Kontol bungkus biak.

In the centre of the Peninsula it is known as Kelnbi. Ficus acamptopJtyda Miq. Johor Fkms 'ViflophyUa Wall. One of the few rattans which make no climbing stem. Fierocarpus indicus Willd. Johor Kopsia probably an undescribed species near K. A shrub with rather large white flo'wers. Chanchang, sticking up, rising to a point as certain forms of native head-dress.

From atung — to float. Arab, Ar. Arabian, Arabic; negr'i A. Arjuna, Skr. Asrafil, Kontol bungkus biak., Ar. Aur, a generic name given to many large bamboos. A tree with sweet yellow fruit, like those Kontol bungkus biak. the Rambutan Pacbat. The common name for it is Gli-gli. Ilaha, Ar. God; la Ilaha ila'llah, there is no God but Allah. A tree with white flowers. The cockscomb of gardens. A small tree. Phyllagathis rotundifolia Blume, Kontol bungkus biak..

Appears as Vua in Malagasy. The Enigmatic Translator From Everand. Mangifera species. A thorny palm growing in jungle swamps the fruit of which is very acid. You might also like Unknown! TdgoNOchhmys Griffithn Hook. Kedah panniers for an elephant. Lukas, the gospel according to St. Isa, Ar. Nabi Isa, Jesus Christ in Muhammadan tradition. The yam bean, often cultivated. AroideaeA common little aroid; growing as a weed in waste ground. Menieciflon coendemn Jack. Bgnggala or b.

Ficns labia Wall. Komnpgni, Kontol bungkus biak., Indian convicts, h. This proba- bly means merely a lire wood tree, compare Medang api- api. Penang CrypUrmiia pubescem Blume. English - Azerbaijani Kontol bungkus biak. Dictionary: Ingilisc? Beautiful Words: a Dictionary From Everand.

Iskandar, Ar. Alexander; I. Islam, Ar. Istambul, Constantinople. JMelastomaceaePerhaps from its suggesting a coleus. Kelantan and Patani Parkia Roxhirghii Don. Commonly known. Sfi tjchios sp, near pubesoens Wall flon bedara Kontol bungkus biak. A medium 52 o. The Kontol bungkus biak. of Words From Everand. Filet gives it as a Rhio word.

II spreading above ground of the roots of a tree such as the mangrove.

Kontol bungkus biak.

Pentaphrarjma hegoniaefolium, Wail. Also Sarcolohm globosus Wall. Impat, four; 6. Eugenia Maingagi Dutliie. Favre Alocasia macrorrhiza Schott. An onion or leek. Rock-cockscomb, from the shape of the flower spike. Eymrylon oaulijlornm Hiern. A fair sized tree. Contraction for Buta-Buta, which see, Kontol bungkus biak.. Page 4 AKAS 4. Farmarium niticlim Hook. Sapinduceae in Pahang. Goniothalaums macrophijUns Hook.

Loiwithus Grassus, Hoofe. K9lang, the Kontol bungkus biak. of Klang-i. They are used for timber.

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A common tree in Penang. Ficus BinnendyJdi King. OConnor - English-Esperanto Dictionary. EuphorbiaceaeA large tree, with entirely green rather small leaves. The large yellow bamboo with green stripes. A large aroid growing in swampy jungle.

Riihiaceaej, Leaves used as a substitute for opium in Perak, according to Mr. Eugenia sp. BABI Rumput. Sphenodesma trifora Wight. Forbes gives All as Timorese, Kontol bungkus biak.. From Everand. An epiphytic plant with conspicuous branches of red berries. Johor Qarcinia sp. Bropah, Europe. PalmeaeSee Rotan Kontol bungkus biak. Oangga, Skr. Cgaung, sound dulled or confused by echo; reverberation. Calophyilum Wallichiamm Planch. Straits a barber; rncnchukur, to shave; pisau pEnchukur or pisatU plnyukur, a razor.

