Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos

In some cases such knowledge may be restricted to a particular category of person, meaning that it is not only a matter of who one knows but who one is in terms of social position within the community. My research team travelled to Maipa village under the care and direction of Roger Kipo. An important component of the research was the fieldwork. Follow Following. Museums represent the product of a European collecting culture that arose from the seventeenth century.

Concepts concerning practice and agency are key to the methodology that 69 JV PORN have devised for studying fibre skirts.

Subsequent work has built on this critique. Subjects include: Folklore, omens, totemism, religion, magic. Pacific - general notes, - Subseries Migrations of peoples and cultures in Oceania, November Subseries Migrations of peoples and cultures in Oceania, n. Subseries 7.

Off print from unknownn. In contrast, museum artefacts provide a direct, material link Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos the people that produced them. Correspondence, - 7 items W. Dr Gottfried W. Gerard C. Subseries 8. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos.

The technical, aesthetic and material forms of museum artefacts are socially negotiated. Putting all the data together, I conclude the chapter by detailing all the steps in which skirts Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos must negotiate social relations, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. Correspondence, - 7 items Filmed selectively. Australia, n. Correspondence, January - May 3 items Filmed selectively.

This study represents the first detailed description and historical analysis of fibre skirts from Central Province in Papua New Guinea.

This photographer's life. Pacific - general notes, n, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. Report to the Carnegie Institution on Anthropological research outside America 52p.

Hunting and Fishing, April 1 item Comprises: Off prints, notes from publications; photographs. It was selected because it was the centre of colonial process in this region. In concentrating on a single object type found in museum collections, I have demonstrated that existing theoretical frameworks, such as practice theory, can have new applications at multiple scales and over long periods of time. Conditions Governing Access Available for Access. The mission houses, supply lines, and the connections to local people established by missionaries meant that they would play a significant role as a gateway for scientific and commercial interests during the earliest years to Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. Obviously both Papuans and westerners played active roles, but due to the lack of contemporary written records, we know little about how generations of Papuans experienced the colonial process or negotiated social change in Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. A new research agenda emerged whose aim was to identify the impact on the character of collections of the cultural and ideological biases held by late 19th and early 20th century explorers, missionaries, government officers and entrepreneurs as well as the desires of private collectors and museum curators that guided the acquisition Sxsy camra objects e.

Historically, artefact-centred research on ethnographic material in museums took a number of forms. To uncover the perspectives of Papuan women, I made a study of fibre skirts, an item of apparel intimately connected with women.

In addition, it attuned my appreciation of the socially significant properties of production such as the expertise and skill of skirt makers. In concluding Chapter 6, I consider significant absences in the collections and the cultural reasons that may account for these.

I thank the staff of both institutions for their support and cheerfulness amidst interruptions. People can be familiar with the accounts that they have been told by older generations but they cannot know the dispositions of people of another time, including their own ancestors, or how they experienced and engaged with the world simply by reflecting upon the matter.

There I go making excuses to hit the road…. To acquire Shaden ferrero understandings, I interviewed current skirt makers and wearers and was fortunate to receive tuition in contemporary practices on both accounts. Email Address: Sign me up! Photo: JW Lindt Framing the Study As an integral part of the complex web of relationships that make up a society, women undoubtedly participate in shaping the world and are themselves shaped by the social contexts in which they find themselves.

In addition to these relatively local connections makers were a part of broader social contexts, aspects of their lives, such as the structure of law, that were relatively non- negotiable. The dominant methodology of the project enables researchers to engage with ethnographic collections as sources of data about individuals, societies, social change and long term historical processes.

New Guinea General, n. General Anthropology, [? As quotidian objects associated with females and female bodies, fibre skirts provide a source of data that is sensitive to gender and day-to-day life, a valuable supplement to the perspectives most often represented in historical sources. Polynesia, n. His concept of practice provides another Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos of thinking about the multiple layers of social relations that the production of artefacts entail.

The study highlights the future potential of museum collections of ethnographic objects for opening up new perspectives on historical processes such as European colonialism. Consequently, the research provides concrete data on Papuan activities that support the notion proposed by Gosden and Knowles that each colonial culture is a unique product of the interactions of local and outsider populations.

The time frame under study encompasses a wide range of cross- cultural interactions during a period of rapid change beginning with brief shore-side encounters These were occasions for barter with the visitors resupplying their vessels with fresh produce and the locals making the most of the opportunities to acquire trade goods. Lacey, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, former student at Cambridge.

These inform us about how the makers and users of objects experienced and negotiated Playpoy rapid social changes that were initiated by the colonial process. The study of fibre skirts demonstrates that it is not only possible Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos reveal social connections across a region such as Central Province, but also to see in these materials the imprints of people and their social realms.

Volume 2, - 2 items Filmed selectively. Fortunately, the research reported here shows that other sources exist that can be used to connect us to women of the past in this region. Documents, September 1 item Filmed selectively. A challenge for those engaged in museum-based research has been to move beyond this point and find ways of drawing out the nascent potential of collections to provide data about the past.

Private Correspondence, February - May 5 items Filmed selectively. The combination of artefact-derived data with written historical sources can produce a different and, in many ways more intimate, view of the past than can be derived from written sources alone. I am grateful for the hospitality and assistance of my KilaKila family, the children and grandchildren of the late Momo Rabura Girigi and Ovaro Eli. Spellings of village and personal names differ markedly in historic texts.

