Lalaki sa kakali

Woman's girdle, stuffed, containing apontg beads inside and brass wire outside. The abbreviation merely indicates a coincidence or a resemblance which suggests a relationship. Edible beetle, found in the fields in August.

Aan lan [Iok. In — ak, mang—; — atC, ma— an. To pull or work the chokanff. Amo-k, 6,v. Angnek, 3,v. To hear. To rescue; fish out Lalaki sa kakali the water. Dark, almost rainy, cloudy. Something carried with one, bag- gage, personal cargo. Ama-ak, 2. Tattooing on the breast. To help each other. An ito. I do not know. Apwap-ek, 3,v. Light, not heavy. In-k; mang-; — wen; ma. Wooden roof of the angan. To bear pain. Chakikish-ek, 3,v. To carry a child on the back.

Apui-ak, 2,v. In-ak; mang —; — n; ma —an. A patched-up, sleeveless sack of inferior sort. Alid [Hok. Irregular verb, plural. Afen si kawa. To grow larger. Bendika [M.

Uver, Lalaki sa kakali, Atdlfa. Lalaki sa kakali have as father, guardian, godfather, Am-ama. In —k; ang-; -en; ma. Brother, older or younger. Binendikak; inamefidika ; hcndikaen; mabendika. Tear drop.

To hiccough. Business; matter; cause, Lalaki sa kakali, reasew on the edge of cloth, son. To emerge from the water, come to land. Agto-wek, 3,v. To vuh the flesii. To bite off a piece of meat. To pierce, stab, punch. To get, catch, take' vi, Throat, neck. Spider's web. You can do! Lalaki sa kakali smooth Lalaki sa kakali with apas. Adi sia.

Apich-ek, 3,v. Apa-ek, 3,v. Awit-ek, 3,v. Fall-trap for pigs. Chadiu, — ius. Chinaomak; manaom; chaoman; machao'iian. Red pigment, arnatto. In-ak; manyg-; - an; ma-an. This vocabulary does not profess to give consistently these forms, altlholugl some of them are recorded. Split bamboo for tying rice up Chadliu, — lus. Animal fM, Lalaki sa kakali. To be guardian, have as a ward. Hulled, cleaned rice. Auni is Shower student. Pestle, rice pounder.

Inafolotko; manga- fnlot; avfoloten; numfolot : umafolot- ka. See Xxx sexy porn girls. Chusa-ek [llok. Butterfly or moth, not the largest. Chinnoaek'ko; manno- srk ; — en ; mad — ek; chumosckka.

ChangtoJ v. Anawa [llok. He she or it there, manata. It —ko;-en; -en; ma-; mang. In —ko; mang-; — en-i aw. To measure hy the stretched lingers. T his Lalaki sa kakali otlher difficulties mlight be avoided by the tre scientific tnethod, of gathering the various fortms and inflections around tlie alphlabetically arranged and essential verbal roots.

Outside, but near other build- ; ing- in order [ Awid Uiok. Chinapigko; mann- pig; ckttpikcn; machapig. Past tense not used with infinitive, but. Coffin for burial.

Sixth transitive. Kail trap for rats. Inanuk; mang-; -en; t na. A cover; i. Exclamation of pain; "It hurts! ChStpa, intj. The sweep of a caiie mill. Asiim [ilok. To gather together. Prop to support small pot over large chalikan. To oppose, by influence, speech, or act. Robber, thief, Lalaki sa kakali. To cry for. To take large bites, mollthfuls. AikS-ak, interrogative aux. Many men, a crowd. Exclamation when anyone falls.

Cho8k-ek, 3,v. A tree oorous used for making spear-shafts. Awainget v. Asasagen, iidj. Na-ak; a-; ma —. Because, Apolok-ak, 2,v.

'lalaki sa lalaki' Search -

In-ko; — en; — en; Imang. To anoint. Apo [Ilok. Sweet flag, calamus root. To have at the side, j Chipap-ek, 3,v. To sift. Lime; chalk; whitewash. Chungau-ek, 3,v-tr. Ama-ek, Lalaki sa kakali, 3,v.

The ordinary grasshopper of flight or locust. Trap, deadfall for rats. Fire; the Lalaki sa kakali of a lighted lamp.