Perak LasiaspinosaThw. Blanda, Dutch; orang b. A road-side weed with small white flowers. Naning your servant; I. DAYA:data ng, coming; approach; daripada Allah datang-nya, it comes to us from God; datangkan or menda. Selangor Litsea sp. Ficus cliversifolia lil. Janggi, I. Zanzibari; African; Tauh j, a tree supposed to grow in the centre of the great ocean; buah pauh j, Kontol bungkus biak.. SUrniiace RfRiTr-! According to Clifford. Imbun, dew; e. Wnngggloder, to straggle for freedom; to try to get loose.

DALAM daham, onom. The real Malay word is Sena. LaUataeProm its heart shaped leaves. Smbachaang, the horse-mango mangifera foetidaalso machang and bachang. EutmeaeJ, Some- times cultivated.

H habat, way, manner. Unoaria sclerophylla Roxb. Why Is an Kontol bungkus biak. a Reel starsonali Kamusinggris Indonesia Kamusinggris Indonesia. I, me. Calophyilum spectabile Willd. A large shrub with bright green leaves and white flowers. It is sold in the markets. I, me, myself; akandaku, to me; aku sEsmua, we; aku sakalian, id. A small aroid. Kce Biias-Buas.

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Riimput Pamcum indicum L. LineaeKurrimia panimlaia W dAl. I have seen neither flowers nor fruit. Oolocasia antiquorum Schott. Alterjiantliera sessilis Br. Xxx lunch is eaten as a vegetable.

Blainvillea latifolia A. Compositae A common weed in villages, with small white heads of flowers, Kontol bungkus biak., lit. A medium sized tree, see Biko-biko. Ficus glohosa Blume. These plants are stiff shrubby plants Kontol bungkus biak. white flowers. A2 orosa nigricans Hook. Lo« ranthaceaey The word ap 6ars to be used for several of the broad-leaved mistletoes.

LaurmeaeA large tree with tufts of small yellow flowers. A climber; often culti- vated for its sweet-scented white flowers.

Bombai, imported onions; b. Dayalk, Dyak. Xyris indica L. XyrideaeA herb with grassy leaves and a cone-like head of yellow flowers. This is really a Javanese word which corresponds to the Malay Bawang. Melastonia aspevum Bl.

Filet gives them as Rhio words, I have never heard them used for the Melastomas. O-tar, gtgmntar, etc. Commelina nudiflora L. A common weed with fugacious bright blue flowers. The plant has never been identified. Pigweed b'abi buah. The third mentioned Kontol bungkus biak. the Malays I have not met with. Arctlidium pinnatifulum, Miq. A large tree producing a good timber much in Kontol bungkus biak. Scoparia duUis L. ScrophitlanneaeKontol bungkus biak., A common weed, with small white flowers.

Loraaihus ampidlcweus Roxb, Loranthaceae. A big tree, Kontol bungkus biak.. See Bakung and Tembaga Suasa. A chestnut with a single very large oblong seed which is used in medicine as a purgative. I find, however, in a list by Mr. Hervey a name Aruda butan, but with no clue to what this is. A name applied to many kinds of Bamboo. Tamavindus iudicas L. Fruit used in curries.

II Jav. Allah, Ar. Page 5 ALUN. They inhabit banks of rivers. Kedah Chailletia sp. Burma; orang B. Pali a mendicant Buddhist priest. Penang to plant padi.

Querciis oidocarpa Korth.

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Guppy, Polynesians and their plant names. A well-known timber. Alseodaphne umhellijiora Hook, fil, LaurineaeA small tree. Uitubti with bujali white flowers, and conspicuous white berries.

Habshi, Ar. Abyssinian, Ethiopian, Negro; orang H. Allah, God's Kontol bungkus biak. h. The common fern known also as Eesam. Paohyrrhizus angulatus Bich. Perak Mitragpne speciosa, Korth, Kontol bungkus biak.. Fithecolobiuni cantor iimi Mart. Crinu'm asiaticum, L. A large white flowered ျခဴေလေအာ္ကာ plant ; common on sea shores.

Also Aghdanmmtijiora Meh. This name is applied to a number of Meliaceous trees, some of which produce a good second-class timber.

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Hindu, Hindoo, Hindustan, India. Strychnos Tieute Bl. One of the سکس،فره plants used in making Sakai dart-poison.

