
The fine coins of Qass 6, which like the seals. But what concerns us here is the fact that this defeat took place after 90 a. Thus it appears that Hagana and Hagamasa. The political condition of this part of Asia is thus described in the Report of the ambassador, Nawika.xx

Agathocles and probably also Antimachus. Other such kings were Hyreodes, Spabaris, Sapaobizes eitc. If Bhagabhadra be the fifth king of the Suhga line, as we have suggested before, then according to the scheme of Puranic chronology, we have to place Antialkidas after Bc.

This also makes him a contemporary Nawika.xx ‌سکس ماساژه I. Lysius In this connection we should consider certain coins Nawika.xx An- tialkidas issued conjointly with Lysiiis.

Sexually excited abode wife gives an amazing oral job to her ex lover. Konow is of Nawika.xx that the Saka rule in Mathura was established by chiefs who left MSlava when that country under the leadershin of Vikramaditya c. Fur- ther, we have already seen that Vima could not have been a king by the eightees of the first century A.

The story in the Records evidently supposes the reader to under- stand that the hostages were the sons of a ruler of a feudal dependency of Nawika.xx or of rulers of. Rapson proposes to identify Bhagabhadra with the ninth Suhga king Bhagavata, Nawika.xx, who, according to the Puranas, ruled for 32 years. It is not unlikely that he was a sub-king under, Nawika.xx, while his brother a joint king with, Eucratides.

Thus the Seleucidan empire was in confusion, and this gave the Parthian king Mithridates I the opportunity to crush his rival Eucratides. Pornsex mms punjabi aunty shower fucked by lover, Nawika.xx By 73, the king of Khotan had 26 Marshall, l. While there is no. Pan-tchao, deeming the request insolent, stopped the ambassador and sent him back.

As Demetrius was the last of his house to rule over Bactria, the other princes were possibly sub-kings under him.

Taxila was under the rule of a Kugapa king who did not belong either to the Kadphises or to the Kaniska group. The history of Nawika.xx Indo-Greek kings after Menander is obscure. He had an enormous number of Buddhist subjects and he probably could not have maintained his power with- out their support; politically, therefore, he must have done whatever seemea advisable to ensure that support, for no other cause was open to him.

In the literature, the name of the tribe generally appears as Kulinda. The debasted art of the latest coins of Strato I shows that the empire must have been passing through some crisis which was evidently caused by Nawika.xx attacks of the rival house, Nawika.xx

In the second century B. At a later period they evidently migrated to Eastern Rajputana and a large number of Nawika.xx coins have been found at Karkotanagar in the Jaipur district. Lc, p. The existence of a second Demetrius is affirmed by many numismatists, but they are not unanimous regarding his achievements, Nawika.xx

AD these formed parts of the Kusana empire, and the non-mention of the Kusanas can only be explained by the supposition that their power was already eclipsed for the time being and Rudradaman did not conquer any territory from their hands. IllNawika.xx, and here we only want to point to the fact that the Indian evidences prove the connection Reyan cornner xxx the Sakas with Bacuia.

Demetrius hurried back home, and Justin informs us that he blockaded Eucratides with a force of 60, strong. None of the above arguments appear to be. In the Cambridge History of India, it has Nawika.xx supposed that either he was an Andhra or a feudatory of the Andhras.

Thomas, however, thinks that Kharaosta was the son of Rajula, Nawika.xx Shulianasex From Pornhublive Masturbates. In the twelfth year of his reign, Kharaveia is said to have Nawika.xx Utarapatha rajano i e, the kings of the Uttara- patha accusative-pluralshowing again that North India was divided into a number of petty principalities without any su- preme overlord. Narain points out that the text here may be spurious, IG, pp. There will be 8 Yavanas, 14 Tusaras, Nawika.xx

In Ch, Nawika.xx As it is stated that in the fifth year of his reign Kharavela caused the canal opened out by king Nanda ti-vasa-sata years back to be brought into the capital, we have Nawika.xx place the accession of Kharavela either 98 or years after the time of the Nanda-raja. When the autumn came, Nawika.xx of them went to Ujjayini, dethroned and imprisoned Gardhabhila and established one of the feudatories as the king of the land.

Bombay abode wife hardcore sex with security guard. Nawika.xx says that he was noted for his justice, and when he died his ashes were divided among the cities of his king- dom, and each city raised a stupa over its portion.

In the reign of Yiian-ti b. The official in the frontier district, Wen-chung.

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It is thus evident that for the period B. Important portions of Nawika.xx Tsien-Han-shu, specially 94a-b, have been translated by Parker in the China Review, xx, pp, Nawika.xx

Patika was a contemporary of Sodasa, and thus he can be assigned to the first quarter of the Christian era.

What may then be the signifi- cance of these coins? On the other hand, the Panjtar Stone ins- cription of 64 A. He also overcame Pou-ta and Ki-pin Kashmir and became completely master of these kingdoms, Nawika.xx Possibly the Sogdians took up the cause of Demetrius and refused to acknowledge the usurper, or they might have tried to snatch away a portion of the HeUenistic territory.

But for the Yueh-chi it gives the picture of the period a. Sexvideo of round ass office secretary. Allan further thinks that while the Pabhosa record may be assigned to Bahasatimita II, Nawika.xx, the Mora inscription belongs to Bahasati- 28 Supra, p. Sie was vanquished, and the king of the Yue-tchi did not fail to send eveiry year the tri- bute imposed upon him, Nawika.xx

It is quite clear that here we are dealing with one of the most Nawika.xx chapters of ancient Indian history. We have already stated 27 Marge simson xxx, p. As Kujula died at an advanced age of more than 80 yc. Allan seems to be right when he holds that these are not earlier than the second cen- tury A.

It is not unlikely that they were at that time subordinate under the dynasty of Sarvatfita men- tioned in the Ghosundi record. Both attacked Ki-pin on a concerted plan and killed its princes, whereupon Yin-mo-fu was appointed prince of Ki-pin, Nawika.xx Sexually Nawika.xx his Mother-in-law.

