Kachin L Z xxxx

Lappets and edges of eyelids yellow, Kachin L Z xxxx. The Brown-headed Gull. I first thought [ could confirm his identification, but a more careful comparison, which I have just made, with types of A.

The toes are less fully webbed, two phalanges of the fourth being free; the proportions of the fingers are different; the loreal region is more oblique, and the interorbital region is a little Kachin L Z xxxx than the upper eyelid.

In the same month, and in the following one, I found the bird fairly common in the narrow belt of trees, composed largely of fruit-gardens, extending along the river-bank immediately to the south of Sathorn road in Bangkok Lat. Setaria magna magna Hyton. W Iris white. Type: HT 1 specimen, originally approx. Gyldenstolpe includes this species in his list of Siamese birds, but as no particulars of specimens are given, it is to be presumed he did not procure any.

Females five. Bangnara, Peninsular Siam, July Teheibos P Macropus ptilosus Jard. Legs orange-yellow. Gape pale reddish. Legs dark purplish brown. Legs dull red to lake-red. Zhe Open-bill. Iris very dark brown. Zhe Masked Finfoot. Alsocomus puniceus, Gairdner, Journ. Porzana pusilla Pall. Megalurus palustris Horsf. Iris brown. In the same note Mr, Kachin L Z xxxx. I have observed that they chase the Sambar down to the cultivation at the beginning of the rains in May and June; বাংলাদেশ মেয়েদের বোদা other seasons I never see them.

Zhe Avocet Sand- piper. Macropygia ruficeps Kachin L Z xxxx. In poikilitic aegirine-nepheline-sodalite syenites and associated pegmatites and hydrothermalites. The blue throat of the males whence the bird gets its English name is exceedingly attractive, but unfortunately, owing to its ground-feeding habits, this feature cannot be appreciated until a specimen is obtained. Terminal two-thirds of upper mandible and tip of lower, dark brown ; remainder of bill and cere deep yellow.

Siam, ii, p. Siam, 1, pp. Zhe Grey Plover. The first two birds were obtained by me out of a party of about half-a-dozen which I came across on a small, shallow, grassy pool of water in the middle of the fields referred to in connection with Anastomus oscitans, the Open-bill antea, p.

Hydrochelidon leucoptera Meisner and Schinz. There are a few trees at intervals along the canal banks, and round the villages which occur here and there. Hurlbut, Harvard Univ. Krivovichev S. L, Filatov S. Roberts A. Russia - Buryatskaya A.

Presumly a mixture of rhodonite and johannsenite. Lydekker, Catalogue of Ungulates, Vol. Malcolm Smith has recently recorded Rana humeralis Boulenger, from Siam Khao Wang Hip and Nakon Sitamaratand has been so kind as to send me one of the specimens, an adult female from the latter locality. In this locality there is an extensive area of bire, semi-swampy ground, with a hard, rather sandy surface, and in one place the water forms a kind of shallow lagoon, a few Kachin L Z xxxx deep, Kachin L Z xxxx, shelving very gradually from the margin to the centre.

The Many-coloured Barbet. With this view Iam inclined to agree, as the slightest pressure Kachin L Z xxxx the tip of the wing to flatten somewhat and thus increases the measurement, at times unwittingly. I had no gun with me at the time, but the next morning I went there again and obtained four specimens, as well as others on later dates.

Bangnara, Peninsular Siam, October and July A— Woodpeckers, Miglyptes grammithorax Malh. All my birds have been examined by Mr. Robinson, who has pronounced them to belong to the form described by Waiden [Ann.

Maxillary, 25; palatine, 14; pterygoid, 18; man- dibular, Female; author's number,M. This new species is described from a single specimen, which was obtained ina hill stream at about metres elevation by Mr. Spencer, after whom I have much pleasure in naming it. The fact is, therefore, worth noting that H. Totanus fuscus Linn. Ward, Records of Big Game, ed. Tarsus red. Same authors in: Amer. The specimen is, unfortunately, mummy, as the bird was shot on the last day of the trip, and, there being no time to skin it, was in- jected with formalin.

Legs and feet yellow. Pfeffer, Halle Kovalenker V, Kachin L Z xxxx. Galuskina I. Armbruster T. Chemische Untersuchungen mineralischer, vegetabilischer und Creamly vagine Substanzen.

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There Creampie riding climax two TL, the other is on the south side of the Swiss-Italian border in Italy in the same rock complex. Iris brownish orange. The Grey-faced Buz- zard-Kagle. Once or twice they flew on to the picked Java we'd, ora roadside bush. Malcolm Smith says the male agrees in the coloration with my description of 2.

