
What is the pronunciation of lesbian? Since medical literature began to describe homosexuality, it has often been approached from a view that sought to find an inherent Lesbainaa as the root cause, influenced by the theories of Sigmund Freud.

Most of the women who reported homosexual activity had not experienced it more than ten times, Lesbainaa. Although both were generally disapproved of, there is no evidence that homosexuality was actively suppressed until after the Spanish Conquest. Hite's questions differed from Kinsey's, focusing more on how women identified, Lesbainaa, or what they preferred rather than চাইনা কার্টুন xxx. She plays the lesbian lover of one of the lead characters.

Lesbainaa relationships between women were often encouraged; men felt no threat as they viewed sexual acts between women to be accepted when men were not available, and not comparable to fulfillment that could be achieved by sexual acts between men and women.

The risk factors for developing ovarian cancer rates are higher in lesbians than heterosexual women, perhaps because many lesbians lack protective factors of pregnancy, abortion, contraceptives, breast feeding, Lesbainaa, and miscarriages, Lesbainaa. Lesbian relationships are also known in matrilineal societies in Ghana among the Akan people. When women do seek medical attention, medical professionals often fail to take a complete medical history, Lesbainaa.

Some women, such as Marguerite Yourcenar and Mary RenaultLesbainaa, wrote or translated works of fiction that focused on homosexual men, like some of the writings of Carson Lesbainaa. Many of the pulp novels typically presented very unhappy women, or relationships that ended tragically. Women who identify as lesbian report feeling significantly different and isolated during adolescence.

Lesbainaa Chinese culture has not recognized Lesbainaa concept of sexual orientation, or a framework to divide people based on their Lesbainaa or opposite-sex attractions.


Of the latter two, the gay rights movement and the feminist movement connected after a violent confrontation occurred in New York City in the Stonewall riots. In addition to Sappho's accomplishments, [q] literary historian Jeannette Howard Foster includes the Book of RuthLesbainaa, [] and ancient mythological tradition as examples of lesbianism in classical literature, Lesbainaa.

Single women had the highest prevalence of homosexual activity, Lesbainaa, followed by women who were widowed, divorced, or separated. While groups try to promote lesbian issues and concerns, Lesbainaa, they also face misogynistic attitudes from gay men and homophobic views from Lesbainaa women.

Although lesbian-feminism was a significant shift, not all lesbians agreed with it. A treatise Lesbainaa repression in Iran asserted that women were completely silenced: "In the whole of Iranian history, [no woman] has been allowed to speak out for such tendencies To attest to lesbian desires would be an unforgivable crime.

In LesothoLesbainaa, females engage in what is commonly considered sexual behavior to the Western world: they kiss, sleep together, rub genitals, participate in cunnilingusLesbainaa, and maintain their relationships with other females vigilantly.

Depression is reported among lesbians at a rate similar to heterosexual women, [] although generalized anxiety disorder is more likely to Lesbainaa among lesbian and bisexual women than heterosexual women.

Male intervention into relationships between women was necessary only when women acted as men and demanded the same social privileges. Lesbians Lesbainaa more likely to exercise regularly than heterosexual women, and lesbians do not generally exercise for aesthetic reasons, although heterosexual women do. QUEER: a multi-faceted word that is used in different ways and means different things to different people. It describes Aztec lesbians as masculine in appearance and behavior and never wishing to be married, Lesbainaa.

Cite this Entry. See more. Vaginal secretions a study of 2, Lesbainaa, lesbian and bisexual women, only 9. As a result, pulp fiction Lesbainaa to proliferate a lesbian identity simultaneously to lesbians and heterosexual readers. Both Aqek baju kurung Lesbainaa female homosexuality were known in Aztec culture. With rotating hosts and biannual gatherings, Lesbainaa, its main aims are the creation of communication networks, to change the situation of lesbians in Latin America both legally and sociallyto increase solidarity Lesbainaa lesbians and to destroy the existing myths about them.

The common term to describe lesbianism in Arabic today is essentially the same term used to describe men, Lesbainaa, and thus the distinction between male and female homosexuality is to a certain extent linguistically obscured in contemporary queer discourse. According to Ruth VanitaLesbainaa, this invisibility disappeared with the release of a film titled Fire inprompting some theaters in India to be attacked by religious extremists. The liberty of being employed in silk factories starting in allowed some women to style themselves tzu-shu nii never to marry and live in communes with other women, Lesbainaa.

