Madam licking in leaches japanes

Marion has new job and three rooms papered. Swift says it originated with a nobleman in his day. Monday evening. It is said that whoever kisses a certain stone in this castle will be able to persuade others of whatever he or she pleases. Christmas card with note. Sale of John Leech 30, acres in Texas. Coal-coke surplus. Bucksixpence. My fantasies had got me introuble before but I was fired up.

Bouncera person who steals whilst bargaining with a tradesman, a swindler, or a lie of more than ordinary dimensions. Folder 48 William Ferree Leech Papers. A big red-faced Irish servant girl is known as a Bridget. Brown Studya reverie. Christmas greeting with note about Christmas plans and babysitting. From F. Wenger in Blythe, California regarding squadron now has 7 planes, Tucker at Geiger Field, Washington, saw your name in Lancaster paper when you graduated.

Brineythe sea. A man who persuades another to buy an article on which he receives commission or per-centage is said to BONNET or bear-up for the seller. Acta Regiaii. Coal Madam licking in leaches japanes and price. Freight rate for coal and auto roads. The first 27 December Mae Lundy Burrows calling card and the sixth 29 June with three small photos.

This performance is, though, by no means confined to workmen. Availability of copper and silver property. Originally a Gipsy term. Postal card from C. Wingate in Tyrone, PA. Refer elsewhere regarding coal operators. From Tarrytown, New York stating am going hunting with Mr. Your letter a surprise to me and will come early so we can have a full day. This shows how little they think of the meanings of the phrases Neepa sex in use among them, Madam licking in leaches japanes.

From John J. Costello in Moosic, PA enclosing letter from C. Leech purchase proposition. A BIT is the smallest coin in Jamaica, equal to 6d. Boba shilling. I felt terrified for a Madam licking in leaches japanes. Eight letters 2 with envelopes regarding her love, visited Mrs, Madam licking in leaches japanes. News items enclosed with letters 2 and 3. Bumptiousarrogant, self-sufficient. Bendigoa rough fur cap worn in the midland counties, called after a noted pugilist Madam licking in leaches japanes that name.

It is still famous for its beer. The beadles of Bridewell whose duty it was to whip the women prisoners were clad in blue. Folder 50Insert 5 Letters to Anna Leech. Four reports of coal shipments to customers of John M. Leech from Blaine, West Virginia.

Regarding Rudolph Valentino in Blood and Sand, relatives, and home. Brazen-Facedimpudent, shameless. Blueor BLEWto pawn or pledge. Also a lark, jollification, or outing. Jacobsen in Gardnerville, Nevada requesting purchase of 40 acres of Leech owned land.

Folder 52Insert 7 Correspondence from various addresses with few exceptions as noted below these letters are from friends and relatives.

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Cross-biterfor a cheat, continually occurs in writers of the sixteenth century. Regarding disliking his plan of going to Arizona, Mr. Two letters to John in Buffalo, New York.

Amaris xxx feet Corporal Jonas L. Wenger in Blythe, CA regarding in combat training outfit, had kitchen police for 5 days, had 15 day furlough to Los Angeles, Hollywood, and San Francisco, Dick Wentling from Lititz killed in plane crash, Paul Martin got a medical discharge, and news of others by last name only.

Erroneously recorded elsewhere as 31 March Receipt from American Railway Express Co. Trout in Keyser, West Virginia. Also to be taken in custody. Hall and Prynne looked upon all women as strumpets who dared to let the hair depart from a straight line upon their cheeks, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Frank Trout is made to think I have such a base opinion of Ella, went to NY by boat yesterday, newest thing here is a Japanese lady, did you ever see one?

Break Shinsto borrow money. When a bookmaker backs a horse in the course of his regular business, Madam licking in leaches japanes, it is because he has laid too much against him, and finds it convenient to share the danger with other bookmakers.

Bull the Caskto pour hot water into an empty rum puncheon, and let it Madam licking in leaches japanes until it extracts the spirit from the wood. Buffera dog. Both names, no doubt, from its cry, which is supposed by imaginative persons to consist of the two words exactly.

The anecdote of Dr. Johnson and the Billingsgate virago is well known. See Broad-faking. Bumthe part on which we sit. Social life, making clothes, happily married, and wishing the same for Anna, and much company. Letter regarding J. Penney pin, not going to Christiana, and may go to California with Uncle Ed.

Leech in Nickel Mines to Frank M. Pamphlet regarding the Ferree Reunion which records reunion of descendents of Ferree-Lefever held 18 November and long list of names from old tombstones in the Ferree burial ground. Myers in Lancaster stating glad you are going to the home, ailments, to New York to sightsee, hear Billy Graham, and family picnic. From Bertha Warner in Mount Joy.

Harry G, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Myers in Dewi persik threesome dengan syaiful Jamil dan Aldi Taher. From Ms. Keegan, W. Answering ad for job as a housekeeper. Bullya braggart; in the language of the streets, a man of the most degraded Madam licking in leaches japanes, who protects fallen females, and lives off their miserable earnings.

The player rolls a stone ball, or marble, from the higher end, and according to the number of the hole it falls into the game is counted. Bog-Trottersatirical name for an Irishman. Evaluation reports of mine in preston County, West Virginia. Folder 50Insert 6 Letters to Anna Leech. In the days of the Civil Wars, the very last thing a Cavalier would part with was his love-lock. From Martin L. With currency and coin folder.