Viewing or handling a specific object can evoke a sense of connection at an emotional or imaginative level. I have used collector in a general sense to encompass individuals who contributed to museum collections. Producers and Collectors built upon a conceptual innovation previously developed by Torrence and Clarke Torrence and Clarke, a, b. Canoes in Melanesia: notes, drawings and correspondence, January - March 3 items Filmed selectively.

After considering how social relations may have developed between Papuans and foreigners, I move to a methodology for my research. Agriculture, September Subseries Hunting and Fishing, April Subseries Armour, bows and arrows, Zambian girls mastubation cream. Decorative art, May - August 4 items Comprises: Off prints, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, correspondence, lectures, notes.

The individual may or Xxx new video Hindi not have visited Central Province or been in contact with makers but is the person that has been recorded by a museum as the donor or vendor of a given object.

Holmes Correspondence and papers, - 3 items.

Indonesia, April 1 item Comprises of notes from publications, off prints, correspondence. These encompass an array of actors, for example ranging from the captain of a missionary vessel to the land-owners on which a grove of sago palms stand.

Whenever I became jaded with life in Sydney, I would invent an excuse to go back I covered elections for Newsweek, travelled on papal tours, did travel stories about head-hunters and cannibals, and about the Huli who built me a house deep in the Southern Highlands, beyond Tari.

Correspondence, January - June 3 items. Correspondence, December - August 2 items Filmed selectively. Torrence and Clarke show that by acknowledging indigenous participation, the research question can move beyond asking if indigenous agency is present in collections to more fruitfully ask how it is materially in evidence.

An aspect of this was the knowledge and experience that a producer could draw upon to make an artefact. Cewek ganpung ten museum collections were surveyed, the specific analyses were based on a sample of fibre skirts accessed primarily from اقتصاد بنت museum collections in the UK, Italy and Australia. Materiality and Agency Material evidence is a fundamental source of data for archaeologists, but for the greater part of the twentieth century anthropologists have not paid much attention to material culture Sturtevant As many writers have noted, there has been a re- emergence of anthropological interest in the inter-relationship of 1 cwoo 2 cewe ndesah and things.

If they were wearing a digital watch, carrying a Pepsi, or had some Christmas tinsel in their head-dress this is the way I photographed them. Collection is used solely as a noun to refer to the material derived from Central Province and held in museums. The thesis concludes with a consideration of future directions that may be seeded through the work that I have done, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos.

The primary assertion of this study is that lived experiences of Papuans can be accessed through the objects they made and used, some of which are now housed in ethnographic collections. By designing an appropriate methodology, and selecting an artefact type that was predominantly associated with females, it is possible to observe the daily practices of women. Emerging from this critique was the realisation that academic disciplines, including institutions such as museums, produce value-laden and political understandings of the world Macdonald The renewed interest in museums took numerous directions that emerged from this milieu and generated extensive scholarship focusing on ethnographic collections e.

Printed A. Die Stabkarten der Marshall - InsulanerHamburg, Polynesia, March - February 1 item Comprises: Correspondence, notes, cuttings, photographs re Maoris and Maori art.

The artefacts that ended up in museum collections were made by the peoples who produced them for specific social contexts, the nature of which has changed over time: for example, for customary indigenous use, traditional exchange, trade to obtain European goods, or sale to tourists.

Ethnography - problems of methodology, Includes: Charles H. Rivers, notes made by Seligman [on his visit to Oceania] 7p. Sumatra, n. Subseries 6. The exchange and production of artefacts take place in the context of what has gone before and, in turn, shape what follows. British New Guinea, n. Miscellaneous Correspondence, February - February 4 items Filmed selectively. Consequently, it is the relationship between materiality and webs of social connection that provide a basis for utilising artefacts to make Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos about the lives of past people.

Polynesia and Australia, - Includes: Donald Thomson. My research shows that despite changes in the way it was expressed, cultural identity was a key concern of Papuans over the entire period.

The staff of the Mitchell Library were very helpful in retrieving archival material about Reverend Lawes during our visit with Dairi Arua. Press cuttings and miscellaneous notes re First Expedition c.

Having recently bought large format scanner I decided to do a few scans. The results obtained show that through tracing chronological Rápido y doloroso in the material properties of fibre skirts, it is possible to uncover Papuan responses, negotiations and actions in response to the changing circumstances of their lives in the wake of colonial forces and the lead up to independence, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos.

I then introduce the reader to varieties of waistband, fibres, and stitch types, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos.

Here, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos place the study in a geographical and historical framework. In this case the traces of the body of the wearer can be measured from the customisation of the garment.

Melanesia, March - October Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos Linguistics, February - January Subseries Melanesia, April Subseries Physical Anthropology, Subseries Fire making, n.

For example, in their review of material studies in the region, Bell and Geismar note a number of authors who have redefined objects e.

Dissertation for Diploma in Anthropology, August Subseries Two Ưäº²å„¿å­ of sketches by Haddon of artefacts in Museums. Press cuttings and notes on Arunta Totemism p. Later, the governments of Britain and then Australia also based their administrations there.

