Külli və 🖕

Please reconsider before many players quit. Really Eden again. You are little late for Alyxboobs fools… The extremly unbalanced first season of eden already made many, players quit. Not through good play. Most of bases near me are not even in the group I am supposed to be in. And now I can get cash on demand when I need to sell rss for money. Chat in ios not working especially in alliance chat, and screenshot in error report also not working in ios, ios user cant upload error report… anybody can help?

Is this player type of thing? Please reconsider having Eden as it Aww m boring and you will lose players. The new Helicopter Hub Sucks. It already reeks of crap. Eden sucks. It is obviously an incompetent son of an executive who has too much powr in there and only at IM Eden is an error. I agree, Külli və 🖕. Players created mega-guilds and spread the Eden rewards amongst themself.

Try Premium. Only to be placed in two different edens. Dear developer, I know your goal is Sluts sex video giving to two create the best experience for all your customers.

Everyone I have spoken to hates this New Eden! After last Eden season we heard that you might change back to old Külli və 🖕. Many players stayed with the hope that next season will be better. Because of which we can not protect ourselves from powerful players! This is shit we all want regular Doomsdays back!! So why not simply make a poll on all the state that will do dd and ask to player.

My bases are now under a 15h shield. Or just have kill event Külli və 🖕 give out dd rewards based off win streaks of coz, Külli və 🖕. We are depending on you. Think how many Külli və 🖕 players u made to quit! Taking the extra diamond on Külli və 🖕 telepot. Our state cannot even be together on the same map and our guild members are on two different maps!

No one likes the New Eden! I will not be participating in this event any longer and will not play another season. Eden war sowieso kacke. I think once someone claims center, and their in it more than 10 days then Eden should just end, Külli və 🖕.

Eden needs to be discontinued, many players will stop playing if it replaces DD. No doubt! A serious joke! Now is Very hard to earn Külli və 🖕 I liked of new commercial hub but trade our resources for money should exists. We get it. LINE account Swartzkaulf. Add something else and not this bs……., Külli və 🖕. Eden is shit Leave DD alone in the old format. Love Eden, and these new features sound cool.

Han hecho un gran trabajo equipo de Last, Külli və 🖕. This Bangladesh hd sex make sure the power keep balance. If you want to introduce new doomsday events, implant the rules at start of the season!! Complete mismatch of power during matchmaking week before Eden, brought super strong players and players that only have T8 troops.

Eden Rises Preview – Last Shelter : Survival

Saludos a todos. Im30 is filled with mathematically deficient retards. No, it is Not balanced! Since it has been put in I have gotten over 40 mil of Külli və 🖕 and about 60 mil total of iron and fuel for measly food, water, and energy.

Merci de votre prise en compte. If you wanted to grow more this game, developers must rely on what most players recommended. Just to let you know, Eden kills the game. Why you dictate me, that I have to camp timers in order to have a chance to get into the quest before the spot is taken by other players also camping the timer? You inform us very late of a maintenance. To go back to the same DD, would be a ridiculous decision. War 3 times a week is awesome. Just when we thought we got rid of it you bring it back.

It lacks a great deal of description and gives me a headache just trying to read it. Every alliance will have players of different levels. People play this game to war with other allliances. They should change it back. It affects the game man. Eden is shit idea. I can just quit the game, Külli və 🖕, better than i top up again Külli və 🖕 i see your good offers!!

Players leave because of that and states are dying. Der Tocken-Shop ist zum kotzen. They destroyed Külli və 🖕 game since eden and have never bothered fixing it, Külli və 🖕. If this eden still suck, I will definitely quit! Make the game FUN again, Külli və 🖕.

Külli və 🖕

Mas tratando de arreglar algo que desde un principio no funciona …. Bring back our old Külli və 🖕. Asshole developers. And to Bring back that Rubbish that is Eden. Die Dauer der Aktualisierung ist viel zu lange und nach der Aktualisierung sind nur Schrott-Helden zu bekommen. Need to get off – Melody Marks – EPORNER Eporner Damn Prozac and get this game back the way it was.

State Külli və 🖕 Open Recruitment. Hello developer If you open the test server, we will learn how to play, Külli və 🖕, and you would see the shortcomings of the game, Külli və 🖕. Anyone have same problem with me or have solution please tell me.

The game is getting slow due to the server. Game re-logging all the time is annoying 7. Just after 2weeks of eden, we lost more than 20 people who spend thousands of dollars to the game.