The lowest occurrence of sexual activity was among married women; those with previous homosexual experience reported they married to stop homosexual activity, Lesbainaa. Marijane Lesbainaa later wrote that she was told to make the relationship end badly in Spring Fire because the publishers were concerned about the books being confiscated by the U, Lesbainaa. Word History, Lesbainaa. They have been in a committed lesbian relationship since high school, Lesbainaa.

The government of the United Kingdom does not ask citizens to define their sexuality, Lesbainaa. Other Chinese called them sou-hei self-combers for adopting hairstyles of married women. Such a perception of women relating to each other connects them through time and across cultures, Lesbainaa, and Rich considered heterosexuality a Lesbainaa forced upon women by men.

In terms of medical issues, lesbians are referred to as women who have sex with women WSW because of the misconceptions and assumptions Lesbainaa women's sexuality Lesbainaa some women's hesitancy to disclose their accurate sexual histories even to a physician, Lesbainaa.

Gradually, women began to author their own thoughts and literary works about lesbian Lesbainaa. Lesbian-feminists eschewed gender role play that had been pervasive in Lesbainaa, as well as the perceived chauvinism of gay men; many lesbian-feminists refused to work with gay men, Lesbainaa, or take up their causes. S ome within the community, however, may feel the word has been hatefully Lesbainaa against them for too long and are reluctant to embrace it, Lesbainaa.


Although these issues exist among lesbians, discussion about their causes shifted after homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual in Instead, social ostracism, legal discrimination, Lesbainaa, internalization of negative stereotypes, and limited support structures indicate factors homosexuals face in Western societies that often adversely affect their mental health, Lesbainaa.

Merriam-Webster's Short Lesbainaa of Gender Dictionary Entries Near lesbian. In the Lesbainaa and 8th centuries, some extraordinary women dressed in male attire when gender roles were less strict, but the sexual roles Lesbainaa accompanied European women were not associated with Islamic women, Lesbainaa. Information about a therapy, Lesbainaa, service, product or treatment does not in any way endorse or support such therapy, service, product or treatment and is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional.

Lesbainaa were mostly silent, and men likewise rarely wrote about lesbian relationships, Lesbainaa.

Lesbian Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Some sexually transmitted diseases are communicable between women, Lesbainaa, Lesbainaa human papillomavirus HPV —specifically genital warts — squamous intraepithelial lesionstrichomoniasisLesbainaa, syphilisand herpes simplex virus HSV. Transmission of Lesbainaa sexually transmitted diseases among women who have sex with women depends on the sexual Luic women engage in, Lesbainaa.

If you Lesbainaa your partner have had a sexual health External Link test, Lesbainaa, are in a monogamous relationship and both agree to communicate if the boundaries of your relationship are going to change, you may decide not Lesbainaa use a dental dam.

Need a translator? Women in Pakistan are expected to marry men; those who do not are ostracized. Cross-gender roles and marriage between women has also been recorded in over 30 African societies.

Arabic-language historical records have used various terms to describe sexual practices between women. The majority of Lesbainaa about lesbians is produced by men; [] women's publishing companies did not develop until the s, films about lesbians made by women did not appear until the Lesbainaa, and television shows portraying lesbians written by women only began to be created in the 21st century, Lesbainaa.

Bacterial vaginosis BV occurs more often in Lesbainaa, but it is unclear if BV is transmitted by sexual contact; it occurs in celibate as well as sexually active women. Although the authors of Islamic Homosexualities argued this did not mean women could not engage in lesbian relationships, Lesbainaa, a lesbian anthropologist in visited Yemen and reported Lesbainaa women in the town she visited were unable to Lesbainaa her romantic relationship to another woman, Lesbainaa.

The meetings of feminist lesbians of Latin America and the Caribbean, Lesbainaa, sometimes shortened to "Lesbian meetings", have been an important forum for the exchange of ideas for Latin American lesbians since the late s, Lesbainaa. Reflecting French society, as well as employing stock character associations, many of the lesbian characters in 19th-century French literature were prostitutes or courtesans: personifications of vice who died early, Lesbainaa, violent deaths in Lesbainaa endings.

Women in the Middle East have been historically segregated from men. As the paperback book came into fashion, lesbian themes were relegated to pulp fiction.

Many women took advantage of their new social freedom to try new experiences, Lesbainaa.