My use does not encompass the racial theories of late nineteenth century scientists in which this term was derived from perceived visual differences in the physical characteristic of peoples in this region. Henry Balfour Oxford re slings of New Zealand. New Zealand, February - June Subseries Melanesia, n. In order to gain insights into the perspectives of women, we must utilise sources of evidence that can connect us to them. These were to look at timescales longer than the life of an individual collector and to encompass a geographical area larger than a cluster of villages.

Blackfoot and Pawnee Indians: notes and papers, 1 item Filmed selectively. Although a number of researchers worked on the importance of indigenous agency in the formation of museum collections Thomas ; ; Torrence ; Gosden and Knowlesit had Anal huge difficult to detect.

The resultant collections provide ample sample sizes to support the artefact analysis of the fibre skirts. Correspondence, - 2 items. Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos while in Torres Straits, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos 1 item Filmed selectively. Such activities may also span considerable spatial and temporal distances.

When I look at their faces I feel that familiar itch to visit old friends and travel the rivers and mountains of that exciting young nation. File 2 3 items. The opportunity to have gained knowledge and skills from other people would have been dependent upon the social relations of which the producer was a part. Queensland Chief Protector of Aborigines, Item. Join other subscribers.

I conclude with a case-study that demonstrates the productiveness of using collections to find out more about the people who made them. Within this I consider the importance of pre-colonial large trade voyages undertaken by the Motu and Mailu peoples, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. This line of reasoning becomes more complex if we move beyond a snapshot and factor in the interrelationship of individuals and the social worlds of which they are a part.

Estuary of the Fly, Kiwai. Material originally held in Boxes 34 File 2 items Filmed selectively. German New Guinea, n, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. The major temporal differences observed relate to changes in the social context in which skirts were worn as shown by alterations in sizes and features such as splits and waistband fringes. File 1 item. Notes, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos and rubbings of objects from Torres Straits 14p.

Solomon Islands, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, August 1 item Comprises of off prints, correspondence. String figures, May Subseries North Queensland Ethnographynosby W. Roth, Subseries North Queensland Ethnographynos.

My reconstruction of social change based on fibre skirts provides an insight into the rarely heard perspectives of local Miyakhlfa, that encompasses women, and helps us to perceive them as integrated and engaged in the world.

Implicit in the design of this study is an understanding of people as historically located. Material in envelope. A close observation of the production of fibre skirts through fieldwork gave me an understanding of the pragmatic aspects of production, such as the labour, time, and raw materials needed for different stages in the production sequence.

People were photographed just the way they were when they Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos themselves in front of the camera, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. Comprises of off prints.

Linguistics, February - Japanise muvie 2 xxx 2 items Comprises: Off prints, notes from publications, correspondence. I also outline the characteristics of the colonial administrations of the British and Australians.

Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos

They are a product of material practices that have been repeatedly retuned in the light of changing social contexts and resources. Notes and cuttings on family language; marriage in Australian tribes; kinship includes notes on Torres Straits and notes on publications by RiversApril - 1 item Filmed selectively.

Notes on hero cults in Torres Straits and initiation 77p. Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos the beginning of the s, in the area now known as Central Province, the indigenous people, known as Papuans, lived in coastal and inland villages and spoke diverse languages.

He suggested that it is Thus, even though from a theoretical point of view human actors encode things with significance, from a methodological point of view it is the things-in-motion that illuminate their human and social context Appaduri Putting these concepts together, the museum can be understood as one moment XWWXXKA the trajectory of an object whose life-history encompassed all the moments of its production, its movement into a collection and the engagements of which it has since been a part.

I situate the collections under analysis through the history of the specific organisations and collectors that account for my study sample of fibre skirts. File 3 items. The most important finding was the remarkable persistence throughout the studied period of skirt practices, such as making, decorating and wearing them. Once experienced, a producer might in turn teach others. Home About Rob Walls.

The study of fibre skirt manufacture and my interviews and tutorials with present day makers made it possible for me to grasp all of the processes involved in the manufacture of a fibre skirt, from raw material to completed garment. These two strands of study had quite different outcomes, with one offering an historical examination of the past and the other providing an example of how the past is used by present day societies.

These data are essential for recognising gaps in the geographical distribution of skirts in the collections and for devising ways to identify social status from the material attributes of the skirts. Facilities and in-kind support for the research were provided by the Australian Museum, and the Macleay Museum of Hand se Sydney University Museums, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. Item 2. By understanding the particular properties that make up a skirt and charting these against the historical phases, I show how it is possible to describe aspects of the social history of skirt makers and users that is sometimes at variance with the received accounts of history.

The concept offered a neat way to give space to the many socio-cultural world views that interacted with a single object over the time of its existence. Inter-community refers to all of the people involved in social networks required in the production and use Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos a fibre skirt and includes people across geographical and social boundaries.

I begin by charting what can be summarised from published ethnographic and historic sources concerning the geographical variation in Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos shapes, sizes, and decorations of fibre skirts in Central Province. Figure 1.

The continuity in the breadth of knowledge held by Central Province skirt makers was only perceivable Trampling lesbian the kind of methodology I developed with its strong focus on relatively long time periods combined with detailed practical knowledge.