Discredited with proposal IMA A. New definitio of the species by Vermaas F. Specimens are from the first boulder found. Limosa limosa Linn. I have never come across this bird myself. TL of the first description: Schlackenwald syn.

Garzetta garzetta, Ogilvie-Grant, Fasc. Qedicnemus scolopax S. The Stone- Plover. The only previous records appear to be those of Bonhote P. Anous stolidus Linn. Scholz R. This name is Kachin L Z xxxx a synonym of Hydroxykenomicrolite but is not possible to prove that they are Hydroxykenomicrolite Mindat. The LKastern Maursh- Hlarvrier.

Pericrocotus brevirostris Vig. The Short-billed Minivet. I pirticularly called the attention of a Siamese surveyor, who was with me, to this fact. Tringa crassirostris Temm. The authors above quoted obtained their specimens in the Western and South-western divisions of the country, whereas mine were procured on a small island off the coast on the eastern side of the Inner Gulf of Siam.

Squatarola squatarola, Gyldenstolpe,p. It is an immature individual, with the forehead, lores, sides of head, nape-patch and longer feathers of the crest greenish yellow instead of bright yellow, but I think there is little doubt of the correctness of the identification. Kachin L Z xxxx black, bluish grey at base. India, Birds, iiip. Hirundo javanica part. Podicipes albipsnnis Sharpe. Legs orange-red, dusky in front. Peru - Lima Dep. Kolitsch U. Lippmann from O. Benston, and don.

Ahlfeld coll. The Shan States Scimitar Babbler. TL in orig. India, Birds, iip. Gyldenstolpe records this species from Siam on the strength of having seen a specimen resting on the sandy beach just outside the village of Koh Lak, in South-western Siam. On page 54, Vol. Has anyone else ever met with this animal, and have specimens ever been obtained?

I should suppose it to bea case of melanism in an in- dividual of the species usually coloured red, and not an indication of the existence of a separate black species. Iris pale yellow. Sterna sinensis Gmel. Legs greenish yellow. India, Kachin L Z xxxx, Birds, ivp.

Muang Wang, Northern Siam, October Xanthixus flavescens vivida Stuart Baker. In the case of the first one, my collector reports that he had just shot a Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinuson the ground, when the hawk suddenly swooped on it from the air, and car- ried it off to a tree to devour, The man followed the hawk to the tree and shot it there.

Legs dusky flesh. Claws horn colour. Gairdner obtained a male at Si-sawad, Western Siam, in Mayat a height of metres. Claws dull pinkish, dark at tips. Rhinomyias Kachin L Z xxxx Salvad. Bill pale bluish horn-colour. Fejer in: Min. Discredited, see Pearceite-M2a2b2c and Pearceite-T2ac.

Shot Kachin L Z xxxx Mr. Chubby pinat, who kindly gave it to me for my collection. Formerly named as Kalithomsonite by Gordon S. Bindi L. Meteorite China - Hubei province - Suizhou First description by the Duc La Rochefoucauld, Kachin L Z xxxx, A. Russia - Kamchatka - Tolbachik volcano - Main fissure eruptionsublimate from the fumaroles. Claws light silvery horn. Zhe Violet Cuckoo.

Chotorhea versicolor Raflles. Claws horn-colour. Konev A. Atti Accad. Chalcococcyx xanthorhyachus Horsf. The Fulvous- rumped Barred Woodpecker. Pautov L. See als P. Moore, C. Gaines in: Min. Liferovich R. Bandy, Kachin L Z xxxx, thru the Canfield coll. Lloyd's Scimitar Babbler, Kachin L Z xxxx. Lydekker, Game Animals of India, etc. Araki, S. Merlino, M. Mellini, P. Zanazzi in: Amer. I mention his state- ment as evidence that black wild dogs occur, and can occasionally be seen.

Of the birds Kachin L Z xxxx in the following list, the majority do not appear to have been recorded from this country before, while the re- mainder are worthy of note by reason of the length of time which has elapsed since they were last obtained, the considerable extension of their local range, or other circumstance.

Specimen is from the second boulder. There appears to be no previous record of the occurrence of this bird in what is Kachin L Z xxxx Siamese territory, though Robinson and Kloss procured a couple of specimens in and the early part of Ibis,p.

Zhe Japanese Striated Swallow. Circus spilonotus Kaup. Bangkok, Central Siam, April Iris dull white to dull yellowish white. Mouth blnish slate. Mouth bluish slate. Pijat Mbah mariyono pull body only previous records I can trace are those of Ogilvie-Grant and of Robinson and Kloss, above-mentioned, and it is to be noted that the specimens concerned were all obtained in various localities in Peninsular Siam.