Lesbian sexuality - Better Health Channel

Any object that Lesbainaa in contact with cervical secretions, Lesbainaa, vaginal mucosa, or menstrual blood, including fingers or penetrative objects may transmit sexually transmitted diseases.

Lesbians who view themselves with male standards Lesbainaa female beauty may experience lower self-esteem, Lesbainaa, eating disordersJapansene mom higher incidence of depression. Westernization brought Lesbainaa independence for women and allowed some Japanese women to wear pants.

The social rigidity of the s and early s encountered a backlash as social movements to improve the standing of African Americans, Lesbainaa, the poor, Lesbainaa, women, and gays all became prominent.

State persecution prevented the formation of associations until AIDS became a concern, when educational efforts forced sexual minorities to band together. Actions for this page Listen Print, Lesbainaa. The South African nonprofit " Luleki Sizwe " estimates that more than 10 lesbians are raped or gang-raped on a weekly basis. Polls in Australia recorded a range of self-identified lesbian Analysis widening bisexual women from 1.

Independence from men as oppressors was a central tenet of Lesbainaa, and many believers strove to separate Lesbainaa physically and economically from traditional male-centered culture. Several incarnations of political groups promoting lesbian issues have evolved; 13 lesbian organizations were active in Mexico City in Ultimately, lesbian associations had little influence on the homosexual and Lesbainaa movements.

Lesbians and bisexual women have a higher likelihood of reporting problems with alcohol, as well as not being satisfied with treatment Lesbainaa substance abuse Lesbainaa. Fifty-one percent of women reporting homosexual experience had only one partner, Lesbainaa. Lesbianism became almost exclusive to French literature in the 19th century, based on male fantasy and the desire to shock bourgeois moral values.

Sexual health. Lesbainaa sexual revolution in the s introduced the differentiation between identity and sexual behavior for women. The first lesbian organization was NosotrasLesbainaa, founded in An effort to promote visibility from to provoked the government to declare homosexuality illegal ineffectively ending the movement, untilwhen Grupo Safo — Grupo de Mujeres Lesbianas de Nicaragua was created, Lesbainaa, four years before homosexuality became legal again.

She found it "striking" that many women Lesbainaa had no lesbian experiences indicated they were interested in sex with women, Lesbainaa, particularly because the question was not asked, Lesbainaa. The Latin American lesbian movement has been the most active in Mexico but has encountered similar problems in effectiveness and cohesion, Lesbainaa. Militant feminists expressed their disdain with an inherently sexist and patriarchal society, Lesbainaa, and concluded the most effective way to overcome sexism and attain the equality of women would be to deny men any power or pleasure from women, Lesbainaa.

Women may have intimate relations with other women as long as their wifely duties are met, their private matters are kept quiet, and the woman with whom Lesbainaa are involved is somehow related by family or logical interest to her lover, Lesbainaa.

All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health Lesbainaa professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions and to ascertain whether the particular therapy, Lesbainaa, service, product or treatment described on the website is suitable in their circumstances.

The result of the lack of medical information on WSW is that medical professionals and some lesbians perceive lesbians as having lower risks of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases or types of cancer.

These communes passed because of the Great Depression and were subsequently discouraged by the communist government Lesbainaa being a relic of feudal China. Home Sexual health, Lesbainaa. The information and materials contained on this website are not intended Lesbainaa constitute a comprehensive guide concerning all aspects of the therapy, product or treatment described on the website. Lesbainaa practices and identities are largely absent from the historical record, Lesbainaa.

Translations of lesbian in Chinese Traditional. In Japan, the term rezubiana Japanese pronunciation of "lesbian", was used during the s, Lesbainaa. Lack of differentiation between homosexual and heterosexual women in medical studies that concentrate on health issues for women skews results for lesbians and non-lesbian women, Lesbainaa. Lesbian sexuality.

The most extensive early study of female homosexuality was provided by the Institute for Sex Researchwho published Lesbainaa in-depth report of Lesbainaa sexual experiences of American women in More than 8, women were Lesbainaa by Alfred Kinsey and the staff of the Institute for Sex Research in a book titled Sexual Behavior in the Lesbainaa FemaleLesbainaa, popularly known as part of the Kinsey Report, Lesbainaa.

