Liana zainal

To confirm drug use safety or side effect Is Liana zainal on formulary? The doctor-in-charge has requested you to counsel the patient regarding the Liana zainal use before the patients starts to take it. Keep warfarin in a safe place for example in medicine drawer, room temperature and away from children.

While limiting factor is the implementation of dispotion, beraucratic structures and the level of commitment of the target group. Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and Assessment of Comorbidities. Endocr Pract ;23 2 J Gen Liana zainal Med.

Efficacy of cholesterol-lowering therapy in 18, people with diabetes in 14 randomised trials of statins: a meta-analysis. JAMA ; The need of statin in diabetic patient also supported by the prospective metaanalysis by Kearney PM et al, Liana zainal.

Case study A year-old lady who suffered from osteoarthritis of hip and knee joints presented with a history of passing black stools. Bisoprolol, 5 mg, OD -T. Calcitriol 0. Idarucizumab fordabigatran reversal. It is usually undetectable in the blood. European Heart Journal. J Clin Lipidol ; Circulation ; Cardiovascular disease and risk management, Liana zainal. Nil If no, why? Large amount Liana zainal green leafy vegetables high amount of vitamin K can lower the effect of warfarin.

Bisoprolol OD T. Propylthiouracil mg TDS. Issuu converts static files into: digital portfoliosLiana zainal yearbooksonline catalogsdigital photo albums and more. To analyze the data using domain analysis to analyze the general picture of the research object. Relative safety of chosen medication s Do they require any lab test? Patient has Type 2 Diabetes Liana zainal hence she is at high risk of developing macrovascular cardio and microvascular opthal, Liana zainal, neuro, nephro complications.

The risk score shown is derived on the basis of an equation. Ageing is associated with decreased gastro-intestinal motility, Liana zainal. Is patient at risk Friends sister gangbang complications with an existing disease state?

Amlodipine 10 mg OD Add T, Liana zainal. Plan: Continue the previous plan To start T. Augmentin, mg, TDS. Propythiouracil, mg, TDS -T. Also had rapid heartbeats in the past days. Any drug-drug interaction with clinical Liana zainal A list of most commonly used medical devices, special dosage forms and drugs with a special instruction will be included in this chapter. The bedside counselling is usually performed by clinical pharmacists, who had identified the patients during the ward round, or when requested by the doctors in-charge of the wards.

Drug allergy or intolerance a Is allergy or intolerance to any medication currently being taken? Risk and quality of life impact a Is patient at risk for complications with an existing disease state? Tell Liana zainal patient the indication how it helps the patient and the goal of therapy. It is important to encourage him to continue serving the medications to his mother as always.

Keep Dabigatran in the original blister pack to protect from moisture. After the first 5 days he is still uncomfortable because he has been taking it only when the pain becomes quite unbearable.

Complications of DVT Further clot extension, Liana zainal, recurrence,embolization, postthrombotic postphlebitic syndrome, chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, thrombocytopenia, thrombosis-related death. Metformin o mg BD Tab. Calcium o Carbonate mg OD Cap. Calcitriol o 0. Upon questioning, he admitted to morphine drug abuse. How it works: Liver makes clotting factors to help clot the blood in the body, for example in order to stop bleeding cause by injury.

During counselling session, he admitted that he neither comply to diet restriction nor put an extra care on the wound on his toe. Article Tools Abstract. During a mean follow-up of 4, Liana zainal. Tramadol 50mg PRN 4, Liana zainal. Elderly people are more prone to develop ulceration in stomach and duodenum with NSAIDs compared with young patients.

Abnormal blood clot is dangerous, as it can travel to the other parts of your body, for example the brain and heart, and may Liana zainal stroke and heart attack. Case study Liana zainal fails to perform self-monitoring: Hajar is year-old woman with gestational diabetes.

Any drug-lab test interactions with clinical significance? Use written information to support counselling when appropriate. Is current use of social drug problematic? Haemoglobin is the main transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Ministry of Health, Malaysia; 3. In addition, the patient counselling process will be discussed in this chapter, with an example of the proses application in a case related to warfarin use.

Are there barriers to adherence or factors hindering Liana zainal achievement of therapeutic efficacy? Hence, it is appropriate to use Tab. Dabigatran for the treatment of DVT in this patient, Liana zainal. Due to the Ministry of Health and local hospital prescribing policy, the available and most reasonable statin for this patient will be Tab.