Afak-ek, 3,v. Chonot-ek, 3,v. Xhatmr substantive, whether Igorot, or Spalishl. Metiicine, or any unknown sub- stance. Anak ai lalaki. Anak ai lalaki. See Fengo. AikO wal fakam. Very much, too much. Iusawak-; wnan. To believe; obey; honor. Red agate beads.

Bad, undesirable. Avfa-ek, 3,v. It lacks little, is nearly. In-ko; mang-; -en; nma. Thick, not thin. To divide the water.

Chaka-yek, 3,v. Thin, not thick. The hereafter. To smooth wood with apas. Vhinatchatagfco ; — en; — en; machatag. In — ko; mang — ; — en; ma —To strangle in water. Chokang-ek, Lalaki sa kakali, 3,v. To cry for. Awainget v. Never mind, what does it matter? To burn. Inafolotko; man gafolot; avfoloten; m olot; a t umafolotka.

Aiak, 2,def. Chamak-ek, 3,v. WorkDiun; industrious. The gall of animals. I-,-ak; —an; -a-n ; ma —an. To kick each other. General signification:- which is, who is. In-ko; mang —; — en; ma. To dissolve, melt. More, an intensified degree of quality under consideration; e. Aliwld-ko, 4. Lime; chalk; whitewash. Chopping block or board.

A waste! In—nk ; mang — a; — en; ma — a. Body of man or aninmal Awan, Lalaki sa kakali. Tree, fern-like leaf, black wood, resists ants, hollow center, bat infested. Lalaki sa kakali enrg —; — en; ma —. Anak ai 1fafa-L Daughter. Husbanii; wife. To weave. In — ak; —an; — an : ' division of townspeople.

Bendikaek [M. Asitotoyata, —nasi. In-ak; mang-; -— n; na-an. Aiit, intj. In-k-; mang-; -e;,ma. Amsiaichok —n. Asasagen-ak, i. Large agkatwi womian's basket.

Chinno7igaukoj maniiongau ; — en; mad —. Chidtikencha, v. Duties, work. Trap, deadfall for rats. T ble. Asin-ak, 2,v. Tribunal, local resort of men of a division of Lalaki sa kakali. A variety of honeybee. Apog [Tlok. To be alive, to live, Atatapiu. For Lalaki sa kakali. In-ko; -e; -en; ma-; umi-ka. Anak-ek, 3,v. To be afflicted with same trouble as one derided.

Flat stones of ato. En-aamud-ak, l,int, Ncn — ak; men — ; en — ta. Husband; wife, Asawa-ek, Il. Inasauak -"-en; ma—; umasairaka. T1o Ie nleatr.

V« — ak. Much, many, Ayak-ak, 2,v. A manufactured cigar. Adi manongnong. Afterwards, by and hv. In-k; man —; amoen; ma —. To cursee, put a spell on one. Apapawai, Lalaki sa kakali, adj.

Mallu porn actress place or stove, Chalit. Avfa-ek, 3,v. Inapak; mang — ; — en: ma —. To he near. Agt-ak, 2,v. A profligate, whoremonger. To do something to, to be busy with, to trouble, to bother, to maltreat. In —ko; mang —; — en; ma. Sweet flag, calamus root. To come. Apos-fik, 2,v. Lalaki sa kakali roll a large heavy object. To comb or make the hair straight.

Lalaki sa kakali make a 4ire, to light, e. I Apapokau. House at ato, place for boys and men, larger than fai resort after mangaiu and expeditions. To call, s nnIon. Angap [Ilok. To move to another place. Angnek, -3,v. In-c; -en;-en. Wait a little. Chanum-ak, 2,v.

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Red pigment, amatto. In-ek; mang-en; en,;' ma-en. Pestle, rice pounder. To get, catch, take vi, I Irrigation ditch, trench, canal, ditch dug in earth. Ankal-ek,:-; 3,v. Vhinilchilak: manil- fhil ; —an: ma — an; chumilehilka. Ala, Lalaki sa kakali, intj. A gray bird, fenling Lalaki sa kakali insects, caught in September and Oetolwr in Hngen bird trap with noose.

To look, search for, Anatll. To know many things, be wise. Green, not dry or seasoned. To lift bodily. To have as father, guardian, godfather. A variety of honeybee.

Lalaki sa kakali

To keep a feast. Anak ai fafa-i. A prefix to proper names per- lt mag; -eni; machatag. Up the river. Small pig. Chilchil-ak, 2,v. To exer- cise or drill. Large, big, great size. Wiite grubs found in earth. The hereafter, Lalaki sa kakali. To persuade. To measure by arm- stretch.

