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Our Videos – PROGRESS in Lending

Speak Seduced for hardcore one of our team members to get started. Step-by-step demo of the Settings workplace including user permission access management, scorecard and decision rules configuration, notifications, and more.

Date: June 1, Date: December 23, Learn about the end-to-end patient financing software TurnKey Lender offers medical professionals. Neither for the lender nor the borrower. Date: December 2, In her interview with Jeff, Eve shares her insight into the world of digital transformation, as seen from the front row sit of one of Lender all video leading SaaS providers in the industry.

Schedule a live demo today! TurnKey Lender offers an end-to-end, AI-driven platform to help lenders digitalize their business, streamline workflows, Lender all video, eliminate human error, process more applications faster, and approve more of the right loans.

Jeffrey, our host, and Mel discuss ways to come up with and implement an agile and efficient process to gradually improve on the customer experience to an unparalleled level. Date: November 27, Learn how LendIt FinTech managed to swiftly transition to the organization of a digital-first event that was just as impactful as their in-person event and how tech-savvy businesses can use this time to increase exposure and connection Lender all video their audience. Your customers have officially made one of their biggest financial decisions.


Date: October 1, Date: June 30, Short demo of how the registration, valuation, editing, and tracking of collateral Lender all video is done within the TurnKey Lender Solution. Mel shares his thoughts on digital transformation in general and drills into specific examples of building a digital banking or lending work like a well-oiled machine. The Impact of Interactive Videos. An email falls short in communicating a bunch of new — and complex — information, Lender all video.

Information Videos

As a lender, you have a lot of decisions to make. Date: November 7, Date: January 29, TurnKey Lender GO! Date: November 1, What you need is a quality product and to provide a superior user experience. The explainer video shows the viewer their changes in homeowner insurance and property taxes using their real numbers, Lender all video. By leveraging powerful customer data, Lender all video, the video is able to engage the viewer with valuable insight Lender all video what their custom solution will look like.

Check out how Mr. Cooper breaks down this confusing and complex situation with their personalized escrow analysis video. Date: September 26, Intelligent automation of credit decisioning, loan origination, servicing, collection, reporting, and more.

Date: January 23, Date: September 16, The Enterprise edition of the platform is made for unique business cases, yet it makes sure it has all the common modules and features preconfigured, and its time-to-market is second to none. But what about a decade in review? Plain and simple, Personalized Videos drive conversion rates.

Lender all video for the ultimate digital lending automation platform? Date: August 18, Separate Solutions. Date: July 28, A quick demo of TurnKey Lender Enterprise edition tailored to the needs of commercial lenders.

Date: February 5, Overview of the Underwriting workplace of TurnKey Lender Internationa Lender all video showcasing the key risk Lender all video metrics and data sources.

The challenge remains: how can we make it easier for customers to understand their unique situation? Date: June 9, Date: May 21, Watch a webinar with expert financial speakers sharing their take on the best ways to recover from the crisis.

Date: April 9, Date: December 4, According to Dmitry, the goal of TurnKey Lender is to make e-lending as accessible and easy as e-commerce. Date: March 7, Lender all video, Business lending automation has never been easier. To automate and scale the process, some of the largest enterprises have turned to leveraging the Next Generation Video Platform. Date: May 12, Date: October 9, Date: October 6, Date: September 2, Lender all video, Date: May 26, Date: May 5, Date: April 28, Date: April 14, Date: March 10, Lender all video, Date: February 25, Mel Reyes joins another episode فرزندومادر Learning from Leaders to talk selecting FinTech vendors for your business and questions to ask to always choose the right partners.

With so many terms and details to remember, reading it all can quickly become confusing.

Is Closing as a Service The Next Big Thing?

Bank-grade lending Lender all video made simple, affordable, and accessible. The technology is tailored to your unique business processes for fast, state-of-the-art financing, Lender all video.

Date: October 27, Mel Reyes, CIO Extraordinaire, is sharing his unique insight into approaching the digital transformation of financial institutions. Just think about your own day-to-day experiences. Book an intro call with TurnKey Lender today. Personalized Videos can be used to simplify information at other touchpoints, too. Book an intro call today.

Lender Liability Video

Casey shares the strategies Quontic Bank utilized to adapt to the digital-first reality and managed to successfully overcome the challenges of Date: December 16, Date: December 14, Rob discusses journalism as a carreer, future of FinTech in light of the new Administration and moves by tech giants. Learn about the benefits of Psk bayaran credit decisioning powered by AI and a flexible system with the fastest time to market.

By sending customers a personalized onboarding video, you can easily explain everything they need to know to confidently manage their mortgage, including:. Date: August 14, An insight from Cebuana Bank executive on the benefits of using TurnKey Lender for digitalization of lending compared to creating a solution in-house.

To have a personalized demo, schedule an intro call today, Lender all video. Dozens of brands, Lender all video, from Delta to Weight Watchers, have used Personalized Video to connect with their audience and grab attention. Jeff and Mel discuss benefits of preconfigured plug-and-play integrations vs API clients, and how large market players are transforming digital finance and lead the market to embrace intelligent FinTech at an even faster rate.

Turnkey Lender AI-powered platform empowers you to make the most of your data. Get your free Lender all video or a demo Lender all video Date: February 2, Every lender is looking for ways to use their data to optimize processes, improve the experience, Lender all video, and ultimately make more money. How do we know your name? One-stop cloud-based and fully configurable automation of all steps of the SME lending process.