Memoranda to be gone through, June File 24 1 item. From envelope: Arboriculture, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, September File 1 item. Notes from books on Australia, April - October Subseries Melanesia, Solomon Islands, n.

I have used practice theory as developed in archaeology to conceptualise the linkages between historical skirt producers and users and the material properties of museum collections. Email Address:. Subseries B., Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. Folders of rough notes, drawings, rubbings, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, and correspondence, May - December 35 items.

Off prints, notes, photographs, originally in this file, were not filmed by the AJCP. Nouhuys Rijswijk re smoking in Dutch New Guinea, - 1 item.

Polynesia, February 1 item Comprises: Press cuttings, off prints, notes from publications. In part this context was defined by the various social relations needed for the production and exchange of an artefact اميرا نورية a particular moment in time.

people | This photographer's life

Yet there is a dearth of knowledge about the lived experiences of women in the past. In Chapter 5, I begin the summary of my findings about fibre skirts from Central Province. A dependence on museum documentation to provide a context to the material in such studies has had the effect of emphasising single geographic locations and the role of the collector of ethnographic materials, particularly by promoting the narrow time period of the collector and their actions at the expense of the producers of the material Welsch; Philp ; Quinnell ; Davies b, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos.

Building on their work I have sought to broaden the social contexts that might be considered in analyses, to encompass interactions between Papuans. The major forms of agency explored by the authors are neatly encapsulated in Figure 1.

In the past they were a familiar part of daily life and even to the present day, when western clothing styles are ubiquitous, fibre skirts remain an important part of the visual and cultural vernacular. General Anthropology, February Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos Indonesia, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, n. Physical types, n. I particularly thank the following for their kind assistance. Canoes: draft manuscript, notes, drawings re canoes in Papua, Torres Straits and Solomon Islands, August 1 item Filmed selectively.

Papuan perspectives rarely Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos an appearance and have been filtered by the author. Expedition to West Australia. The processes a maker used to produce a Stepsister fuck big booty are the material manifestation of their connections to other people.

In Papua New Guinea, Anthropology collection managers at the collections at the National Museum and Art Gallery, Sebastian Haraha, and Grace Guise provided access to collections and documentation, often under very difficult conditions. Lecture Notes and Miscellaneous Notes, - 31 items Only Australasian material has been noted. There existed a series of trade networks, some of which linked coastal villages, others connected coastal to inland villages.

Guide to the Papers of Alfred C. Haddon (as filmed by the AJCP)

Central Division. Malaysia and Indonesia, April File 2 items. Orthography 30p. My study of fibre skirts attempts to develop relevant concepts and methodology partly through the use of archaeological methodologies, such as assemblage composition and artefact analysis along the lines first proposed by Torrence in her study of changes in the way obsidian-tipped spears from the Admiralty Islands, Papua New Guinea had been manufactured and decorated.

In Chapter 4 I turn to the museum collections themselves beginning with a discussion of how museums can be used as sources of documentation and the particular intricacies of this resource. Australian Sociology, - September Subseries Java, n. Cuttings and notes on Indigenous Australians: A psycho-analysis of Australian Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos Death and burial; Totemic magic.

Off Prints of Publications not by Haddon, - Subseries Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos Polynesia and Australia, - Subseries Polynesia, March - February Subseries Canoes, Subseries New Zealand, September - February Subseries New Zealand, July - March Subseries General Anthropology, c. Santa Cruz envelope, April File 1 item. As garments, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, skirts provide a special intimate perspective on the past.

Notes and correspondence from A. Davies was J. Bruce's successor on Mer. Miscellaneous notes c. These were characterised by the wide-ranging critique and review of academic disciplines largely derived from French sociology and philosophy e. Hawaii, April 2 items Comprises: Reprints, press cuttings, leaflets. Correspondence, April - August 4 items.

Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos

Bills, plans, correspondence for Second Expedition, - 4 items. Having both of these aspects matter because they will affect how one interprets the material evidence. Artefacts held in museum collections provide a tangible link to the people who made and used them. Another, linked, strand in the development of Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos was the publication of Entangled Objects in which Nicholas Thomas focused on objects at the centre of cross-cultural negotiations.

Arua Pamu an elder of Waima village, Central Province. A key finding of the study was the strong persistence in Trung Quốc bắt cóc sinh viên để chịch making lasting from the arrival of the first skirts in the collections to PNG independence. This study conceives of the production of material culture as both contingent upon past practices and also understood as a social negotiation that brings about changes Pauketat This means that material culture, as a component of broader practices, can be used to tell us about the everyday worlds of people and connections that extend over larger temporal and spatial distances.

Sign me up! This study set out to make the most of such collections as a data source from which it might be possible to excavate the perspectives of past Papuans. Comprises: Off prints, notes, photographs. Although the first wave of teachers lived, and died, in tenuous circumstances with their Papuan hosts, the subsequent missionary onslaught, with the support of the British government, became the vanguard of colonial power proper.

Australia, July 2 items Comprises of correspondence, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, off prints, press cuttings, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. Fagg etc. Despite these impacts, however, the breadth of knowledge about skirt making practices has been surprisingly stable over the period studied. Ray Ilford and Thorpe Bay re language.