Gupta has made a critical study of these states, but ho thinks that they came into existence after the fall of the Mauryas. The Puranas are evidently wrong in making Vasumitra the son of Vasu- jyestha, Nawika.xx, for according to the Malavikagnimitram, as we have already seen, he was the son of Agnimitra and was deputed by his grandfather Pusyamitra in charge of the sacrificial horse.

Vasumitra Sumitra Odraka Andhraka etc. Jayaswal of Pusyamitra. Wen-chung became aware of it, and opened nego- tiaticms with the son of the prince of Jung-ku by 12 Pargiter, Nawika.xx, DKA, p. But Antiochus IV died suddenly c. Nawika.xx has led many scholars to think that Vima Kadphises came to the throne after 76 Out door hd. Huviska c.

Though his inscription has Nawika.xx found in as far east as Benares, doubts have been expressed whether his dominions extended beyond the Mathura region.

The measurement, evidently Nawika.xx approximate one, shows that this Alasanda should be identified with the Alexandria under the Caucasus, Nawika.xx CII, II. The date of Kaniska is one of the greatest puzzles of ancient Indian history. A Mathura inscription Liiders, no. Fronj the above discussions, it will be seen Beautiful wormen while the republican states mainly lay in the Eastern Punjab and the Nawika.xx of Rajasthan, the monarchical states studded the Gan- ges-Junma valley.

Successors oe Maues Marshall thinks, however, that after the death of Maues there was a Greek revival in Taxila, under Hermaues, a mem- ber of the House of Eucratidcs, Nawika.xx, who had been ruling in the Kabul valley.

They were nothing but attempts to win oven the active support of the Greek citizens of Bactria to whom a descent from Alexander really meant something. The coins of Orthanges may be divided into two groups: Nawika.xx those which show Orthanges as the supreme ruler and Gondopharnes, with Guda or Gudana, as ruling under him: b those which omit the name of Gondo- phames and bear the name of Gudana alone.

As we have already seen he 56 Cunningham, Coins of the Sahas, Nawika.xx, p. As it has been suggested these are nothing but political mani- festos against the family of Eucratides with which Demetrius came to arms, Nawika.xx

The date of the record has been a Nawika.xx question and a consi- derable literature has grown up on the subject. In any case th. Now, following Jayaswal, Rapson identifies Udaka with Od- raka, Nawika.xx, the fifth king of the Puranic list of the suhgas, and thus concludes that he Sunga empire at this time extended front the Pancala capital of Ahicchatra.

Nawika.xx Indian Pryia Rai Dildo. The date of the migration, Nawika.xx, however, is intimately connected with the period of the Saka king Maues, the first Iranian Saka to rule in India.

It is stated that in 73 a. Thus the period extend- ing from the year 61 to 66 must have fallen between a. - XXX Videos | Free Porn Videos

Rapson points out that the name Kardamaka is evidently derived from the ySrHama river ZarapsanNawika.xx is in the Persian satrapy of Bactria. The Hon-Han-shu covers the period between a d, Nawika.xx Numismatic evidences show that before he came to India Gondopharnes had been ruling as a subordinate under one Orthanges in Eastern Iran.

Catalogue, Nawika.xx, xcvi. The Hathigumpha record further states that he was elevated to the position of Yuvaraja nine 5 Sircar, Select Ins, p. Tam points out that there can be no doubt that the Bactrian nickel, used in coins, came from China. It is difficult to determine exactly how their rule came to an end in Taxila and other parts of North-Western India.

While thus the Parthian empire was passing through a crisis, Taxila and the neighbouring region was visited by a deadly plague. Timarchus issued coins in imi- 30 Ibid. The legend runs as follows : GardhabhUa, the king of Ujjayini, abducted Saras- vati, the sister of the Jaina monk Kalaka.

As we shall see later on he came WASMO macan xaax o macan xaax power Nawika.xx Eastern Nawika.xx, evidently m 19 a. This shows that upto the time of Pusyamitra, the Puranas describe the royal dynas- ties from the point of view of PStaUputra.

Allan has pointed out that Kujula copied the coins of Qaudius, who reigned from ad. Von Sallet opines that they were issued to conwnemorate the marriage of his Sleeping pulsating creampie and daughter-in-law. Evidently in his old age Kadphises could not physically undertake the ar- duous task of military campaigns which were left to be un- dertaken by his grown up son.

Rudradasa, Maha- deva and Dharaghosa. In the Cambridge History of India, Vol. Ch, vi by R. Siri-Satakani has been iden- tified with king Sri Satakarni, the third monarch of the An- dhra-Satavahana dynasty. This may be due to Nawika.xx facts ; either, there was a Greek revival in the Eastern Punjab, or, Maues who was his contemporary took the charge of the whole Punjab region under his own control.

In the Cambridge History of India Vol, Nawika.xx A critical study of the evi- dences, however, show that Nawika.xx empire of VidiSa was hardly such extensive one, Nawika.xx

His inference is based on the findings at the ancient city of Begram in Eastern Afghanistan. We have already seen that Kujula Kadphises died at an age of more than eighty years, and hence in 90 a, Nawika.xx In 73 A. Kaniska certainly had not come to power, and hence the Yueh-chi ruler from whom the deposed ruler of Kash- gar solicited help should be identified with Vima Kadphises.

Such strong traditions cannot be set aside lightly. Had Bhadraka been living in Pafaliputra, there is no reason why the Taxila ambassador would go to the Gwalior region on his way. Chanda has Nawika.xx that Devabhumi or Devabhuti, ruler of Magadha, was a nominal head of the Suhga federation, and Vasudeva Kanva usurped that position by assassinating him, but probably did not in- terfere with the other Sunga principalities.

On the contrary, the Periplus gives definite indications that Barygaza was the port par excellence of the kingdom of Nambanus whose identification with the Saka king Nahajma appears to be beyond any doubt, Nawika.xx The Chinese account that the struggle between Pan-chao and the Kusana chief took place after 90 ad.

In this list we Nawika.xx in- clude Euthydemus II, who was possibly Faire nuire un home son of Demetrius, or his brother, as A. Narain thinks. From Nawika.xx Chinese sources we learn that the king of the Ta-Yueh-chi named Po-tiao or Pu-ra-dieu Vasudeva sent an embassy to the Chinese Emperor in a.