Siam about Lat. LI, NO. He was positive they were wild dogs. Sureidiornis melanolota sic. Bill from gape Bill from gape 52, Bill blackish brown, slightly tinged with red. Hirundo striolata Temm. Aethopyga sanguinipectus Wald. Iris dark brown.

Until last year I had never observed the bird in the actual vicinity of Bangkok, and it may have been attracted by the flooded condition of the country round the city, to which reference has already been made, vide pp. The authors quoted observe that Astur soloensis is very rare Kachin L Z xxxx the Malay Penin- sula, and the same is evidently the case in this Kachin L Z xxxx, as the only specimen hitherto recorded from what is now Siamese territory appears to be that obtained by Gyldenstolpe in Northern Siam.

Accipiter nisus Linn. The bird has a striking habit of flying up with rapid beats of the wings to a height of 20 or 30 feet, and then planing down, at an VOL. It has a short soug of a few notes, which it generally Seaching while Hying upwards.

Tha only previous reference to this fine bird, which I can trace, is that of Gyldenstolpe who saw some specimens in captivity in tha garden of ths Lio Prince of Chiengmai, Northern Siam. Kampf A. United Kingdon - England - Cornwall - St. Hilary Parish - Penzance near - Penberthy Croft mine Canada - Northwest Territories - Redout Granite 3. Bangnara, Kachin L Z xxxx Siam, Kachin L Z xxxx, April and May Both these birds are in very brilliant fresh plumage and make an exceedingly handsome pair.

In the oxidized zones of the ore deposit, hydrothermal. The Spotted Redshank. The 2? Claws dark brown. Zhe Red-headed Black-throated Babbler. These specimens were obtained during a short trip down the Gulf, which I made mainly for the purpose of settling the identity of the Swallows which I knew were breeding on one or more of the islands down there. Males three. Albanese,thru Canfield coll. Measurements, in millimetres. Mineral not approved but probably valid! The second was brought to me alive in November by a Siamese who had caught it the previous night by means of a small hand-net.

Rayong, South-eastern Siam, November Bangkok, Central Siam, February and March Upper mandible and terminal half of lower black, Kachin L Z xxxx. There must have been quite a dozen birds within a space of a quarter of Kachin L Z xxxx mile, and they seemed very tame—either flitting on a few yards when I got too near, or circling off over the flooded fields to get back to the road behind.

Claws dark horn-colour. Falco peregrinus calidus Lath. Legs yellowish green. Bill bluish grey at base, passing into black- ish at tip. Bill black, base and gape bluish slate. SchlaggenwaldErzgebirge eastern partNorthern Bohemia. Arboricola brunneipectus, Gyldenstolpe,p. Sore neck in Sambar Cervus wnicolor. It isa pity that a uniform system of measuring has not been generally adopted. The fact is, this bird is quite common on the river during the winter months, right up as far as Bangkok, though it is only to be seen during certain phases of the tide—coming up with the flood and going down with the ebb, Kachin L Z xxxx.

In walking along the Wireless Station road that evening, L noticed a number of small brown birds on the ground by the roadside, which struck me as being unfamiliar. The Siamese name, Pak-hang, Kachin L Z xxxx, corresponds very closely in its meaning to the English one.

Zhe Indian Blue Rock-Pigeon. The two adult males and one of the adult females have the pure white tuft of feathers on each Kachin L Z xxxx of the neck, behind the ear-coverts, which is assumed in the breeding season. Bangnara, Peninsular Siam, August Wi1d imm. Legs fleshy white. I am indebted to Mr. Groundwater for the drawing of the head. Bill dark horny, plumbeous at base of upper mandible and dull- yellowish horn at base of lower.

Bill, legs and feet dark brown. Zhe Indian Shag. Legs blackish brown. Both specimens were obtained in the bare, dry rice-fields south of Sathorn Road. Subsequently, my collector shot one at Tachin, in Januaryand two in the immediate vicinity of Bangkok, in May and Julyof which list three the measurements are as follows :— JOURN.

Mineral not approved but probably valid. Tachin, Central Siam, August and January 8d, Bangkok, Central Siam, November Male one. The islet where these birds were obtained is a few miles south of Koh Chuan, in the Inner Gulf of Siam, and is an absolutely bare, low-lying rock, without the slightest sign of vegetation of any kind. Legs dusky green, darker on toes and webs.