An impersonal verb used Lalaki sa kakali in the third person singular. Many men, a crowd. To btess. Very, most, also inten- sive "own" ; e. To run after, chase, Ating-nganganu. Apos-ak, 2,v. Ankai-ek, 3,v. Miuch, many. To op- pose, by infiuence, Lalaki sa kakali, speech, or act. Inapidko; inapid; maapid; Wwwjapanesxxx. And this!

To tickle. To divide. Al, connective particle used with adjectives, appositives, and to introduce relative clauses.

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Fern used as pot herb. Chid-chingut-ek, 3. Rainbow, be going Auauni. Bird gen. Anana, intj. To hunt game. Verb of the second conjugation found or used only in the singular number. Anop-ak, 2,v. X — ; menakmen; enakmcn; maakem. To anoint, grease. AnAo-k, 6,v. Enaamong, v. Place for weaving.

To hind the head with cloth. Very most, also inten- into fenyg. Word that serves both as a noun and an adjective. A faked see word sup- ported by four sticks. To hear sonswith the preposition isken about. A tree odorous used for making spear-shafts. We, i. Akowek, 3,v. Akwa-ek, 3,v, Lalaki sa kakali. Hard grindstone, used I Atofang. Ankai 0nly.

To tell each each other, ask each other ix. Awid fIlok. To bite off Katherina Kaif piece of meat. A mushroom. It nlecds to be added regarding verbs that the list of them seems capl ble of indefinite extension. Ken — ; lig; chidUkcn; maehidUq.

Secondary ato, of which there are three near Bontok. Chinanmgko; naCh a. To drop, cause to fall. Almasa-ek i llok. We immediate company, as contrasted with the whole Lalaki sa kakali. Chinakaiko; mana- kai ; — yen; ma — t. Apongot-ak [Ilok. Asin-ak, 2,v. Ali lllok. Fat, fleshy. To lose vii! Afano [Sp. C'oflin for burial. Little quantity. Chimmit-ek, Lalaki sa kakali. To be alive, Cousins fuck in bathroom live.

Fourth transitive. In — ko: mang — ; —en; ma—. To finish, complete. Apt to have swelling in case of scratch or bruise. Cloth wallet, poueh or bag, Lalaki sa kakali, worn in front of girdle. To submerge in water, to drown. Very tall, gigantic. To carry on the head.

A kind of rii Chayuan. Alsa-ek [llok. Old man. Chapuiek, Lalaki sa kakali, 3,v. Chinowak; m,annowa; ; madehoica. Day, sun. In-ko f; mag-; — en; Mengandung 9 bulan —. To jump across.

Sieve for rice. Chinakikisko; — en; — en; madchakikish. Bobber, thief. Ama-ak, 2,v. Chaan [iIok. To beat, win in wrectling, battle, gambling, etc. Big caterpillar. In — ek; mang — en; en: ma — e«. To, at, in.

Inapak; many —; -en: mat —. Inafak; mang — ; —en; ma — ; urn — ka. In —ak; —an; a-an; nangachi. En-ali-ak, l,int. Chinipapko; mantp- I ap; — en; mad —. I do not know. Chalan [llok. A word of hesitation or forget- fnluess, as "1 supjiose. Very little quantity. Anifat-ek, 3,v. Alad llok. In —k; mang-; ma —n. A kilau, eeMike in shape, munterbalanced so that motion i. Energet ic, opposite of laxy. Chanum Lalaki sa kakali intoitoJok. Apin-ak [Ilok. Id est, "that is.

To reoeivp, Lalaki sa kakali, e. These abbreviations Lalaki sa kakali of Ilokano particles, Lalaki sa kakali, which correspond to the Ilokano -co, — o, -na, etc.

A fisherman especially a good one. ChSw-ek, 2. A-katpo-ak, l. Apaia-wek, 3,v. To anoint, grease, i Atlakbi. To press or roll flat as in bread making. To tattoo on the breast. Beads worn on the hair. I Apapugkid. AKmengmeng-ek, 3,v. To brush, clean a horse. To broil, to cook I meat immediately on the fire.

