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The meeting heard that the applicant did not have planning permission for the requested extension to the licensable activities.

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All parties then returned to the meeting. The meeting heard that the applicant did not have planning permission for the requested extension to the licensable activities. Www wdd sxe com resident who had also made representation was not present at the meeting. The applicant was present at the meeting and was accompanied by his Solicitor.

No such declarations were made. The Solicitor to the Sub Committee, Team Manager Ashly Anderssonapplicant and his interpreter then returned to the meeting. A resident who had also made representation was not present at the meeting. No such declarations were made. It was noted that representations had been made on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder, 러시아 강간, prevention of public nuisance, 러시아 강간, public safety and the protection of children from harm, 러시아 강간.

The applicant added that he welcomed assistance from the Noise Team in setting the sound levels at the 러시아 강간. The Licensing Officer presented the report and evidence was heard from all parties present. The applicant 러시아 강간 that a complaint in respect of noise levels had been received since the triple glazing had been installed, but he felt that this was a rare incident.

The applicant and his Solicitor explained the background to the conviction and answered questions from Members.

러시아 강간

Naresh Sharma, 러시아 강간, the designated premises supervisor, Victoria was present at the meeting. Members then gave the application full and detailed consideration. Naresh Sharma, the designated premises supervisor, Victoria was present at the meeting, 러시아 강간.

Members 러시아 강간 that representations had been received in respect of this application, which necessitated that the application for a new premises licence had to be considered by Members.

Members noted that representations had been received in respect of this application, which necessitated that John lemon application for a new premises licence had to be considered by Members. The applicant explained that they were trying to reduce noise levels at the premises and some of the windows had been triple glazed.

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The Sub-Committee received legal advice from the Solicitor to the Sub-Committee in the presence of the applicant. The panel were therefore requested that if an extension to licensing activities was granted, a note should be attached to the licence to remind the applicant that he would 러시아 강간 need to apply for planning permission for any such additional hours, 러시아 강간.

Agenda item

The applicant explained that they were trying to reduce noise levels at the premises and some of the windows had been triple glazed.

The Sub-Committee received legal 러시아 강간 from the Solicitor to the Sub-Committee in the presence of the applicant. In reaching their decision, 러시아 강간, Members felt they should deliberate in private on the basis that this was in the public interest, and as such outweighed the public interest of their deliberation taking place with the parties represented present.

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The applicant added that he welcomed assistance from the Noise Team in setting the sound levels at the premises. The Solicitor 러시아 강간 the Sub Committee, Team Manager Licensingapplicant and his interpreter then withdrew from the meeting.

All parties then left the meeting. The Sub-Committee, having regard to the guidelines adopted on 21 February and Section 61 1 b of the Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act러시아 강간, gave the application full and detailed consideration.

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The panel were therefore requested that if an extension to licensing activities was granted, a note should be attached to the licence to remind the applicant that he would also need to apply for planning permission for any such additional hours.

It was noted 러시아 강간 representations had been made on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder, prevention of public nuisance, public safety and the protection of children from harm, 러시아 강간.

Officers were concerned that the building had not 러시아 강간 adapted to cope with such levels of noise, 러시아 강간. Mr Singh and his Solicitor explained the background to the conviction and answered questions from Members. The Sub-Committee received legal advice from the Solicitor to the Sub-Committee in the presence of the applicant and his interpreter. Mr Singh and his Solicitor explained the background to the conviction and answered questions from Members.

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The Sub-Committee, having regard to the guidelines adopted on 21 February and Section 61 1 b of the Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act러시아 강간, gave the application full and detailed consideration. Mr Louch was not present at the meeting and as this was the second time he 러시아 강간 not turned up, the Committee agreed to hear the application in his absence.

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The applicant was present at 러시아 강간 meeting and was accompanied by his Solicitor. The Officer from Noise Control explained that complaints had been received from residents over the level of noise that emanated from the premises. The Officer from Noise Control explained that complaints had been received from residents over the level of noise that emanated from the premises, 러시아 강간.

The Panel heard that as part of the live music, a large drum was used and it was harder to control the level of noise from a drum than from amplified music, 러시아 강간.

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The applicant acknowledged that a complaint in respect of noise levels had been received since the triple glazing 러시아 강간 been installed, but he felt that this was a rare incident. The Panel heard that as part of the live music, a large drum was used 러시아 강간 it was harder to control the level of noise from a drum than from amplified music. The applicant and his Solicitor explained the background to the conviction and answered questions from Members.

Mr Louch was not present at the meeting and as this was the second time he had not turned up, the Committee agreed to hear the application in his absence.

The Sub-Committee, having regard to the guidelines adopted on 1 August and Section 51 1 a of the Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Actgave the application full and detailed consideration.

The Licensing Officer presented the report and evidence was heard from all parties present, 러시아 강간. Officers were concerned that the building had not been adapted to cope with such levels of noise, 러시아 강간.