Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know

So thank you again for the opportunity to be here today. And I think several Stepbrother and dad our allies and partners who are Xbfbfx the front lines of that would attest to that.

They are invested with us, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know. Admiral Aquilino had an opportunity to meet with a senior PLA official on the margins. Washington Post. How are they going to do it? I think that we can do a little bit better spending money more efficiently and where are we prioritizing. I've had the opportunity to meet with the ambassador here in Washington.

But they are out there and they are doing a great job and they are certainly Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know head to head with the Chinese and the Russians. Israel did not go in with a large number of troops, did not raid, did not rush everything down. But Hamas, as I said, said they plan on attacking the Israelis again.

And that is instead of trickle-down economy — that is if the wealthy and the corporations do very well, everybody is going to do well. They are copying. This is not the carpet bombing.

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And thank you, Bonny, for that very kind introduction. Lin: So it's not just the — it's not just us worrying about the large-scale contingencies, but on the day-to-day gray-zone pressure has been increasing. And I would say, as a recovering scholar and think-tank expert myself, I can really attest to the immense value that these debates and discussions have had over the years.

That helps Angola, but it also helps the whole region. Ratner: Absolutely. Thank you, Bonnie. So, this is a different story than I believe was occurring before, an indiscriminate bombing. These investments will strengthen our warfighting advantages, exploit adversary vulnerabilities, and address critical operational challenges in the Indo-Pacific. I can say that wholeheartedly. This year's report will be out soon, very soon. The IDF, the Israeli Defense Forces, acknowledges they have an obligation to use as much caution as they can in going after their targets.

And we have seen the PRC demonstrate a concerning lack of interest in maintaining open lines of military-to-military communication where our defense and military officials could discuss these concerns about these activities and others like them. This is a different thing. And in almost every single instance, these alliances and partnerships now run deeper than they ever have.

First, we're investing in critical capabilities at the Department of Defense to maintain deterrence in this decade and beyond. That was the last time he had a direct interaction with the PLA. And in the interim, as I noted, the chairman, others, Admiral Aquilino have tried to reach out to counterparts, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know, unsuccessfully. And they are in — and they still think they — at least as of this morning, they still thought they could.

Invest in the people. And, as you all know, the PRC has declined multiple invitations Egybit the department for opportunities to communicate directly with Secretary Austin, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other department officials, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know. Exchange — civilian exchange programs, corporate exchange programs. They were told — told — let me be precise. We just closed four on the West Coast because of seismic concerns.

But so does our power, and so does the collective power of our allies and partners. So the Vicksburg is one of the ships of the three that are on the decom list for this year.

And we're working with countries across Southeast Asia to acquire asymmetric capabilities to counter Beijing's coercive activities. Angola has the capacity to generate megawatts of energy through solar energy. Continuing to Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know in the Indo-Pacific will require considerable attention, resources, and prioritization by the U.

And we are focused on doing what it takes. There have been episodic interactions. We look at the condition of our dry docks. Japan especially has been a longtime friend for us and they are worried about the threat of China. The department is supporting our Indo-Pacific friends as they invest in their own strength, in their relationships with each other, and in their relationships with us.

Consistent with longstanding U. Finally, we're bringing together our historic capability investments and our momentum with allies and partners to deliver a U. With Australia, we're increasing rotations of U. With Japan, we have agreed to station the Marine Corps' most advanced formation forward for the first time ever in With the Philippines, U. Now, each Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know these achievements could have been considered the highlight of an entire year or even an entire term for our forward presence in the Indo-Pacific.

But one thing has been established is that Hamas does have headquarters, weapons, materiel below this hospital and, I suspect, others.

I know that our Navy is ready. We have also seen the PRC continue its rapid expansion, modernization, and diversification of its nuclear forces, all encased in a lack of Uganda teem that extends further to domains such as space and cyber. And we will continue to call — we will continue to call for substantive conversations between our seniormost defense officials.

Remarks by President Biden in a Press Conference | Woodside, CA | The White House

Mil-mil communications between the Defense Department and counterparts in Beijing have been largely turned off over Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know last year.

It's great to see so many familiar faces around the room, especially for such an important event and one that I have participated in the past. DASD Chase is here today. What do you got? I had a question on the climate crisis.

And guess what? I — I guess the best way for me to say it is that I take a look. I know, Mr. The — but I am — I am mildly hopeful. We had wanted — I had personally wanted a little more for our defense budget. But the work of the aircraft carrier is like no other. We have 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. And I have no doubt that today will be any different. This is one of America's greatest strategic advantages, and it's growing even stronger.