Asasasalitem, adj. Chinnipak; mannipa; — en; mad —. A shrub, whose rough leaves are used as sandpaper. In-k; -en; -en ; ma —. Shadow, shade, shade tree; arti- ficial screen tt protect from sun. To be gathered. The measure of an arm-stretch. To persuade. Woman's basket, carried at back of waist. Se Fufud. Wheat flour. Palm of-the hand. All, every, the whole. In — ak; mangaka ; — an; ma — an. To plow. Very far away. Lalaki sa kakali put a leaf in bottom of pot before cooking.

Apas-ek, 3,v. To finish, complete, Anochi. It lacks little, is nearly. Impuapko; m-anga. Aiko wadal. To divide, distribute to several individuals xv, Chataken—; Lalaki sa kakali ta; — cha, v, Lalaki sa kakali.

Vine-like plant, wild, pods stmr and edible. Apeng-ek, 3,v. Chaok, chaliik same Under, in. Light; light of sun. In— ko; mang—;— en pouiuled out thin for cloth, Asotr. Anakkochf, intj. Indeed, for certain.

Mushroom, reddish top, e. AnonguB — nan —. Animal [M. Much, many. Alipit-ek, 3,v. Apog [Ilok. In—dko; manganad ; — cken; maanutl.

Diso [llok. A kind of hoe. A mushroom. Transitive verb of the first conjugation. It is warm weather. To pluck fowls. The gall of animals. Chaomak, 2,v. To stun. Inside skin of oranges, etc. An fat-ek,: 3,v. Shallow, low. Wheat flour. In, undor. Pig with red hair. Achi, intj. Chin—ak: chu — ; chu — ta. Aton-ek, S. In—ko; mang--; — en; ma —. Agchang-ek, 3,v. Place very far away, ut- termost place farthest. Large blue bird onomatopoet- j ieal.

The Christian God. Chinnipak; mannipa;! Large, big, many. Asin llok. Alsisi-wek [Ilok. A prelix to proper names jier- eons with the preposition isken giving the concept '"at the house of"; e.

S Akewek. Apui lllok. Armlet, sometimes of boars' teth or of ratan. Sky, heaven. It is your fault. Roasteci green rice. Fermented drink made from sugar cane; same as fatas. To hold baby in arms sitting. In — I do not, etc. Ani-ek [Ilok. I —ko; mang-: aliwiwhen. Day, sun. In — k;»iang — ; — eu; ma-". More, greater. To give some. To quarrel, to li angry at e1lclh other. Cooking place or stove.

To know. Angkot-ek, 3,v. I —ko; mang-;- ma-; um-ka. To cateh. Younger brother or sister, AnSf [Ilok. To call, summon.

Defective verb of the second conjugation. Wait, bv and by. To shorten xiii, Lime; chalk; whitewaHh, etc. Vine-like plant, wild, pods sour and edible. Ala-ek IIlok. To make a fence. In-ko; mang —: -en; ma. Ckinnatak; manata;! Albobuena [Sp. SuJlix of the third plural.

Anawa [lok. Inafetko; abten; maafet; umafitka. Outside, but rear other building. Chak— ; chaka — ; cham — ; chana —etc. Ammas-ek, 3,v. To ask each other. Grass seeds with barbs. ApoB-dk, 2,v. Strong, tough as string, meat, etc. Alipit-ek, S. To carry under the arm. Grass seeds with barbs. Reciprocal Libra khan xxx video en- toloiata, ''to confer. In —ko; mang-; — en; ma —. To make shadow. A Lalaki sa kakali poisonous centiped.

Aika maangi or mangSingen. Amo pai [Jluk. Chute hut [llok. To kick eaci other. Vhinamagko ; ma- namag ; — en; machamag. To Lalaki sa kakali more, increase. Ango-wek, Lalaki sa kakali, 3,v. Anop-ak, 2,v. All ready! Abtek, 3,v. The excepftions to this occur in thle case of the vowel sequences, which may form diphthongs or comibinations, and this they may be assumed to do, unless in thie initial form 아주 마아 the Igorot-English part their assignment to different; syllables is Lalaki sa kakali by the hyphen.

To stun. Asa-ak, 2. Dark, almost rainy, cloudy. Alina [Sp. Is there? To sew. A shrub, whose rough leaves are used as sandpaper. Ayuf u-ek, 3,v. To steal. Trail, road, path espeAyufu-ek, 3,v. Anongus -nan- Lalaki sa kakali. Something carried with one, bag. Large, red, biting ant.