Simvastatin 20mg ON. Liana zainal Suggest to prescribe Tab. Simvastatin 20mg ON for this patient.

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Her drug therapy included diclofenac 50 mg three times daily and paracetamol 1 g as required. Carbimazole, Liana zainal, 30 mg, OD -T. Intervention was accepted. Inform healthcare providers doctors, dentists and pharmacists if there are new drugs prescribed or Liana zainal planned.

Listen carefully and respond with appropriate empathy. Any therapeutic duplication? Hepatotoxicity symptoms unusual fatigue or weakness, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dark-coloured urine etc. Allergy or intolerance to any medication currently being taken? Transient injection-site reactions - Pain, soreness, redness, itching, or swelling at the injection site - Symptoms usually resolve within a few days.

Cefoperazone and ceftriaxone are both third generation cephalosporins Liana zainal there is a risk for cross reactivity, Liana zainal. What is the likelihood the problem is drug related? Further reading is required for each medication, especially the ones involving medical devices, special dosage forms and special instruction related to specific medications.

Would patient benefit from education tools? Pharmacists play Liana zainal important role in ensuring the adherence of taking Dabigatran as prescribed, Liana zainal.

There is no need to discontinue the statin unless it is symptomatic o If CK level is more than 5 X ULN on 2 occasions, the drug should be discontinued. Dabigatran to hospital Reflo qid Supervise feeding and encourage orally Trace formal report of the CT brain Continue all other medications o Family members bring Tab. Comparative efficacy of chosen medication s? While driving factor is the implementation of communication and resources.

The discharged patients will bring the prescription to the counter, Liana zainal, and the pharmacists will identify the patients with prescriptions to be counselled.

If yes, how and which ones? Atorvastatin 10 — 20 mg and Tab. Simvastatin 20 — 40mg, Liana zainal. User Username Password Remember me. For the physical activity, do the same amount of mild-to-moderate intensive physical activity every day. Discuss storage recommendations, ancillary instructions e. Do any of the things you buy Liana zainal a prescription help you?

Print this article. Case study MJ, a year old, came to the emergency department after involved in a motor vehicle Liana zainal.

Liana zainal

Liana zainal of Health, Malaysia; National Lipid Association recommendations for patient-centered management of dyslipidemia: part 1 - full report.

He was given a normal dose for codeine as a pain reliever, but he still complained of intolerable pain, Liana zainal. Patient does not understand the role of non-pharmacological therapy: Pak cik Adam, 50 years old, had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus12 years ago. Discuss major side effects of the drug.

To start a. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. However, Liana zainal, she was prescribed with lower dose of dabigatran mg for 6 months, which is inappropriate for the provoked DVT with known cause.

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Compression socks associated with Liana zainal mobilization and walking exercise has shown significant efficacy in venous symptom relieve in patients with acute DVT. Therefore, it is recommended for the family members to ensure patient has sufficient Liana zainal for better improvement of DVT.

Besides, it is important to follow a diet low in saturated fat and glycemic index GI as following. Inform the patient of the route of administration of the medication dosage regimen how much, how often to take the medicine. Hence, it is appropriate for this patient to be injected with influenza, pneumococcal, Tdap and Liana zainal B vaccines, Liana zainal.

Calculator prepared by R, Liana zainal. Right LL swelling swollen, tender - up to thigh region - tenderness, more over thigh region - no erythematous, no ulcer - posterior tibial pulse felt X ray Right femur: no fracture seen, Liana zainal.

Dabigatran mg BD. Suggest to reduce the duration of from 6 months to 3 months ii Y Simvastatin 20mg ON for this patient. Swallow capsule whole with water. Recommendation: Suggest to increase the dose from Tab. Dabigatran mg BD to Tab. Diagnosis and management of acute deep vein thrombosis: a joint consensus document from the European society of cardiology working groups of aorta and peripheral vascular diseases and pulmonary circulation and right Liana zainal function.

Are symptoms related to sudden withdrawal or discontinuation of social drugs? We should also promote low glycemic index GI food for this patient. Schwinghammer, T. Walker, R. Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics Fifth Edition. Clin Infect Dis ; S Influenza immunization in adults with diabetes mellitus. Introduction 1. To reduce incidence of vaccine preventable diseases influenza, pneumococcal diseases, tetanus, diphteria, pertussis, Liana zainal, and Hepatitis B.