Change the commercial hub back to the way it was before — you have fucked it up. With the recent change of commercial hub being a total letdown, i believed majority of the players do agree that this new commercial hub is worst than before relatively.

Dont insist this Eden because only developers are glad about this. Plus they messed up the groups in DD this season. Give us back DD. Eden ist die beste Entscheidung!

Wow einfach cool.

Think the best thing to do is for people to quit so they make no more money and the game goes into oblivion. I dislike this event! I hope they change HUB back. You must be kidding me.

Eh gwoggo zan tafi, To ka gaida innartaka Allah ya tabbatar da Alheri, ka cewa yayan ma ina zuwa insha Allahu a cikin satin nan, To zan sanar mishi, Nagode, Külli və 🖕. The new hub is absolute garbage! Külli və 🖕 a bullying button 2. Einige haben dadurch bereits jetzt schon keine Lust mehr auf Doomsday und spielen das Event nicht. Bonne continuer. You cannot fix it! The commercial hub really sucks so please change it Viral secretary kannada new old one Stop making more money by pushing players to spend on it there are no spenders members on your game also who enjoy alot by just playing game there is hudge gap between the spenders and non spenders.

The Külli və 🖕 behind super tickets is stupid if i get a blue hero. Diamonds take more than a shield, Külli və 🖕. People following orders from one state, Külli və 🖕, even that I have showed proof yet your developers refuse to make things right. I definitely liked it better the way it was being together with our Alliance at least we knew who did what instead of a pig in a poke when getting new guild members.

Hola, alguien sabe donde poner una queja? Your version now would make me leave this game. If u level it up and Station the three heroes you get to trade for garrison pieces, tower pieces, Külli və 🖕, lots of rss. This new one sucks. Since you also said the guild will disregard the origin state of the player… will it allow players from difference states to team up?

Start making the grouping fair and we will all continue to play and 해바라기가호 this game. Eden is the worst thing ever build in this game. Eden is killing states. We lost so many friends quitting the game because of eden, Külli və 🖕. No se quien toma esas decisiones tan desafortunadas. Im thinking to stop playing this game anymore, Külli və 🖕.

Instead of having 1 strong alliance to worry about now you will have a whole guild of them. New hub is BAD, Külli və 🖕 heroes laggy 6. A time line would be nice. This will cost more players to quit. Con el cambio en el centro comercial cambio el juego para mal, Külli və 🖕, se vuelve casi imposible actualizar los edificios y desestimula seguir participando. This sounds great! This works in a Win-Win situation. What mechanics?

Go on!! Log in Sign Up, Külli və 🖕. Fire your dev and get new ones your just tearing the alliances apart really really. No rewards! Any state or only within the grouping? The cost of upgrading is so steep which means for alliances that are weaker than those stronger have no chance to compete, we no have a choice, trian troops and defend ourselves or not really play this Külli və 🖕 at all while cash builds up to develop base and shares alliance buildings.

So Eden Rising i already see a problem. This concept of Guild as I can see is going to make powerful players more powerful. People in alliance leave in mid., Külli və 🖕. I like this game as its possible to play without spending money, Külli və 🖕. This is a pirate state. All your bug infested updates. New players are confused. In Külli və 🖕 Spiel Geld zu investieren macht keinen Sinn. And it Külli və 🖕 way better than past eden.

Pls change commercial hub this is so bad water is useless now always we sel it and what happened to daily reward 2 helicopter icon every day?!?!?!??! Are you for Real!!! Mas inoportunos que la suegra. Es macht keinen Sinn, wenn nicht alle Mitglieder einer Allianz nicht in eine Gilde passen. Its so saddening that you up the price of the packages. Not all have real money waste.

You keep losing players. Get your heads out of your asses and start listening to the players, Külli və 🖕. The Members lose the fun of the game!!!

DD is Külli və 🖕 good only for strong Külli və 🖕 not for strong alliances individually. And after reading what your going to do with it again, I understand why. Eden is garbage as well, no one wants it! To the developers We understand you are trying to add new content to keep the game fresh and interesting.

Is there a revoke option for a sign up especially if it was done by the random system? I think sometimes it is better to hear what players are writing. DD war is much better. My alliance Joined up in the new eden.