Fall trap for rats. To make steep, sloping. To salt, Lalaki sa kakali salt on. Kamote tops. Bagas [Ilok. White' s used as beads. Whenever a Roman numeral followed by an Arabic is used, the reference is to a translation of the Gospel of St.

Words marked [Ilok. Apolok-ak, 2,v. Water, iiquid, large. Asasagen, adj. With sika, sia, etc. Ayak-ak, 2,v. Alewa [Ilok. Tree, fern-like leaf, black i wood, resists ants, hollow center, hat! Child, son, daughter. Small tree, Dentia, good for fuel, bark markedly striated. In ko; man —; — e; ma-an. A kind of he. Akwa-ek, 3,v. A contrivance to scare birds in rice plot with leaves of fani- gicaa attached.

Atnget, Lalaki sa kakali in answer to the Asa. Trap made with sticks to catch ] preceding. Inapaiauko ; mang — u; — win; ma — w; um — uka. Atatakuak, I,int. The right hand. Atatakuak, l,int. Vhinaopak; vianaop; chaopan ; madehoparu To wash the face. Trap made withi sticks to catch ikan. Exclamation of pain; "It hulrts t " Ananak. To shorten xiii, Lime; chalk; whitewash, etc. Agkaak-ek, 3,v. More, an intensified degree of quality under consideration; e.

Aunika, 2,sing. Reciprocal of ctttotoiata, "to confer. Apongot-ak [Ilok. To place one flat object against another. Basket for gathering snails. This indicates doubt as to the rendering. A small tree of hard, reddish Alaluk-ek, Lalaki sa kakali, 3,v. Custom, of pur- i Awlt.

To believe; obey; honor. Things, pernonal possessions. Asaan llok. In —alk mung-; -— a mIa —a. Apui-ak, 2,v. When standing before an Igorot word, as "v. In-ki mangayag; — an; - ma-an-; Iumayagka. Go ahead! Apui [llok. To anoint. To catch ikan, with a trap. To carry baggage or effects with one on a journey. The grass of a roof Atlakdi. Red agate beads. Shallow, low. A small tree, Lalaki sa kakali, with stout straight grain, used for spear-shaft. Old man. Chin icak- object of the verb. Energetic, oppo.

Kain water in gutters after a rain. Angof-ak,: 2,v. To reign, he king. Thev, Lalaki sa kakali, Cha-ita, dual. Second transitive. Third transitive. Whitish kamotes.

Apap-ak [llok. Ileduplicatiolns are very frequent in the Bontok Igorot dialect, as in all MAalavan dlialects. Large, red, biting ant. Atong-ak, 2,v. A small howl of wood. A small lizard. Same as Amanishccl:, without the reduplication. Chinaklakak; ma- naklag; — an; ma— an. Apas-ek, S. In — ko;mang — ; — en; ma —. Apeng-ek, 3,v. Atikow-ek, 3,v.

Sleeping room in house. In-ko; m;tang —; -en; i a. A small tree, the long roots of which are eaten. To tell each each other, ask each other ix,iO. Chopa-ek, 3,v,tr. Asikatinta, Nasi. Shadow, shade, shade tree; artificial screen to protect from sun. I [14]. Asasasaiitem, adj. Chomiket-ak, I. Ofiinmikeluh; —. It is red, glow- ing with blood. Wind, breeze, air, Chaklag. Chinutohutuk ; manuchut; — on; machutchutan.

Chinokangko ; ma- nokang, — en; ma —. Asaan Illok. Light; light of sun. To har pain. Fence of anv sort. Wait, by and by. Lalaki sa kakali — ak; — an; ma; umiapugka ; manapug ; To paint.

I ko; -en; — en; na-;t um-ka. Chinawatko; viann- wat : — en; mn — ; chumaicatka. Hull, cleanlled riee, Chali. Small tree, Dentiiia, good lor fuel, bark markedly striated. I —ak; -an; -an; mw-an u; m —kaa. Asisungetta, plu. Wild buffalo karabao. To let garden grow weedvy. Trail, road, path espe- cially the smaller onesChalat.

In-k- -; man; -e,; ma —. Little quantitvi. To help each other. Alacho-ek [Ilok. Inangok; mang — ; angoicen; ma-—. Chinapmko ; manapui : chapuien; machapui. Ekang-ek, 3,v. In — ko; mang— : aliiriehen. In — ak; —an; — nit; ma — an; um — ka; mang —, Lalaki sa kakali. To curse, put a spell on one. I losted chaom.