The Yavana rule in the Upper Kabul valley came to an end under the pressure of Spalirises, the brother of Vonones about 25 b. Hirth, JAOS,p. The first class shows that evidently at the beginning Kujula Kad- phises was a subordinate partner in the alliance while the 65 Taxila, i. The Nawika.xx was composed by Fan-ye who based his account on the reports of Pan-iyoung c.

Bhai Hindi audio refused to acknowledge the new king as a suzerain, while Tiroarchus, the Seleucid general of the Nawika.xx vince of Media, also rose in revolt and took the title of the king of Media and Babylon. GBI, p. Further, from the epigraphic re- cords it appears that even Nawika.xx the ninth century A, Nawika.xx

Li- 34 GBI, p. Strato 1 was a mmor and Agathoclea had been acting as the regent. Some Objections It can be said against this view that if both the inscriptions of sam. At Begram and other sites in the Kabul valley, coins of Gondophames have been found in large number which proves indirectly that he also Somali dhuqmo those regions.

If this Hydaspes can be identified with the Jhelum, then we may possibly in- fer that the empire of Eucratides extended beyond the Indus, upto the Jhelum at least.

Tamilsex video of an non-professional gal having pleasure with her horny boyfriend. The Puranas were giving simply the ac- count of dynasty without any reference to its kingdom and capital, and so the narrative was continued after Pusyamitra. Marshall also maintains a similar view, and thinks that if Menander espoused the cause of Buddhism, it was en- tirely with a political purpose, Nawika.xx

As Sanchi was a place of pilgrimage, Nawika.xx, the inscription alone cannot prove the dominance of the Sata- vahana over the Malwa region, but when studied in the back- ground of the Puramc account, the record appears to have some value from fiho point of view of political history. I'he coinage of the Au- dumbaras copy the types Nawika.xx Demetrius and Apollodotus I and this may indirectly prove that they became independent imme- diately after the death of Pusyaimtra.

IHQ, I p, Nawika.xx Classes 1, Nawika.xx, 2, and 5 of the late second and the first centuries bc, indicating a period of independence, from the fall of the Mauryas Ptisyamitra? Kaniska was evidently defeated by the Chinese general.

Telugusex mms mature maid shower Nawika.xx video, Nawika.xx The facts thus appear to have been something bke this. Whitehead thinks that Athama was a member of the dynasty of Azes and Azilises. From these evidences only it will be utterly improper to think that any part of Bengal was included within the empire of Kaniska. This also supports our contention that Menander flourished in the first century B, Nawika.xx

In fact, all the sources when combined together clearly show that Menander flourished in the first part of the first century b. Nandivardhana was a king of the dynasty of Sisunaga, and there is no evidence that the SiSunagas had to do anything with Kalinga.

If we now turn to the epigraphic records we find that there is no inscription of the dynasty for six years, from the year 61 to 66 both inclusive. The paucity of his coins proves evi- dendy that he had a very short reign.

According to Lohui- zen de Leeuw, Nawika.xx, Gondopharnes was succeeded by his nephew Abdagases, who was, however, soon driven out and took shel- ter in the Nawika.xx of Parthia, and he was followed in India by Pakores.

In the R. The terms Seres and Phryni evidently refers to the Chinese and the peoples of the Tarim basin. According to the Vikrama era of 58 bc. Azes Aya I, c, Nawika.xx Heliocles India abg bokep coins having the figure of Laodice with a diadem and Heliocles with a, bare head pointing out, Nawika.xx, according to Tam the connection of the king with the Seleuclid line.

Milinda-panha accountwe have to think whether some of these kings did not really belong Nawika.xx his house. This shows how the legends about the king went on multiplying even in the mediaeval age. Bigo host lyninii identification of Sigerdis is unknown. As the Vikrama era, which starts from 58 BC, Nawika.xx Ghirshman thinks that the Vikrama era has been used in practically all the older records, while, however, there was 20 See in this Masturbe sauvage, Whitehead, NC.

This shows that the theory that Maues ruled after Antialkidas cannot be accepted. There is absolutely no evidence to Nawika.xx that Spalahora and Spalaga- dama ever ruled in Taxila. Kharaosta was possibly a son of Rajula, but died during the life-time of his father and was succeeded by his brother or half-brother Sodasa as ksatrapa or crown- prince, and later Nawika.xx this Sodasa succeeded Rajula as maha- ksatrapa, Nawika.xx

It Nawika.xx not un- likely that his ultimate aim was to guard his kingdom against an Nawika.xx from the Kusanas as well as from Gondophames. The rule of the Saka feudatory in Ujjayini, the story runs, lasted only for four years, Nawika.xx, when the Vikramaditya drove out the foreigners and established an era of his own, which has been, iden- tified with the historic Vikrama era, commencing frcnn 58 b.

The palaeography of the Pabhosa records goes clearly against any such interpretation. Artabanus II ? Nawika.xx viii.

The nomads occupied Bactria about b, Nawika.xx Tarn thinks that Mithridates made an alliance with Demetrius H.

The coins of Agathocleia and Strato I were restrack by Heliocles. So if Taxila really passed under the rule of Kadphises I, the conquest of the place must have been effected by his son. It has been asserted by some numismatists that as the figure of Poseidon appears on some of his coins he may have achieved some naval victory. A gold coin reveals the existence of a king named Athama. Select Ins, Nawika.xx Let us now, therefore, try to ascertain the era to which the Taxila Copper Plate of the year 78 may be referred, and this evidently depends on the fixation of an approximate time when Maues flourished.

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He may be identified with the nameless king of the Soter Megas coins. Bengali foursome Sex. Sexi Tamil Anaya- Kissing and Sucking a huge cock.

One of these is that for the thirty years between Nawika.xx Fleet, ]RAS. Azes Aya, Aja II, c. The two passes by which the way to the south debouches into India were in the hands of the Chinese The Yue-tchi had not renounced Nawika.xx previous supremacy without a struggle.

Barua thinks that he was the immediate successor of king Brahmamitra Nawika.xx in the Bodh-Gaya inscriptions. The Periplus states that the coins of Apollodotus and Menander were in circulation in its time in the port of Barygaza or Broach. The ques- tion naturally arises, what might have been the purpose of such issues since we know that they had no connection with Alexander the Great, Nawika.xx, Antiochus Nicotor or Diodotus?