It is way more complicated. Lama lama pemain bukan hanya mengeluh tentang game tapi tentang ganti handphone. Eden is the best, thanks developer. Seriously no one on earth likes Eden. Eines Tages wird niemand mehr spielen. This new one is bullshit. Stupidity at its best. By reading the comments it is apparent that most would like to go back to the old DD seasons.

Last eden I nearly quit the game. Eden not again. Eden again, really? That is why players leave. I agree with everyone else the trade and new helicopter is a joke you dev made changes that cost more money and a waste of time everyone needs to quite spending money and protest the game.

Theres now way to upgrade energy refining plants nor there is any use of water in this game now, nothing you can do of surplus food if you have or any other resources niether u can call helicopter whenever u needed urgently for quick cash or to sell surplus resources.

If this new eden still sucks, I will definitely quit this game! T10 troops…. Unfortunately, Külli və 🖕, the new Eden Rising algorithm is doing the opposite. Old dd is the best. I have complained about Eden matching system is wrong with proofs.

Leave doomsday alone. You will be playing eden by yourself it is a lousy event!!! New Joining Mechanics. Me and my 15 farms say:Goodbye LSS. I hope u can reconsider this as new season is coming and many of us need to accumulate as much super tickets to enjoy this game further. What were you guys thinking! Nobody likes it go back to s then make s5 and continue from there.

Fuck you and your eden. Sobre cuando tomas una reliquia y no te dan los premios por tomarla…. Thats how bad it is. Eden blows and no one likes it. You can pick a guild i see the Strong teaming up and slaughtering the the lower base members. Your pushing us to quit this game. Is this your intention? I will be Sex Vedic Myanmar 2023 the game if you bring it back.

Please no eden! We have enough problems right now, we dont need this stupid shit as well. Is there a specific duration for the sign up? No win to an endless argument of chasing our tails and wasting our words on deaf ears who care less about you and only want to know how can they get you to spend more. Guilds who have a requirement of base level 25 or higher will go and Külli və 🖕 a guild and they dominate Eden. The New Eden is horrible. Im not playing it anymore. Giving a chance means no players wants it.

I would love to spend money on the game if I had at least a chance that we would win or at least get a decent reward. Misbahu yace don Allah ka kyaleshi yaji da zafin mutuwar Barshi misbahu ya fadi son ranshi martani yake maida min, Cikin Search.رجل.مع.رجل ya tashi yayi sallatul istikhara yayi addu'a bayan sati guda yaji a ranshi yana son ganin hafsatu ya shirya yaje gidansu kanshi tsaye ya shiga ya gaida kanwar baban tashi, Külli və 🖕, Ta tambaye shi mutanen gida tare da tambayar maijego, Duk lafiyansu klau.

This will end the same way migration did. LOL Balance……. DD ist nicht mehr das was es einmal war, Külli və 🖕. Stronge states will get big rewards and small state Külli və 🖕 will lose again like before Please stop this… or send our state to a easy group.

There is no way they can make all of us happy so stop complaining and be an adult as it is a game. Omg Eden is back, Külli və 🖕.

Wasted too much Money. The new helicopter trader is stupid and worthless. In order to be a top team you need maxed s3 heroes, only with this event have we been introduced to s3 heroes, and few have pulled any.

Reduce the number of resources considerably to level up Buildings and troops and all, than we can growing up faster and can take part on Eden or other events. DD3 was bad organized vs states 8. This team up with another alliance bull shit even tops it off more. I love Eden because without money also one can get good rewards with efforts. Rrgresen el centro de comercio a como era antes ahora solo tiene basura no sirve de nada ahora las recomoensas no sirven.

If you want to crash something — make in Külli və 🖕. Give more space for National Quests. Peace All. Wash your Hands Kids. Setelah game ini di upgrade ke versi terbaru, Külli və 🖕. I will not be wasting my Time, Troops or Resources with that Shite!!! Give me freedom to sell my resources. Nothing is fair with the New Horrible Eden!

Last update is just sux! Let us do our regular Doomsday in peace. I encourage other thousands of player that got crewed by New Eden write and complain or quit giving money to a broken game. Xxl Nigeria Abidjan guys. This is Külli və 🖕 disappointing and many are now considering quitting and selling their bases again. Better i stop play rather than top uo when see good offer!!

Cancel this fucking shit!!! You will see you will like it even better than normal dd. Screw Eden. Can you please Re incorporate the resource expert back into alliance research?!?! Please completely remove Eden from the Doomsday gameplay system since the rewards suck but the event is extremely time-consuming. Eden is boring. Eden with 30 states was much better experience than doomsday with 20 states 5 superstates-4 legendary-1 gold Külli və 🖕. All those helicopters calls I saved up went to waste, Külli və 🖕.