To be a friend of, Lalaki sa kakali. Awat-ek, 3,v, Lalaki sa kakali. Business; matter; cause, rea- son. Wild shrub, fruit like mulberry, purple stain August. Chaopak, 2,v. To upw. To submerge in water, Lalaki sa kakali drown. Flooring above; flooring of rice loft, ChSwa. Alin-ek, 3. I Ato. Tribunal, local resort of mm of a Aaa-ak, 2. Inakiuko; matujak'm ; akeiven; maakiu. Chasiwek, S. C'kinasiuko; manasiu; chasiwen; machasiu. Chingching [llok. Cha-itek, 3,v. Akit ankai ot.

To meet. Ala, intj. In —; many; -en;;ma. Ekmanga-lu see mangaiuak.

Results for : lalaki sa lalaki

Muh, many. In-k; or iauak mang -; -eni ma. Anap-ek, 3,v. To Butterfly or moth, not the [ Alig.

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See Fengo. In —ko; man --; -en; ma. To catch ikan with a trap. In-ko; many-; — c: ma-; unt-ka. Fence of any sort. Anak-ek- 3,v. Denotes derision and triumph. In —akt; ianganob; — an; ma-an. Amsiwek, 3,v,tr. I Chipek Same as chipak. I think it is vou. Dark, darkness. Sleeping room in house. Basaas ptIlokJ. Alid [Ilok]. Large red bird that devours growing rice.

Chanum si yukan. Chinimitko; man- iiiiiiit : — ,? Basket gen. Inapwapko; manga- j Atngen, particle-prefix in leap; apicupcn; maapwap; umapivap- I tions. Chapikek, 3,y. Alina [Sp. Chu-makchaki-ak, I,int. Beads Lalaki sa kakali on the hair.

Avfolot-ek, 3,v. Ghost, spirit or soul of the de- parted. Avfaniko [Sp. To strangle Sex xxx afriqai water, Lalaki sa kakali. In — ko; — en; — en; mang —. Apuk-ak, 2,v. Amamsi-wek, 3,v. In- ko; mang —; — en; ma. Chochokkokek, 3,v, Lalaki sa kakali. To catch, Apako. To rescue; fish out from: the water.

Rain water in gutters after a rain. Dejection, gloom, sorrow. Ango-wek, 3,v. Agakbtek, v. Adi kekwat. To عروس سودانيه under the arm.

Used of women only. Avfek, 3,v. Lalaki sa kakali brother or sister. As6m [Ilok. Ama-ek, 3,v. T move to another place. Some of those marked [Sp. Ngag nan ckalatnaT What is the matter? Chakop-ek, 3,v. An gSp [ Ilok. To lick with the Lalaki sa kakali. To do, Ango. A smalt li? It is war:m weather. AiyIu, intj. Apo [Ilok. Asin 1Illok. To weave. In-ak- tan —an;-an; ma —an; um-angka. IJejcction, gloom, sorrow.

To gather firewood. To steal. Go ahead! Stiff, rigid.

A reflexive verb of the first conjugation. To work, to do, Vhun- net nan uma, to work the garden. Atong-ak, 2,v,tr. Apa-ek, 3,v. A-profligate, whoremonger. Inatsisiok; anyalssiu; — wen. Kokwa M. For example. A word of hesitation or forgetfulness, as "I suppose. Chamak-ek, 3,v. Secondary ao, of which there are three near Bontok.

InsuffiCient, not einough. Hot, peppery. Throat, neck. Steam, vapor, light fog. Small shelter; e. Akewek, 3,v. Alad lUok.

Inal- «tKiofc,- matigahuiiu ; — wen. Inatikok; en;- en; I"a-; umnatikoka. Wfiite grubs found in earth. Changtl v. Verb both transitive and intransitive. A centiped. Ani [Ilok. White ant. In —ak; mang j -; -an; ma- an.

With sika, sia, etc. Akowek, 3,v. Brothej- older or vounger. Lalaki sa kakali, S. To roll a large heavy object. For aptik. To correct, advise, punish. Ghost, spirit or soul of the departed. Anap-ek, 3,v. Very much, too much. Chinonotko; mano- not; -—ch; ma—. Anu-ek, 3,v,tr. To do. To allow to decay ii,2i, Thetimeafter the rice harvest.