Transient fever or flu-like illness Usually begins within 24 hours of vaccine administration and resolves in 1 — 2 days. Introduce yourself 2. Other print products, use a point-based system to calculate a risk score that approximates the equation-based one. At bed time?

lianazainal Publisher Publications - Issuu

This is illustrated in a study conducted by Shore S et al, where there was variation in anticoagulation management strategies used, with some Veterans Health Administration sites using pharmacists and others deferring management solely to clinicians. Use appropriate language throughout the counselling session. Dabigatran to this elderly patient for provoked DVT. Interim results from RE-VERSE AD, Liana zainal, a phase III study that enrolled 90 patients on dabigatran with uncontrolled or life-threatening bleeding requiring emergency procedures, demonstrate reversal of anticoagulant effect with idarucizumab.

Financial impact a Is therapy cost-effective? Date DRP medication related Goals of therapy To reduce incidence of vaccine preventable diseases influenza, pneumococcal diseases, tetanus, diphteria, pertussis, and Hepatitis B.

Dabigatran from community pharmacy instead of getting warfarin in government Liana zainal. Conclusion 1, Liana zainal. Use appropriate tone, Liana zainal, gesture and eye contact 5. Dabigatran mg BD x 3 months Tab. Metformin mg BD Tab. Simvastatin 20mg ON Liana zainal. Calcium Carbonate mg OD Cap. Tramadol 50mg PRN Tab, Liana zainal.

The Liana zainal points First-time counselling of Tab. Dabigatran are listed below. Nil 8. Non significant b Which of your medicines do you think is causing the problems? Nil b Do you think your previous Liana zainal benefited you? How so? Discuss precautions e.

There is no need to discontinue the statin unless Teen.pussy masterbating is symptomatic If CK level is more than 5 X ULN on 2 occasions, the drug should be discontinued. What have you been told about your medicines and by whom? Reflo: 6. Rapid therapeutic anticoagulation is necessary in patients with acute DVT to prevent thrombus extension, cardiovascular and hemodynamic collapse, and ultimately mortality.

It is conducted based on data from individuals with Type 2 diabetes mellitus Gayporn sextube the context of a further without diabetes in 14 randomised trials of statin therapy. Higher dose of codeine is needed to achieve the same effect of codeine, Liana zainal. Refer DRP 3. Hence, dabigatran is selected and it is an appropriate choice for this patient as it does not need dose titration as per warfarin.

Do not put Dabigatran in pill boxes. Based on the Liana zainal Dictionary, counselling is defined as a professional guidance of the individual by utilizing psychological methods especially in collecting case history data, using various techniques of personal interview and, and testing interest and aptitudes. He was given IV Ceftriaxone 2g BD, but later developed generalized pruritis that subsided after the discontinuation of this antibiotic.


As a result of this case is the amount of arrears by a group of women beneficiaries SPP funds, Liana zainal. Liana zainal was possibly having an allergic reaction to ceftriaxone, Liana zainal. He works during the Liana zainal and seldom remembers to carry his inhaler and use it while on the job. Social or recreational drug use drug abuse a Is current use of social drug problematic?

Use prime question for this case. Whenever possible, drugs that are known to reduce gastro-intestinal motility should be avoided in the elderly. Due to some reasons like forgetfulness, the fear of needle prick injection and the cost of the glucose strips, she failed to adhere to the routine self-monitoring as recommended.

In a meta-analysis of seven randomized trials with men or women with a first VT who did not have cancer and received different durations of anticoagulant treatment conducted by Boutitite F et al, it is found that VTE recurrence was similar if treatment was stopped at three months, compared with six months or later RR 1.

Nil c Have you suffered any side effects with previous drug treatments? If yes, which ones and how? There is also a chance for him to develop the same reaction with sulperazone, which is a combination of cefoperazone and sulbactam, Liana zainal.

Site-level variation in and practices associated with dabigatran adherence. Are symptoms or medical problem drug induced? J Thromb Thrombolysis ; 8.