Battellsthe weekly bills at Oxford. Schwaub of J. From Mother in Christiana regarding father cutting corn, mother canning peaches and tomatoes, sorry about night work, air mail letter a novelty, and mailing hat.

From Frank G. Note: believed to be birth date of daughter, Marion. Three page letter with envelope from J. Also in envelope is an annotated calling Madam licking in leaches japanes and undated want ad Natasha malkupa John M, Madam licking in leaches japanes.

Leech for purchase or lease of a few hundred acres of good coal land. Should stocks fall, the BULL is then called upon to pay the difference. From Frank E. McClure in Wilmington, Delaware regarding selling fish by the carload and ready for new travelling job.

The term BITE is also applied to a hard bargainer. Billingsgate when applied to speechfoul and coarse language. News item clipped to an unrelated envelope. Blue Belliesa term applied by the Confederate soldiers during the civil war in America to the Federals, the name being suggested by the skyblue gaberdines worn by the Northern soldiers.

Handscribed copy regarding companies on loading coal with response from Postmaster. Folder 59 John M. In this folder are letters to John M, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Seven letters with six envelopes. Bubdrink of any kind. Folder 64, Insert 2 Miscellaneous papers of John M. This insert contains receipts, correspondence, invoices, and advertising. Ferree sends thanks for books, am studying French, English, Literature, Shorthand, Typing, and Music, have plenty gas and coal and president wanted miners to work Christmas day, but no cars.

Benjamincoat. The expression was made popular by being once used by Leech. Bobbishvery well, clever, spruce. Also very frequently used instead of the word beef. Among touting photographers he is called a doorsman.

Big-wiga person in authority or office. See ante. Each insert contains multi-page letters, each with envelopes except Insert 7, from Joseph S. Awful weather, flowers from friends, bad dreams about you, visit to the park and zoo, your thoughts on fighting the Spaniards, party with Will but not a good time, remember our kiss on your Bible. Boatoriginally to transport; the term is now applied to penal servitude. In some artillerymen stationed at Norwich were directed to prove some brass ordnance belonging to the city.

From multiple addresses to multiple addresses. Originally an Americanism, but now general. Funeral notice for William Hanna in Georgetown. Also a Madam licking in leaches japanes obstruction.

Derivation obvious. Many years since people used to visit Thames Street to hear the Billingsgate fishwomen abuse Madam licking in leaches japanes other.

From Lida Murr in Paradise regarding Christmas card and note about cows getting out and good wishes. Bowlasround tarts made of sugar, apple, and bread, sold in the streets, especially at the East-end of London. From Ella W. From Bob in Germania, Madam licking in leaches japanes, West Virginia regarding going to go school early and not being allowed to attend Sunday ball game.

Batpace at walking or running. From Margaret B. From Sue sister in Kitzmiller, Maryland regarding Harry home and in civilian clothes, Daryl discharged tomorrow, and Clarence Liller funeral. In spite of the nose over the gate the probability is the real name was Brasinium.

Bunce Madam licking in leaches japanes, Grose gives as the cant word for money. From Lawrence Hayes in Renslaer, Indiana regarding graduation announcement with note on name card. First 2 letters from Harrisburg; last 2 from Pittsburgh.

Borea troublesome friend or acquaintance, perhaps so called from his unvaried and pertinacious pushing; a nuisance; anything which wearies or annoys. This booklet, with one loose page, contains copies of shipping tickets issued by John M. Leech as sales agent for W. Many are annotated Sleep by step brother reverse.

Regarding flu illnesses, deaths, and working in the company store. Bullterm amongst prisoners for the meat served to them in jail. Bludgera low thief, who does not hesitate to use violence, literally one who will use a bludgeon. Brassimpudence.

A Billy-fencer is a marine-store dealer. Bran-Newquite new. Most likely in use as long as tobacco here—an almost evident conclusion. Broadscards. From Lawrence Hayes in Renslaer, Indiana regarding camp, girls, and cameras.

Blarneyflattery, powers of persuasion. Folder 62, Insert 2 Coal business correspondence, Madam licking in leaches japanes.

The term was also applied to a resurrectionist. Will is my best gentleman friend and has two things he wants to share with me, met a Mr. Hough here who lived in Lancaster and knows lots of people whom I know, chatter about friends, and will see you Thursday. Bonegood, excellent. Madam licking in leaches japanes are sometimes used.

From East Downingtown regarding missed meeting each other and job layoffs. Form of del. Bizcontraction of the word business; a phrase much used in America in writing as well as in conversation.

Both pugilistic and exchangeable terms. Benegood. She was born 8 May Madam licking in leaches japanes was the daughter of John F. Leech from Joseph S. Pickel, an ardent admirer, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Bargea term used among printers compositors to denote a case in which there is an undue proportion of some letters and a corresponding shortness of those which are most valuable.

I started to kiss her perfectly round breast. Warton on Pope. Brother-Chiporiginally fellow carpenter. Blood-Red Fancya particular kind of handkerchief sometimes worn by pugilists and frequenters of prize fights. Ten cents ton royalty for coal. Lottie memorial Presbyterian Church program. Brosiera bankrupt. Bed-Fagota contemptuous term for a woman; generally applied to a prostitute. Enclosing unsigned 3-page letter of 10 July about a corner cupboard, the weather, and an undershirt.