During the course of my research on Central Province fibre skirts I have developed a new approach to the use of collections as a source of data. To interpret museum artefacts as material evidence I make two assumptions. Canoes, 1 item G. Thilenius Ethnograpische Ergebnisse aus MelanesienI. New Zealand, September - February 1 item Comprises of correspondence, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, photographs and offprints re Maori art.

This project orientated my research in terms of the questions I have addressed and the case study centred on the ethnographic collections Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos Central Province, Papua New Guinea. New Guinea, - Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos item Comprises: Off prints and list of collecting stations in Torres Straits, New Zealand, February - June 3 items Comprises of correspondence; off prints, plates.

Polynesia, Physical anthropology, n. Indonesia, April Subseries Hawaii, April Subseries Celebes, n. Smoking and tobacco pipes in New Guinea, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, - Hide under table items. This means that the material patterns that are perceived and produced through an analysis of fibre skirts can be used to draw inferences about large-scale phenomena.

Australia General, July - February Subseries Australian Technology, April - April Subseries Easter Island, n.

Skip to content. This process of reconstruction is described in Chapter 2 and illustrated in my analyses in Chapters 6 and 7, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. Lilian Whitehouse Human migrations and their effects upon the British Empire. Pagination erratic, c. By focusing on the artefacts themselves and adopting appropriate conceptual and methodological approaches, it is assumed that one can access the perceptions and actions of the people from the artefact-producing societies and the interactions of which they were a part.

Collection re eminent scientists, 1 item Filmed selectively. Community in this study predominantly relates to the peoples of Central Province. It is also important to note that the negotiation process continues up to the present day, a point that is well made by Torrence Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos Clarke a.

Melanesia, Subseries Agriculture and technology, November - March Subseries Society Islands, October - June Subseries Racial conflict and competition, June Subseries Australia, January Subseries Zoology, August - February Subseries Zoology, March Subseries New Guinea, July Introduction Scope and Contents Personal papers and correspondence mainly referring to ethnography and anthropological field work in Torres Strait and New Guinea.

Personal Correspondence, February - July 2 items Filmed selectively. For this reason I give attention in this chapter to the step-by-step instruction I received in the production of raw materials and point to the variations in construction of a fibre skirt that I learned and Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos through study with cultural experts in museums and in Papua New Guinea.

Notes from books on Australia, April - October 2 items Comprises: off prints, sketch maps, plates Whp sex videos notes from publications, including A.

Comprises of press cuttings. This definition is apt not only because it is the international standard today, but also because it agrees with the general principles of the museums under investigation. The conception of my study and the method and theory employed has grown out of the Producers and Collectors project. Haddon's war mementos, August - January 1 item. Particularly important are the emphases on materiality as a source of information about social processes and the utility of exploring much larger temporal and spatial scales than normally embraced within ethnographic studies.

Used in combination with other historical and ethnographic sources, artefact analyses can uncover historical perspectives that cannot be elicited from other sources alone. The results highlight the value of focusing Teen throat sloppy a key domestic day-to-day artefact that is largely made and used by women, rather than spectacular objects, for gaining an intimate insight into social change.

The know-how to make an artefact has often been acquired from other people. Advisory Notice Australian Aboriginal, Maori, Pacific and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this Finding Aid contains material and descriptive information which may be considered culturally sensitive and may cause distress, including names and images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now deceased.

File 3 items Sketches, word lists, notes on legends etc.

Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos

Notes and extracts from published works Spence and Gillen, Howitt, Roth etc. Melanesia, April 2 items Comprises: Off prints, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, notes from publications, sketches, rough notes on ethnology of Pacific Islands.

Comprises of lecture notes, off prints references to Pacific area. Written and oral sources are especially limited in what they can contribute to our understanding of the lived experience of non-literate Papuans during the earliest decades of sustained contact with western foreigners to s.

New Zealand, July - March 2 items Comprises of correspondence, notes from publications, and offprints. Report on administration of Northern Territory, - Subseries Australian Reports, - Subseries Collection re eminent scientists, Subseries String figures: Australia, n. In these critical reviews, ethnographic collections were argued VERREL telanjang laki laki be inherently political, testaments to colonial ambition and conquest, and not necessarily the representative sample of material culture that had been widely assumed.

In the introduction to the volume Unpacking the Collection Byrne et al. In addition, the approach emerges from an archaeological perspective, and is able to consider larger blocks of time and space than are usually dealt with in Anthropology or event-based histories. Correspondence, n. Subjects include: Birth, marriage, fishing, warfare, decorative art, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, bibliography.

Malay Peninsula, October - October Subseries Language sheets, n. The approach entails unpacking the material properties of artefacts in order to detect and characterize the social connections and contexts of which they were a part, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos.

The majority of museum studies have concentrated on short periods of history, typically comprising the life of a collector, to understand museum collections. Philippines, April - September 5 items Comprises of correspondence and off prints. I also situate the study in relation to current theoretical approaches to material culture as well as the conceptual frameworks in archaeology that structure my macro history.

Malay Peninsula, October - October 2 items Comprises of off prints, correspondence, notes. Notes and correspondence on photographs, October - January 1 item Filmed selectively.

Illustration: Peter White. Each of the variables was selected on the basis of discussions Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos cultural experts, as in the case of stitch types, or through patterns noted in the collections, as with the use of colours upon a skirt.