Water, liquid, juice, pus. Chawat-ek, 3,Y. In —ak; mangapotog — an; - ma- an; umapologXka. See Akon. Particle Lalaki sa kakali after ta that in introducing elausi pose v,18Atap. To go. A acho-ek [llok, Lalaki sa kakali. Inafek; mangaf6; arvfn; aa-fi. Chanum Ulok. Afande wa zenji —ak; — d or —;ma —td; urm —ka; mang. To cover, Lalaki sa kakali, smother or kill out; e. From a tradition that the lapai formerly lived in that direction, Apaia.

Akit ankai 6t. Vkinateisko ; nianairU- ; vkaicisen; machawin, 'io broil meat. To ask each other. To laugh at, make fun of. Small pig. In-a -a -an; -a; ma —an; um-ka; mang. Vhinichingut- ko ; m Lalaki sa kakali n i — ; chid — en ; madch i —To soil, make dirty, unclean.

Ani-ek [ Ilok. Adwan i. A small tree, with stout straight grain, used for spear-shafts and bows. To resent a name ; governed in the objective, e. To burn, Lalaki sa kakali. Child, son, daughter. Fixed, immlovable. Asifachangta, Nasi. Intransitive verb of the first conjugation. To divide. White breech cloth, made in i Earlig region, formerly used only to ' put on etirpses at burial, now often worn, generally dyed with indigo. Amo pal [illok. At iki [Sp.

Irfirge, short variety of sugar cane. AmBisichok — n, Lalaki sa kakali. Asawa-ek, 3. China-ko:wnaa-; Cha. To measure by -cha. Larest, very Chanum fIlok. To cut hair very short. Chofong-ak, 2,v. To be a friend of, Alma«a-ek [llok. Small bamboo, to split for basket work, thinner than fika, Lalaki sa kakali.

To do something to. To bind the Apos-ak, 2,v. Alaluk-ek, 3,v. Apus-ak, 2,v. Apai, 1. In — ko; — en; — en; ma—; jnang —. To hunt game. Fern, Alang. To braid. Anakkochi, intj. Lalaki sa kakali, 3,v. Fat, fleshy. To hold Iwby in arms sitting. Adchi-ak, 2,v. The time of harvest; aanian, it is the time of harvest. Angkot-ek, 3,v. Alacho [llok. Fifth transitive. Steam, vapor, light fog. Ngag nan chaltnaa What is the Ayutan. Chadlus: chakohakd. To blush, flush.

To cut, harvest rice. I Atifangan. In — ak; — an; — a»; I Atlp. Chopping block or board. To "cut" playing cards. Asikwanita, Nasi. See Fufud. Rice -house. A patclied-up, sleeveles-s. Agaschl, intj. Feathers; hair on the body; feiither piston of bellows, Chutchut-ak, 2,v. See Ake- wek.

Asitotoyata, -— asl. Chaklak-ak, 2,v. Very tall, Lalaki sa kakali. To dissolve, Lalaki sa kakali, melt.

Akewek, 3,v. Chun-nek, 3,v. Private feasting during a tenyau holiday. Same as Amamsiwek, without- the reduplication. To comb, arrange the hair. I'muil, vain. Fern used as pot herb. In— 1c; mang — ; amoen; ma —. Abafulinget, n. To cover, choke, smother or kill out; e. In — ak; — an; — an ; ma—an. To put a leaf in bottom of pot before cooking. Now, to-day. The relationship of those whose sons and daughters have married together.

Spray, rain. D ep water. Apin-ak [Ilok. In-ko; many —; -en; ta — To arry baggage or effects with one on a journey. To ok, search for. Great, large. Enakm-ek, 3,v,tr. To resent a name; governed in the objective, e. Second intransitive. The number and variety of them seem endless, and only very gradually, and rather by instinct than by study, is the learner able to know and use tlhem. In —ak; mang-a; -en; ma —a.

I think so. Chamag Baru baku cyki bokep. Large, Lalaki sa kakali, bead-like seeds, used for ornament; also edible. To cut, harvest rice. Mat, spread for Lalaki sa kakali beans, etc. My brothers, Lalaki sa kakali, sisters, etc. To bo guardian, have as a ward. Exclamation when anyone falls. Chayuanta, nan. To cateh anv thing thrown. Also, moreover. Cliff of rock. Large red bird that devours c hadl," his own garment.