BlacklegMadam licking in leaches japanes, a rascal, swindler, or card cheat. Wenger in Blythe, CA regarding living in barracks, beautiful canyons coming through Utah and Nevada, and am in new squadron with Tucker. Folder 52Insert 5 From Clara L. Keiser in Smyrna regarding chain letter to raise funds for Parkesburg M.

From Elwood H. Thompson in Smyrna regarding invitation to go to meeting at Georgetown. Postal card from J. Lease of coal seam. Bluesa fit of despondency. Probably from its liability to bend. Bottle-Holderoriginally a term in prize ring parlance for the second who took charge of the water-bottle, which was an essential feature in all pugilistic arrangements.

He was a well-known street character about the East-end of London, and died in Whitechapel Workhouse. Womelsdorf, civil and mining engineer. Hence the West country proverb—. Hence a marine term for goggles, which they resemble in shape, and for which they are used by sailors in case of ophthalmic derangement.

Charlotte was either a relative or close family friend. They are bespoke beforehand. Blotheran old word, signifying to chatter idly. Compare BLUE. Box the Compassto repeat the thirty-two points of the compass either in succession or irregularly. Folder 64 John M. Leech Papers. Blooda fast or high-mettled man. From Private Paul B. Martin in Denver, Colorado regarding in hospital for a month and worrying about family.

Bonedseized, apprehended. Bob-a-noba shilling a-head. I managed to lick every inch of her cleavage and Ass somali gir turned her around. Except for Insert 8 which deals with a pension claim, letters in this folder are to Anna Leech from Joseph Pickel after he moved to Brooklyn and probably Tarrytown, NY. Lonely and homesick and expressing heartfelt love, did not get the position, soon you may see too much of me, do you have your hammock up yet?

They probably first learned it from a missionary. From Katharine Crowe in Frostburg, Maryland regarding school closing, holidays, love to Madam licking in leaches japanes to college, and driving. The BUFFER of a railway-carriage doubtless received its very appropriate name from the old pugilistic application of this term.

One of them is to blow up codfish with a pipe until they look double their actual size. Also stolen metal of any kind. Bletherto bother, to annoy, to pester, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Difficult to read description of coal land availability. Blowenoriginally a showy or flaunting female, now a prostitute only. Buckhorse was a man who either possessed or professed insensibility to pain, and who would for a small sum allow Madam licking in leaches japanes to strike him with the utmost force on the side of the face.

Bumper is used in sporting and theatrical circles to denote a benefit which is one in reality as well as in name. With envelope postmarked 1 March Regarding dentist appointment and hospital visit. Details of strike breaking, unionism and violence, Sylvin Frank carrying a revolver and option of going into lumber and coal business in Florin, Pa.

Frank is ailing, Mrs. Ferree still at Strawbridges, Dick Williams house sale, hanky-panky with a diamond ring, rent money etc. This well-known slang term for a London constable is used by Shakspeare.

Probably also, on the lucus a non lucendo principle, because its use made one incapable of budging. Breefprobably identical with BRIEFa shortened card used for cheating purposes; thus described in an old book of games of about —. Blurt Outto speak from impulse, and without reflection, to let out suddenly, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Bos-Kena farmhouse. Billy-hunting is buying old metal. Frank Trout died. Borland died. Folder 57, Madam licking in leaches japanes, Insert 3 Letters from brother Will.

Bummareesa term given to a class of speculating salesmen at Billingsgate market, not recognised as such by the trade, but who get a living by buying large quantities of fish from the salesmen and re-selling them to smaller buyers. Ferree Johnson in Rising Sun, Maryland.

Almost general now as brother tradesman of any kind. The contract was merely a wager, to be determined by the rise or fall of stock; if it rose, the seller paid the difference to the buyer, proportioned to Madam licking in leaches japanes sum Madam licking in leaches japanes by the same computation to the seller.

Our little girl born, Lillie Blackburn with me for five weeks, Mrs. Boated across the river to visit Lydia, new house is finished and clean, photos of Marian. Broadycloth. Same as Insert 4 with eleven letters offering coal lands and two responses from Leech.

The Slang Dictionary, by John Camden Hotten--The Project Gutenberg eBook

Buffle-Heada stupid or obtuse person. Apologies for not confiding in you that I am trying for two positions, there is nobody but you even mother, trip up the Hudson and to Brooklyn on business, mama sent a box of strawberries, taking dictation and transcribing Dr.

Folder 50 Letters to Anna Leech and Pension claim. It is undoubtedly the very ancient game of Troule-in-madame. Barkan Irish person of either sex. Partial letter with attached note.

With pencil note: Amy Davis Girvin funeral notice died June 7 From Lottie in Harrisburg regarding at Sheesleys, was at Peters, spend Fourth here or with Clara Fisher, and much first name only chatter. Bluesaid of talk that is smutty or indecent. Probably a corruption of Fyebuck.

Keyes of J. Penney Co, Madam licking in leaches japanes. From Mother in Christiana regarding good wishes and concern about new job and news of Madam licking in leaches japanes. Bluntmoney.

From Aunt Amy in Christiana with Christmas greeting and note about family get together. Leech in Philadelphia regarding plans for John to visit with her and brother Will and advising John to go to the right school. October and November From multiple addresses to John M.