Neither I nor my collectors had ever come across the species before. Bangkok, Central Siam, 26th November to 4th March Males adult. Oates remarks that this bird is found in Siam, but I have been unable to ascertain on what authority the statement was made, and Mr, Kachin L Z xxxx.

Baker's Wren-Babbler. Atencio D. Gorelova L. First description of the synthetic compound: J. Teeple in Journ.

The monthis in which they were procured, as mentioned above, are approximate only. The Black-tailed Godwit. Ma Chi, Connolly H. Nakamura-Messenger K. First known as a synthetic product, later found in Portland cement and in dolomite-silica fire bricks.

I also procured three, early in December, on the Racecourse at the Sports Club, Kachin L Z xxxx, where the conditions of the ground, Kachin L Z xxxx, and the Kachin L Z xxxx of flood water, were similar.

Zhe Lufous-winged Buzzard-Hagle. Compare K. Schmetzer and W. Beresinski in Neues Jahrb. If they can find Sambar, Kachin L Z xxxx, or other quarry, in the lowlands or near cul- tivation in the dry season, they may be found there at that time Nepal xxx vido year.

There appear to have been no published records from this country, Kachin L Z xxxx, subsequent to that date, though Mr. The most noticeable difference between the two species is in the colouration of the bill, which is black in the case of Herodias garzetta, and yellow in that of Bubulcus coromandus.

Zhe Booby or Brown Gannet.

Tarsus and bare portion Kachin L Z xxxx tibia very dark to blackish brown. Ogilvie-Grant Fase. India, Birds, uip. Lhe Malayan Pied Shrike. Ventral: Kachin L Z xxxx, anal divided, subcaudals 33?

They were swimming on the surface, looking much like Cotton Teal, though smaller, and, when fired at, either dived, or disappeared into the long grass at the edge of the pool.

Pomatorhinus olivaceus ripponi Harrington. August and September Males ad. Timelia pileata part. The modus operandi is to sally forth on a dark night, with a torch carried by a second person, and to drop the net on to any bird seen on the ground. It is usually found singly, but sometimes a couple may be observed together. Baldo - Mori - Tierno-Besagno. Bill dull Xxx girls with teacher crying painful, darker on culmen.

I have previously recorded in this Journal loc. Hallep. Zhe Hastern Pere- grine Falcon, 12 subad. Ahlfeld, thru Canfield coll. Mouth reddish flesh, Kachin L Z xxxx. Zhe Chestnut Bunting. The specimen I obtained was a fine adult bird, in full plumage.

A specimen was shot by H. The only previous record I can trace is that of Ogilvie-Grant Fasc. He kindly gave me four for my collection, and put the rest into his aviary. Murashko Sene peono senegalaise. Sarp H.

Lyalina L. Reznitsky L. RK Harrisons Expeditions to Rockall, Kachin L Z xxxx. The prrticulars Kachin L Z xxxx the latter are as follows :— Iris brownish yellow. Females ad. Zhe Purple lWood- Pigeon. It is worth noting, therefore, that Mr. Orbital skin greenish grey. Lanius superciliosus Lath. Bill blackish brown, yellow at gape and at extreme base of lower mandible. Cere, eyelids and skin round eyes greenish grey.

Phrae, Northern Siam, Kachin L Z xxxx Sarcidiornis malanonotus Penn. Claws pale bluish horn. Bangkok, W. Occurrence of the Hair-crested Drongo Chzbia hottentotta near Bangkok. The Crested Brown Bulbul.

Gurrulax strepitans, Kachin L Z xxxx, Faun. Bill sealing-wax red, dusky at tip. II, NO. Pitta nipalensis oatesi Hume. Podicipes philippensis, Bonhote, P. Bill yellowish horn, blackish on culmen and at base of lower mandible.

This was identified by the British Museum, and is worth recording as the only others so far re- ported were procured by Gyldenstolpe in Northern Siam. I was so fortunate, also, as to obtain two eggs of this species —each laid singly on a slight depression on the bare rock.

Terminal half of bill blackish; basal half yellow above, greenish, Kachin L Z xxxx. Great Britain no. Loose skin Porn girl 18 base of mandible yellowish green. Butastur liventer Temm. First description of the species by D. Guimaraes in: Public. His coolies saw them also. Mouth orange-red. Emberiza rutila Pall. Bangnara, Peninsular Siam, November and July The last-mention- ed record marks a considerable northward extension of the local habitat of the bird—Sai Yoke being in Lat.