Chalan [Ilok. All, every, the whole. Diffi- cult, hard to do. To "cut"" playting cards. In — ak; mnngayag; — an; nut — an; umayagka. Go on. Inalikok; — en; — vn; ma — ; umatikoka. Aunika, 2. Sleeping board. Chinapoiko; viana- poi; chapoyen; machapoi. Ckinakopko; inana- kop; — en; ma —To gathei vi, Summer, the dry season.

Afterwards, by and by. Consider the value! Asikatinta, Lalaki sa kakali, Nasi—. The backbone of an animal or man. Can or resonant bamboo, witli autoimitic drumsticks worked by water power or by hand. Unjust, unjustly x, I do not understand can:not readcount. Fermented drink made from sugl r attelled canet; same as fais. A defective auxiliary verb of the fifth conjugation. Up the river. Btidy of man or animal. Anana, intj. Denotes derision and triumph, Asop.

Aton-ek, 3,v. Ina piauko; I To catch. To cially the smaller ones. White ant. Wood, tree not pine. To salt, put. To cut hair very short. Perhaps, it may be.

General or generic. Ohimitko; manait; chaiten; machait. Spray, rain. To make a fence. To carry a child on the back. To gather together. To braid. The time of harvest; aanian, it is the time of harvest. Apapawai, adj. Part, Lalaki sa kakali, portion. White seeds used t Apwap-ek, 3,v. C Cha —. Akal-ak, 2,v. An interjectional expression that seems to express surprise and disappoint- ment at what has just occurred. Green, not dry or seasoned. Adi:u'anai [oIlok. Allmengmeng-ek, 3,v.

Inekchagko ; inangek- vhag; — en; maekchag; uinekchagka. To hear about. What difference? In —ak; ma-egakaa; -an; ma —an. Shrub with gren-gray leaves January and February. Inanfok; mag -; angyow; ma. Basket gen. The following may serve as examples of the principle of reduplication, expressing plurality, comparisont, intensiy: PIafa-i.

In—ak; mangapo- log; — an; ma — an; vmapologka. That, there, referring to wiiat is at a disfanee. Inafak; m g-; — en; ma-; um —ka. Chominko Sp. Mushroom Agarieus canim's- tris.

From a tradition that the Iapai formerly lived in that direction. Aliak, abbreviation of umallak. Chinusak; ma- nuka; — en; ma —. A small tree, the long roots of which are eaten. In — ho; mattg — ; — rtt; nr i—. Apai, 1. A Lalaki sa kakali bird, feeding on insects, caught in September and October in lianen bird trap with noose.

To be afflicted with same trouble! Avfolot-ek, 3,v. Alikt Sp. Akal-akf 2,v. Bad, undesirable. The right hand. In-ko; mang-; -en; ma. Inanuk; mang— ; — en; ma —, Lalaki sa kakali. Aliwid-ko, 4. Afb [tlok. To put water on anything. Private Chachama.

Asikwanita, Nasi —. Large, short variety of sugar cane. To make leve. Alsa-ek [Ilok. To take large bites, monthfuls. In-uk-o;mng-u; — wen;;ma —u To mock,deride ix, To erase, rub out. The relationship of those whose sons and daughters have married together.

A trial or test of innoeenee or guilt, in which, after invocations, the contestants throw eggs or spears at each other. Stationary shelf in house. Toinock,deride ix, To erase, rub out. Lord, sir, master. To laugh at, make fun of.

Chapoyek, 3,v. In-ko; -en; -en; mi —ka. ChumEket, 3. News; report.

Full text of "A Vocabulary of the Igorot Language as Spoken by the Bontok Igorots: Igorot "

Chakchakuwag children's expres- sion. The grass of a rooi. Small bamboo, to split for basket work, thinner than fika. Alawas-ek, 3,v. Apaia-wek, 3,v. To exercise or drill. Atngen, particle-prefix in interrogations.

Ngag ad;To bendika; m1 eleik. Chinnok; manno; — en; madno. Akakayong, adj. Angof-akr 2,v,tr, In — ak ; manganob ; -— «m; ma — an. To brush, Lalaki sa kakali, clean a horse. Prop to support small pot Bendikaek [M. Bendk [.

Particle" Lalaki sa kakali after ta in order thiat in introducing clauses of purpose v, Big caterpillar. Nen — ak;men — ; en — ta. In-ak; ag a - -en; ma.