Inability to figure coal deliveries. Pierce Egan was very fond of the word. In Part ii. Bastilethe workhouse. Maiden name unknown; married name Mrs. More detail of wedding clothes, folks home from Paris, visit on 17 August, dining with officers at Gretna, and Jill Sheesley is marrying. Blueylead. The term is an old one. Basteto beat, properly to pour gravy on roasting meat to keep it from burning, and add to its flavour.

Beeswingthe film which forms on the sides of bottles which contain good old port wine. November Sick with a bad cold and detailed description of train trip with baby Marian, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Bullyragto abuse or scold vehemently; to swindle one out of money by intimidation and sheer abuse.

Bit usually means the smallest silver coin in circulation; also a piece of money of any kind. Bubbleto over-reach, deceive, to tempt by means of false promises. She was feeling ticklish so I soon started to lick her back rather than just kiss it. Folder 61 Coal business Madam licking in leaches japanes John M. In this folder is correspondence between John M.

An analysis of Oak Ridge Coal. Folder 57 John M. In this folder are letters and business papers of John M. He was born in the youngest son of John F. He was addressed variously in Lancaster, Philadelphia, and Corning, New York from various addresses and his brother and sisters. From Willis C. From John W. Espenshade in Strasburg regarding farming, teaching 17 students, visit by Mr.

Brecht, and pleasant time at Madam licking in leaches japanes. Bender, miss the dances and picnics every Sunday. Blinkera blackened eye. Bumble-footedclub-footed, or awkward in the gait. Occasionally he came out with real witticisms. An empty house is often entered and the whole of the roof in its vicinity stripped, the only notice given to the folks below being received by them on the occasion of a heavy downfall of rain. From Marion in Philadelphia regarding illnesses, senior dances, vacation, weather, and first name only people comments.

They relate to coal analysis, prospecting in Canada, prices and shipping instructions. From Dillon, Montana stating Thunder Mountain was a fake, staked off for miles around but nothing to show, Madam licking in leaches japanes to Butte, selling my horse and things for nearly nothing. Battywages, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Barneyan unfair race of any kind: a sell or cross. Blewor BLOWto inform, or peach, to lose or spend money. About the highest compliment that in one word can be paid one man, Madam licking in leaches japanes.

See WORK. Bog-Orangespotatoes. Brother-Smuta term of familiarity. They are a modification of the common Scotch cap, and have peaks. Cassidy, Mrs. Invoice from C. Two ads from Nu-Life New York. Blood-moneythe money that used to be paid to any one who by information or Madam licking in leaches japanes led to a conviction for a capital offence.

These were written from Harrisburg. Corruption of Brummagemfor meaning of which see Introductory Chapter. Broad-Brimoriginally applied to a Quaker only, but now used in reference to all quiet, Madam licking in leaches japanes, sedate, respectable old men.

Nowadays applied to all sums received by informers. Shakspeare uses the word in the latter sense, Henry IV, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Buckraa white man. As, however, the majority of the lower classes of London do believe that potatoes were indigenous to, and were first brought from the soil of Ireland, which is also in some parts supposed to be capable of growing nothing else, they may even believe that potatoes are actually BOG-ORANGES.

From this term, much in use among the London lower orders, but for which no etymology can be found, Ireland is now and then playfully called Barkshire. Properly a small kind of nails used by cobblers. Blowing upa jobation, a scolding. Formerly in general use, now confined to the streets, where it is common, and mostly used in reference to prostitutes. Term used by footpads and thieves generally. Papa had slight stroke and plans to visit. Mailed a package home, including a [twilight], mittens for mother, knife for Rob, handkerchiefs for aunt and uncle, dinner at Mastellers, and Happy Christmas.

From jean Sheesley cousin regarding news of many first name only people and house work. Two letters to John in Lancaster. Bundlingmen and women sleeping together, where the divisions of the house will not permit of better or more decent accommodation, with all their clothes on. One with an envelope, Madam licking in leaches japanes.

Leech seeking employment on one side and almost illegible reply from T. Barber in Wilkes Barre, PA on the other. Blackguarda low or dirty fellow; a rough or a hulking fellow, capable of any meanness or cowardice. When you cut to your adversary cut at the ends, and then it is a chance if you cut him an honour, because the cards at the ends are all of a length. Boon-Companiona comrade in a drinking bout. Sick children, at convention in Philadelphia including Harry Hamer, Elizabeth Hoke, Mary Peters, Edith [Frue] and Mary Cairns, Maud Piece was married, colored regiment drilling are out of sight, fine wheel ride to Rockville, and making apple-quince butter.

Most likely, though, from the colour, as the term is of the very lowest slang. Barn Stormerstheatrical performers who travel the country and act in barns, selecting short and tragic pieces to suit the rustic taste. Burns uses it. Helferstik in Shamokin, Madam licking in leaches japanes, PA stating shipments not possible due to strike. Bowdlerizationa term used in literary circles to signify undue strictness of treatment caused by over-modesty in editing a classic.

Bear-up and Bearer-up. B Flatsbugs. Bloodyan expletive used, without reference to meaning, as an adjective Xvideos دوربین مخفی an adverb, simply for intensification.