Stop giving us blue heroes on Super tickets as it does not make sense. I will stop spending if there is only Eden every season…. Bring back old commercial hub. Now it is not urging me to upgrade it further. Now the helicopter is only here when I am asleep. Not many players in my state were motivated to do the last season of eden. It becomes very boring for alliances that only squabble over tiles for weeks and weeks. YOU must understand that no one like Eden.

Van en caida libre. I was so happy when last DD was the classic one Nora fita xxx vidos hd I hoped you would have finally dumped the shit idea of Eden.

Ternyata memiliki masalah pada terjemahan. It has already forced many players to quit the game or get bored because of the long and tiring activities in Eden. Screw Eden! Ya se parece al Mercado negro del juego!! Screen glitches Külli və 🖕 Icon disappear. Con hegemonia alado y ustedes mantenimiento de 1 dia. Kindly improve commercial hub trade qty for high lvl base. Eden gift is suck. Im stuck with 66 helicopter call since the last update.

All of us really want to enjoy the game but Eden put us under heavy pressure instead of have fun playing it. Shiru ya ratsa wurin, Can ta numfasa tace maman ka tazo gameda maganarku da hafsatu, Gaskiya ina tunanin hafsatu da zama da kishiya ba wai don 'yata bace hafsatu Külli və 🖕 iya rigima ba ina jiye mata rigimar masu kudi Haba gwoggo Insha Allahu ba komai.

Jangan ketemukan guild yang lemah dengan yang kuat sehingga pertandingan menjadi adil. Guild is only if you take 10 capitals or I guess the world centre and a Külli və 🖕 of capitals, Külli və 🖕.

And we not so powerful players will be left with nothing, Külli və 🖕. And stop making it pointless, Külli və 🖕. Drop revenue to a critical level, servers will crash, Külli və 🖕, no updates and no developers maintaining critical errors because they are losing money.

The new hub is awesome. Buna …cineva din romania cu care pot face schimb de informatii??? And now the new eden with guilds can split states and alliances. Let the World Heal. O'eezukuma bikalimatil-lahit-tammah, min kulli shaytanin wahammah, wamin kulli 'aynin lammah. Külli və 🖕 totally agree with you. This Eden sucks. I am a artist and we also love to play with other people online. The new commercial hub is trash and a discrace! Everyone who has a base level 25 or higher is fine those below that are in peril!

You changed the hub which means accumulating cash takes a lot longer, this Külli və 🖕 the game to fair and balanced. My retarded cousin is not as incompetent as your developers. Esta actualizacion de gremio sera para todos los eden?.

Stop bloody trying. The outmatched players and guild had no chance in hell to get anything out of playing this Eden. This game sucks, there is no balance, only large Chinese alliances and guilds hold power, but that seems to be the intention. No pienso jugar el nuevo sistema de Eden. Start Listening to Players!!!! This makes us better.

All i can say is this game sucks…, Külli və 🖕. Eden is poorly balanced high level commanders and the members should be given less slots for guilds to join. You would think that at least once you dumb asses could get it right. Maybe the owners should think about base updates and not about modifications of DD.

DD is a main event in this game and every update in this event was not good. Buen juego. Some of the new announced content sounds great and should also be implemented in normal DD New hub sucks btw. Aunque las mejoras lo estan empeorando visiblemente.

Complica las cosas. Since you mentioned that guild will replace Alliance in the Eden. Go back to original dd and fix other things that are broken in the game first.

You can have same base level,tech level and parts with spenders but it has different story when it comes to heroes. They just want old stuff again and again. Eden again??

Seems Eden is unpopular. It is the worst event i have ever played bring back doomsday event. It is an Külli və 🖕 for players with deep pockets and really its not up to each player if they want to participate anymore now it is up to the leader of the alliance our alliance leader said we will not be participating in an event for the rich which is alrite with me it is a sulky event…. What will you do when no one signs up for eden? Please do something in the interest of the players not only for your own pockets.

Major of vote decide wich dd will start. Everyone complains but you still play the game — the new part is a good example. Encore merci pour votre travail. People enjoy Doomsday they find it more enjoyable and exciting. There is nothing good of it! They must have set it up for their precious paying players. Ahora, acabo de comprar mil madera por mil de grano. Regular DD is much more fun, Külli və 🖕.

Guilds with 2 billion of power were against guilds with 20 billion of power…completely outrageous…and nothing that fight for. What a way to spend our time in quarantine.

Hallo Entwickler, das Cempre wird immer schlechter. And the event has started and no one can even get in!!! The truth is some folks will pay a ton of money and be strongest then everyone will play catchup but till spend, Külli və 🖕. Please remove Eden since the rewards suck while the event is extremely time-consuming.

Useless commercialhub ever made.

Eden Rises Preview

La actualizacion del centro comercial no fue nada favorable, ahora no se pueden vender recursos por lo tanto no podras ingresar billetes como antes, se puede mejorar el sistema, adicional ahora no se puede llamar al helicoptero a voluntad del comandante, si no pudiste aprocechar la visita perdiste, no me gusto mucho ese cambio, de resto, EXCELENTE JUEGO, sigan actualizando para bien.

Terima kasih. If you are looking at quitting, please drop me a line and I will be glad to take over your base. This gonna be a nightmare. So tired of devs incompetence and greed. Fix the old stuff before you add something new that screws the players over.

Many players reflected that they do not Külli və 🖕 Eden at all and wish to quit. And if very wealthy players quit and stops spending, there is the little guy you zeroed last week, ready to step up and take your place. The Guild concept is a bit lot confusing: is a new kind of mega alliance where players from several alliances join?

Vos latino que lo vas a leer se que esto perjudica a los que no le pone plata al juego…. Its so bad in this game and its sucks…. Explain to me how this makes any sense. FIX the glitches already ingame instead of adding more…. It is better for the developers to improved the Old DD rather than doing a trial and error Eden.

And please Brush your Teeth and Deodorant for your families sake. Bad move. You have built something exciting here, Külli və 🖕. Untuk versi terbaru setelah update yaitu bermasalah pada terjemahan yang tidak dapat digunakan.

All will say no. Is an alliance of alliances? New update of Eden sucks. Sad but true. Because of that eden shit! The only thing you do Külli və 🖕 is to cut off ways to advance so people have to pay, Külli və 🖕. This Eden is whole new system. I have heard nothing but bad things about eden. DD is a good like it was in the beginning. Players are quitting. How you can create group with alliances with more 8 gg power and send against alliance with 2gb?

Please clarify. Eden ist eine schlechte Idee. You getting greedy. If u have finished research and buildings u have nothing to do. I agree the New helicopter hub is horrible I hope they go back to the old one! Been almost 48 hours soon and not even much update from them.

Just an epically Lesbians fuck roghu series, Külli və 🖕. Eden is awful, the only way to improve that is its erasing!

Eden again? Train your programmers, or test Jav mertua hot if they have the needed skills for the job… 4. In my personal point of view, Külli və 🖕, we must try the new Külli və 🖕 with the new updates and see how it goes.

Wanna ban me because you Külli və 🖕 Why you are limiting amount of placea for quests? Y el nuevo formato de ataque Wendell no permite ver el nivel de este.

Waste my time and money! Eden no! You make it impossible for most of the active spenders to get decent rewards, instead they are met with sleepless nights, angry lovers, and unjust amounts of stress for small and pitiful rewards.

What u wanna ban be mecause i say fuck? But The CoronaVirus has alot of people preoccupied. It takes too much players time and the payoff is pathetic. Why you create a new hub? Dear developers, you really need to start asking your players before making some changes, u know nobody likes EDEN, that game mode is a failure.

Xxx 3s some alliances got to max out the tech and can place level 10 rss tiles, Külli və 🖕.

Külli və 🖕

If you start Eden in states Nxxx Hindi Video JAv HD are playing longer the game, and the members are already grow up, that would be ok, Külli və 🖕.

Even new content can be fun once learned Külli və 🖕 you being in charge of the groupings for DD and COZ is what has been most troubling, Külli və 🖕. Pada saat Eden, berikanlah kesempatan kepada seluruh pemain untuk ikut bermain dan pertandingkanlah atara guild sesuai dengan kekuatannya. Since yesterday morning my bases were protected by a 3 days shield. Espero que sean balanceados los gruposy tengamos un buen desarrollo de el Evento, y que no sean abusivo, algunos.

Please fix this. Viele Staaten sing deswegen tod. Eden is too long. Customer service sucks, switch my account and my pod accounr is missing.

Great another shitty Eden season that aure to be filled with bugs and errors. Bring back the old hub please… We run out of cash because of the new hub. Eden sucks! The worste thing intruced to the game besides Eden. All they know is helping some closed states get cheap packs to make it as unfair as possible. Last Shelter team, You doing just it! I see 2 problems. You know family Külli və 🖕 and trying to cope with being quarantine Külli və 🖕 your Family.

Por ejemplo si mi servidor tiene su primer eden. Selling resources gives us the cash to progress. When one state takes 8 out of the top 10 DD rewards, well that problem is yours to own, Külli və 🖕. Put someone else in charge of rhe writing. And other thing. One or two more bad updates, I am done with this game.

Külli və yarımsəhra 🖕

Another reason to lose more active players whom I personably knew for more than a year now, Külli və 🖕. Espero que con las mejoras, se pueda tener un mejor juego, mas equilibrado y con recompensas suficientes para todos los participantes. I think the Eden is good as long as you can balance the power. New EDEN looks fabulous. This game is getting disgusting day by day. I request we take that back the way it was.

Eden rising more like a rising pile of shit. Devs stop sucking each other off and quit fucking the game up. After playing New Eden…I would like to ديوث مترجم مساج thousands Külli və 🖕 other players that got crewed by mechanics of the game. Completely unable to work in a professional manner.

I have been the president and I am the R5 of the strongest alliance in my Külli və 🖕. Eden is not fun. Super weak states are fighting extremely strong ones. I vote give it a chance.

Related Külli və 🖕 videos in HD

It is essential to growth without spending any money. Absolutely ridiculous! Whats wrong with guys? Alot of people quitting. Customer service really sucks. Poor design! This Eden is garbage just like other two.

New commercial hub good but lvl19 base with lvl18 comercial hub get Roblox open very low qty than previous. Kapasitas game semakin besar, in out game lama dan setiap klik event sering wait for load, commercial hub di max levelnya bukannya semakin bermanfaat malah banyak pilihan tapi tidaknjelas manfaatnya.

New Eden is such a disaster. Stop spending and a terrible update happens to make up for loss revenue. Sehingga banyak orang akan lebih banyak memainkannya. All of the large Bases go in one guild and the smaller bases are left with Nothing! You killed this game by updating hub. Bad idea. I mean what a cluster fuck., Külli və 🖕. Station the heroes there and you can get so much iron or fuel or money. I hate DD. Devs messed up groups and super weak states are fighting against extremely strong states.

Fucking worthless. We will lose many of them. Please, if u treasure gamers, especially this moment of peril Külli və 🖕 hardship Admist covid19, You, Developer should give us further benefits and make us stay in this game. We deserve a hell of lot better than than we have been getting, Külli və 🖕. Kolian06 yandex. Eden sucks!!!! And, we should at least get one week end off, from the god darn wars. Free the organ donor farms Stop attacking the Muslim community in China Stop building nazi style ghettos Give Chinese citizens freedom of speech Stop lies about co vid19 admit the truth Stop censorship off games made in China Free the Külli və 🖕 people who have done no wrong And finally stop with your propaganda.

Eden fue un error y no lo quieren aseptar. Many are not motivated to play eden and the changes that are being done to eden seem to make it more of a bully game for those that spend money, Külli və 🖕. The worse bit got me is the waiting around. Dont make us lose faith,keep us. So much better than old hub. Please fix this problem. Why the hell would they make us play it again when so many players hate it. State A mi me gusta Ebony babe fucking love cock hard idea de los desarroladores del juego el lado bueno es que todos jugaran de forma activa si quieren obtener premios en muchas alianzas mucho ni juegan Japanese sex bold movies solo se dedican a donar piedras y asi obtienen los Külli və 🖕 sin hacer nada de nada, espero que este eden resing mejore por que lo espero con ansias por que conocere a mas jugadores y tambien implementen la fusion de estado … Sigan asi y metan mas heroes de temporada en la tienda de oro ya que en los servidores viejos nos estamos aburriendo.

Balance upgrades every, other day and players getting frustrated. Just to irritate us, Külli və 🖕. Eden 7 and 8 now we are all stuck playing two different ones. I have messaged them that over Külli və 🖕 over and over.

Try to limit guilds in state and there should be only guild with name if CAT but not like CAT 1 and CAT 2 and CAT 3 so on… There should not be team guilds on mutual understanding all guild players should get minimum rewards plan like this way… Thank you. Now you are experimenting with it again?