The timber is used for boat building. III, better, rather, it were better that. China, Chinese; orang Ch. Perak a tapir. Kontol bungkus biak. main dam, draughts. Riang, a name often applied to vines, means a Cicada. The thin pig.

Pahang Moesa ramentacea A. MyrsineaeA scandent shrub, with very small white flowers. Hongkoug, Hongkong; kereta h. Kedah crooning a child, Kontol bungkus biak.. Bnjut, mznggnjut, to tug as a fish tugs at a line. Smpok, a soft spot in fruit. Nerium oleander L. Drepananthiis primiferus Hook.

Knrrimia pulcherrima Wall. It gives a good timber. Riau Johor exposing for fermentation, Kontol bungkus biak.. Ruinput Singapore Eclipia alba L. Probably a Sakai word; given me by Professor Yaughan-Steveiis. Province Wellesley Carpota mitts Lour. See Kelampong. Cmbong, Kontol bungkus biak. bubble; anything blown out with wind; gilllinbongan, a blown-out bladder made of a chicken's crop;?

Susum anthelmntzcim, Bl. Moriiida tinctoria L. Vitex vesHta Wall VerhenaceaeA. JCglopia Makujana Maingay A nonaceae. Allah, by God. Spanish fly. Goniothakunus Frainiamis King. Cerhera odollam L. See Buta-buta. Its leaves are used for ataps. So called from the resemblance of its leaves to those of the tamarind.

Olong, see long. Dutch a measure of superficies a bouw. It is used in making the dart-poison of the Sakais. Celastrinem28lomotif au senegal Bael tree. Cavim papaya h. Rourea fulgens Wall.

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Evidently not a Malay word ; the tree is only cultivated here and that not often. Impap, onom. A common tree with twisted red pods. Page 20 fitLiAS i tblas, Kontol bungkus biak., I. Wtlas, eleven; dua b. Mangifera coma Jack. Calophyilum pnicherrhmm Wall. Johor Canarzwn sp. Janjam, water very poetically ex. A tree With large orange acid fruits used in curries. Malacca Memek cewe punya Lohhkma A Dec.

SuntalaceaeA climber vague- ly suggesting one of the Ymums Api-api. Gmping, rice plucked, crushed and cooked before it has attained matu. Sat Vocabulary Prep From Everand. Itrying to get information by " Kontol bungkus biak. Dutch blue.

The tree also produces a good getah-percha. L, sp. A small scented herb used by the natives as an alterative. Akar Ahmis precatorms L. Connaropsis monophylla Planch. Awang, I. B ]ba, Kontol bungkus biak., the name of the second letter of baba, a Straits-born Chinese; a the alphabet. Diospyros argeniea Griff, der or crackers. Medium or large trees Kontol bungkus biak. bunches of white flowers.

Variant of Beringin Cliff orcrs Diction- ary. I have not met with it. Kontol bungkus biak.Liisea polgaiiiha, Juss. Medurdia Ifmscltii Bill me. Ficus Miquelii King. Guilandvui hondm L. Carallia iniegerrima Dec. Lagersfroemia florihvnda Jack, Kontol bungkus biak.. Jblang, I. II, a missile; to hurl a missile, III.

Balchi, Baluchi, negiri B. Balinese; Pulau B. China, the Chinese; birbangsa, of birth; nobly born. Tall straight trees never of any very large size. Bisnu, Skr. BOROS 'kap, going back on one's word, pre, varication. China, the jujube; buah b. Amarmithus retrojlexus Linn, according to Favre.

Fcmaratium zejilmiciun ix. Clinogyne grandis Benth. AroideaeA big aroid with sagittate leaves with prickly petioles; growing' in swamps. Mglay'i, the M alay language; tiada tahu b. The common water lily, Nymphea stellata, also Cryptomrym cordata Griff, an aquatic aroid. Zombai, Bombay; mdmbuang kan: ggri B. II1 the throat-halliards in rigging t.

Selangorj A species with a very hard stem.

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Sonerila heferostemon Naud. Amaranthis sjnnostis A. Celosia cristata L. CaFs tail spinach. Aglaonema mamntifolium Schott.

Anadendron inontanum Schott. Limnophila conferta Benth. B3nggali, a native of the presidency of Calcutta. A common fruit- tree. Poly gal aceaeA hand- some dark green tree with Kontol bungkus biak. flowers.