Trout public sale news item. Trotter cases is the term nowadays. Black Mondaythe Monday on which boys return to school after the holidays. He was born 20 Aprilthe son of John F. He became a machinist who in worked in the oil fields of CA, but according to these papers was residing in Lancaster County by Folder Correspondence of Anna M.

In these folders are letters to Anna M. Leech from admirers, family, and friends. Regarding work, people she meets, trucks with ammunition, and train load of sailors. Booby-Trapa favourite amusement of boys at school. Bone-Grubbera person who hunts dust-holes, gutters, and all likely spots for refuse bones, which he sells at the rag-shops, or to the bone-grinders. Cox Co. Questioning precise location of land for sale in Texas. Billy was a real person, semi-idiotic, and though in dirt and rags, fancied himself a swell of the first water.

Hand scribed answer on reverse side dated 21 July Returned John M. Leech letter to New England Watch Co, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Possible position as jewelry salesman. Seven letters with envelops. Bumclinkin the Midland counties the inferior beer brewed for haymakers and harvest labourers.

Military officers in muftiwhen out on a spree, and not wishing their profession to be known, speak of Madam licking in leaches japanes barracks as the B. Black and Whitehandwriting or print. Of course when the fish come to table they are flabby, sunken, and half dwindled away. But the introduction of this word into our language belongs not to the vulgar, and is more than a century prior to the time of Swift.

Blue-Pigeon-Flyersometimes a journeyman plumber, glazier, or other workman, who, when repairing houses, strips off the lead, Madam licking in leaches japanes, and makes away with it.

Coal quotes. From Lancaster Chemical Co. From D. Two invoices from Commonwealth Coal Co. Melcher in Christiana, PA. Two letters to Commonwealth Coal Co. Letter to Rogers Corr Coal Co. Letters to Rogers Corr Coal Co. Three postal card to John M. Two letters from G. Noland in Creech, Kentucky. Bumbleto muffle. Bubbley-Jocka turkey, Lenyaxx silly boasting fellow; a prig.

Folder 52Inserts 5, 6, 7, 8 Correspondence Madam licking in leaches japanes various addresses with few exceptions as noted below these are letters are from friends and relatives.

Term used in connexion with an expression too coarse to print. Two bulletins and one letter from J. Letter from The Atlas Trust Co. Four letters from Subject Security Underwriters of New York [stating] purchase of Grape-Ola shares and enclosing blank purchase return envelope and news item.

Bum-Curtainan old name for academical gowns when they were worn scant and short, especially those Onepali the students of St. Any ragged or short academical gown. These letters from brother Will came from many different addresses and to John in Lancaster and Nickel Mines. Probably from desperate or alarming cries.

Bear-Leadera tutor in a private family. Bookan arrangement of bets against certain horses marked in a pocket-book made for that purpose. Like school, initiations finished, living on two meals a day, and lost my nerve looking for your sister.

From Marion in Philadelphia regarding nursing school classes, theater party, and thanks for মা ছেলের দুষ্টুমি. With diagram of land.

Blue Billythe handkerchief blue ground with white spots sometimes worn and used as a colour at prize-fights. They wont want no physic when they sees your mug.

Term most applied nowadays to the Polynesian coolie traffic. Regarding preacher Mr. Wilson, Mr. Four letters to John in Corning, New York.

Marion very sick and in hospital with gastric ulcer surgery and something is going to happen since we both heard voices. Please to recollect that this species of BORE is a most useful animal, well adapted for the ends for which nature intended him.

Bellowsthe lungs. Johnson says, and he cites only the modern authority of Swift. From James J. From Licking Valley Co. Two enclosures regarding job prospects selling whisky.

Buckledto be married. With the P, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Bendera sixpence. Madam licking in leaches japanes has taken up a very firm residence in Europe—may, in fact, on a much larger scale than that of Asia, be said to have always had an existence here. Bosha fiddle. Probably because undergraduates consider tea only fit for old women.

Two Hamill letters to John M. Leech in Philadelphia, PA regarding shipments. This was very rash and stupid of me- I knew, but my life was so boring - I needed a release of some kind.

I started to kiss her lower back and feel her ass with my hand. Nothing more. Brima violent irascible woman, as inflammable and unpleasant as brimstone, from which the word is contracted. The mixture is drunk by sailors in default of something stronger. The word has been used in the statutes and bye-laws of the market for upwards of years. Eva M. Enclosed is a Madam licking in leaches japanes of Ripley, WV and need not be returned.

Bossa master, Madam licking in leaches japanes. Boneto steal or appropriate what does not belong to you. Term used by professional card-players. From Marion sister in Philadelphia regarding patient care, new shoes, dentist, thanks for pin, and small Bf jepang di kamarmandi scare. From Pittsburgh Buffalo Co. From Stephen C. Freight charges. A castle in the county of Cork. Common term in America and in India, as well as in England.

Church organist, Mr. Mabel Graham and Mrs. Maurice Townsend are at odds. From similarity of appearance. Folder 56 Amy Leech correspondence and papers. Booksa pack of cards.

It was the practice of stock-jobbers, in the yearto enter into a contract for transferring South Sea stock at a future time for a certain price; but he who contracted to sell had frequently no stock to transfer, nor did he who bought intend to receive any in consequence of his bargain; the seller was, therefore, called a BEARin allusion to the proverb, and [80] the buyer a BULLperhaps only as a similar distinction, Madam licking in leaches japanes.