Photo: Robin Torrence. File 1, July - March File 4 items. Correspondence, April 1 item. Includes some Australian examples. The gamut of potential agents and activities listed Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos up the kinds of complex networks that connect creator communities to museum visitors. Envelope: Astronomy, February File 1 item. To see more of these pictures visit my Photoshelter collection here. Personal Correspondence, - March 2 items Filmed selectively.

Table of Contents

The analyses will show that material culture held by museums represent a rare direct link to the people who produced it. I further examine the importance of the persistence of skirt making and use in Central Province. A methodology is devised to develop a historical perspective that illuminates the experiences of Papuans.

In general I have used the excellent text, Village and Language Guide Dutton to standardise these. This study Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos a methodology that does not depend on timeless, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, ahistorical accounts, but attempts to use data contemporary with the period of interest. Prior to the arrival of Europeans the region was densely Animation gangstars by diverse cultural groups.

Abstracts of works on Melanesia, August - April 9 items. File 1 3 items. Focusing on the periodmy study is centred on a single category of object sourced from one region: fibre skirts acquired in Central Province, Papua New Guinea. Netherlands New Guinea, April Subseries East Indies, March Subseries Physical Anthropology, n. This edited volume was part of broader theoretical developments that began to emerge in the Exa Elfie game. Agriculture, September 1 item Comprises of off prints and notes from publications.

Sketch of Sperm whales' teeth from Fijian necklace, 13 April Item. I wanted to recognise intentional and unintentional aspects of the actions of people engaged in Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos production of material culture. From here I move to a discussion of how my study was informed through both practice i.

Mekeo tribesman, Mark, from Kairuku, Central Province. Melanesia - Physical anthropology, Subseries Polynesia, February Subseries Malaya, Adamvidz video del carro. Search for:. Subseries 9. At the inception of my project on fibre skirts, research into ethnographic collections was being explored along two separate lines of enquiry. Ivor H. Reprint from? Their previously published works Shakila boobbss pressing. Australian Sociology, - September 4 items Comprises of correspondence, leaflets, off prints, notes.

The Blowpipe by Charles Hose. For example, artefact producers negotiating with land owners to access natural resources such as sago plants, the purchase of dyes from a store, negotiations by men on trading voyages to exchange pots for sago fibre or skirts, adapting the form of an artefact with a view to improving its appeal to tourists, or a group of people from one cultural group negotiating permission to use an admired dyed pattern belonging to another group, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos.

Item Descriptions Series Filmed selectively. Correspondence, February 2 items. Rigo District incised. These are gendered objects of material culture that within Central Province have been made and used primarily by women and girls. Bibliography, n. Two kinds are differentiated. Part lettern. These range from acquiring raw materials such as sago palms, converting raw materials into fibres, as shown in Figure 1. Correspondence, - 2 items Filmed selectively. Earlier this year, I came across the pictures stored in a box where they had lain for twenty years ago.

File 2, - July File 4 items. Item 1. The material evidence shows that women have been significantly engaged in the work of Billie beever expressions of cultural identity throughout Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos century studied. Archaeological evidence suggests that various configurations Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos trade networks have existed in the area, for centuries Kirch The interrelationships between groups whether friendly, accommodating, or antagonistic, were the outcome of social negotiations between Papuans at the level of individuals, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, villages, or groups of villages.

My view of this interrelationship is represented schematically in Figure 2. Methods of Ethnographical Investigation, July 1 item Comprises of off prints and correspondence. Philippines, April - September Subseries Australia, July Subseries Tasmania, n. They also provide an insight into social relations and negotiations in the context of broad historical processes. Although Mumbai college girlxnxxmms opportunity of gleaning Xxx sanelon video specific and intimate information about an individual is not sustainable over a larger sample, there are many other Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos that offer important views of social process and change.

Includes some from South East Asia, n. The third strand of museological research that had direct bearing on my research developed the concept of agency. The collections showed that Papuans continued to be active participants in the social changes that unfolded from the period of the pioneer missionaries through to the British and subsequent Australian colonial administrations.

In his conceptualisation things, like people, have social lives. The pictures were published in a number of magazines and also exhibited. Subseries A. Correspondence, September 4 items. This was followed by missionaries, years under colonial administrations, war in the Pacific, the post-war administration and the lead-up to Papua New Guinean independence. From envelope: Australian languages, July File 1 item. Ethnography - problems of methodology, Subseries South Australia, Subseries Malaya, Polynesia, - Subseries Rivers offprints, n, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos.

Australia General, July - February 5 items Comprises: Correspondence, notes, press cuttings, off prints, pamphlets. Comprises: Off prints, press cuttings, photographs of Wadjak skull. Certainly, the sample size could be increased, particularly with the aid of conservation techniques to carefully unroll many examples, but most importantly, the study showcases the large potential of ethnographic collections now housed in museums for providing new and different stories about the past.

New Guinea, September Subseries Sepik, n, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. Correspondence, May - November 4 items Filmed selectively. Comprises of off prints and notes on figures from Pacific Islands. Although the colonial project of the British and later the Australian governments must be contextualised in the realm of international politics and economics, at the Papuan ground-level the colonial Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos was articulated through webs of social relationships.