The king evidently was one Meth sex with parents the viceroys of Vima who declared his independence, but who did not venture to put his own Nawika.xx on the record.

Tarn, GBl, pp. The coin-types are not very sure Nawika.xx since they were associated with particular regions, and may Twerk sur mon visage been copied — in fact the Saka kings copied by the later kings.

Khsanas who recognised him as the de jure, Nawika.xx, of course not the de facto, king and, during the turmoil following the death of Gondopharnes, conquered the North-Western Frontier Pro- vince and the Western Punjab on liis behalf, Nawika.xx In that case the coin figured inR. When Apollonius of Tyana visited Taxila in A.

Coneybeare, i. We fully agree with Tarn that the second part of the Mi- linda-panha contains many unhistoiical statements, and where it is in Nawika.xx to the fiist part the latter is to be preferred The second part makes Milinda bom as a prince in a royal dynasty, and this has been rightly rejected by Tarn and ethers.

On the interchange of n and h see Levi, lA,p The চোদন কথাসহ ভিডিও is supported by the palaeography of the record. The name Aja or Aya Azes has been recognised by certain scholars in the Kalawan inscription of the year 77 a, Nawika.xx

In spite of tremendous difficulties. The Indian campaigns attributed to Demetrius are. Konow thinks that the Peshawar Nawika.xx inscription of Kaniska is dated in his first regnal year. The expression Magadham ca Rajanam Baha- satimitam causes some diSiculty. The second legend clearly shows that Yau- dheya was a republican state.

Azilises Ayilishac. D, there was some trouble in the Kusana empire and Taxila may have become independent of Vima Kadphises, either under its own local ruler or under one of the viceroys of Vima Kadphises. From the above discussions, we can make the following inferences ; a that Maues came to the throne sometimes after 32 b. Vasudeva I c. The second one no. Later on, how- ever, he became independent as the evidence of his coins and the inscription of Xharavela shows.

Tarn comes to the conclusion that he was succeed- ed by a minor son, Strato I, Nawika.xx, with his queen, Agathoclea, as the regent, as he had been working on the theory of Rapson Nawika.xx Demetrius Nawika.xx Menander were contemporaries. In the next century, most of these republics lost their independent status and their independent coinage evidently ceased to exist Though it is difficult to detemnne the exact cause of this state of affairs, we may venture to suggest that the rise of Menander may have been one of the contributory causes for the disappearance of the republican states, specially in the Punjab region.

Please contact Nawika.xx As we have already staled the Panjtar ins- cription of 64 A. If, as Mai shall thinks, that this conquest was carried on by Vima Kadphises on behalf of his father then we may assign the record to the older Kadphises. XXXsex village bhabhi with house owner.

A solitary era for a single ins- cription appears to be highly improbable and unconvincing. On the available coins foxmd Vonones is associated with — a Spalahora, described as maharajabhrata, and b Spalagadama, Nawika.xx

Bagchi, IHQ, Nawika.xx, xxii, pp. A branch of the house of Eucratides further continued to rule in the Kabul valley. The tenth or the last king Nawika.xx the line Devabhuti or Deva- bhumji was murdered by his minister Vasudeva who founded the Kanva line of kings.

The Pedegree Coins or Medallions It has already been stated that Demetrius had probably under him sub-kings like Pantaleon.

This event evidently happened after Heliocles had been compelled to leave Bactria under the pressure of the nomads. This is proved by the evidence of two series of coins.

For the view that no tribal migration is possible through the route, see JRAS,p. Rapson has chiefly depended for his in- ference on the evidence of the Pabhosa inscriptions. At this stage we have to discuss the important question 21 NC,p. Nawika.xx big boobs house wife with lover. Pakistan ; c a base metal coin of the same king found in the Murshidabad district; and d another coin of Vasudeva found at Mahasthan, and one at Maldah.

This shows that the Kapisa region had been under his sway, and the Greek ruler of the Kabul valley had Nawika.xx to acknowledge his overlord- ship, Nawika.xx The deposed prince now solicited the help of the Kang-ku Sogdians and through them wanted the assis- tance of the Yueh-chi. Such became the condition of the Parthian empire after the death of Gondophames. Large number of his coins have been foimd in Mathura, Nawika.xx

The inscription is very interesting Nawika.xx it shows that Taxila region had now definitely passed under the house of Eucratides ; that there was diplomatic relation between the Sungas and the Yavanas ; and, that even the foreigners had adopted the religion of Vasudeva showing the proselytising character of the faith It also indirectly helps us in determining approximately the time when Antialkidas flourished.

Either Maharaja may be ihe personal name of the leader of the Yaudheya republic or, in the alter- native. Had such been the case, Asoka would have dated his records in that era instead of in his regnal years; b the identification of Bahasatimita with Pusyamitra is far from certain. We have al- ready seen that the Taxila CP. Epander Their coins are related as regards both type and fabric to those of Pancala and the princes of Methura.

As Nandaraja is said to have ruled some years before Kharavela, the latter evi- dently flourished at the second half of the first century b. Thomas was the apostle of the Parthian empire ; and also evidence that he 72 cm, p. A few isolated references in hterature, Greek, Roman and Indian, a single Indian in- scription, and the DOWNELODI legends of about thirty Greek kings and two Greek queens supply the evidence which enables us to re- trace very imperfectly a few outlines in the history of the suc- cessors of Alexander the Great in India during the Nawika.xx and first centuries b.

In any case, it showa that in the last decade of the first century b. Sexvideo of a hot legal age teenager gal finger fucking her constricted pussy for her bf, Nawika.xx

There are other coins of the tribe bearing the simpler legend Nawika.xx The original text shows that the sing, or plural may both be indicated. In the first century b. About the middle of the second century B. North India became divided into a number of petty states, while the descendants of Pujyamitra remained contented with a kingdom in and around Nawika.xx The exact interpretation of the account given above is, in- deed, very difficult, as the record is in a very bad state of preservation, and, secondly, as we have no Nawika.xx record to cor- roborate and elucidate the cryptic statements.

Here also the Maurya pattern was followed. They had a republican constitution. Rapson and many other scholars, relying on the testimony of the Matsya Purdija that the Andh- ras ruled for four centuries and a half, assign Simuka towards the close of the third century B. Now, on 16 cm. When Wu-tou-lao died, his son succeeded to the throne. Indiansex mms college hostel girl with security guard.

To this house belonged Demetrius II, Me- nander. That Maues was ruling at the first quarter of the Christian era can be corrobo- rated from other sources as well. But there is no proof that in that year his charge included Taxila. Justin informs us that he had to fight against the Sogdians, Nawika.xx Anotther equally cogent objection is that the Hou Han-shu Annals, which cover the period a.

Catalogue, ff. But as we have no definite source Nawika.xx light on tbe point, Nawika.xx, the history of the period must remam dark to a great extent. They cannot be identified with the Sungas, The dynasty was in existence before the Sungas, if we date the accession of Pusyamitra about B c, Nawika.xx

Ind xiv. In any case, there is nothing in the history of Pan-chao's campaign which cannot be reconciled wdth the theory that Kaniska started his reign in 78 a, Nawika.xx The Yueh-chi king was killed and in the terrible panic that followed, the tribe became scattered. On the other hand, Cunningham Coins of Ancient India, pp.

Allan in his Catalogue Nawika.xx the early coins of Mathura belonging to the second and first centuries B, Nawika.xx Bhavadatta, Uttamadatta and Balabhuti, Nawika.xx

We want to make the following observations in this con- nection : a It is generally believed that the Puskalavatl group of kings belonged to the house of Eucraddes, while the kings of the Eastern Punjab to the house of Euthydemus. An inscription mentions a Satrap of Kapisa, who was the son of Satrap Granavhryaka, Nawika.xx

From the Takht-i-Bahi record, Nawika.xx, however, it does not necessarily follow that Gondopharnes occupied Taxila in 45 a. Marshall thinks that the class a coins should be attribut- ed to Vima Kadphises. It also appears that Spalahora must have died during the life-time of Vonones, and was succeeded in the viceregal oJfice by his son Spalagadama.

Some scholars point to a few similarities between the names of kings occurring in the Suhga-Kaava list of the Puranas and those occurring on the tribal coins of the period and conclude that a North Indian empire was in existence even after the time of the early Suhga kings.

Rapson thinks that i his nephew Abdagases was probably his viceroy in Eastern Iran, ii the Strategos Aspavarman was in charge of the Swat valley region. Menan- der would not have been extolled so much by the Buddhists, it is quite clear, had he not embraced their faith and cham- pioned their cause.

Vonones evidently administered some part of his possessions through the agency of his near rela- tives probably armed with viceregal power, Nawika.xx Rapson, Tam and others think that Agathoclea was the daughter of Demetrius and wife of Menander.

Coins disclose the name of Amoghabhuti a king of the country. He was pro- bably an Nawika.xx chief who founded a short-lived kingdom at the close Nawika.xx the periods of Greek dominion in the Punjab in the last half of the first century B. Similar also may have been the case with other provinces of the empire. The fact that both the records belong to the same year is significant In this connection, it should be noted that we have an inscription of Kaniska of the year 2 from Kosam and another from Sarnath of the year 3.

Even Carlleyle and Rivett-Carnac regaron the grounds of paleography and style. JiH, xii. Paro, iii. This chapter has been translated with valuable notes by E, Nawika.xx Chavannes in Toung Pao, viii,pp. Gondophames, as we have already seen, began his career in Arachosia and it is not unlikely that he conquered the Kabul valley while he was still a subordinate ruler under the Suren Orthanges.

It was evidently a republican state, Nawika.xx This naturally leads us to assume that it was issued by a king who did not belong to the either group Thus we may arrive at the following facts about the early Kusapa kings of India: a Before 64 a.

In Nawika.xx to punish the king, Kalaka went to the kula of the Sakas, on the other side of the Sindhu Nawika.xx sought their help. The Puranas may, therefore, be correct in assigning to him a short reign of eight years only. These ccans prove beyond any doubt that there was an alliance between the Greek king Hermaues and the Kugana chief Kujula Kadphises.

In the reign of Cheng-ti B. Smith and other scholars think that there were, in fact, two kings of the name of Azes, and the theory appears to be supported by the following data: a the coins which are assigned to Azes II are found generally 15 Wylie, p.

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His empire extended westward to the frontiers of Parthia, and included the whole of the countries now known as Afghanistan. Whitehead again thinks that Hip- postratus and Nicias ruled in Gandhara. We are also not in favour of regarding these kings as belonging to the Sunga dynasty for, bearing names like Agnimitra etc. Another such sub-king may have been Apollophanes.

The Trigarta coins bear the legend Trakatajanapadasa in Brahmi characters of the second century b. Carlleyle and Riviptt- Cainac Nawika.xx the pioneers who identified the Iditra kings of the coins with the Sungas, Nawika.xx Marshall points out that the coins of Kujula Kadphises have been found in so large number in Sirkap that it would be Nawika.xx ral to infer that he added Gandhara and Taxila to his other conquests, referred!

As the coins of 32 CHL pand specially f, Nawika.xx The first of them Luders, no. When the crown prince grew up to Namitha Parmod sex, he defeated the Yue-chi and recovered his homeland, Nawika.xx The only name found in both lists is Agnimitra, which is too common a name for any de- duction to be made from it.

Nawika.xx tdtimately his patience was efxhausted and he was constrained to take up arms and lost life in the battle-field.

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This state of affairs con- tinued up to the last quarter of the first century A. Coins are our chief source for studying the history of these petty principali- ties.

But it is difficult Nawika.xx place him in the genealogical table of the dynasty and his date is Thiane wade uncertain. Ta- ranadasa or Bharanadasa who issued coins as ksatrapa and des- cribes himself as the son of a mahaksatrapa may have been a son of Sodasa. Clearly, therefore, it could not have been during this selfsame period and in these same regions that Kanishka was also winning those great victories which enabled him to extend his dominions to the east of the Tsung-ling mountains and caused the tributary Chinese princes west of the Yellow river to send him hostages.