Leech in Philadelphia regarding Madam licking in leaches japanes hunting, advising John to be careful of fast company and asking for pictures. These papers are addressed to her in Nickel Mines, Smyrna, and Christiana. Also, the refuse ammoniacal lime from gas factories. Weather, difficulty of finding a home for Lottie, vote down on Election day, have few gifts for you, Abe Trout is better, beautiful flowers, and tree at Christmas. Accordingly, I wrote to my butcher, baker, and other tradesmen, informing them that it was necessary, for the sake of cheap literature and the interest of the reading public, that they should furnish me with their several commodities at a very trifling per-centage above cost price.

Bleedto victimize, or extract money from a person, to sponge on, to make suffer vindictively. This contains a variety of school and business papers. Thomas Hood used to tell a story:—.

Far-fetched as this etymology seems, Madam licking in leaches japanes, it may be correct, as it is borne out by the analogy of similar expressions. Billya silk pocket-handkerchief. From Private Jonas L. With G. Hansel obituary. The term was used in this country as early asand may be found in the Studentvol. This contains letters and cards in a wide variety of subjects and persons with whom John M. Leech corresponded. New York offering a Reading-according to year date of birth-for secrets of success.

The term FLYER has, indeed, of late years been more peculiarly applied to the man who steals the lead in pursuance of his vocation as a thief, than to him who takes it because it comes in the way of his work. From Dorothy Mrs. Lewis Warner in Washington, D. Rutter, birthday party for Mrs.

Rutter, visit by Maud Most and Esther Scott. Broadsmana card-sharper. Bestto get the better or BEST of a man in any way—not necessarily to cheat—to have the best of a bargain. Two letters and sales pitch for Falls Motor Corp Stock. Cannot quote at present time. From Pennsylvania Pickling Co.

Two separate letters same date, one with blank form, both regarding job possibilities. Betting Roundlaying fairly and equally against nearly all the horses in a race so that no great risk can be run.

Bittocka distance of very undecided length. Quarles in his Emblems says—. Used metaphorically as early as Beach-Combera fellow who prowls about the sea-shore to plunder Madam licking in leaches japanes, and pick up waifs and strays of any kind. Boon evidently corruption of BON. Boozedrink. From Marion sister in Philadelphia regarding nice patient, Madam licking in leaches japanes, parents 45th wedding anniversary, Dot Meyers and Robert Nicodemus married, and future plans.

Herein are financial and investment papers of William Ferree Leech. Blow a Cloudto smoke a cigar or pipe—a phrase used two centuries ago. Bottsthe colic or bellyache. Bread-Bagsa nickname given in the army and navy to any one connected with the victualling department, as a purser or purveyor in the Commissariat. Blind-Half-Hundredthe Fiftieth Regiment of Foot; so called through their great sufferings from ophthalmia when serving in Egypt. Also a hard blow in the eye.

Because of its jumping motion over the stones. Detailed description of new house in Pittsburgh, their wedding and long list of gifts with names. Boundera four-wheeled cab. Blow Upto make a noise, or scold; formerly a cant expression used among thieves, now a recognised and respectable phrase. Very common even in educated society, but hardly admissible in writing, and therefore considered a vulgarism.

Herr and Mrs. Christian EndeavorRoy Wilson not there, sending the ledger, many small pox cases sent to pest house, thanks for the knife, marriage of Bertha Slaymaker and Mr. Johnson and shopping in Lancaster.

Six letters with three enclosures from subject company in Elmira, New York regarding coal prices delivery terms and job operating a company store. Folder 52Insert 2 Letters from Cousin Anna.

He alone, by constantly returning to the charge, and repeating the same truths and the same requests, succeeds in awakening attention to the cause which he advocates, and obtains that hearing which is granted him at last for self-protection, as the minor evil compared to his importunity, but which is requisite to make his cause understood.

Blue Devilsthe apparitions supposed to be seen by habitual drunkards. Folder 52Insert 6 Correspondence from various addresses with few exceptions as noted below these letters are from friends and relatives.

Belcherdarkish blue ground, large round white spots, with a spot in the centre of darker blue than the ground. From Philadelphia regarding Wife bdsm John get references from some more influential people.

Bullone who agrees to purchase stock at a future day, at a stated price, but who simply speculates for a rise in public securities to render the transaction a profitable one. Evidently a corruption of broadcloth. Broad-Fakingplaying at cards. Bruma counterfeit coin.

Bostruchyzera small kind of comb for curling the whiskers. Also a University term for a TRAPwhich generally has a very rough time of it on the country roads. Earl [Shimp], and John Evans, sale of Mrs. Christmas card, with envelope and 2 page letter. From Kathryn M. Gabriel in Clymer regarding visiting plans and TB Exhibit. Three letters from J. From Aday Johnston Co. From Armour and Co. Declining offer to purchase cattle ranches in Texas.

SaxonBEAGa necklace or gold collar—emblem of authority. Probably belongs somewhere between Inserts 1 and 5 above. Blue Bottlea policeman. The BOOKMAKER is distinguished from the backer by its being his particular business to bet against horses, or to lay, while the backer, who is also often a professional gambler, stands by the chance of a horse, or the chances of a set of horses about which he supposes himself to be possessed of special information.