Craniology, January Subseries Psychology, n. From the outset an objective has been to attain unique insights into social change and elicit a connection to the lived experience of Papuans, including women, during a period of rapid change. Photo: Unknown. I would also like to acknowledge retired curator Michael Quinnell for his assistance on the intricacies of the Macgregor collections.

Northern New Guinea. Micronesia, Solomon Islands, n. Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos[? I present an anatomy of a skirt and discuss its constituent parts. He made this point to draw attention to the ways in which objects can acquire and lose value, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos in significance, become non-exchangeable or return to commodity status throughout their existence. Decorative art, May - August Subseries Decorative art, n. Material Culture of the Maoris.

Next, I consider the various social contexts in which different types of fibre skirts were worn. Torres Straits Reports, - 3 items. Subsequent to leaving Central Province, artefacts could have been sold or given to individuals or institutions and, once in a museum, they might have been exchanged with items from another museum Bryne et al.

My knowledge of the ethnographic contexts of the production, use, and exchange of fibre skirts informed the type of data I chose to record about the artefacts in the collections. Following the discussion in Chapter 2 of the theoretical ideas that I developed, I turn to XXXXX IMAGES. themes in Chapter 3.

Miscellaneous correspondence re publication of Canoe book, March - May 2 items Filmed selectively. The ethnographic research combined with hands-on experience of skirt making was essential for setting-up and interpreting an analysis of Merkosa tante fibre skirts in collections.

In Port Moresby became the capital and primary economic centre of the independent nation of Papua New Guinea. General Anthropology, February 1 item Filmed selectively. I emphasise the role of missions, colonial legislation concerning land and labour and the armed native constabulary.

Comprises off prints, notes from publications, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. In the context of practice theory the production of material culture, while contingent on past practices, may be understood as a social negotiation that brings about changes in meanings, dispositions, identities, and traditions Pauketat Pauketat identifies, and argues for, an emerging paradigmatic shift within archaeology that is centred on a theory of practice.

Correspondence, December - November File 4 items. Publications, lecture notes and miscellaneous notes, and off-prints of publications by others. Complex webs of social relations are involved in the creation of a skirt. I am greatly indebted to the patience of those who taught me about the process of skirt making: especially Dairi Aura as well as Avia Kivori and Joseph Oa Akauma and their family.

The second assumption is that the resulting artefacts and collections themselves can inform us about the specific social relations in which the objects circulated. Personal Correspondence, - 2 items Filmed selectively. Erhard Eylmann. Material re ethnographic survey of Ireland, June - September 1 item Filmed selectively. Australian Technology, April - April 3 items Comprises: Correspondence, off prints, photographs.

Data from ethnographic and historic sources show that fibre skirt practices create and maintain social relations. New Guinea, n. Report on administration of Northern Territory, - Item.

From Maker to Museum: Fibre skirts from Central Province, PNG

This led to a change in focus from technology, best exemplified by the collections of Pitt-Rivers Bowdento material culture Hicks The anthropologist, Alfred Haddon, is perhaps the most famous writer of this kind of thinking about an object as the physical embodiment of a cultural act see Herle In this approach, innovations such as the use of new materials, for example when modern dyes are used in fibre skirts or European cloth or trade beads added to artefacts, were conceived of as the loss of authentic form Herle This also represents the era of the standard source when monographs on Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos types of artefact were produced.

This perspective permits us to track the Japanese nurse solo of indigenous people to changing social and political contexts over the period when ethnographic collections were made. Field notebooks, n. My primary data source Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos monitoring changes in identify during this period are fibre skirts.

Collections research of the last two decades has attempted to enliven historic ethnographic materials in museums through contributing to our understanding of collecting societies Welsch ; Thomas ; Bonshekbut have been less enlightening about the creator communities, i.

File 1 1 item. Australian Museum, - Item. For example, this concept provides a fruitful way of conceptualising connections between fibre skirt makers and the material properties of objects in museums because the capacity to make a fibre skirt Japanese xxx pussy hd is fit for the purpose intended is made possible through the bequest of knowledge and practical skills that have passed through many hands.

Artefacts are both the product of a particular person as well as a material aspect of the social world of which they are a part. A producer may have learned by observing and emulating people engaged in the activity or by more formal training methods. Notes, press cuttings for lectures, n. Comprises of notes from publications, off prints. Parameters were chosen that would help to develop a novel approach. I acknowledge the essential assistance of archivists, librarians, curators and other staff at numerous institutions.

The arrival in of the first foreigners to take up permanent residence, South Seas missionary teachers, signalled the beginning of a new era for indigenous groups, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos.

Two notebooks, n. Physical Anthropology, 1 item Filmed selectively. In addition, assuming that indigenous parties were knowledgeable actors allows us to think about the participation of all parties, without presuming to know what was in the heads of individuals.

By adopting a practice-based approach, it is therefore possible to view practices such as the production of material culture as both the medium of tradition and the medium of social change Pauketat From this perspective traditions are always in a process of becoming Sztompka Practices are shaped by what came before them and they give shape to what will follow Pauketat From this perspective history is the cumulative effect of practices at different scales Pauketat I have adopted a practice-based approach, like that outlined by Pauketatbecause it provides a useful way of thinking about the interrelationship of material culture production and the broader social context.

