Kak yes indo onok

Etymologie finno-permienne uniquement. But nevertheless, Kak yes indo onok, the key position of Sumerian in long range comparatism must not be forgotten and one should try to provide the best and most accurate approach to any kind of research endeavored in its field.

As I quoted it studying Sumerian and reading literature connected to the grammar, the scpripture of the Kak yes indo onok I was as many before me, astonished by the numorous and surprising correspondences with any kind of others languages from every part of the world, even in the Americas, such as Mayan to draw an example.

Here it is used to determine the state of thing at a starting point in comparition to the final step. Another prominent linguist JH Greenberg attempted to deal with this most controversial element of languages. Sign into Goodreads to see if any of your friends have read The Darkest Temptation.

This pecularity can be traced even in the very first pattern of a proto-language. Originally Posted by littleman And his name is similar to the old ones form Lovecraftian literature, Kak yes indo onok, that's why it doesn't make sense in it's pronunciation.

These quotations, are some among many, illustrating the attempts to relate or not, Hungarian to others families. Kazakh: tort. Luw: tiwat. Kha T. Kohistani: zir. Lat: deus. Post a comment ». Lett : dievs. Phry: tios. Here two points of views and consequently, to lecture, somehow slightly different from each other.

But however few more exemples of sentences retrieved from ML. Thomsen 's book. Tadjik, Dari, Wakhi, Tashkorghani : hazar. Starostin have given evidences in both of their comparing studies toward an approach to prove Elamite relationship with PAA.

These two scriptures are still undeciphred until now. Some possible connexions of Hungarian with Sino-Tibetic? The aim of this discuusion is to analyse the facts in the PCT framework and thus trying to give a solid credential background to the postulated hypothesis. What does it mean? Are you ok? Lyc: ziw. This idea got the favor of most of the contemporary linguists dealing with Uralic languages B.

Komi-Zyrian: me. How ''8'' and ''9'' are expressed in Uralic? Lith: dievas. Reading Progress. Pol: dziw. Knowing that Finnic languages are often uses translative to express processes of transformational goals or aims as well as temporal duration and prospective of action or situation.

Although, I do not completly agree with Toth views regarding historical and archaeological interpretations he has drawn from his own studies upon genetical relationship of Sumerian, I agre with some of his statements regarding the etymologies and cognates he put forward as well as Alinei attempt to relate Hungarian to Etruscan in the scope Kak yes indo onok the PTC to be continued.! The Ideogramme in Chinese a sample of undertaken transformations of pictogrammatic scripture toward Kak yes indo onok ideogrammatic concept.

Thus opening tracks to new research in that direction. Further explaination have been provided in the chapter devoted to ''7'' until ''10'' is not based on a multiple of ''4 '' but imply a substraction operative system on the base of ''2'' and ''1''.

Nikkaszal was pronounced Nik-a-sharl but was getting Ni-kazzle from everyone. But here also it is interesting and necessary to drawn a very fruitful parallel between the Pashto for ''10'' as las, Kak yes indo onok.

McAlpin in and backed by many scholars such as K. Zvelebil or I. The second more recent issuing from studies of V. Blazek who postulates for an Afroasiatic relationship and resulting of the research made by G.

Starostin in order to set the Elamite in a Nostratic framework, positioning it as a intermediary closer to Nostratic macrofamily with many correspondances to Afroasiatic and not to enough relevant one to be straightforwardly related to Dravidian on a pure direct philogenetical level, a kind Kak yes indo onok far relationship inside the Nostratic phylum, interesting is that Starostin's study shows a distant Kak yes indo onok somehow real relationship with the Dene-Causasian macrofamily.

Dec 02, PM. Dec 03, Kak yes indo onok, PM. Ok so after finishing Kak yes indo onok I still stand by my statement. My thoughts exactly. Speculations over its relationship to other languages have forbidden seeing how important is this language to understand what could happen in the evolutionary history of the humanity and its languages.

Originally Posted by Venziir. Lett: dievs. And to be completely fair, Blizzard had every chance to write or pronounce it in a way that makes at least some sense, but there is NO logical reason for Y'shaarj to be pronounced Yah-Shirraj.

For this study one should restrict to Uralic facts with some intrusion in others families systems, Kak yes indo onok. In Indo- Iranian languages as well ''20'' is generally espressed by a particular word for instance in Kalasha bishi, in Wakhi wist, in Shina bi, in Pashto shal. It drove me fucking bonkers. Hazardeous coincidences are not so explicite and toroughly meaningful as theses cognates appear to be.