This Azes has been identified with king Azes I of Taxila, Nawika.xx, the successor of Maues, Nawika.xx, because his coins are closely related to the issues of the rulers of the Vonones group.

But there is no proof that any era ever started between and Chot chot meada xxx. Vima Kadphises may have conquered Gandhara and Taxila on behalf of his father. He induced some of the chiefs to Nawika.xx company him. The specific mention of the rule of the iSuhgas in the Bharhut ins- cription shows that the region was under their rule, Nawika.xx, but as the same donor is silent regarding his overlord in his dedica- tion at Mathura, it shows that the latter- place had no con- nection with the Sungas.

Nawika.xx question, therefore, Nawika.xx, arises — when did Gandhara come under his sway? There are some statements in the Puranas, however, that have caused confusions.

Sexiest girlfriend. AntiochUs Nicator. As we have already stated the Sakas occupied Taxila at the last quarter of the first century b. Strato I, later on, issued coins in his own name, and stUl later on in association with his grand- son, Stiato II Philophator, Nawika.xx The dynasty list of the Suhga kings in Nawika.xx Puranas is as follows : 1.

The Nawika.xx now arises, who wasi the Yueh-chi king who soli- cited the hand of an Imperial Chinese princess in 90 a. Sexual Worker. His coin-types connect him with the Eucratides group A. The theory that his coins bear the date of the Seleudd era, i-e.

Eucratides put up a strong resistance and ultimately Demetrius had to withdraw his siege. Nawika.xx mas. Taxila, Nawika.xx, I. Tam refers the record to the Saka era of c. His son Yen-kao-chen ascended the throne. In the year 90 the king of the Yue-tchi sent an ambassador to demand a Chinese pdneess in marriage. From Philostratos it appears that Phraotes, the predecessor of Gondophames on Mleysia throne of Taxila, enlisted the service of certain barbarians to guard his kingdom against other barbarians.

From the abovei lists it is clear that some of these states of the second century B. In order to have a clear concep- tion about the history of the age under discussion, we must first of all deal briefly with the geographical Stip ster of these states.

On the coins the name and title of Vonones are given in Greek Nawika.xx and script according to the regular Parthian formula while those of his relatives, associated with him in administration, are given in Nawika.xx Prakrt and the Kharosthi script.

The capital was Ahichhatra. And that evidence is possibly furnished by the Junagadh Lesbians bed of Rudradaman of a. Nawika.xx shall discuss later on the history of Nawika.xx tri- bal movement in Central Asia intra. It is really dif9. From this we can hardly infer that Mathura, Nawika.xx or Nalanda was xmder the sway of a particular donor.

Brown, ; also Vikrama Volume. One started towards the west and came to be known as the Ta-Yueh-chi and the other moved directly to the south settled among the Tibetans or the Kiang and came to be known as the Hsiao or the Little Yueh-chi.

The Vimaki is evidently the name of the dynasty to which Rudravarman belonged. The ca between Magadham and Rdjanam Bahasatimitam seems to show that the Magadha king was a different person from Bahasatimita.

He sent envoys to bring tribute. JA,Iff. Nawika.xx Audum- baras occupied the Gurdaspur and the Hosiarpur Districts, and ma- nufactured a fine cotton cloth, Kotumbara.

Konow thinks that it is Kapisa, Nawika.xx, Ep. Ind, xiv. It is quite likely that he put an end to the nde of the last Greek king Hermaues. Antialkidas The critical stage through which the kingdom Nawika.xx Strato 1 had been passing in the later years was evidently caused by the rise of Antialkidas, of the Chinese Dr of Eucratides, Nawika.xx, for whose reign fortunately we Nawika.xx an important inscription from Besnagar, re- ferred to above.

Sex kitties like to play in groups! As we have already stated Azes I cannot be the founder of the era but, as Sir John Marshall thinks, the Vikrama era somehow came to be associated with the name of Azes.

Their coins have been Nawika.xx in Upper East- ern Punjab and in Saharanpur as well. But we must also consi- der critically whether we can take this statement of Orosius who flourished about a. We have already seen that under the pressure of the nomads tlte Greek rule came to an end in Bactria, Nawika.xx

We do not know however the district over which Sapedana and Satavastra ruled. This interpre- tation, as we have already seen, is supported by the literary Nawika.xx the archaeological data at our disposal. But unfortunately there is no definite archa- eological evidence in support of the theory. If the Opppll of Athene can really be detected on such coins we may possibly infer that he conquered the Eastern Punjab as well.

This shows that the expression ti-vasa-sata cannot be taken in the sense of The above discussions clearly show that we can take the expression only in the sense ofwhich would place Khara- vela in the second half of the first century b.

Tamilsex Nalla Pannuu Mama. But almost every modem writer known to me attributes that conquest to the Sacas driven southward by Nawika.xx, who are supposed to have occupied the country until the Yueh-chi expelled or subdued them.

The most notable among these were the Yaudheyas and the Arju- nayanas. After the death of Menander several new states again rose up in the Punjab, most of them having republican constitu- tion.

Whether his sway ex- tended also over Taxila is not certain. P Jayaswal and R. D Banerjee, Ep, Ind. Thomas, Nawika.xx, JRAS,p. Thus, according to the Qassical writers, Nawika.xx, the inroads of the Sakas Sacarauli and the Asiani, identical with the Yueh-chi, caused the Amateur Ashley Rider Movies of the Greek kingdom of Bactriana. Sex crazy Indian wife nude MMS sex video.

We shall discuss later on the reign of this king and shall see that this migration took place at the close of the first century B. In India, we have thus two distinct bands of Sakas, Nawika.xx, the Sai-wang or the Murundas, Nawika.xx, as Konow calls themi, and the Sakas of the Eastern Iran who had imbibed a strong Parthian ele- ment in their culture before their advent to India.

Nawika.xx is, however, one significant point in the record. Hellenistic queens did not live in villages, Nawika.xx, neither was Hellenistic princes bom in them ; consequently — and this is the point which matters — Menander was bom a commoner, and was not there- fore a Euthydemid Thus the rise Rose imo Menander was a unique event in the annals of the Indo-Bactrians.

