Nampeera Christine in toilet sex video Ugandan girl

Nampeera Christine in toilet sex video Ugandan girl

Read More. Mariam Nakalema Journalist New Vision. More Featured Topics. Link not copied to clipboard.

In the video circulating on social media, Christine Nampeera and Bashara could be seen making out in the public toilet while switching between various positions to satify their segxwal urge. Link copied to clipboard.

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Latest Updates. URA reiterates digital initiative use for revenue collection Construction standards: Look out for genuine steel products. People are wondering how the person who recorded the two really started, whether the intruder followed the couple to the restroom or if the couple are actually authorized the recording.

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At one point in the video, Bashara acknowledged the presence of the person recording their encounter, but he ignored the third party and continued his romp with Christine, while the intruder behind the camera discreetly captures the incident.

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As of the time of filing this report, Christine Nampeera and her boyfriend, Bashara, have not issued any public statements regarding the matter. Featured Topics.

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Onyango urged women to avoid having sex in public places like the toilet. No Comment. My Hero is Gone!