By using established archaeological analytical techniques that focus on assemblages, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, the variables recorded about museum skirts can be used to make inferences about the past. Blog at WordPress. Subseries 5. Correspondence, May - October 2 items. To begin with culture I have taken my definition of this term from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, rather than a definition derived from anthropology as the former is an inclusive kind of definition while the latter imposes categories of difference.

Australia, April - March Subseries Solomon Islands, August Subseries Dutch New Guinea, n. After establishing a series of historical time periods in Chapter 6, I apply the understandings I have gained Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos cultural experts to select the relevant variables for analysis.

The results obtained from my study of historic fibre skirts from Central Province demonstrates that the active presence of people can be discerned when appropriate methods are applied to the analysis of museum collections of material culture. Loose material, n. By recognising that artefacts produce social relations and that the skills needed to produce an artefact are socially learned, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, it is possible to perceive that production is tied into the network of obligations and social relations Gosden and Knowles Moments of cross-cultural exchange are one set of social relations amongst many that museum artefacts are implicitly linked to.

My conclusions, based on the artefact analysis, are presented in Chapter 7. Finally, the importance of asserting local identities for Central Province communities in the lead up to independence is highlighted by the reappearance of traits that had lapsed through time, together with new, creative modifications of fibre skirts, to create new fashions that better suited contemporary lifestyles, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos.

This area of research emphasised the individuals acquiring the collection materials and thus focused attention on the contacts artefact-producing cultures had with European collectors ter Keurs ; Young ; Lawrence The body of work along these lines, from Stocking onwards, has led to the odd position whereby ethnographic collections have yielded more information Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos the collecting society than about the people who made and exchanged them.

Developments did not simply roll over Papuans like a smothering blanket of colonial domination. Subseries 4. Pearls as givers of life, File Folder 2 items. In historically literate societies these sources can potentially encompass the انطونيو سليمان ينيك عربيه of women, but in non-literate societies this is not an option.

Dissertation for Diploma in Anthropology, August 1 item Typescript chapters, manuscript drafts, notes. Melanesia, January ; 27 February Subseries Cultural and ethnic distribution in Oceania, n. Melanesia, March - October 9 items Comprises: Correspondence, off prints, papers, press cuttings, notes from publications.

On location near Tari, Southern Highlands. In addition written documentation and oral recordings comprise the majority of the data used. Individual bias is another problem in the analysis of texts produced Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos history and anthropology. Comprises of offprints, press cuttings.

To interrogate museum collections of fibre skirts, I applied theoretical and analytical perspectives derived from archaeology, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. Weapons, n. Foreigner is used to mean a person who is conceived of as or perceives themselves as not coming from Papua New Guinea or sharing a cultural-social background with Papuan cultural-social life. At the Pigorini in Rome Carlo Nobili patiently retrieved a large number of objects for study.

This point is discussed at more length in the next chapter. Christianity was extending its reach over this time period and oral history that casts back to that time may be subject to revisionist Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos. Decorative art: Notes from publications, cuttings, tracings and offprints re art in Sepik, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, December 1 item Filmed selectively.

Canoes in Micronesia: notes, drawings, correspondence, - 1 item Filmed selectively. Notes and cuttings on family language; marriage in Australian tribes; kinship includes notes on Torres Straits and notes on publications by RiversApril - Subseries Notes and cuttings on groupings, marriage, conception includes Australian examples. No overarching authority or power presided over the top of these webs of relationships.

This study shows that it is possible to Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos the experiences of Papuans in the foreground by focusing upon the physical properties of objects in ethnographic collections. In Port Moresby the team was excellently chauffered and guided by Max Kuruku Madaha who also provided excellent information. The Copyright Act grants the creator of a work a number Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos moral rights, speciically the right of attribution, the right against false attribution and the right of integrity.

Non- literate Papuans did not produce written documents. Certainly, the experiences of missions, colonial governance, and World War II led to the loss of some expertise and skills and reduced the significance of skirts as a means of signally social status.

Some of these are generic and will be the subject of Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos elaboration throughout the dissertation. The negotiations and exchanges involving objects that took place in the first half of the 20th century were thus crucial to the creation of colonial society because these articulated the properties of comprising a New Britain person as well as the colonial culture in which interaction took place.

It has been noted by numerous scholars, Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, that the formation and characteristics of museum collections are the result of multiple social relations cf. Notes and drawings on tobacco, - 1 item Filmed selectively. Notes on Language and Terms This section seeks to clarify some of the terms used in this study. Press cuttings and miscellaneous material re Second Expedition 17p.

New Britain, November Subseries Solomon Islands, n. Methods of Ethnographical Investigation, July Subseries Australian Aboriginals, n. References to migration to the Dominions Item. String figures, May 1 item Comprises: Off prints, correspondence, notes, photographs includes some of string figures from Torres Straits. Comprises of offprints. Folder: Miscellaneous speeches, c. Printed Australia.

The material culture collections held by museums constitute a significant amount of primary source material that is Smantha mac seldom utilised to create history Gosden and Knowles ; Specht ; Philp forthcoming. The emergence of an administrative hub at the site of the capital was initiated by the first wave of foreigners to take up residence on the southeast coast, the London Missionary Society LMS Mary Lawrence kairuku central photos, who established headquarters there.