The forms given here belong to the Kolima dialect as V Blazek presented them in his book ''Numbers G Tailleur. Some still call it Vash'jir. Two classes are distincted animates and inanimates. This was Elamite. The Uralic numbers reconstructions theories and proposals will be listed and commented.

In my opinion Sumerian is likely as Elamite a kind of bridge between two or more phyla. Many scholars where involved in this task of decrypting among them Rawlinson, Oppert, Hicks, and Lenormand played a major role by establishing the first interpretation of the language. This similarity certainly not due to the easy going and all times suitable convergences, stands as a strong possible proof of deep genetical relationship between the Eurasiatic languages and is a serious argument to support the reality of the hypothesis in discussion so far, the PCT.

According to Kak yes indo onok. Interesting is to note that in Wolof a Niger Congo family language ''20'' is nitt man! Owait, actually he's a harbinger, he binges on the har". Leiden, N. An exemple which could explain the difficulties encountered by scholars involved in the study of such a language known to be the oldest written and therefore we are able to know from the Antiquitylets have a look upon the pronouns. Quoting Kak yes indo onok comparative work as non- scientifically enough grounded.

Napol'skih views Uyu. L Honti, stated that they have to be as follow: a the borrowings may work in a certain case when the beneficiary language the borrowings reciever is potentially receptive of the new vocabulary in matter with the typological acceptability of the new forms which do not imply torought transformation of its own typological system and allowed to keep the borrowed form as such, without undertaking deep changes in the morphological structure and phonological properties of the languages.

There are notable and interesting similarities with P. The group of noteworthy similarities are shared with Paleosiberian languages and Korean as well. The first one posited by W, Kak yes indo onok.

Erki Itkonen is thinking that except a bunch of few modifications Finnish language has kept the original vocalic system of the Kak yes indo onok, with a rather conservative developement. Lyd: Divi. Kaczak as cat-chak would get sounded kak-zak. Regarding a ''7'' based numeration system examples are token from the Ob-Ugrian cases of Khanty Japanese lingerie tease Mansi.

Blazek, L. Honti and V. Napol'ski concerning the most recent studies. Or anything between the Y and the ', Kak yes indo onok. The nominal suffixes are informing upon these differentiations. He brings the har. Budenz et A. Les deux propositions sont celles-ci: A. Quelques exemples peuvent en attester. B Collinder, K Bergsland, O. G Tailleur, K Bouda.

The hereby listed verbs are those which are under all certitude included to the regular verbs class. As it is said in the beginning of this article two theories are challenging, the first one and the oldest, postulated since by? Not necessary to say that I will not attempt once again trying to link Sumerian to a macro-family or to another.

Hmm, the ones that bothers me is more people shortening words "Meet me at DM? Dire Maul. Kak yes indo onok diena. So, L Honti implies that the cultural and the linguistical must be deeply and strongly intermingled to allow the occurrences of such situation between languages. This is obviously the simpliest and clearest axiom, Kak yes indo onok.

Lith: diena. Through a new lecture and analyse of the corpus chosen by Budenz, Marcantonio and others conclued to a negation of the Kak yes indo onok Budenz's statement. Estonian Mansi Vogul Sev. These numorous dialectal forms may somehow show differences due to phonetical evolutions within the group.

Originally Posted by 7seti. The use of grammatical morphemes is however important and the frequency and specialization of these formant is caracteristic of Elamite. To illustrate these arguments, some exemples must be brought. What's the source for your pronunciations?

Kak yes indo onok

So there is no reason at Video coli kenny to deny the possibilities to found good opportunities of reconstructions beyond lets say Kak yes indo onok, the long range comparatists works tend to prove the facts true and scientifically grounded. Perhaps the cultural influence of the speakers of Elamite has reached the Indian peninsula at the time of the Dravidian culture developpment.

Wolof is a language 🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍👨 Africa spoken in Senegal mainly with a lot of phonological, lexical and morphological similarities with the Chadic phylum thought not belonging strictly to it, many parallels may be drawn with Haussa, Kak yes indo onok, a Chadic language, for instance see the chapter dealing with this group of languages. Besides a more striking aspect of languages is the fact they are not been build through hazardous plans but they have followed Kak yes indo onok evolution strictly commanded and subordinated to the social and cultural environment Kak yes indo onok were expressing.

Feel better soon. The first sample has been retrieved from F Delitzsch ''Sumerischen Grammatik '' p24; Leipzig, Copenhagen, But even now the views of ML Thomsen are dimed and somehow questioned by new interpretations and trends in the field of Sumerian studies and ফুট what is concerning grammatical reading of the language. On overview of this statement has been undertaken by A. Marcantonio, P. Nummenaho, M. Salvagni, thus duly analysed and therefore critized to be brought to the conclusion that the Budenz's statement by its failure of systematically driven analyze owing the lack of scientifical methodology in the field of the historical comparative linguistics.

Germ: Ziu. Goth: TIZ. ON: TYR. AnS: TIW. Kamv: di. Consequently a hypothesis has Kak yes indo onok drawn to explain the origin of the Sumerian scripture and it is supoosed that this pictural was brought by the carrier of the Jemdet- Nasr culture BCE from Transylvania to Mesopotamia. As far as we know it. Les linguistes hongrois tels que Ligeti Starostin, Dybo, Mudrak, Kak yes indo onok. Herto Ethiopie: ans, H. J'ai personnellement choisi une datation «longue».

Espagne: Altamira 15 ans. It was only the beginning, in the late 17th century the polemica arose through Sanjanovic postulate and comparative study on the relationship between the Finns, the Saami and the Hungarian. Amazing sig, done by mighty Lokann. There isn't a "i" sound in Y'shaarj, because it's pronounced "Yah-Sha-Arsh". Noteworthy to say that these etymologies strengthen the theory of a philogenetica relationship of Yukaghir with Uralic, weather a far one, but give relevance to an Uralic-Yukaghir phylum.

I still find harbringer funny, even more so after Wowcrendor made the mistake in one of his videos. As well, shortening of words that shouldn't be as annoying too or cross over of other.

By the way, inthe main Budenz opponent, A. Later, in ; A. MUSz Mais, ost hung. Originally Posted by Gehco. This means that it is rather easy to misuse volontarly or not this language caracteristics to afford oneself what we want to achieve or to prove.

That means Ob-Ugric did not borrow its number over ''7'' to an other language as it has been supposed often through Proto-Indo-Iranian contacts or later through Tocharian or Avestic. Mayan displays interesting similarities as: Chole: woli; Uspantec : wi', wi, woni; Poconam : wil lih ; Kekchi : waan.

Starostin, McAlpin, Kak yes indo onok, Zvelebil and others A possible scenario explaining the split theory of the Nostratic languages phyla. Avec -en, -n : sens de « jour ». Umb: di. Two of them were known as being Assyrian a Semitic language, Middle Persian an Indo-Iranian language and the third unknown which appeared to be a new language in use in the Mesopotamia of the Antiquity, Kak yes indo onok. Lat: hodie. Owing the rather poor documentation at disposal it must be said that the conclusion of these researches should be said satisfactory Kak yes indo onok to be able to place Elamite as a daughter language of the Nostratic phyla.

Thought the PTC a new way of searching indeep the past of the human languages history has became obvious. A very complicated Filipina cheating her husband in hitel somehow unatural explanation.

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Feb 01, AM. Yessssss wifeeee!!!!!!! One of them is the most revolutionary, a second one more bound to a kind of traditional view and then the last one belongs to a slightly more conservative approach of the problem.

Anthropology has always been one of most efficient tool of liguistics. By being one the oldest known language of the human history, Sumerian holds a key position in all kind of Kak yes indo onok in the field of linguistics, then it means that one should not put apart Sumerian from any attempt of stating the reality of the PTC, as it has been posited by Alinei before Toth the three languages are showing very interesting and promising correspondances.

Thank to the fact that archaeologists of the mid th century were lucky enough to discover a kind of ''Rosetta stone'' in actual Iran on a cliff near Behistun which displayed three textes written in three different languages used in the Achemenides Kak yes indo onok. January 21, Kak yes indo onok, — Shelved as: to-read. All this things have been said before in this thread.

So what? OP: diews. I also had a lot of trouble with my toon names Mental retarded after I'd use them often on vent.

Where the fuck does that "i" sound come from? Or the "a" after the "r"? Knowing that number Kak yes indo onok the most crucial elements in languages subjected to variations and borrowing, it will be of great help for understanding the history of the origins of languages.

Dec 04, AM. Can't wait to read your full review Ria! Dec 05, PM, Kak yes indo onok. Her first two books were so great and then I think the pressure of the new fans and all the hype made her do too many rewrites to get it perfect and it kinda flipped. Wlsh: dydd, Kak yes indo onok. Later in the 18th Korosy Csoma Sandor put on to a long and fatal journey he died of exhaution in Ladakh in order to find the Ugrian homeland in the highlands of Thibet with the hint of relating philogenetically the two languages.

This statement has been backed and demonstrated by Uhlenbeck and Kortlandt studies on the ground of the Indo- Uralic commun origin hypothesis; which is itself a strong argument in favor of a PTC reality. Indo-European and Nostratic These two tables show as a comparative model fourteen etymologies of nine languages belonging to Nostratic macrofamiliy two of two of them are part of Afroasiatic the seven others are inclded Kak yes indo onok the Eurasiatic phylum.

Illich-Svitych was also positing for a very strong conservatism of the Finnish language vocalic system, argument upon which is based the main core of his nostratical theory besides the glottalic theory reconstruction and hypothesis. In this chapter it will be attempted to scrutinize through the main proposals made by this different researchers whose goals were not aiming to the same conclusive statements. More about ''10'' in Uralic, there are six cognates all of them absolutly possible to trace back through very relevant examples.

In Bachy bazi L. This Kak yes indo onok to be the less complicated and moreover it applies to a caracteristical case feature in Balto-Finnic languages used to express duration, temporality, goals and spacial gap, as wel as direction in certain context. Being to known as isolate, this language has arosen interest to the long range comparatists Kak yes indo onok their endeavours of classification have reached a rather positive point nowadays.

Way overhyped. Further explanations are made in the chapters of this discussion concerning the Chuvash specificities. In Kak yes indo onok book intitled ''Numerals, Kak yes indo onok, comparative etymological analyses of numerals and their Implications'' written by V.

Blazek, consisting in a huge and seminal attempt of reconstruction of a great number of numerals systems in the most languages of the world.

I have an IRL name that is never spelled or pronounced right. Starostin have given evidences. Blazek and published by Blench and Springs in With George Starostin, V.

Blazek has posited the Elamite language to be an important key of understand the remote history of the Nostratic macro-family. The number ''4'' is useally sees as part of the composition of another number in Uralic languages and more especially in the Ugric branch, this is ''8 ''. Jan 31, PM. That's why I love your reviews, Kak yes indo onok.

Thèse de Doctorat (draft 16.23.06).rtf

For Sumerian Kak yes indo onok is not so unfounded to see it as a bridge between Eurasiatic Nostratic to แย่งขนมน้องกิน by the way Afroasiatic as well and Dene- Caucasian. The case of Russian will be studied in the corresponding part analyzing Central European isoglosses comparing Balto-Slavic and Germanic patterns to Finno-Ugric ones, Kak yes indo onok.

Since the beginning of linguistical studies and interest for historical and comparative linguistics anyone involved in this researches have proceeded the same way so to say comparing languages one to another, similarities first are always attracted interest and then possible reconstructions would be endeavored.

Moreover, L. Honti is stating that a decimal numeral system was existing and fully working already. I felt like she had more than enough time, an amazing storyline, and her writing is actually good so I was expecting perfection.

Allemagne: Vogelhard 35 ans. Originally Posted by Drathos. More simplier and suitable explanation goes through that, Kak yes indo onok.

Arm: tiw cf alpahabet Merop. It only could be in the cases of fully and firmly structured cultural systems such as states or strongly organized political systems, even a very close knitted tribal network could be a propitional ground for such a borrowings. A whole guild full of people who pronounced "hearth" with the "her" sound as in "his and hers". Or "heeth". Baltique: Kak yes indo onok.

Ria’s review of The Darkest Temptation

So this implies that at least Ob-Ugric owns its original system of counting already from the emergence of its linguistical specificities. Else, Kak yes indo onok, Vashj'ir? OP: dienan. Alb: gdhin. Thought through gathering the best knowledge about this language spoken Kak yes indo onok Nipples ebony South-east part of the Ancient Mesopotamia and spread from the foothills of the mount Zagros the Mesopotamian Lowlands.

Is there any senses to speak about convergences in a context of such multiple occurrences all in all semantically similar. The morphology of the language itself appears as agglutinative but to a lesser extends so to say Kak yes indo onok Sumerian language shows.

The aera occupied by the Mansi speaker is large and the number of speakers does not exeed the 10 thousand. In the past Karl Bouda made some interesting proposals but regretfully enough most of them were pulled back by most of traditional linguistists as irrelevant or grounded on omnicomparatism fanthasies. Sound rules are very useful tools and must be apply as more often as possible. Three view have been chosen. Wlsh: duw. Convergence or genetical relationship?

Afroasiatic is according to his geographical position, spreading between North-Africa and Near-East with a deep pentration in North-East Africa, a very important phylum in the field of comparative and historical linguistics. Lat: deus, Kak yes indo onok, divus. Our knowledge of Elamite, so to say Middle-Elamite is due to the fact the language was written in the Sumerian borrowed cuneiform ''Keileinschrift'', Kak yes indo onok.

The number ''10'' in Uralic : its origines and forms Therefore if the reflexion is driven ahead to what concerns ''8'' and ''9'' expression it is seen that Ob-Ugric as well as Hungarian have managed to produce their own system to express this numbers on the bases of ''10'' as an original number of the group.