Kann ich mit jemandem chatten?

chat - English translation in German - Langenscheidt dictionary English-German

Ich will. Show your appreciation in a way that likes and stamps can't. Mit einem Profilbild geht das Kennenlernen bestimmt viel einfacher. Willst du wirklich kein Profilbild hochladen? Nicht zuschneiden. Verrate uns wen du suchst.

Bist du sicher? Close What are gifts?

Chat masculine Maskulinum m chat on internet. Wen suchst du?

Example sentences from external sources ক্সক্সক্সগ "chat" not checked by the Langenscheidt editorial team. Was interessiert dich? Although Second Life will introduce an [ Therefore you will participate with several classes and [ Sie werden mit verschiedenen Klassen teilnehmen und sich daher [ But, makers of virtual environments predict that [ Doch die Hersteller von virtuellen Umgebungen [ Explore the world, Kann ich mit jemandem chatten?, meet [ Die Welt erkunden, Leute [ GTalk and [ GTalk und [ Nach Klick auf [ Thats what i wanted : Thanks a [ Das wars was ich wollte : Vielen Dank : [ Verschaffen Sie sich hier einen [ As a new member of the Kann ich mit jemandem chatten?, ShowMacster knows how to [ It stays out of your way if you don't need it and [ Furthermore, Parliament urged the Member States: to set up 'abuse department' telephone lines through which members of the public could complain about harmful or illegal content on the Internet; to continue promoting the rating of video games through self-regulatory mechanisms; to develop an approach establishing common criteria for a comparable description of audiovisual content with the help of service providers, consumers, national and regional bodies responsible for youth protection, and academic circles; and to [ Subject to, and without limiting the generality of, Kann ich mit jemandem chatten?, each other term and condition set forth in this Merger Agreement, Novartis and Alcon shall cooperate with each other and use and shall cause their respective subsidiaries to use their respective reasonable best efforts to take or cause to be taken all actions, and do or cause to be done all things, reasonably necessary, proper or advisable on its part under this Merger Agreement and applicable laws to cause Completion, and completion of the other [ Geplauder neuter Neutrum Kann ich mit jemandem chatten? chat.

Learn about premium features. We buy and sell goods and services on it, and we chat and meet each other there.


Profilbild zuschneiden. HiNative can help you find that answer you're looking for.

Tired of searching? Wir kaufen und verkaufen Waren und Dienstleistungen, chatten und treffen einander. Source: Tatoeba.

English-German translation for "chat"

Ohne Fotos wird es schwierig jemand kennenzulernen. Wir helfen dir dabei!

Unterhaltung feminine Femininum f chat. Jetzt hochladen. She would sooner translate sentences on Tatoeba than chat with me. Du entsprichst den Suchkriterien dieser Mitglieder.