This woodpecker is essentially a Malayan form, Kachin L Z xxxx, according to Blanford Faun. Tarsus dull greenish. Dryonastes strepitans Blyth. Pouch bluish slate. Bentham, Asiat. Shot out of a flock. Zhe Small Red- headed Tree- Babbler, Kachin L Z xxxx. Bangnara, Peninsular Siam, July ana August Stachyris nigricollis Temm. Accipiter soloensis, Gyldenstolpe,p, Kachin L Z xxxx. It is common at Klong Rangsit, about 15 miles Grandmather young boy of the Capital, as well as along the various klongs canals in the country to the south and south-east of the city, and I have also seen it by the side of the railway line at least as far north as Paknampo.

Subsequently, I obtained four more in October from the immediate outskirts of Bangkok, of which one Kachin L Z xxxx shot by Major C. Forty, of the Gendarmerie, at the Sports Club, two by Mr. They were all shot out of longish grass.

Base of bill and gape reddish orange, remainder dusky to dark horn. Hemixus hildebrandi Hume. Mineral not approved. New description of the species by A. Clark, A. Criddle, E. Fejer in: Min. They had the regular robin-like quick run for a few feet, with the habit of elevating the tail at the end of each short course. Total length, mm. On one of these a wild dog was shot by Mr.

Lowe, on another occasion one was shot by me, and ona third I drove some wild dogs off the carcase of one of the cattle belonging to a neighbouring village, which they had just killed. Lacroix and I5, Russia - Kamchatka - Tolbachik Main fracture eruption - "New" fumarole on the west border of the 2nd North Breakthrough slag cone.

Towards the end of last year there were high floods in the lower portion of the alluvial plain through which the Chao Phya river finds VOL. WI, NO. I first observed these birds on the 25th No- vember, Kachin L Z xxxx the floods were subsiding, and the roads in the suburbs again became usable by pedestrians.

Iris bright brick-red. Terekia cinerea Giildenst. States Mus. Both these localities are in Peninsular Siam, on the opposite side of the Gulf to that on which my specimen was obtained. Two specimens of Kachin L Z xxxx bird were shot by Mr. Herbert in at, T believe, Samkok, on the Chao Phya river about 35 miles north of Bangkok, but, by an oversight, the species was not included in the list of new records from Siam published by me in June in Vol.

II of this Journal, pps. By Matcotm A. Scales in 17 rows, nasals separated by the inter- nasals, praefrontal single, loreal in contact with the internasal, 7 supralabials, 4th and 5th touching the eye. Bracco R. The mineral, this first nitride in iron meteorites, has been found in more than 70 meteorites. Baker W. Staples, ; Goble area. The birds obtained in January and March were shot by my collectors at other places in the neighbourhood, and they reportedthat they were found on moist ground.

The remaining two birds both females were shot in January and Marchrespectively. Great Britain - Scotland - Inverness-shire - St. For a complete description see B. Young, J. Hawkes, R. Merriman, T. Sayles in: Min. In three core samples from various boreholes which crosscuts veined dolomite.

These islands were ceded to Great Britain in the latter of the two years mentioned, together with the State of Kedah, on the adjacent mainland.

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Bangkok, Central Siam, March and April Tris rich yellow. Brugger J. Mills S. Lykova I, Kachin L Z xxxx. Hanson at al. Mouth yellow. The Brown-breasted Lill- Partridge. Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus, Faun. Pteruthius aeralatus aeralatus Tickell. Koh Lak, South-western Siam, June Hua Hin, South-western Siam, June Bill Kachin L Z xxxx, tipped black.

First TL: Tsumeb, Namibia. Nails dull greenish, tips whitish. Originally named ferri-clinoholmquistite, renamed clino-ferri-holmquistite, renamed sodic-ferri-clinoferroholmquistite, renamed clino-ferro-ferri-holmquistite.

Butastur indicus Gmel. China - Hebei Province - Beijing ca. Base of lower mandible orange-yellow malegrey female. The stomach of the one obtained by me was full of the remains of insects.

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I have already recorded Journ. Bill dull greenish horn, blackish at base, and reddish at tip and on underside of lower mandible. Asa result of the firing, the birds Kachin L Z xxxx were scattered over a wide area, Kachin L Z xxxx small parties collected together in a Xxx Indonesian remaja di hotel flock of 60 to 80 individuals, and wheeled about with outstretched wings, high in the air, looking very much like vultures.

Bangkok, Central Siam, March Iris lightish brown. It was absolutely swarming with terns Sterna bergii, S. They were also most extraordinarily tame, and I could have shot any number, but Kachin L Z xxxx content with four. Iris dull yellowish white. Vda, sam, VW.

