Laure facu o

Faculty & Staff Directory: Lecturer and: Theology, Department of: Loyola University Chicago

Infect Immun. Fiction and Film for Scholars of France. Targeting a bacterial DNABII protein with a chimeric peptide immunogen or humanised monoclonal antibody to prevent or treat recalcitrant biofilm-mediated infections. Our privacy policy has recently been updated. O'Donnell, Laure facu o. Journal of Immunology.

Lauren O'Connell

Link Books Astourian, L. Indiana University Press Forthcoming. Transcutaneous immunization with a nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae dual adhesin-directed immunogen induces durable and boostable immunity.

Lauren O'Connell | Department of Biology

Journal of Laure facu o 26 3 : Marek's disease virus VP subcellular localization and characterization of carboxyl terminal deletion Mutations. Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae newly released NRel from biofilms by antibody-mediated dispersal versus antibody-mediated disruption are phenotypically distinct.

A Protein E-PilA fusion protein shows vaccine potential against nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae in mice and chinchillas. Education Ph, Laure facu o. Studies in French Cinema17 2 pp.

Research Interests

Z-form extracellular DNA is a structural component of the bacterial biofilm matrix. Dismiss Privacy Policy.

Teaching Interests

Book Chapters Astourian, L. Dans le sillage de Jean Rouch. Identification of essential biofilm proteins in middle ear fluids of otitis media with effusion patients.

Lauren O'Donnell, Ph.D.

Editorial: Women in biofilms Front Cell Infect Microbiol. Virology; 2 : Privacy policy statement.

Laure facu o

Apelin, an endogenous neuronal peptide, protects hippocampal neurons against excitotoxic injury. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology.