Ladies dorm viva max

Tracy Andrea Garciaa law graduate preparing for her bar exams, has a sophisticated lifestyle and comes from a wealthy family with a hacienda in the province, Ladies dorm viva max. Massimo Scofield Carlo.

Miya's secret life gets exposed in a very bad way.

Yuki Sakamoto Josef. Iza 6 episodes, Aica Veloso Sabrina 6 episodes, Charizz Po Carmela 6 episodes, Shirley Fuentes Suzy 6 episodes, Ladies dorm viva max, Millen Gal Dianne Xnxvan episodes, Chad Alviar Marlo 6 episodes, Isadora Alonzo Ada 6 episodes, Lotlot Ladies dorm viva max Manay 6 episodes, Matthew Francisco Rolly 6 episodes, Balong Badong 6 episodes, John Paul Gonzales Hitman 6 episodes, Bryan Lucio Police Officer 6 episodes, Jake Rines Del Rosario Antinero Jr.

De Guzman IT archive: Viva Communications 6 episodes, Ma. Top cast Edit. Julia Victoria Stella.

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Alma Tiffany Gray is a graduating student whose family works for Ladies dorm viva max in the province. Aerol Carmelo Samuel. With an angry rich old woman, an impending case, a shocked family, and a heartbroken lover, Miya fights to clear her name and make up for her past decisions.

Her aunt financed her studies and she plans to work abroad after getting her license.

But for how long can she preserve it when her selfish boyfriend always finds ways to gaslight her? Alan Paule Domingo. Nico Locco Dr. Eric Granada.

Meet the gorgeous girls of 'Lovely Ladies Dormitory'

Hershie De Leon Miya. She is also a conservative woman and the only virgin in the group. A goal-getter with a never say die attitude, she wants to be rich and famous like Tracy one day. Gene Padilla Bart. Jackielyn aces it in her old "gig" Ladies dorm viva max gets to know her rich and mysterious client personally.

Yen Durano Jackielyn. Alma Moreno Madam Lovely.

Lovely Ladies Dormitory (TV Series –) - IMDb

Rita Martinez Bea …. Tiffany Grey Alma. As she opens up about her past struggles that made her a tough woman, she opens her heart to give love a chance again. She is not the smartest but she is the funniest.

But her lovely dormmates are here to help her, legally and physically. But is she ready to prove that love is love. Andrea Garcia Tracy.