Robinson and Kloss record a specimen Ibis,p. The species is also included by Robinson and Kloss in their prper Ibis,p. Legs bright yellow. Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps Walden. Claws dark horn. I have since obtained a number of specimens, including four in the immediate neighbourhood of Bangkok.

The Malay Bittern. Zhe Little Egret. I have to record my thanks to Mr. Robinson, Director of Museums and Fisheries, Federated Malay States, for kindly assisting me to identify several of the birds in this list.

Pitta oatesi, Faun. The Grey-headed Lapwing. Olive above, pale yellowish beneath, the colours ming- led on the three outer rows of scales. Baum, and C, C don. These were said to have been caught somewhere in Upper Siam. The specific name is a very apt one, as the bird gives one the impression of being rather stolid and dull-witted.

This species was included by Mr. Gairdner in his list of birds from the Ratburi and Petchaburi districts Vol. Hypurolepsis javanica Sparrm. Claws blackish. Mouth reddish orange. Legs yellow. Lhe second specimen has Kachin L Z xxxx pre- sented to the F. Museums, and its measurements are not available. Zhe Rufous-backed Black-breasted Babbler. Newsletter 39 in Min. Brazil - Minas Gerais.

I obtained three fine specimens of this large and handsome tern at Tachin, Central Siam, in March They were all shot flying over the river, and, as observed by Blanford Faun. He states that it is common along the northern coast of the Gulf of Siam, and that it also occurs a few miles up the Chao Phya river, but never as far up as Bangkok.

Hist Soc. One, however, drifted away on a strong tide, and was lost to view before the boat from which I had landed which was at the other end of the isletcould be brought round.

Legs dusky green. Chiengmai, Northern Siam, June Sriracha, Kachin L Z xxxx, South-eastern Siam, December Nong Kae, South-western Siam, January Iris reddish brown. Legs brownish olive, Kachin L Z xxxx. Mouth and gape yellow, Bill black, Kachin L Z xxxx. I came across a large number of these birds feeding in the semi-swampy, grassy fields at a place called Prom-den, Kachin L Z xxxx, on the railway between Bangkok and Tachin, in March They were rather wild, but I succeeded in obtaining a couple.

Bill black, whitish at base of upper mandible. One, obtained in Februaryis in winter plumage, while the other two, which were procured in April and Octoberappear to be immature individuals, so the only means of distinguishing them from H.

By this test the identification seems correct, and Ican see no difference between my birds and a specimen of H, leucoptera, from Penang, which has been kindly sent to me by Mr. Robinson for comparison. Heliopais personata Gray. The Black-spotted Yellow Tit. I, The specimens obtained at Bangnara, Peninsular Siam, and in various localities in the north of the country, were procured by my collectors, and ths measurements of total length where given are as noted by them.

I Kachalovskaya V. Mineral is officialy approved with proposal G. Such compositions were originally described as ferri-ottoliniite Oberti and al. Estuary, Tachin river, December and March Males. Satahip, Kachin L Z xxxx, South-eastern Siam, October Cere orange. Maurerschen, Berlin2, Occurs on the top of a small projection of basalt located above a vertical cliff along Goble Creek, on the south of the Neer Road, approximately 50m west of the junction with Highway 30, m north of Goble.

Phalacrocorax fuscicollis Steph. Eyelids and bill deep lake-red. Legs Jake-red. Larus brunneicephalus Jerdon. The species is new defined by W. Schaller in: Amer. Upper mandible dark horny, lower pale horny. Tachin, Kachin L Z xxxx, Central Siam, January Astur soloensis Horsf. In Mr. Kachin L Z xxxx I say more? Legs olive-green. Mouth sealing-wax red. These birds were procured by my collector, who reported them az very common. Krigerschen Buchhandlung, Cassel und Marburg Halle Pabellon de Pica guano deposit.

Zhe Comb Duck. Subsequently, in the latter half of December and the beginning of JanuaryI found this bird quite common at Nong Kae, about 24 miles south of Hua Hin, and obtained a couple of fine males in perfect plumage.

The White-shafied Ternlet. I have three specimens of a small tern, shot in the neighbour- hood of Bangkok, which I have identified as belonging to this species. Setaria magna cinerea Hyton. Lippmann, collected Tajikistan - Alai range - Dara-Pioz massif - Dara-i-Pioz glacier in a pegmatitic block on moraine of. Last year 1 obtained two from the fields round Bangkok—-the first of which was shot by Major C.

Forty, early in Ssptember, out of a flock of about 15 feeding on fairly wet, newly ploughed rice-land. When I visited the above locality, in MayI only saw specimens of P. Anastomus oscitans Bodd. Zhe Indian Blue-throat. In his second Paper on the birds of Siam, Gyldenstolpe states Kungl. Larus brunneicephalus, Gyldenstolpe,p. In some specimens the green of the toes extends up the tarsus as much as 25 to 40 mm.

Zhe Caspian Tern. The Indian Scarlet Minivet. The White-winged Black Tern.

The Crey-breasted Flycatcher, Kachin L Z xxxx. I have, however, submitted them to Mr. Alsocomus puniceus Tickell. Camara F. Grew E. Momma K. Czech Republic - central Bohemia - close to Pribram - On the mine dump of the shaft Lill total depth Milton C, Kachin L Z xxxx.

A series name of interlayer-deficient micas, dioctahedral: see M. Rieder Nomenclature of the micas. Zosterops aureiventer Hume. India, Birds, ip. This fact made me somewhat doubtful whether the birds were genuine wild specimens, or semi-domesticated individuals. Hydroprogne caspia Pall. Nearest to O. Seales in 17 rows throughout, entirely smooth. Limosa belgica, Faun.

June, Kachin L Z xxxx In Kachin L Z xxxx previous issue of this Journal Vol. I, No. These were obtained in June last year. My collector subsequently obtained four immature specimens at Ta-riia, Central Siam, in July The only previous reference to this bird, which I have come across in the literature dealing with the ornithology of Siam, is that of Gairdner Journ. Discredited in Can.

Rudashevskij N. Men'shikov Y. Alterations product of koenenite. From the tin mines. Voloshin A. Min, Mh. Filatov S. Russia - Kola Peninsula - Khibiny alkaline Afrik sxxx - Mt. Kukisvumchorr and Mt. Eveslogchorr - Kirovskii apatite mine.

Originally named mannasseite, which was later recognised as a polytype of hydrotalcite and accordlingly discredited Mills and al. I managed, however, to flush one, and obtained a second shot. Kangkarot first over porn Rangsit, Central Siam, January Iris light brown, Movth blackish to black. Formed from fairchildite in the fused wood ash of burnt trees. The Indian Little Grebe. Legs dusky greenish. The last part of this statement is incorrect.

Gairdner obtained a specimen at Raheng, in the northern part of Central Siam, in J anuary Not uncommon, and usually found singly, or in pairs or threes, in company with Hoplopterus ventralis, the Spur-winged Plover. Zhe Sparrow Hawk. The Striated Marsh- Warbler.

This specimen was procured by my collector, who, unfor- tunately, was incapable of noting the colours of the soft parts. VIII, p. The Fulvous Pitta. Harvard Univ. Bangkok, Central Siam, December Iris yellow.

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Hemipus obscurus Horsf. Zhe Lastern Crake. Bangnara, Peninsular Siam, July and August Timelia pileata jerdoni Walden. India, Birds, Up, Bangnara, Peninsular Siam, JulyTele boo mim. When in the air, it is noticeable as a dark, heavily-built Kachin L Z xxxx, with a large head and rather short neck. Eyelids yellow. Gorsachius melanolophus Raffles. India, Birds, iiip- Chaleococcyx xanthorhynchus, Ogilvie-Grant, Fasc. Gape and cere orange-yellow.

Cyanecula suecica Linn, Kachin L Z xxxx. Nails dark horn. All these localities are on the east side of the Chao Phya river. Malay House-Swallow. Legs and claws black. Dryonastes strepitans, Gyldenstolpe, Kachin L Z xxxx, p.

According to Blanford loc. They merely observe that it is common along the coast in the winter Auntie having sex sex hot A considerable area of naked orbital skin black, with a bluish patch beneath the eye, probably hidden in life. Oficina, as used in the nitrate fields, refers to the site of the plant for treating nitrate ore. Females, T. My collector reports that he found this bird very common on coconut palms, which were then in flower.

Blanford Faun. This, unfortunately, is also a mummy, having been injected with formalin as there was no time to skin it. When at close quarters, Kachin L Z xxxx, on the wing, it is easily distinguished from Hirundo r. Francis, Actual name by V. Simonov in: Kristallografiya 5, Pecora, ; on the same specimen with and filed under tavorite, T.

Russia - Kola Peninsula - Lovozero alkaline massif - Mt. Kedykverpakhk - Palitra pegmatite Palette. Muang Khlung, the locality where it was obtained, is a coastal district about 12 miles south-east of the town of Chantaburi. Siam, i, p. Seeing, however, that both methods are in use, it is necessary to state that the one here followed adds 1 or 2 millimetres to the length of the wings of even the smallest birds—and, of course, more for the larger ones.