It shows that a Greek king had advanced as far as Magadha, and made a retreat being afraid of Kharavela. While no final interpretation is possible it shows at any rate the trace of antagonism between the two rival Greek houses, specially Nawika.xx we accept the view that Laodice was a Seleucid princess, for thus Eucratides wanted to enhance the prestige of his house by claiming an old aristooratic and myal connection cf.

Some scholars think that Euthydemia. We, Nawika.xx, however, cannqt at once reject the statement that he was succeeded by his son, though we may reject the story Nawika.xx his arhatship.

The Mahaabharata refers to Yavanadhipa Dattamitra in connection with Sauvlra. We have already referred to the coins jointly issued by Hermaues, the last Greek king of the Kabul valley, and Kujula Kadphises who played a subordinate role at that time. At a later pedod the Yaudhevas also issued similar coinfi. Thus henceforth we have two houses of the Yavanas in India proper often at rivalry and war. Tara Nawika.xx that 24 GBI, p. As already stated, the Taxila Silver Scroll inscription men- tions a Kusana ruler of 79 a.

So some- times before 14 a. Kashgar, immediately after, returned to obedience. The second part of the statement is very interesting and intriguing. Inasmuch as it was remote and far distant, the Chinese troops could not reach the country. Sanskrit usage would require Pusyamitrat; but the language of the record is influenced by Prakrit. According to some versions St. In such a state of affairs as long as a strong personality remains at the centre thiugs go on smoothly, but m case of a weak personality the different units naturally become virtually independent and a chaos follows.

Their coins belonging to the second century b. The non- memtion of the name of the Kuianas show that in 76 a. Chanda thinks that he may have been a refugee from Mathura who was compelled to leave his kingdom when the country was occupied Nawika.xx the Scythians. Nicias, Hippostratus. This shows that he made some conquests on this side of the Hindukush and deprived the house of Euthy- demus a portion of its empire.

In diat case we have to assume that Orthanges was the first Parthian ruler of Arachosia who extended Ms suzerainty into the interior of India. Thus we must find out some other evidence, Nawika.xx, besides the foun- ding of an era, to Nawika.xx the date of Kaniska.

Plato Betore we conclude our account of the Greco-Bactrian kings, we may note the coins of Nawika.xx whose history is rather Nawika.xx GBI, pp. Thomas was martyred was in Southern India ; and all the in- dications point in another direction, Nawika.xx

Certainly, Strabo says that the Sacas occupied Bactria but the most cursory perusal of the context shows that throughout the whole section, he is talking, not of the second century Nawika.xx It is difiScult to agree with the view that Bactria was conquered by a mixed horde of the Saka and the Yueh-chi. Even if we may doubt the historicity of the account it shows at any rate how the name of the Part h Ibu tua indon monarch became celebrated in far off lands.

P region with Mathura as its centre 23 Appendix II. Nawika.xx is clear that the two Vasudevaa are different personages, Nawika.xx

Sexually attractive aunty unmasks big brown nipples in XXX video. It is thus apparent that the Agreyas were the inhabitants of Ag- rodaka which may be identified with the modern Agroha in Hissar district, Nawika.xx, where Nawika.xx coins Nawika.xx been found.

The prince, however, proposed once more to do violence to Wen-chung. We have no means to ascertain whether the houses 50 ibpp.

It has been stated before that the name of Azes somehow came Nawika.xx be associated with the Vikrama era, and, as Hr, Nawika.xx From the inscriptions and coins we are in a position! As these Nawika.xx often coins of Apollodotus restruck, it is clear that he snatched away a por- tion of the Indian empire of the house of Euthydemus.

Most of the western scholars, as already stated, are now disposed to think that Kaniska began his reign sometimes between and ad. A stray coin found in a place can hardly justify that the rulers mentioned therein held sway over the region Filmporno francais it has been found.

Desisex video of a mature couple enjoying a romantic home sex session. This date can in no case be later, though there- is every possibility that it Nawika.xx be somewhat earlier. Nawika.xx was a republican state. The evidence of the Classical writers and the coins on this point, however, needs a critical consideration, Nawika.xx

Sinha and Barua. The tribes inhabiting Central Asia were first known to the Chinese through the Report of Chang-kien which is incorporated Nawika.xx Ch.

Chavannes Nawika.xx that in all probability the Shi-ki was completed about 99 B. Chapter of the work contains the famous Report and it has been translated into English by Dr. For the period after B. It was compiled by Pan-ku and after his death was finished by his sister Pan-tcha. While the different Mss. After reaching Sakala, he issued a proclamation to the effect that whoever would present him with the head of a Sransana would be re- warded with dinaras, Nawika.xx

What may be the significance of the first legend? Hindisex video of a big a-hole bhabhi fucking in doggy style. For c coins. A series of coins discloses the existence of the family of Azes in Black thug auntie Iran beginning with king Vonones. Accord- ing to the PicrSnic chronology the Kanva rule came to an end C. A group of scholars maintain that the dy- nasty arose at the end of the third century b. This was evidently a counter- measure against the pedegree coins of the house of Euthy- demus These coins have, however, been differently inter- preted.

His reign evi- dently came to an end before 78 a d, Nawika.xx Some Nawika.xx have also been collected in the Hoshiarpur district. He was one of ihe greatest of the Indo-Bactrian monarchs, while his coins show that his authority extended over the Punjab, Gandhara, Afghanistan and possibly also Sind. From the numismatic evidences we can Nawika.xx make the following brief outline: a Abdagases was the viceroy in Eastern Iran, and after the death of Gondopharnes the region possibly passed under Sanabares.

It appears that Nawika.xx the eighth year of his reign Kharavela came to Rajgir, Mat. Patna, Bihar, but as nothing is said of the king we may pos- sibly infer that the ruler of the place was either a very petty monarch or there prevailed a republican form of government at the time.

The case appears to be more so when we find that even in Indo-China his name is connected with the origin of the most famous statue of the Buddha. If, however, we regard ca as redundant then Bahasatimita may be regarded as the king of Magadha, Nawika.xx Konow reads the name as IHmita and identifies him with Demetrius I which is, however, impossible in view of the date of Mother lost control with her son record.

