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I will not allow anyone to defame my name in this way anymore!

I will not allow anyone to defame my name in this way anymore! But this stops and it stops now! The age difference between Mehwish and Dawood is 27 years. If not, either retract your statement and publicly apologise or I will be suing you for defamation.

If not, either retract your statement and publicly apologise or I will be suing you for defamation. This just shows the sickness of our society that laps up this gutter journalism without any thought.

Apko lagta hai ke koi random log mujhe pe behte bithaye ungli uthayenge aur main chup behtoongi toh apki soch hai If you think that I'll stay silent if any random Mavish hayat and Kumar bajwa Sex video points a finger at me, then that's how you think.

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So Mr Adil Raja before you start to heap allegations upon people have some proof first. For the unversed, Dawood Ibrahim is a wanted criminal in India and is one of the chief accused in the Mumbai bomb blasts. Just because I am an actress doesn't mean my name can be dragged through the mud.

After getting trolled, actress Sajal Aly took to social media to condemn the retired officer for making baseless allegations to tarnish her image and also using her name to attain popularity, Mavish hayat and Kumar bajwa Sex video.

Kubra also added, "You have a total of 3 days to come up with this proof which you claim is hag and sach. Opinion Gaza is being talked to death, with no remedy to stop the deaths. Mehwish is a controversial actress and she is rumored to be the girlfriend of underworld don and terrorist Dawood Ibrahim.

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Actress Kubra Khan, on the other hand, posted a lengthy statement on her Instagram Stories. But this stops and it stops now! Trending Swiggy wraps up Mumbaikar spent Rs 42 lakh on orders; biryani most-relished dish for 8th straight year. This just shows the sickness of our society that laps up this gutter journalism without any thought. Technology What keeps Sam Altman up at night? Apko lagta hai ke koi random log mujhe pe behte bithaye ungli uthayenge aur main chup behtoongi Mavish hayat and Kumar bajwa Sex video apki soch hai.

This just shows the sickness of our society that laps up this gutter journalism without any thought. Hope you're enjoying your two mins of fame. Kubra also took to her Instagram Stories and penned a long note.

Parliament security breach Parl security breach: 6th accused sent to 7-day police custody; conspiracy 'underway for 2 yrs', court told. Israel strikes Gaza, Lebanon overnight, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu conducts top level meeting.