Hypothyroidism, which is common in the elderly, Liana zainal, is also associated with reduced gastrointestinal motility. Vaccine ; Immunogenicity and safety of concomitant MFadjuvanted Liana zainal vaccine and valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine administration in older adults. A recent systematic review of the U, Liana zainal.

Therefore, a concern that statins might cause cognitive dysfunction or dementia should not deter their use in individuals with diabetes. Self-monitoring a Does Liana zainal patient perform appropriate self-monitoring? Reflo qid. Thank the patient. Transient fever or flu-like illness - Usually begins within 24 hours of vaccine administration and resolves in 1 — 2 days Diabetes Care ;— Available at www. Instruct patient to remove only one capsule from the blister pack at the time of use.

If a dose of Dabigatran is not taken at the scheduled time, Liana zainal, Thiane wade it as Liana zainal as possible on the same day, Liana zainal.

Among diabetic patients, the proportional effects of statin therapy were similar irrespective of whether there was a prior history of vascular disease and irrespective of other baseline characteristics. Liana zainal control of the counselling session. Dose and frequency of protein-bound drugs need to be adjusted accordingly. It consists of globin a protein and haem, which contains iron atoms and the Liana zainal pigment porphyrin.

Follow up Liana zainal determine how the patient is doing. If no, why? Vaccine ; Clin Vaccine Immunol ; IM Influenza vaccine 0.

Statins and cognitive function: a systematic review. You need to have a regular INR test. Check for further understanding by asking the patient to repeat back additional key information. This chapter will also describe the general principle of medication counselling and the role of pharmacist in medication counselling, especially related to the bedside and discharged medication counselling.

Journal of Public Policy and Management Review

Overall, patients were enrolled and parenteral anticoagulation was administered for a mean of 10 days in both groups. Or at any special time? No matter what the dose, you must take your warfarin every day and at the same time every day, preferably at 6pm.

Case study Patient does not understand the instructions: A year old man with a chronic back injury was prescribed naproxen mg three times daily for 10 days.

Dabigatran deteriorates immediately when exposed Liana zainal humidity. The discharged medications counselling however, are usually performed by the pharmacist in-charge of the counter for discharged medicines. Usually, the counselling is needed when for the medicines with special dosage form or medical devices, or the ones that need special instructions to be taken.

Does the patient perform appropriate self-monitoring? If yes, Liana zainal, what side effects? We should re-emphasize in educating her family members regarding the indication and long term benefit of each medication. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Mr Abu Liana zainal, a years Remaja kecil patient who was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation had just prescribed with T.

Warfarin 3mg OD in the ward, Liana zainal. The counselling may be performed in the form of verbal or written forms on an individual basis or in groups. Hepatitis B vaccination is also proved to be a cost-effective management. Point out that additional, rare side effects are listed in the information sheet.

Any food interactions with clinical significance? Case study Patient cannot afford the Liana zainal product: A year old Liana zainal with chronic kidney disease Liana zainal presented with severe anemia. MMWR ;61 25 Clin Infect Dis. Comparison of the safety and immunogenicity of concomitant and sequential administration of an adult formulation tetanus and diphtheria toxoids adsorbed combined with acellular pertussis Tdap vaccine and trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in adults, Liana zainal.

Gastrointestinal adverse reaction: dyspepsia, burning or nausea, abdominal pain or discomfort, epigastric discomfort, Liana zainal, GERD. Refer DRP 2. Identify to whom you are speaking. Bruce A. Berger, Bill G. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy 2. How would you provide bedside counselling to the patient? Is therapy tailored to this patient? In some cases, pharmacist are also requested by the other healthcare professionals to conduct a group counselling for the patients in the wards, even though the individualized counselling is more often needed.

This research data collection techniques are not structured interviews, Liana zainal, observation, documentation and Liana zainal of data sources. Emphasize the benefits of the medication.

Practical tips for warfarin dosing and monitoring. Diabetes Care ; 40 Suppl. Yes, by helping to control the diabetes and the bone. Appropriateness of PRN medications? Is non-drug therapy appropriately used eg. Elsevier Ltd. Cipolle, R. Pharmaceutical Care Practice. She was advised to perform regular self-monitoring blood glucose for fasting and 2-hour postprandial readings.

Subanese correct technique employed? Organize the information in an appropriate manner.

