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May 1Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

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Sanju Teaser. This lady is single-handedly responsible for what is happening in the country. Personal details Edit. The court said the remark was made either for cheap publicity, political agenda or some nefarious activities. And with the help of the models who taught me here I am.

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Loose tongue set the country on fire: Supreme Court shows no mercy on Nupur Sharma over remark row

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Worry not. Coming down heavily on Sharma, the court said that her loose tongue has not only set the entire country on fire, Napoor sharma hut sex video, but she is also responsible for the unfortunate incident in Udaipur where a tailor, Kanhaiya Lal, was killed by two men over a post in which he supported Sharma amid the Prophet remark row.

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Quotes On memories of her first walk on the ramp: That was long time back when I was only I was told that I should walk just like I walk on the streets and that's exactly what I did. Share this Comment: Post to Twitter. Limited Access.

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Bulbbul 6. While hearing Sharma's plea, the apex court observed that she has "threatened Napoor sharma hut sex video security of the nation". I was very very very nervous; I started watching fashion shows and reading on fashion.