Malay girl student fuck

The teacher was reassigned to a state education department while his case was being investigated, local media had reported, but where he is currently is not known.

Read more. Ten killed as light plane crashes on street in Malaysia.

Anwar Ibrahim becomes Malaysian prime minister after decades-long wait. Then Ain, too, began to be ostracized by her schoolmates after she filed a police report about her teacher.

Malaysia revises school textbook that tells girls sex is shameful

This article is more than 4 years old. Reuse this content. Women caned in Malaysia for attempting to have lesbian sex. On April 24, Ain, who is a senior in high school, became a household name after she posted a video on TikTok alleging that a teacher made sexually charged Malay girl student fuck in a physical education class.

Many told Ain they feared being shut out by their schoolmates if they complained, she said.

Teo said the incident had prompted a wider review of both the national curriculum and the contents of textbooks distributed in schools by the government. Hadi Azmi and Nisha David MORE Malaysia.

More on this story. The teacher, a man, made the comment as a class on health education was discussing laws protecting minors from sexual harassment, Ain alleged. But many people criticized her, too.

Malaysia revises school textbook that tells girls sex is shameful | Malaysia | The Guardian

Malaysia on verge of hung parliament for first time in history. The incident has led to calls for sex education to be taught in Malaysian schools.

Some said they did report sexist incidents but no action was taken, Ain said.