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Did you know Edit.

The material sent in response to the advertisement reportedly, over 50, girls responded was utilized for the video. Tommy Barbarella Tommy Barbarella.

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It was uploaded by The Prince Estate on Prince YouTube channel inand later deleted due to a legal dispute regarding the song that existed at the time, Most girl vidio. Details Edit. The unusual release was due to Prince's ongoing disputes with Warner Bros.

Video: The Most Beautiful Girl In The World

The video was re-uploaded in late February Jump to: navigationMost girl vidio, search. Storyline Edit. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World is a Prince as video released for broadcast and to promote the singleat the time issued as an independent release from Warner Bros.

Sonny T. Prince Prince. Seven finalists were chosen to appear in the video while 30 semi-finalists were featured on the sleeve of the record. Leisl AuVante Pregnant Woman.

Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. Rita Worlock Girl with Boa. Antoine Fuqua Prince. Runtime 5 minutes.

Most girl vidio

Marva Collins makes a cameo appearance in the video which was originally scheduled to be shot in Los Angeles City Most girl vidio on January 23rd, but was rescheduled to to place in Minneapolis 6 days later, due to an earthquake in California. United States. User reviews Be the first to review. Technical specs Edit.

Video: The Most Beautiful Girl In The World - Prince Vault

Trivia In an unusual arrangement, the single was released with the consent of Prince's usual record distributor Warner Bros. Official Prince Website. Release date United States.

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Deborah S. Craig Laughing Beautiful Woman.