Sexual desire was not the defining characteristic of a lesbian-feminist, but rather her focus on politics. Up to this study, only physicians and psychiatrists studied Lesbainaa behavior, Lesbainaa, and almost always the results were interpreted with a moral view, Lesbainaa.

Greek stories of the heavens often included a female figure whose virtue and virginity were unspoiled, who pursued more masculine interests, and who was followed by a dedicated group of maidens, Lesbainaa. Reports are inconclusive about occurrence of Lesbainaa cancer in lesbians. Lesage lesbian lesbianism See More Nearby Entries, Lesbainaa. Lesbians in the U. The study attributed Lesbainaa jump to people being more comfortable self-identifying as homosexual to the federal government, Lesbainaa.

Insexologist Shere Hite published a report on the sexual encounters of 3, women who had responded to questionnaires, under the title The Hite Report, Lesbainaa.

The State of Lesbainaa and the Department of Health shall not bear any liability for reliance by any user on the materials contained on this website. Sexual orientation varies and is Lesbainaa dependent on gender identity, Lesbainaa.

Women who previously identified as heterosexual Liking Japanenc videos sex with women, though many maintained their heterosexual identity. Attitudes about female Lesbainaa behavior are dependent upon Lesbainaa roles in each society and each culture's definition Lesbainaa sex.

Harassment and intimidation have been common even in places where homosexuality is legal, and laws against child corruption, morality, Lesbainaa, or "the good ways" faltas a la moral o las buenas costumbreshave been used to Trần hà linh full sex homosexuals, Lesbainaa.

This page has been produced in consultation with Lesbainaa approved by:. Lesbian-feminism was a youth-oriented movement: its members were Lesbainaa college educated, Lesbainaa, Lesbainaa, with experience in New Left and radical causes, but they had not seen any success Lesbainaa persuading radical organizations to Lesbainaa up women's issues.

Lesbainaa women who subscribed to this philosophy—dubbing themselves lesbian-feminists —lesbian Lesbainaa a term chosen by women to describe any woman who dedicated her approach to social interaction and political motivation to the welfare of women.

When depictions of lesbians began to surface, they were often one-dimensional, simplified stereotypes. Six mostly secret organizations concentrating on gay or lesbian issues were founded around this time, but persecution and harassment were continuous and grew worse with the dictatorship of Jorge Rafael Videla inLesbainaa, when all groups were dissolved in the Dirty Lesbainaa. Lesbian rights groups have gradually formed since to build a cohesive community that Lesbainaa to overcome philosophical differences with heterosexual women.

All three were involved in same-sex relationships, but their primary friendships were with gay men. China before westernization was another society that segregated men from women. The Kinsey Report's dispassionate discussion of homosexuality as a form of human sexual behavior was revolutionary. As a result, Lesbainaa, homosexuality—particularly dealing with women—has been excluded because of symbolic annihilation.

Rare references to lesbianism were written by Ying ShaoLesbainaa, who identified same-sex relationships between women in imperial courts who behaved as husband and wife as dui shi paired eating. Factors that add to risk of heart disease include obesity and smoking Mariàma diene, both of which are more prevalent among lesbians.

Outside their duties to bear sons to their husbands, Lesbainaa, women were perceived as having no sexuality at all. Translator tool.

Lesbian and trans woman beaten by group of men in Miami, video shows

Women's rights groups in India continue to debate the legitimacy of including lesbian issues in their platforms, as lesbians and material focusing on female homosexuality are frequently suppressed, Lesbainaa. Physical and therefore emotional satisfaction was considered impossible without a natural phallus. See Russian xxxx sex movies old words from the Lesbainaa year.

Women also limit who they divulge their sexual identities to, and more often see being lesbian as a choice, Lesbainaa, Lesbainaa opposed to gay men, Lesbainaa work more externally and see being gay as outside their control. Skip to main content. Foster cites Camilla and DianaLesbainaa, Lesbainaa and CallistoLesbainaa, and Iphis and Ianthe as examples of female mythological figures who showed remarkable devotion to each other, or Lesbainaa gender expectations.

Some Indigenous peoples of the Americas conceptualize a third gender for women who dress as, and fulfill the roles usually filled by, men in their cultures, Lesbainaa. In India, a 14th-century Indian text mentioning a lesbian couple who had a child as a result of their lovemaking is an exception to the general silence about Lesbainaa homosexuality. First Known Use. Time Traveler, Lesbainaa. Heart disease is listed by the U. Department of Health and Human Services as the number one cause of death for all women.

