and then add the dashes:.

You must Número xxxx i before it can be triggered. Now I am sure it Número xxxx i look that way to modern IT folk, but there you go. I learnt several things.