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All Bombay Times print stories are available on. Sameer Wankhede.

Rashmika Mandanna beats Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Vijay Deverakonda, Allu Arjun to top Forbes List

She will also be seen essaying the lead in the film's sequel, Pushpa 2: The Rule. Shah Rukh Khan. Your current city: Mumbai Mumbai search close.

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Go to TOI. The Times of India. All you need to know. Rashmika debuted in Bollywood with 'Goodbye' in Rashmika Mandanna's mysterious 'thank you' note on Instagram adds more fuel to relationship rumours with Vijay Deverakonda.

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In the film, co-starring Allu Arjun, the actress is playing a rural girl. The AI fabricated video has raised concerns of misuse of artificial intelligence spread misinformation.

Indian actress Rashmika Madanna victim of AI generated scandal with terrifying viral video

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View Full Image. This particular incident has led to calls for greater scrutiny of the "legal and regulatory" frameworks used to control the use of AI and fake generated images.

The orginal and fake versions of the video of Indian actress Rashmika Madanna. Tools and Calculators.