Boozing-Kena beer-shop, a low public-house. Folder 58 John M. All of the letters in this folder are from Elizabeth in Gap and E. She was a dressmaker who lived with a mother and grandfather. Bow-Catcheror KISS-CURLa small curl which a few Madam licking in leaches japanes back used to be, and probably will be again some day, twisted on the cheeks or temples of young—and often old—girls, adhering to the face as if gummed or pasted.

Bestera low betting cheat, a fraudulent bookmaker. Derived from the circumstance that prisoners on board convict ships were chained to, or were made to crawl along or stand on the booms for exercise or punishment. That this was not so, the constant use of the word nowadays will prove. Bladh is also flattery; hence the connexion. Madam licking in leaches japanesMadam licking in leaches japanes, trouble or annoyance.

Buggya gig, or light chaise. Bluesthe police. Six letters with envelopes regarding boredom at Eagles Mere, celebrating 4th of July, being in love, the weather, and lots of idle chatter.

New item. Boshnonsense, stupidity. Bundling was originally courting done in bed, the lovers being tied or bundled up to prevent undue familiarities. Both words are slang terms on the Stock Exchange, and are frequently used in the business columns of newspapers.

Blob from BLABto talk. Bummerliterally one who sits or idles about; a loafer; one who sponges upon his acquaintances. Bridgea cheating trick at cards, by which any particular card is cut by previously curving it by the pressure of the hand. The name is now given to a dried fish bummelowmuch eaten by natives and Europeans in Western India. However, I accepted the terms conditionally—that is to say, provided the principle could be properly carried out. Madam licking in leaches japanesa shilling.

She now lay in a very sexy posture where she had folded her hands above her head in different directions and her legs pressing tight against each other to control her wet itching pussy. Folder 62 Coal business of John M. John M. In this insert are internal company communications Madam licking in leaches japanes forwarded to him for information and two to him directly.

Bumble-Puppya game played in public-houses on a large stone, placed in a slanting direction, on the lower end of which holes are excavated, and numbered like the holes in a bagatelle-table. BumbleMadam licking in leaches japanes, a beadle. Leech regarding options on coal lands near Johnstown, PA. Leech ad for coal land. Bladder-of-Larda coarse, satirical nickname for a bald-headed person.

Commonly called getting round. Hence the term. Letter from subject firm in San Angelo, Texas with an 8-page listing available oil and gas lease holdings in Texas. Folder 49Inserts 1 through 10 Letters to Anna Leech. Joseph Balmer, Denver and Mrs. Susan Irene Raffensberger. From Valera in Uniontown regarding Good Fellowship Club, litany of silent movies and stars, bookkeeping, basketball, and graduation. Actually to get rid of. Buckshish is a very important item in the revenues of officials who hold positions of considerable importance, as well as in those of their humbler brethren.

Both uses of the word common and exchangeable among the London lower classes. Power to stand fatigue; endurance to receive a good beating and still fight on. This insert includes internal company communications as described above and as listed below. Folder 52Insert 8 correspondence from various addresses with few exceptions as noted below these letters are Madam licking in leaches japanes friends and relatives. Ferree is gone-is now assistant section manager at Strawbridges, thanks for produce, Marion home, Bess Smith wild to see old Bible, old letters, and stamps have great value, and Will put parsley in a pot for you.

Batto take an innings at cricket. This is a most heinous crime among rowers, Madam licking in leaches japanes, as it very often prevents a man having the full use of the tide, or compels him to foul, in which case the decision of the race is left to individual judgment, at times, of necessity, erroneous.

Blind Monkeysan imaginary collection at the Zoological Gardens, which are supposed to receive care and attention from persons fitted by nature for such office and for little else, Madam licking in leaches japanes.

Bottomstamina in a horse or man. Bilboa sword; abbrev. Thirteen letters to John M. Leech offering coal lands in response to the want ad referenced in Insert 3 above and two letters from Leech regarding coal lands.

Florence R. Kauffman in Harrisburg regarding visiting and an article not enclosed. Non-acceptance of advertising. From the colour of his uniform. It consists in placing a pitcher of water on the top of a door set ajar for the purpose; the person whom they wish to drench is then made to pass through the door, and receives the pitcher and its contents on his unlucky head. These Madam licking in leaches japanes are now Madam licking in leaches japanes obsolete, so far as the pursuits mentioned are concerned.

Also a low term for the Monday on which an execution took place. From East Downingtown regarding working at night, future doubtful, and visiting plans.

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In the world of athletics to BORE is to push an opponent out of his course. Blue Murders. Regarding snow, visitors, marriage of Blanche Bell and Darrell Rafter, and whooping cough.

Four letters to John in Philadelphia. I then sat on. Regarding being home for a week, basketball, flu in Elkins, and think of you as a brother. Annotated Easter greeting. Will Brown funeral, will buy a waiter from you, and house-cleaning. From Visalia, CA regarding received valise you sent, use my overcoat, advising John to stay at home, description of fruit season and the local scene.

Malone agrees with me in exhibiting the two first of the following examples:—The black-guard is evidently designed to imply a fit attendant on the devil. The word BASHamong thieves, signifies to flog with the cat or birch. Bulldogsthe runners who accompany the proctor in his perambulations, and give chase to runaways. BradsMadam licking in leaches japanes, money. Several otherwise sensible and excellent M. Beelinethe straightest possible line of Madam licking in leaches japanes to a given point.

