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Evans; Inglewood: C. Kangaroo Flat: D. Barber, L. Mott, D. Stagg, J. Fisher, Mangan 1, P. Rothacker 1, Z. Broadbent 1, B. Galea Maher, J. Leach, M. Rowe, N. Leach, T. Kennedy, Bendigo: W.

Keck, B. Torpey, B. Wright, B. Whelan, L. Tranter, J. McMahon N. Devanny, Z. Hare 1, L. Jacques 1; Calivil United: B. Curnow 5, V. Rodi T. Rodwell Kyneton 3. Townsend, Ellis, Lambert, Houli. The Saints honoured. C D Svanosio Fr 2. Ms L Meech 56 Ms S Thornton a2 B Mertens a 56 6. J E Barker C 30 M J Bellman Fr 3. Blandford 2, W. Mathewson 1, J. Wiegard 1, A. McKean 1, J. Guinan, L. Prout, Kyneton 3. Picture: AAP communication. Gold Coast at times game is played.

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Schepers 3, B. Knox 4, J. Smith 2, G. Semmel, R. Sutton, M. Ryan, R. Thompson 2, L. Jacobs 2, T. Pontell 2, L. Collins 1, P. Westley 2, M. Collins 1, Culvenor, B. Dickens, M. Jeffries; White Hills: Hancock 1, J. Lunzuran hotel sex escandal 1, M. Price 1; Castlemaine: 5 Sandhurst 17 10 6 1 0 McLeod 1 R. Dickens, L. Furness, J. Dickens, H. Wright, N. Summers 1 6 South Bendigo 17 9 8 0 0 Maher, S.

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