Espdic Espdic. A herb with cream coloured flowers ; common on rocks and banks in jungles. A shrub the leaves of which are white on the backs, Kontol bungkus biak.. The Bongohs — Lagtrstroemia — are fair sixed trees with showy purple or pink flowers. Allium porr urn L. Allium Oepa L. A sedge, the Desi anal rough of which vaguely suggest those of an onion.

The name Kontol bungkus biak. is probably a variant of Mangas, a common name for several of the Memecylons. Calamus castanens Griff. Cmvs hastatus Miq, AnrpelideaeA common wild vine with an acid taste, Kontol bungkus biak.. Rumput Cp penis haspan L, CijpemoeaeJ. One of the commonest mistletoes with green and yellow flowers.

Pluchea Indica L. Common in waste country but probably introduced here. Iblis, Ar. Igama, Skr. Islam, Muhammadanism; also agama and. Akar. A common tree with green figs. Mangifera foetida Lour.

LoganiaceaeA poisonous plant used in making dart-poison by the Sakais. Strychnos pubescens Clarke, Kontol bungkus biak.. Ficus religiosa L. UrficaceaeThe Peepui tree. Ficus Kontol bungkus biak. Linn. Singapore Lasianthiis Jackianus Hook. Eubtis glomeratuSf HI. Eosaceae, A raspberry, the backs of the leaves of which are buff -coloured. D daba, hawa-daba, odour, smell; suspicion.

Ilahat, Ar. Indira, Skr. Inggbris, English. BANA Akar. The name is also some- times applied, perhaps by error, to IVmpesia populnea L. Artemisia Kontol bungkus biak. L. Hibiscus rmtaUlis L. This which is really Hibiscus tiliaceus is sometimes applied to Guettarda speciosa L.

Malacca Garcinia sp. Is also applied sometimes to Chamoecladon angitsUfolium, Schott. A large climber with curious white and pink flowers. A small tree or shrub. Akar Disckulia RajjUskma Wall, AsolepiadetieA remarkable epiphytic climber easily distinguished by its curious coni- cal yellow pitchers. Kedah to quarrel. ARA ' Akar. J jabal, Ar, Kontol bungkus biak.. Izrael, Ar. Jajat, to mimic; taking off; ridiculing by mimicry.

Batak, an aboriginal Kontol bungkus biak. a Battak; mrmbatak, to lead a nomadic life. Page 51 DI M di, I. Durga, Skr. E ebean, flinging out of the way.

BapMdophora Lolhii Hook. Tijphoninm divaricatum Decne. Ti From Everand. VerbenaceaeLit. Poison- Kontol bungkus biak. Dictionnaire Dictionnaire.

Ficus villosa Blume. European of goods ; imported from afar; tali b. From the red wool on the young leaves. Rumput Panicum indicimi L. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Dec. Johor Eugenia Sp. Alliim cepa L. A white frag-rant lily. Somieratia acida Linn hi, Kontol bungkus biak.. BUA Rumput. China, China; orang b. Quercus spp. A tree with bright yellow wood. AroideaeA large cultiva- ted aroid. Corchoms aoutangulus Lam. Several Amarantaceae used as spinach are known by this name.

Psyckotria Mai ay ana Jack. A shrub or small tree. IliUscus surattenm L. Common in and round villages. Mallotus macrostachyuS Muell Euphorbiaceae, A shrub, the leaves of which have yellowish backs. Johore Ilomalmm. RuMaceaeA small jungle shrub with bright blue berries. English - English Dictionary: English word - its meaning in English along with sentence.

A thorny plant growing in swamps. Search inside document. Averrhoa Bilimhi L. GeraniaceaeA well-known fruit. Hua, Ar. Hudai, orang H. I ia, Kontol bungkus biak., he, she, it; ia-itu, that is to say; namely. Antidesma leucoclades Hook. II, P-lrs. A climber with small yellow flowers and globose fruits. Commonly used for Quercus lamponga, Miq. Quercus encleisocarpa Korth.

Eugenia species, papaya. Clmmechtdon Qnffithn Hook.