Claws black. Feet dull yellow. Larsen thru Canfield- resp. Legs pale greenish yellow. Milton, ; on same specimen with a type of fairchildite. Subsequently, in JanuaryKachin L Z xxxx, while on a collecting trip to Nong Kae, South-western Siam, 1 obtained three more specimens. I myself have seen them on low ground not far from cultivation or villages on three oceasions during the dry season.

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I,36 MR. Bill blackish brown. I,12 The specimen of which measurements are given is greyish above, with pink patches on Naturals.com back, sides, and limbs, and with large blackish blotches on the back ; limbs with rather indistinct dark cross- bands; hinder side of thighs black, speckled and vermiculated with white. Bill blackish, base of lower mandible whitish flesh.

Female one. Of the above 11 birds, 8 males and 1 female were obtained be- tween the 26th November and 5th Decemberwhen the species was quite common in certain places in the suburbs of Bangkok, where the ground was moist. Bauer,resp. Gairdner obtained Kachin L Z xxxx specimen of this small long- tailed dove near Raheng, in the northern part of Central Siam, at a height Kachin L Z xxxx ft.

Malcolm Smith, whom my collector was accompanying on this oceasion, informs me that the hill is covered with pines at that altitude. March, Note on the Wild Dog Cyon rutilans. As already mentioned antea, p. Machlolophus spilonotus Blyth. The only previous record appears to be that of Bonhote loc. In the second specimen, the cere was green- ish, and the legs and feet Nend yellow, with the exception of the tarsus, VOL.

I,30 MR. Robinson, to whom these specimens were submitted, remarks that they are rather to» pale for the Himalayan form Accipit- er nisus melanoschistus Hume Kachin L Z xxxx the ordinary Enropean Sparrow-Hawk, and are probably migrant specimens of some Chinese race. Francis, and don. Schmetzer, W. Berdesinski, H. Bank, E. Krovzek in: Neues Jahrb. The difference in colour between the tarsus and the toes is sharply defined and is a striking peculiarity of this bird.

Sulasula Linn. Compare the same authors in: Can. Karup-Moller in: Can. Betalomonosovite re-approved with proposal J in newsletter 24 and in Periodico di Mineralogia, Sokolova et al. Columba livia intermedia Strick]. Legs brownish flesh.

Muang Wang, Northern Siam, September Pinarocichla euptilosa Jard. The wing-measurements are my own, and in making them I have followed the method advocated by Hartert Nov. Hartert holds that, by measuring in this manner, Kachin L Z xxxx, greater accuracy and uniformity are obtained than by allowing the wing to retain its natural curve.

Herodias garzetta Linn. J; Terminal third of bill black, remainder yellow. Bill black. Facial skin greenish yellow, Kachin L Z xxxx. Gular skin and bare skin in front of eyes blackish.

The Burmese Black- naped Oriole. The place is within سكس اغتصابي very few miles of the sea, and not far off are the fields where salt is collected by the evaporation of sea-water.

Pericrocotus speciosus Lath. In Vol. I, pp. Cere yel- lowish green. Bill and comb black. Bindheimite Teacher at student para sa grades 2023 viral, New definition of biphospammite first described by C.

Shepard in: Rural Carolinian 1, Compare archerite. Legs dull greanish plumbeous. The ditches on both sides, and the fields beyond, were still brimful of water—the former being choked with Java weed. Microsarcops cinereus Blyth. Legs dark brown. Zhe White-browed Shrike. Limosa melanuroides, Journ. The Noddy. I was away from Siam from August to Decemberand the collector, who is illiterate, informed me that he had shot the birds during the first two months or so of my absence.

Columba intermedia, Faun. Ihave no doubt that the eggs belonged to this species. Tringa platyrhyncha Temm. From a small amount of personal Kachin L Z xxxx, and after making some inquiries from the inhabitants of jungle districts fre- quented by wild dogs, I should infer that a wild dog of that colour is very rare. Bill fleshy, K. Arboricola brunneipectus Tick, Kachin L Z xxxx. In skarns from the Kapaev explosion pipe, southern Siberian Platform.

Legs deep yellow. It is, of course, only a winter visitor to this part of the world. Eyelids red- dish orange. The Eastern Knot.

Bonhote P. Trotter, of the Gendarmerie, while on tour at Minburi, about 15 miles east- north-east of Bangkok, had ten of these birds brought to him alive, which had just been caught in nets among high grass.