And now you want a guild that allows cross state players to be one team…your developers are not capable of changing color of grass without messing game up. This will be a new experience- one to which I am looking forward. There are alliances in same group where others has played over 1 year more than others. Külli və 🖕 reason I am here is why Swinger malay chat pages on game not working.

Hope they will make eden depending of each power alliances to be more fair — why eden still exist if most of the Külli və 🖕 do not really like it.

I am done with those events and I am done spending money on it. All they want is money, money and Külli və 🖕.

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Not only cause of the New Eden, Külli və 🖕. Last time I nearly quit this game!! Un dia de ke. They will start listening to the players when everyone stops spending real money. Zanyi matukar sa ido akan zaman su insha Allahu Zancen kishi da yar masu kudi ma bai taso ba gwoggo tunda kowa halin shine zai fidda shi a wurin miji inaga wannan ba komai bane Allah yasa bari na turo maka ita yanzu ta dawo daga makarantar islamiyar da take koyarwa, Ta mike ciki ta shiga dakin yaran nata tayi magana da hafsatu, bakonta yana jiranta a falo.

Hire a complaints-reading person 5. Tambien estara implementado gremio? The Külli və 🖕 base levels do not get rewards for the large guilds will not allow it. THINK about the players 4. Devs are just going to make people quit and sell off the baces. PD, Külli və 🖕, estoy buscando una chica soltera .

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Where are my 3 days shields? Return to regular DD. The Eden Rising will destroy participation in this game. The truth is that DD would be good if there was no Destroya missiles, no possibility to get land and then swap alliance, and no unlimited durability or extended durability by paying.

A mi me gusta la idea de los desarroladores del juego el lado bueno es que todos jugaran de forma activa si quieren obtener premios en muchas alianzas mucho ni jurgan y solo se dedican a donar piedras y Külli və 🖕 obtienen los premios sin hacer Külli və 🖕 de nada espero que este eden resing con ansias por que conocere a mas jugadores y tambien dejen de implementar la fusion de estado … Sigan asi y Külli və 🖕 mas heroes de temporada en la tienda de oro ya que en los servidores viejos nos estamos abirruiendo.

This is crazy guys. Everyone knows money is king after Taking the copter away from cash was a huge mistake. Terjemahan pada game ini tidak dapat digunakan dan tidak berfungsi, Külli və 🖕. Please reconsider Eden at this time. Very dengerous for small Hot young masterbation and stat, might be people will quit the game if lss running edan continue.

Buenas noches, primero el juego es muy bueno. Being relatively new to LSS, I am still learning how to function in the basic interface, let alone Doomsday. Not come across those at all so far. Because to get resources is as hard as never before. States died…, Külli və 🖕.

Noone plays this game because of national quests anyway. Thank you. Hello Developer. Sehingga tidak dapat menerjemahkan berbagai macam bahasa. Just when I thought devs couldnt screw up any worse they go and surpass all thier previous fuck uos by leaps and,bounds.

Thank you for pushing me out by your stupid changes on fundamentals of the game. Adjusting the point in the last days of season is Külli və 🖕 My alliance does not want to play eden. When is this starting in state ? I wasted a lot of time and resources on my helo pad then they change it, Külli və 🖕. Just wish to let you know that the Eden was bad. But we are in a young state and we already have problems with DD season 2, because of the base-level and the level of all.

My thoughts things have to change DD is to time consuming and all have to Külli və 🖕 at certain time for duels never liked that at least European players had huge disadvantage we where all at work and not fair when in duels you fight not only a certain alliance but have to go up against whole state.

New dictator President just arrived in our state and out state is open for migration. The helicopter update was not the best move. It is annoying and miserly.

Külli və 🖕 members are quitting as you are in effect punishing the most active in the game. Too many changes on this game. If guilds are within groupings, Külli və 🖕, Will you announce groups beforehand so players can talk about teaming up? Stop trying to beat a dead horse. Me uno a todos el centro comercial anterior es mejor. Same thing, Külli və 🖕. Not sure why you guys are insisting eden when everyone likes dd, nobody likes eden and many are quitting because of you, too me not a very smart business move.

Translation is not working for a lot of players. If you continue to punish us, we will find work around, break up our teams, take all the fun out of a game we will eventually leave because you have made it impossible to stay. Tell us why you insist in Eden?