We are clear-eyed about the challenges posed by the PLA's growing capabilities and by how it is choosing to use these capabilities in threatening and destabilizing ways. They are very much bought in to the mission there. So, when you weigh the target against the number of civilians inside the hospital, is the operation underway justified? Now, imagine if people go in and do what we did, years ago and cut down the forest and the — start farming in Animin bornoo area, no longer have that great carbon sink.

The Marine Corps specifically asked that we keep 31 amphibious ships. And I think the point in the remarks is that, look, if you went back five, 10 years ago — Bonny, you've been following this for decades — it was the case that there was a perception that yes, the PLA was modernizing but that Beijing was using its military tool very much in the background, that it was not — that it was diplomatically driven, economically driven, in terms of how it was trying to achieve its foreign policy aims.

Second, we're deepening our alliances and partnerships across the region, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know. There is no way to cross the African continent by ro- — by — by rail. As you heard from senior leaders across the department, the president's budget request for fiscal year was the most strategy-aligned budget in our history.

That has nothing to do with hurting China or helping China. So, I hope we get to see him again soon. Look, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know, my thesis has been, from the beginning, both domestically and in — in terms of foreign policy: Invest in your people.

They have — they are building four extra bases. A lot of other countries are as well. If everybody in the world had a job they get up in the morning and wanted to go to and thought they — and they could put three squares in the table for their family, no matter where they live, the whole world be better off. The United States is going to meet those goals, by the way. We need more commercial and public shipyards. And what the China Military Power Report is putting forward, what it noted last year but increasingly notes this year, is that isn't the case anymore, that Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know PLA is just in the background, that it is now in the forefront of the way that Beijing is going about trying to achieve its revisionist aims in the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, border with India and beyond, and I think that's a significant change in PLA strategy.

So, what do you do? So how are we competing with that? So let me conclude by saying, consistent with the theme of the conference today, of course, the PLA's power matters.

But through relentless work by the president, the secretary of defense, and our colleagues across the administration, we have advanced all of them together, and in just the past 12 months. They are learning from us. We see them invest in choke point places like Djibouti in Africa and places that we need strategically as well, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know.

They provide capabilities that will strengthen our combat credible deterrent by ensuring we can prevail in conflict. In addition to helping the environment overall — and the only Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know threat humanity faces even more frightening than a — than a nuclear war is global warming going above 1.

And the bottom line is this. Am I pronouncing it — Auvelia [Aurelia]? Our budget request also sought unprecedented levels of funding for research and development. For example, we're supporting Japan's efforts Plrm jadul susana acquire new counter-strike capabilities, which you may have heard more about yesterday following Secretary Austin's bilateral meeting with his new Japanese counterpart, Minister Kihara.

We look at Australia, the AUKUS agreement that we have signed with them where we are selling them three nuclear-powered submarines. Give them a chance. Every time we talk about shipbuilding ship repair has got to be right there with it.

Are you seeing that China is using military more compared to other tools of coercion, whether it was diplomatic or economic tools? But as it relates to our — the dialogues that we have built, both at the political-military level as well as at the operational level, those are not back up and running yet.

I would say from the perspective of the United Áž„សុំ, our position has been percent consistent since the absolute — for sure since Secretary Austin walked into this role, which is he has said repeatedly that we are seeking open lines of communication with the PLA. We think that's important, even as the relationship grows more competitive, and that is true today and the United States has had and will keep an outstretched hand to the PLA.

And we do so much trade with China, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know. So we are watching them.

What are we doing to think outside that box to really restore those dry dock and that ship repair capability? China has two diesel-powered aircraft carriers. You have a circumstance where you know there is a fair number of Hamas terrorists.

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Think about it. I — I think — I think we can triple the renewable capacity for — as it relates to global warming — by the year — — Right now, today, the United States of America has the strongest economy in the world — in the world. How are we keeping up with that? This week, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know, you also said that we must protect hospitals. Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know know, the submarine force is the silent service.

And I'd like to spend the remainder of my time with you this morning sharing more about what we have been able to deliver together in just the past 12 months. But at the same time, we know this: Conflict in the Indo-Pacific region is neither imminent nor inevitable, because deterrence is real and strong today. For example, we have seen PLA aircraft and maritime vessels continue to engage in coercive and risky behavior against U.