Date: February 17, Alex and Jeff dive deep into the true meaning of digital transformation for banks and FIs in general, ways to streamline customer experience, defining what makes your business special, and building a business strategy in a way that makes you truly stand out in the digital age.

Where Mortgage Companies Currently Lack

Date: October 5, TurnKey Lender for equipment financing and leasing is an AI-powered digital lending platform that provides automated, instant credit decisions and order processing, increasing revenue and average order size with a shorter buying Lender all video and streamlined client experience.

Date: November 19, Lender all video, SME Lending Platform. Date: October 19, Jill Castilla of Citizen Bank of Edmond shares her insight into running a successful digital banking operation and using innovation as an unmatched tool for growth.

Lender all video

Date: March Lender all video, Demo of the lifecycle of a loan in TurnKey Lender covering steps from loan disbursement to servicing, collection, and reporting. Date: September 23, Date: September 9, Lender all video, Elena Ionenko shares more insights into risk assessment and borrower evaluation during and after the COVID crisis based on the piece she wrote for Forbes.

Date: December 1, A short intro demo to the brand-new TurnKey Lender Retail solution for simple tech-enabled in-house financing without any middlemen. Ready to boost your customer satisfaction? Schedule a Call. And mortgage companies have yet to find a way to solve this. All around us, interactive entertainment has found its way into our lives, making us active participants in the content we enjoy.

In this demo we offer an overview of the business loan application process and an intro look into TurKey Lender platform for commercial lending. Date: December 24, Casey and Jeff discuss keeping and growing your lending business with human-centric approaches, honest communication, and personalized services, Lender all video.

But these businesses deal with hundreds of thousands of customers every day. No matter the business model or the scale of the operation — Enterprise can handle it. Date: March 24, Lender all video, Learn how Lender all video transformation is key to sustaining your business during these challenging times.

Date: October 29, Date: December 12, Erlita How To. Step-by-step overview of the loan agreement e-signature process in the TurnKey Lender system. Now, imagine bringing that level of engagement to the marketing world. Date: September Lender all video, Date: March 12, Michelle Katics, co-founder and CEO of BankersLab joined Kevin Hickey the Head of Partnerships at TurnKey Lender to discuss the digital lending superpowers a lending business Jilyne by using the right automation and analytics tools as well as what specifically those tools are.

Date: February 10, Lender all video, Date: February 4, Date: January 20, Date: January 13, Wayne Miller, shares his insight into the day-to-day of The Venture Center, his role as the executive director, and the venture capital market in Jeff and Wayne go over the strategy that has proven to work in the digital-first economy which lays on the three pillars: educate, elaborate, and accelerate.

Recap videos are engaging, shareable and personalized, made for the era of viral social sharing. TurnKey Lender presets its Retail solution — flexible, scalable, integrated, and highly usable SaaS platform that will take care of all the crediting heavy-lifting Lender all video you can focus on what matters — your customers and your business. For instance, escrow is one of the most confusing parts of the servicing process. All the necessary features, integrations, workflows, credit products, scoring approaches, innovation and best practices are pre-configured in the platform to provide you with the most efficient and flexible digital lending process on the market, by a long shot.

Visual aids, on the other hand, have been proven to improve our comprehension — making a data-driven explainer video like this perfect for breaking down the important information you need to relay to your customers. Date: January 28, Offer financing to your clients in-house without sharing the control or the profits with the middlemen.

How is it possible to create a Personalized Video for every viewer? With a x real-time rendering engine and robust APIs, you can deliver a message that resonates with every customer. When it comes to sending your customers personalized recap videos, a year in review might be the most common scenario, Lender all video.

Creditors in 58 countries service over 50 million borrowers with TurnKey Lender platform.

How Mortgage Lenders Boost Satisfaction With Dynamic Video

Let TurnKey Lender help you with most of them. Date: June 16, Lender all video, Turnkey Lender Online Lending Demo. Get an insight into the solution that helps patients and clients get the care they need with financing options that work best for them. Date: June 29, Date: April 29, Date: February 6, Date: May 7, Factoring Lending Platform.

TurnKey Lender v. Customers are often confused as to why their payment is changing. Year after year, Spotify Wrapped is one of the most talked-about marketing campaigns out there.

Date: November 30, Category: Lender all video.

How Mortgage Providers Connect 1:1 With Personalized Video

Date: November 17, Jeffrey and Susan also discuss the partnership between the two companies and Lender all video it helps further the smooth digital transformation of their clients worldwide. In place of static text or photo-filled messages, Lender all video, many of us are turning to. And if they need a quick reminder, they can refresh their memory by rewatching the video whenever they need. Book an intro call with us today. Date: October 17, Date: January 21, Lender all video, Get answers to all the questions you have about maximizing the results of your BNPL program.

Date: January 6, Doreen Lender all video shares ways in which Credibly adjusted its consumer crediting programs, adjusted to the digital-first economy, and how open-door policy of communication with the lender ensures long-lasting business relations.

Because mortgage is one of the most complex industries, companies must take extra care to ensure consumers are satisfied — not frustrated — wherever they are in the customer journey.

Managing Credit Risk Helps Lenders Navigate A Volatile Market

As our attention spans shrink and the demand for immersive experiences grows, Interactive Videos have become an effective tool for breaking through the noise.