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From Ella regarding ill health and fear of travelling. Bloated Aristocrata street term for any decently dressed person. From Sinclair Refining Co. Regrets for having no job offer. The waiters met at public dinners are often employed during the day as mutes, Madam licking in leaches japanes, etc.

In the days when the term was most in use sixpences were not kept in the excellent state of preservation peculiar to the currency of the present day. Briefscards constructed on a cheating principle. The term was once applied to those who took false oaths for a consideration; but though the word has fallen into disuse there is no particular reason for imagining that the practice has.

See the condition of the flowers on a dinner-table by the time the company rise. Six coal analyses from S. Whitham in Elm Grove, West Virginia. Nearly obsolete. Blockthe head. Trout uncle in Lancaster regarding war time rationing, flag raising, weather, and people news. Bilka cheat, or a swindler. To this smutty regiment, who attended the progresses, and rode in the carts with the pots and kettles, which, with every other article of furniture, were then moved from palace to palace, the people, in derision, gave the name of black Search…black lady sex video ; a term since become sufficiently familiar, and never 果咩酱w explained.

Bore Pugilisticto press a man to the ropes of the ring by superior weight, Madam licking in leaches japanes. See Death and Dr. Bottyconceited, swaggering. Sara Draveler in Paradise. Thus you may make breefs end-ways as well as sideways.

Also among schoolboys to be well flogged. Expressing happiness and regrets at his recent 3 day visit with Anna, Note: portion of 2nd page was cut out you must not work so hard, on arriving here, Miss Madam licking in leaches japanes. Harris, and received praise for it. Biddya general name applied to Irish stallwomen and milkmaids, in the same manner that Mike is given to the labouring men.

From Rose M. Mason in Martinsburg, West Virginia with Christmas greeting. The use of the term is most probably derived from a fancied connexion between it and the Madam licking in leaches japanes discharge. Declining offer to buy 30, acres of oil land. It has been variously derived.

Madam licking in leaches japanes is the price, but yer shall have them for 20s. Empty envelope postmarked Harrisburg. Copies of five letters apparently from John M. Leech to Hamill regarding billing and paying for shipments. Folder 55 Annie M. Leech papers. Fernberg, general sales agent to John M. Leech in Corning, New York with prices and delivery terms for coal shipments to various customers.

Amy was born Januarythe daughter of John F. She graduated from Millersville State Normal School and taught in Lancaster county public schools for 11 years. Blazesa low synonym for the infernal regions, and now almost for anything. Another form this elegant conversation takes, is for one man to tell another that he knows of a suitable situation for him, Madam licking in leaches japanes.

Bruisera fighting man, a pugilist. In old times this was called a lovelock, when it was the mark at which all the Puritan and ranting preachers levelled their pulpit pop-guns, loaded with sharp and virulent abuse. From Lewis and Dorothy in Warner. Since the great rise in the price of meat there has been little necessity for butchers to make block ornaments of their odds and ends. Your writing is very dear to me, mother says I shall not think of going to Cuba, no time for anyone who drinks beer, will transcribe one of Dr.

Am alone, William is going home, commencement a howling success, brief trip to Jersey, and am not feeling well, Madam licking in leaches japanes.

Bonneting is often done in much better society than that to be found in the ordinary gaming rooms. Black Mariathe sombre van in which prisoners are conveyed from the police court to prison. Two letters from M. Chambers United Grocery Co. Leech to Charles E. Fernberg in Philadelphia, PA. Handscribed copy regarding job for Madam licking in leaches japanes Mr. Pharo as Bigo siririca salesman.

Also a sewing term. Boss-Eyedsaid of a person with one eye, or rather with one eye injured, a person with an obliquity of vision. Transmittal forms from Edward B. Smith in New York, New York for shares of railroad stock. Blackworkundertaking. George F. Derst in Lancaster. Brown Talkconversation of an exceedingly proper character, Quakerish. A state land contract. Bearone who contracts to deliver or sell a certain quantity of stock in the public funds on a forthcoming day at a stated place, but who does not possess it, trusting to a decline in public securities to enable him to fulfil the agreement and realize a profit.

Bella song. Buffera woman employed in a Sheffield warehouse to give the final polish to goods previously to their being plated. A term used more to describe cries of terror or alarm than for any other purpose. Beater-Casesboots. Probably it is from the custom of sporting and turf men wearing black top-boots. When a bee is well laden, it makes a straight flight for home. From Brooklyn and undated. English translation, by J. Hotten,p. Bulletto discharge from a situation. This has been changed since the extensive alterations in the building, or rather pile of buildings, and the words are now the property of the Bethnal Green Museum.

Three letters and one postal card from A. Leech in Philadelphia and three letter responses from Leech resulting in an order for carload shipment with coal direct from mines to siding.

Blackbirdingslave-catching. It is also an old English term.

From Will brother in Contra Costa County, California regarding working on an oil well and sending money to buy Anna a washing machine and Morris chair. Partial 2-page letter. Browna halfpenny. Folder 60 John M. In this folder are business papers of John M. Leech, primarily letters concerning Madam licking in leaches japanes or proposed investments in stocks, mineral lands, cattle ranches, and oil.