This includes PLA activities in the air and at sea that increase the likelihood of an accident that could spiral into crisis or conflict. So, I think we think too — too much in terms of Cold War terms. We need to do a better job when the U. Congress allocates that money to the Navy that the Navy actually is getting the work done, that the ship repair industry is staying on schedule and the Navy is staying on schedule.

Congress first required this annual report from the department in the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year And it's really a critical example of longstanding bipartisan interest and concern about the PLA's capabilities. Ratner: Well, to your first question of where are we today, we are not where we need to be and not where we should be. Unfortunately, we won't have time to really unpack everything, but I did want to follow up with one issue that you mentioned at the very top, which is that you're seeing that the PLA's — sorry, that China is increasingly turning to the PLA as an instrument of coercion.

They are investing and helping us as much as we are invested in that fight. And it's your work that continues to really provide important insights for officials across the Xxx giral video young Department and the U. So thank you all again for being here today. We had the prime minister from India here last week just reassuring us of that. And is there any deal underway to free hostages?

The Philippines is also doing their part. I think that it is. Needless to say, it's an important document because it is the department's authoritative public assessment of the PLA and the role it plays in helping realize Beijing's broader ambitions. You just mentioned the G There was no agreement at the G20 on fossil fuels. Did I pronounce the name correctly? We Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know watching their rocket capabilities and ranges.

I think that Israel is also taking risks themselves about their folks being killed one-to-one going through these hospital rooms, hospital halls, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know.

It has to do with dealing with everything from climate change to making sure that these countries can succeed economically and grow.

Remarks by President Biden in a Press Conference | The White House

The infrastructure piece is a real challenge for us. Are you comfortable with the operation going on indefinitely? I wish I could actually spend the full day here, because there's going to be some terrific discussions.

The president had asked for us to decommission eight ships. We look at the budget this year. One thing we do need to do in all of Asia is be mindful of our relationships with our allies there.

Now, I know Bonny has planned a great agenda for you all, with some really excellent debates, really critical topics. And here I have to note that by prioritizing the PRC as DOD's top pacing challenge, the strategy we released to the public nearly one year ago marked the very first of its kind. They each have Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know 5, sailors on them. An air wing can deliver strike or air-to-air sorties a day, and we can surge deliver precision-guided munitions every day and every night, and we can repeat that.

Story gay are watching. Lin: The other question I had with both you and Mike here is I did want to ask about, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know, from your perspective, where is the state of the U.

Are you more optimistic that we will be able to communicate or have more channels with the Chinese on the military side soon? Israeli officials have said this war could take months or even years.

So congressional oversight, I think, is something that we can certainly improve on, and as the representative from that district, along with a lot of other Virginia delegation and just our HASC members we need to do a better job at Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know that oversight because we all know quantity has a quality of its own. This is going to significantly reduce the amount of carbon emitted in the air, but it costs a lot of money to put that down.

And we're doing more than ever, together with our allies and partners, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know, to keep it that way by advancing a common vision for regional peace and stability. We got to keep that ship repair schedule, you know, on schedule as well. You've heard from this administration often that the PRC is the only country in the world with the will and increasingly the capability to refashion the international order in ways that would deeply undermine vital U.

And the forthcoming CMPR will show why this assessment continues to be the case.

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There you are. And so we don't think the fits and starts that have happened yet are a substitute for sustained dialogue and sustained communication between our leaders. We've launched a major new technology initiative with India with strong support from the White House. What we got was a — was what the president wanted. Have you communicated to Prime Minister Netanyahu any sort of deadline or timeframe for how long you are willing to support Israel Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know this operation?

But we got to keep our ships on schedule. Ratner: Yeah, it's a good question. And I look forward to the discussion. Best ethiopia porn 2023 was the only West Coast aircraft — dry dock that was capable of repairing an aircraft carrier.

And this is a terrible dilemma. But the report will underscore the department's fundamental assessment, which is that China's leaders are increasingly turning to the PLA as an instrument of coercion in support of their revisionist aims. We have seen some new openings, Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know.

How concerned are you about this lack of consensus?

So we know that we have some work to do. But I did want to take just a Morning chinita ok thanks for letting you know minutes this morning to share with you the Department of Defense's perspective on the PRC's military power as it stands in and, just as importantly, what we're doing at the Pentagon and in the U.

As many of you know, every year for over 20 years the department has released what we call the China Military Power Report. And if you notice, I — I was mildly preoccupied today. I have to put in my plug for naval aviation as a helicopter pilot and naval aviation family. You can bug Mike about exactly when that will be later in the day.