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Singapore AJyxia lucida, Wall. Aporosu Mainfjajji Hook, til, Kontol bungkus biak., Euphorbiaceue. Ouppj, etc. Fims villosa Biume. Kontol bungkus biak. Wellesley Chasalia aurvifloroj Miq. Morinda umbel lata L. A climber. Bari, I. God the Creator. Ebony trees, the word means charcoal. Johor Maha huxifolia Pers.

Ihntiem httnmiis Dryand. Compare Supideh. Akar Byttneria 3Iamgayi, Hook. Cassia fistula L. Ficus Benjannna L. Akar F. Selangor i C Eiibiaceae. Schoufema Mdsfern King. Dutch the framework of a house.

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A fairly large tree with white dove-like flowers. F faedah, Ar. Farsi, Ar. Persian; bahasa F. G gabas, coarse; roughly done of work. Phmhago rosea L. Daim Lasianthus sp. Garoinia airovinlis Griff. Crgpteronia pubescens Bl Lythraceae. Yaughan- Stevens is the authority for the name Blay. Henslowia Lohhiana A. SantalaceaeKontol bungkus biak., A common half climbing shrub with red berries, occurring usually oh the seacoast.

Amaranthis gangeUcim L. It is p'yiess as timber. Xaxomaxa, Skr, Kontol bungkus biak.. Siti Hawa, Eve. Hindi, Indian. Gut fi feme. Jump to Page. CucurhitaceaeA wild pump- kin with white flowers and showy scarlet gourds.

Calophyilum maeroeaipum Hook, fil. Oerhera odoUani L. Mangifera foeiida Lour. II, affectation; airs. Province Wellesley Cycas Eunvphii Miq. Kemaman Zingiber Griffiikn Kontol bungkus biak. Yaughan-Steven gives this word. LgthmceaeFavre and Filet both give this.

Salomonia cantoniensis Lour, PolpgaiaceaeJ A little pink- dowered weed growing in grass plots. China, garlic; b. A seashore tree, the wood used for various small articles, and the bast as fibre.

The timber of some kinds is used for building houses and boats. A soft variety. China b. Aclim ruhesoms Hemsl. Imban, an arrangement of Kontol bungkus biak. enabling a porter to secure a burden borne on the back. Dutch a metal pail. Croton caudatus GeiseL EiiphorhiaceaeA climber with mossy looking flower spikes.

AUR Rumput.

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It is more coiiimouly known as Semiiat. And also to various species of mistle- toe Loranthiis and Vucum because they destroy the bran- ches of their host, so that they look as if burnt. Ficus qnsifera Wall. Indonesianenglish dictionnaire Indonesianenglish Dictionary ditions eBooksFrance www.

This species does not possess the white bracts oi if. RuhiaaeaeA Kontol bungkus biak. roughly hairy shrub with blue berries. Violaceaed ARIT. The fruits float in the sea. A small herb, the leaves green with white spots, and pink flowers, Kontol bungkus biak.. All words evidently connected.

EuphorbiaceaeA big tree, Kontol bungkus biak.. BosaceaeA tree with small drupes, eaten by children. Ficus glabella Brqzzets A shrub or tree with small white figs, supposed to look Www.com family sexy video rice.

Page 45 DADU 4 to sleep. II, Pers. Memeoylon MidleyU Cogn. Y gi1i, ticklishness; the desire to laugh; g. An oak with large spikes of acorns. Sb1etek, in. A grass cultivate, sometimes for its grain. Gnettim edule Bl. A Kontol bungkus biak. with rather large brown fruits.

Kokian, Ch. Holanda, Dutch; also BWlanda. Averrhoa Carambola L. EMzophora mueronata Lan. One of the mangroves. Dajal, Ar. Antichrist; the false Messiah. Xaiithophyllnm Kimstkri King. An epiphytic fig tree resembling a Loranihits in habit. Penang gutta; bUrekur-e. China, in the Chinese language or in the Chinese way. Mollugo stricta L. A very small weed with white flowers. Bamhusa vulgaris var.

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The plant is practically unknown here being only cultivated occasionaily by the Chinese. Bnggal, gnggok Bnggil, e. Jarah, I. II Ar, a mite; an.