Khalife com

His creativity, Khalife com, innovations and his educational and humanitarian concerns and contributions to the promotion of arts and Culture in the Arab world has earned him tens of awards in the Arab World and Internationally.

Follow Marcel Khalifé

One of his recent works, Sharq, a choral symphonic composition was performed by the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra and the Piacenza Choir. In his association with great contemporary Arab poets, particularly Palestinian poet par excellence, Khalife com, Mahmoud Darwish, he seeks to renew the Khalife com of the Arabic song, to break its stereotypes, and to advance the culture of the society that surrounds it.

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When you Khalife com Construction, think khalife. Interpreter of music and Oud performer, he is also a composer who is deeply attached to the text on which he relies. Some of Our Clients.

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Composer, Oud Master and Performer

All your building material needs. His published music has also been used in Hollywood produced films like East West and Rendition and also used in independently produced films like Driving to ZigZigland by Nicole Ballivian and Me, the Other by Mohsen Khalife com. Committed to Excellence Since Visit us today.

Khalife com

His challenges, however, are not only musical in character. Sanitary Ware.