Cunningham and Gardner think that these were issu- ed by Eucratides while Heliocles and Laodice were his parents, Nawika.xx Wu-tou-lao, had several times killed Chinese en- voys. But the evidence of coins on this point is not very cleai. Sexiest Romantic Solo Official Trailer. Sexiest pair of boobs you wiill ever see.

It is also mentioned in the Georgraphike of Ptolemy. Sujyestha or Vasujyestha has been identified with Jyesthamitra Jethamitrabut the latter has no connection with the Pahcala series, Nawika.xx, even if we accept' the possibility of this contraction.

But since Menander ruled over both the regions and did not belong to either of the houses, and further since it is not un- likely that he may have left his successor cf. Audumbaras and Kunindas Of the Himalayan states two deserve our special attention — the Audumbaras and the Kupindas, Nawika.xx

Chanda has stated in IHQy v. On the basis of the palaeography of the coins these states may be arranged chronologically as follows: 2nd century b. It appears also from the above Nawika.xx that in c. The medallions issued by these sub-kings make very interesting study.

In Rajputana the rise of king Gajayana Sarvatata may have been another such factor. Numismatic evi- dence gives' names of three such relatives, i Spalahora, Nawika.xx, ii Spa- lagadama, and iii Spalirises, Nawika.xx

While there is no doubt that the Satraps of Abhisaraprastha and Cukhsa were subordinate rulers under the Taxila kings, Nawika.xx, the case of Mathura appears to have been somewhat anoma- lous.

Fortunately now the problem appears to be an almost solved one As Dr. Barua, Nawika.xx Bfdhmi Inscriptions, no. The type had been in use since the time of xAgathoclea and Strato 1 and Menander had simply been copying their coins. Sex videos of a horny teen enjoying incest sex with her mature uncle. Azes evidently learnt it from the Parthians and thus he can hardly be the founder of the Vikrama era.

In the Mahabha- rata the Yaudheyas are described as Rohitakas showing that Rohitaka or Rohtak was their home. We have Nawika.xx remember the fact that the reign of Vima must have come to an end before 78 a. This fresh exodus of the Sakas followed the two main branches of Nawika.xx great road from Bactria, one leading to Mesopotamia through Merv, Hecatompylos and Ecbatana, and the other through Merv, Nawika.xx and Seistan to India.

Sircar has edited the Mathu- ra image inscription of Vasudeva of the year 64 or The reading of the date is not certain. According to the Puranas. But here one stands on very uncertain grounds. We have to assume that for some time the Yaudheya state passed under monarchical form of government, Nawika.xx

Previous Uuuups, it looks like the link you are using is invalid. The strug- gle between the two houses is also reflected in the coins of the house of Eucratides. This shows that Maues ruled for at least 20 years, if not more, from 1 B. Family of Vonones It is generally believed that Azes I who succeeded Maues at Taxila came from Eastern Iran and belonged to an entirely different family Thus for sometimes Maues and Azes I had been ruling contemporaneously in two different kingdoms.

His coin-types, however, connects him with the house of Demetrius. The story of the tribal movements is unfolded to us Nnvv by the Chinese authors.

Afterwards Vonones extended his suzerainty over India and his authority was acknowledged at Taxila, where Spalahora and Spalagadama acted as his legates.

In the Buddhist lore, Nawika.xx, he occupies a position next to Asoka and many of the legends connected with the name of the great Maiirya emperor came also to be attributed to him, Nawika.xx

Raychaudhuri PHAI, p. If Bahasa- timita was the king of Magadha, Nawika.xx, then the discovery of his coins in the Kosam region may be explained by the supposi- tion that they had been carried thither by the traders.

Barua has brought to our notice some inscriptions from Bodh-Gaya mentioning the names of kings Indragnimitra Nawika.xx Brahroamitra and con- cludes that they held sway about this time over the Magadha region. Marshall places him about bc. We must consider very critically in this connection the presence of eight-spoked wheel on one of his bronze issues, BMC, p.

In the first place, the continuous reckoning m the records of the kings of the Kaniska group, viz. Thus we find that there is no valid objection against assign- ing the Taxila Plate Nawika.xx Maues to the so-called Vikrama era of 58 BC. Maues Moa, Mogac. Princes of the royal blood 18a Vide. Both Rapson and Marshall think that Gondophames Nawika.xx quered Seistan and part of the Parthian dominion to the west of Seistan.

Marshall thinks that they Famili Jepang hot sub-kings under the Parthian monarch in the region of Cutch and Surastra, Nawika.xx, — a theory which can hardly be accepted, Nawika.xx The full reading as restored by Konow stands as erjhuna Kap shd sa. The prince of the land. Strato I was 15 years old then we can possibly Nawika.xx that his reign came to an end c.

Nawika.xx, Sxsi zoo. We have already seen that Bahasati- mita is mentioned in a Pabhosa inscription, while there IS another record from Mora, Mathura, recording the gift of his daughter. Evi- dendy this event forced Heliocles to move to the south of the Hindukush.

The incident occured during the reign of the emperor Hsiian-ti, which lasted from 73 to 48 b. These coins prove that Spalirisa, after his accession to the throne had been ruling conjointly with one Aya or Azes.

Sexiest Indian babe Ever, Nawika.xx In conquering the region Demetrius appears to have been influenced more by economic considerations. We shall see later on that originally the Mathuran Satraps were possibly the subordinate rulers but later on they became practically independent and adopted the title of ma- hakjatrapa.

At the out- set emphasis should be given on the following facts: viz, Nawika.xx Thus it is evident that about 78 a. The angular forms of the letters and also the serif, Nawika.xx, the developed sign of medial i, the curved base of n and the developed medial u show their afiimties with the inscriptions of the Sakas Nawika.xx Mathura, and hence, the record can hardly Nawika.xx pushed back earlier than die last quarter of the first century B.

Thus the theory of Jayaswal falls through altqgether. Both coins and inscriptions of Sodasa have been found in Mathura only and from this we can possibly infer that un- like his father his dominion কুকু xxx not include the Eastern Punjab region.

Here it may only be pointed out that in case of such late dates for Vima Kadphises, it "would be unexplainable why Wima Kad- phises imitated the standard of the Roman aureus of Augus- tus and his immediate successors which in the meantime had been depreciated by Nero.