Lesbian consciousness became more visible in Nicaragua inwhen Lesbainaa Sandinista National Liberation Front expelled gay men and lesbians from its midst.

Corrective rape is 5858 to be on the Lesbainaa in South Africa. Although he considered bisexuality inherent in all people and said that most have phases of homosexual attraction or experimentation, exclusive same-sex attraction he attributed to stunted development resulting from trauma or parental conflicts, Lesbainaa. The author's latest book is a lesbian love story set in the s. The Caliphal court in Baghdad featured women who dressed as men, including false facial hair, Lesbainaa, but they competed with other women for the attentions of men.

She became the city's first openly lesbian official. According to the Lesbainaa writings of Sharif al-Idrisi, highly intelligent women were more likely to be lesbians; their intellectual prowess put them on Lesbainaa more even par with men.

Studies show that lesbians have a higher body mass and are generally less concerned about weight issues than heterosexual women; and lesbians consider women with higher body masses to be more attractive than heterosexual women do. Individuals identifying with or otherwise engaging in lesbian practices in the region can face family violence and societal persecution, Lesbainaa, including what are commonly referred to as " honor killings.

Anxiety disorders and depression are the most common mental health issues for women. For ten centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire, lesbianism disappeared Lesbainaa literature. This did not mean that women could not pursue sexual relationships with other women, but that such associations could not impose upon women's relationships to men.

In the ideal society, named Lesbian Nation, Lesbainaa, "woman" and "lesbian" were interchangeable, Lesbainaa. Hite's conclusions are more based on respondents' comments than quantifiable data, Lesbainaa. Female homosexual behavior may be present in every culture, although the concept of a lesbian as a woman who pairs exclusively with other women is not.

Content on this website is provided for information purposes only. A population-based study completed by the National Alcohol Research Center found that Lesbainaa who identify as lesbian or bisexual are less likely to abstain from alcohol, Lesbainaa. Since the people of Lesotho believe sex requires a penis, they do not consider their behavior Lesbainaa, nor label themselves lesbians, Lesbainaa.

In Tanzania, lesbians are known as or called "Msagaji" singularLesbainaa, "Wasagaji" pluralwhich in Swahili means grinder or grinding because of the perceived nature of lesbian sex that would involve the mutual rubbing of vulvas.

LESBIAN | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

InLesbainaa, poet and essayist Adrienne Rich expanded upon the political meaning of lesbian Lesbainaa proposing a continuum of lesbian existence based on Lesbainaa experience" in her essay " Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence ".

Until the publication of The Well of Lonelinessmost major works involving lesbianism were penned by men. Read More. Lesbainaa leprosy. The highest rate of transmission of HIV to lesbians is among women who participate in intravenous drug use or have sexual intercourse with bisexual men.

Terms used to label homosexuals are often rejected by Indian activists for being the result of imperialist influence, but most discourse on homosexuality centers on men. The Daughters of Bilitis folded in over which direction to focus on: feminism or gay rights issues.

InLesbainaa, LesbosLesbainaa, the first lesbian organization for Mexicans, was formed, Lesbainaa. In South Africa, lesbians are sometimes raped Lesbainaa heterosexual men with a goal of punishment of "abnormal" behavior and reinforcement of societal norms.

Studies have shown that heterosexual men and lesbians Lesbainaa different standards for what they consider attractive in women. The Hausa people of Sudan have a term equivalent to lesbian, Lesbainaa, kifithat may also be applied to males to mean "neither party insists on a particular sexual role". A militant feminist organization named Radicalesbians published a manifesto in entitled " The Woman-Identified Woman " that declared "A lesbian is the rage of all women condensed to the point of Lesbainaa. The lesbian movement has been closely associated with the feminist movement in Chile, Lesbainaa, although the relationship has been sometimes strained.

As equality Lesbainaa a priority for lesbian-feminists, disparity of roles between men and women or butch and femme were viewed as patriarchal. In Latin Americalesbian consciousness and associations appeared in the s, increasing while several countries transitioned to or reformed democratic governments.

Lesbians portrayed in literature, film, Lesbainaa, and television often shape contemporary thought about women's sexuality. Articles Related to lesbian, Lesbainaa. It is Lesbainaa to historians if the rare instances of lesbianism mentioned in literature are an accurate historical record or intended Lesbainaa serve as fantasies for men.