Nigeria nipple young girl

According to UNICEFin the period between and13 percent of Cameroonian children were married by the time they are 15 and 38 percent by the time they were According to the Cameroon Medical Council, 25 percent of pregnancies occur in school-age girls, and Nigeria nipple young girl percent of pregnant girls do not return to school. Many Cameroonian families may fear that living as refugees adds an element of danger for their daughters.

Female refugees and displaced people in Nigeria are at high risk of sexual harassment and exploitation, Nigeria nipple young girl.

Often the father remains completely unaware. Some indicators that a girl has undergone breast ironing are as follows:.

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Families should rather channel their efforts towards educating their daughters on sex issues. Key Facts Breast Ironing affects 3.

So far, only a limited number of such cases have been recorded, mainly in the Amana community of Cross River state.

All these documents highlight the right for girls and women to live free from gender discrimination, free from torture, to live in dignity and with bodily integrity.

The girl generally believes that the practice is being carried out for her own good and she will often remain Nigeria nipple young girl. Breast ironing is a well-kept secret between the young girl and her mother.

Breast Ironing Fact Sheet | Africa Health Organisation

But even in their home country, Cameroonian girls are at risk of early marriage and pregnancy. But for others, breast ironing is a matter of societal expectation, Nigeria nipple young girl. However, UNHCR is concerned that many more incidents go unreported or are referred only to community elders. Worried about Nigeria nipple young girl safety of their year-old daughter, Helen and her husband made the decision to iron her breasts after she reported that a man whose home she cleans regularly touched her inappropriately.

Angela and her daughter arrived in Ogoja in Februaryjoining thousands of other refugees taking shelter in the Adagom and Okende host communities where women and girls have reported being sexually harassed by members of the host communities as well as by other refugees.

Young pubescent girls usually aged between 9 — 15 years old and from practising communities Nigeria nipple young girl most at risk of breast ironing. By Philip Obaji Jr, Nigeria nipple young girl. Law There is no specific law within the UK around Breast Ironing; however it is a form of Physical Abuse and if professionals are concerned a child may be at risk of or suffering Significant Harm they must act in accordance with Assessing Need and Providing Help.

Nigerian Girl Blasted on Social Media for Posting Nipple-revealing Top (Photo)

Around 1, 9—15 year old girls in the UK are currently thought to be at risk of breast ironing, Nigeria nipple young girl. More than 12 Cameroonian girls living in settlements in Adagom and Okende told Al Jazeera that they are regularly sexually harassed by men. This form of mutilation not only Azrin negative health consequences for the girls, but often proves futile when it comes to deterring teenage sexual activity according to CAME Women and Girls.

It exposes girls to numerous health problems such as cancer, abscesses, itching, and discharge of milk, infection, dissymmetry of the breasts, cysts, breast infections, severe fever, tissue damage and even the Nigeria nipple young girl disappearance of one or both breasts.