Pain killer e. Check for any additional concerns or questions. Grade B 17 Hence, it is recommended to prescribe moderate-intensity statin to this patient in addition to lifestyle therapy due to higher risk of intolerance and adverse effects of statin in older patient.

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No immunization is given for this patient to reduce incidence of vaccine preventable diseases. Tell the patient how long it will take for the drug Liana zainal show an effect. Discuss drug-drug, drug-food, drug-disease interactions.

Diabetes Care ;6: — Influenza Flu. Estimated influenza illnesses, medical visits, hospitalizations, and deaths averted by vaccination in the United States. Does the patient understand the role of non-drug therapy?

Is route, dosage form, mode of administration appropriate, length or course of therapy considering efficacy, safety, convenience, patient limitation, length or Redwep xxxxx video of therapy and cost? Is therapy cost-effective? You need to take this medicine one tablet, once daily.

This chapter is related to some important information about bedside and discharge medication counselling. Case study Mr. Shah, 50 years old, was diagnosed with infective endocarditis, Liana zainal.

With regard to the efficacy endpoint, dabigatran was noninferior to warfarin HR 1. Patient knowledge of Liana zainal a Does the patient understand the role of their medication, how to take it and potential side effects? He recently underwent right toe amputation due Liana zainal diabetic foot ulcer. Tell the patient the name generic and brand nameindication, 2. However, in this case, Liana zainal, D-dimer levels are raised and hence it is possibly DVT, Liana zainal.

Treatment with heparins and oral anticoagulants can lower D-dimer levels, Liana zainal. Pharmacist will help you Liana zainal manage your warfarin taking, so that the medicine will be effective and safe for you. INR is the test to check whether your blood is too thin or too thick. Is there a problem with nonadherence to drug and non-drug therapy?

Therefore, drug-disease interaction occurs in this case. Nil 5.

liana zainal

Lancet ;— Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of Dyslipidemia 5th ed. Open Journal Systems, Liana zainal. Red blood cells erythrocytes carry oxygen to the tissues and to transfer carbon dioxide to the lungs. Advise patients to always check their medicine before they leave the pharmacy. N Engl J Med, Liana zainal. Thromb Haemost. Is self-monitoring performed consistently, at appropriate times and with appropriate frequency? Listen carefully and respond with appropriate empath.

Pharmacists are expected to be play a role in conducting a bedside counselling for the patients who are warded. Does cost of therapy represent a financial hardship for the patient? Dabigatran can be taken with or without food. It is very important that you meet all Liana zainal appointments so that the dose can be managed closely and the dose is suitable for you.

Does patient understand the role of their medication, Liana zainal, how to take it and potential side effect? Ask if the patient has time to discuss the medicine. Ann Intern Med ;— She is definitely more susceptible to be infected with vaccine preventable diseases compared to the healthy adults. This chapter will mainly focused on the general process of conducting Liana zainal medication counselling. Liana zainal of food high in Vitamin K : kale, parsley, spinach, turnip greens, broccoli, brussel sprout.

We should educate patient to follow a diet low in saturated fat. Remind patients not to discontinue Dabigatran without informing the health providers doctors and pharmacists who prescribe and dispense it. In addition, counselling is skill Liana zainal integrating drug information, patient information, Liana zainal, patient assessment and therapeutic communication. Kearon C, Liana zainal, Akl EA. Duration of anticoagulant therapy for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Drug and dietary interactions of warfarin and novel oral anticoagulants: an update. The result showed that the implementation of Rural seen in District Sumber of policies considered good accuracy, precision of execution is considered less good, the precision of the target is considered good, Liana zainal, the environment is considered good accuracy and precision of the process is considered less Liana zainal. If yes, how?

The child does not like the banana flavouring and refused to take her doses. Pharmacist in government Hospital pharmacy 7. Discuss drug-drug, drug-food, drug-disease interactions provide written information or diagram. Indication and long term benefit of each medication Disease progression if uncontrolled or the consequences of non-adherence.

The best treatment for Liana zainal is erythropoietin, but due to the high cost of this product, she can only be prescribed with iron and folic acid supplementation. If you miss a dose: take the dose as soon as you remember it within the same day. Updated April 19, Am J Prev Med, Liana zainal.

Lancet ; Updated recommendations for use of tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis Tdap vaccine in adults aged 65 years and old. Start o Tab. Potassium Chloride CR 1, Liana zainal.